Show HEAD LICE INJURE TURKEYS grayish white louse in most serious of all parasites melted lard kills parasites Par dalte turkeys ducks and geese are wore more easily killed by tile the lietto head lice than are other kinds of farm fowls tile the lice are only one of the sax ax or eight forms which bother poultry but A single head louse luis hats been known to kill a turkey it Is a grayish white louse and the most serious of them all for treatment dip the tip of the finger in melted lard and rub this well around tiro tire comb dip again and rub back of 0 the ear car repeating for the other ear car the bill and jaw this does not give the head a greasy appear once but Is enough to destroy the lice A few drops of kerosene cur carbolic bolle acid or stock dip may be added to the lard t to make it more effective the bird be kept in a warm place fora for a couple of hours lifter tills this treatment has been given |