Show DRY COW NEEDS GOOD CARE to be 80 in n condition to produce Prot fuce thrifty calf animal must be ba fed quite liberally Ube rady katri rood good care thi through the rhe win ter months must be given the dry row cow it if sie she Is 19 to be in conoit inn to produce it good calf 1 I many hinny farmers turn aiese dry rows COWS out and wake them pet get what they enn from corn stalks ts when they should abe Q getting gelling a antion ration that ts 19 building up their bodies often cows have had a long anem tion period alid their bolies bodies anre lenef anti and they should he be fed plenty of al falfa falan bati ha and blage A 1 ine fine ration in IB made up tip of tarve three parts of ground oats two parts of bran one part of and as much ground corn con na as the condition of the ilie cow demands weinand de inand |