Show the national ala ti onal capitals little cabinet T S a 0 little cabinet in the capital tind the women say ally that president harding anti and members or of his cabinet are slating up tip to anko talc a notice they have discovered that theirs Is not the pio only cabinet binet tit at tile tho national capital tho the women of ill caal circles have oneat ono p their own membership in thoo the little cabinet Is limited to women holding wait high government positions weekly meetings fire are held nt at tile tho university club anti and ninny many are tho the discussions which take place there about matters in which president cabinet Litre are interested 1 1 1 I in n spite of the merriment and light comment which the cabinet lias has caused in washington its influence Is acknowledged adf 1 recognized said dr valeria Vo lerin in ill parker execl executive tive secretary of oc the united states interdepartmental social hygiene work and one of tho charter members of this it Is hard forthe men to realize that enough women aro are holding responsible positions to io exert ti n power howerin po in government affairs aff alra the little had hit its begin ning about a year ago she explained when women arst begun began to figure prominently in executive positions tlona who the first few of aiom started informal formal niep tings each week end and os as a now new bottin woman vot tin was introduced to a similar position sho she was wab invited to join tho the cabinet wo we got get together cadi cacti friday a at it tile tho university club and talk over things that interest us continued doctor parlier parker of 0 co course urse the cabinet has ahna no oali i caal standing but politicians were quick to realize the influence it may wield etwas it was they who dubbed it tho little cabinet and by them I 1 4 Is being riven a prominent place in official clat discussions discussion a |