Show keller eller EC who impeached attorney general NO this is s an ail up to dute ot of representative oscar EdvIl edward rd keller from tile fourth district who got into tile mile limelight light ly by bringing impeachment charges united states attorney general Dati gherty 11 lie quit tile tho house committee hearing alleging whitewash 11 nia ills re U fusai to respond to a subpoena hyx ing chhn to give alvo tinder oath cath the information upon which ho based ment charges against attorney cell at cral daugherty Daug horty created a n of 0 11 s such u c it possible far reaching that tile tho lion bouso so decided I 1 to refer aho ho w aholo holo in titter to et a subcommittee f for or invest agat ion meantime tile hearings on oil tile lie charges against mr air wont went inz forward tile tho such witnesses as it could ind without tile tho aid of MI keller Chair Vol Voll stend pin planned tined to appoint tile the subcommittee which in the kangun nii ge of a formal motion adopted by tho the entire committee was ato to iliade binke an in investigation of what notion if any should bo be talen taken in connection with the conduct ejeller keller towards this committee and towards toward s the house 1 I i ra ia |