Show SERGEANT USES HIS BRAINS has haa made discovery that weather er can be utilized asan aa an aid in recruiting studying weather forecasts how J land and etu ciu titus thus one of the re regular most proficient ite rs explains 1118 tit alie which has niad fiudo 0 him one of the aces of uncle sains saina recruiting forces when winter blasts blow around his uncle ellin bum wants bunta you sign sergeant hangs out alluring pictures of tt fled artillery column lit at rest 0 on the side of u n island road shaded with palta palm tree when tho chiq alz ties lit 1 th flie c r tic his supply 0 of f posters if a persuading 11 your Sum merIn in coot cool alaska with the I 1 infantry sign and you ought to see ee em flock lit in bloks tle the merge give me ine a week of rain and ru ril land ent cm for cor any post ou tho the ile mexican dean lorder 50 plies nilles away from a river come and see TOO me this winter 11 1 I cut till fill a division for the i atty any day theres thenis snow on oil the ground dut but alaska or the Canad canadian lau border not a clia aliane cl iane noel |