Show THE OLD prospector SAYS folks are funny creatures when it comes to a lots of things the they Y figger they re going to have hard luck and it am t unusual to hear somebody say im the unluckiest person alive just the other day I 1 heard a fellow say I 1 rn so unlucky if it was raining soup I 1 wouldn t nave have nothing but a fork but when it comes to matters of money most folks think they re going to be mighty lucky they 11 R load up with all sorts of debts and trust to lady luck to see em through somehow this is specially true during boom times this year americans are making 9 per year more n they md in 1454 ard thea the re spending 11 more per vear than in 1954 which means they 11 wine win up this year by being 2 worse off than when they started it for every extra 1 they re making this year they re spending 1 and that s using mighty pore judge men ment t yours truly THE OLD prospector |