Show DIPPING EGGS WILL PREVENT BAD TASTE t flavor disappears when immersed in preserving fluid disagreeable odors absorbed from fillers and flats becoming slightly moist summer product Is to bo be preferred prepared by the th united states state ve apartment part ment of agriculture probably Iro bably the bust best founded reason for prejudice against cold storage eggs tins has to do with flavor everyone recognizes the cold storage taste tills taste say the specialists in the bureau of united states department of agriculture develops la in eggs that have bave hem been in storage for several beveral months and Is especially no ile tle cable when they tire ore soft boiled or poached the flavor Is not so BO marked in the white ns as lit in the yolk which con bains a large percentage of fat it Is known that rats have an for odors and flavors the facts indicate that tile cold storage taste Is due to the absorption of surrounding odors when closed the storage room itself tins lias wine some odor os as have also tile the cases anti and excelsior but thu straw board fillers allera and tints eints have till an odor more nearly resembling that found in storage eggs the fillers and flats become come slightly dump damp lit in storage due to the absorption of moisture evaporating from the eggs and the air 0 the room and acquire it a stronger odor than when dry experiments show that when eggs are protected from by Imm immersion erslon in a preserving fluid and held in cold storage the typical f cold storage taste does not develop this proves almost conclusively that the objectionable taste Is a flavor absorbed by the eggs dirty and cracked the poultry say absorb tills thin mavor flavor more quickly and to a greater extent than do eggs with clean shells although summer egsa eggs usually do not keep so well in storage as aa spring eggo gs they are preferable in winter front from the point of view of flavor because they have not been held in storage so long its aa the spring eggs A storage taste usually can be found in ili april stock in november in may alay el eggs gs in december in june eggs in n Januar jil july eggs lit in february |