Show SAW 3 presidents 1 robert T ll 11 lincoln n coln heob probably 8 bly only maro mana in america to chain of tragedies Trao edlea stobert Y T lincoln son of president nt lincoln and now lit in hin eightieth year wua was lit in the army tind gillitt aln lu I 1 w 1 lie lie fie y rolva rol vl nn oica to report nt washington ile ho got into tho theater just lit in taine to fo see ills his fat horr receive recelle clobert T lincoln was secretary oft of war under lie ile ns as naked hy by tho atio president to meet ineat him falln nt at the sta tion and lio lie readied reached there just us GUP gar livid wits assassinated mr lancop re celled on nn invitation to attelia the jhc thc formal of tile rim ax x boalton po alton tit lit duffalo Bunn lo and by him fai lilly got oberie just in tillina to see sec 11 president resident shot eho tyr gosz mr lincoln refuted this wry cry ence recently to ft fri friend nd says forbes For bea 31 magazine agazine all aind so fur far ns as lie lnora bayh tile writer it imd had never boon beon published |