Show LOS ANGELES MAN SAYS IT NEVER fails Is my standby stand by and 1 think of being without it it tins hns set pet tile nio on oil my feet more than once when I 1 had such bud bad spells of stomach trouble I 1 thought I 1 pot got wo we tills this emphatic statement wits was nindo made recently by W C Wn wallace lince 1120 N normandy place los angeles calif an acid stomach and indigestion caused me inc indescribable suffering for alinn four yearb he said awful pains would strike mo inc soon after enting eating and I 1 would bo be almost doubled up in agony often I 1 had to take to my bed and I 1 would lose much weight with every spell I 1 was told I 1 lind had ulcers enlarged stomach and other ailments butell but nil my efforts to got get relief failed I 1 kept getting worse and figured I 1 would have to get something to help me or I 1 keep going much longer 1 I rend read in the papers whore where annine was helping others with stomach trou brou bles so I 1 began taking it it never failed to straighten mo inc out and I 1 gained back my lost weight too I 1 am more grateful than I 1 can say for the good this medicine tins has done me and I 1 do not hesitate to give it my fullest recommendation Is sold by all good druggists over sri 3 3 million bottles sold eold advertisement ti |