Show atlas paramount merge rich mine claims in deal den the merger of atlas uranium and paramount uranium with atlas as the surviving firm was approved by paramount stockholders monday sept 12 at a special meeting held in the arches dining room under the agreement atlas is purchasing all paramount assets and shares of paramount a ration based on comparative market values of the two issues approximately 23 shares of 37 outstanding were re presented at the paramount meeting either by proxy or in person corn com pany officials said the vote in favor of the merger was almost unanimous atlas acquires through the pur chase more than uranium claims for able and conservative manage ment was at 10 last june purchase of paramount represents one of the first major steps in the atlas expansion program burgess indicated his company may go into mining fields other than uranium president of paramount was al bert F enyart of moab and duran go in the development stage atlas also will gain about cash plus other assets atlas already has one producing mine the last chance in brown s hole which has been shipping ng regularly since february in addition wm properties atlas holds an oil I 1 and gas lease on more than 3 acres on the drango anti anticline in la plata county colorado president of atlas is J C jack burgess of moab formerly of salt lake city his company which has established a widespread reputation |