Show ribbons ri abbo nl a s 1 are in i the limelight lime irah c colorful strands afford bright spots for gowns cloaks and millinery contrasting TONES AN AID ebbons have corno into tile limelight in fashion observes a correspondent in tile new york times there Is hardly a costume coat without a display of colorful ribbon the finish ta alie ae completion the end and of every gown cloak and lint hut seems to be some bright spot of ribbon it may be only n it patch or it composed of ribbons but ribbons there uro are in quantity widy it hns hils never mccurr occurred ed to designers in such numbers to uso use ribbon ns as decorative material for costumes in general Is a mystery once they on tile tho ribbon way tile the path simple and straight it developed lis as it was pursued with astonishing activity It Ibbons bloomed apoll frocks with NOW more and more beauty lind and finally they havo have come to bo be almost a necessity It ibbons aro are used tor for trimming for edging for facings they aro are used to finish tho the making of a gown in sonjo some instances they almost constitute it frock for tho the fountin foundation tion Is so BO unimportant and plain that when tile the ribbons are added they become bacomo the whole spirit of the frock on the street dress A street dress shows a series of loops of narrow ribbon strung nil ph t the e way down the side of the skirt w whir c r it opens to allow ono one to let ones self into the gown this succession of loops wends bends its ita way down that side of the skirt where the dross dress opens and at the same time almo creates a section of trimming which were it absent would limit the effect the gown was destined to create after that the whole of the way round thel gown Is bound with the samo same ribbon and tho the whole Is ono one of studied design which Is meant to place the frock in the fore ranks of fashion as aa ono of the lead ing characters in the of style the hat worn with ill tills costume is an illustration of the way that hat ribbon can bo be used for a little turban it Is drawn tightly about tile the head and shapes chapes itself to tile the contour of the face then it la is ended by a bo bow w that saga down over one side of the head bead and touches the neckline the hat Is ninde made of two tones of gray taffeta ribbon and the bow lianes down to the grayness of the te costume Is made of a combination of duvetine duyet lne in light gray and ribbon bow of a darker shade of gray corresponding with the darkest tone used in tile the making of the lint hat the shoes worn with this costume are made of gray suede and worn with a darker tone of nt gray tint with the whole makeup of tile costume lu in the most salubrious manner all sorts of accessories include ribbon in either its ita wide or its narrow B sense e use ahks hire tho the cabo chona ot of brilliantly colored roses which adorn tile iho waist lines of evening dresses and hove long streamers of the narrow harrow rib liona bons bons thero there are the ribbon rose bonds which reach over over the shoulders and constitute in some edw ansco the on only IY trimming of a gown there are the ribbon girdles applied sometimes to the afternoon gown of duvetine duvet lne with little garlands of ribbon roses which reach the hem of the skirt there nee are ribbon rosettes used for llie ibe of waistlines waist lines of evening lind and afternoon gowns and there are the streamers that fly from them as tile the trimming for the akert of eve ning dresses which without them would not register in tile the forum ol of fashion fas lilon to tiny great degree blouses made of ribbon thero there are whole blouses made of ribbons and others which uso use ribbon alone as their tirl mining conforming tile tho color and tho the weave of the rib bon to tho the material there Is a blouse mado made of taupo taupe crepe do chane and trimmed with bars of ribbon formed from two tones tonea of taupe grosgrain groset aln ribbon ono one piece ts Is turned under the other piece until tile the arrangement forms a clockwork bloc kwork of differing tones of the same color and in tho the end there Is tin an edging which provides a trimming varying enough from the sup face of tile silk to set it on off in other words the trimming anil and tile tho i onterial of the blouse blend together to form a whole which Is highly effective when combined with tho the skirt of if a suit or a costume suit stilt no matter how they may bo be gathered together thero there are dresses made entirely of 0 rib ribbon lion sonio some of these are arc sewn together from wide strips 0 of brocaded bro coded or plain ribbons and others use a portion of tulle to make up the foundation which happens to have ribbon for tin an accessory thero there Is a frock for instance which lias has a full tullo tulle skirt of green md made de in many layers one shade la Is superimposed upon another and tho the whole makes n subtle bit of coloring accentuated accentuate I by the 60 band of wide got gold and green grdon brocaded ribbon which goes to make inake up tile the bodice arrangement ran rou gement no matter if thero there are strings of brilliantz brilliants brilli ants over tho the ders to constitute tile tho straps which t W a contrasting tones of grosgrain ribbon trim taupe crepe do china blouse hold tile the gown in place there are interesting te features of the ribbon against tile the tullo tulle which wake make up tile the gown as a creation color has everything to do with modern fashions without it thero there Is no claim to stylo style or attractiveness often the strip of ribbon added to a gown will hel help P to give that touch of colorful coloff ul ness nl ss without which the frock would count its as nothing under the end ot of a broad sleeve there can be applied for edging the slightest bit of ribbon on and a strain of color will be added to keep kaep tho the whole gown in tone the absence of that same bit of ribbon would serve to throw back the gown into obscurity at with no right to class it itself self atin among ong tl the 10 present colorful elements of style ribbon ibbons 11 aro are used for streamers ners for bows and sashes and twisted they ore are used for girdles they are ara gathered together in different colors or they tire used in one color only and in varying widths but in every instance everything tins has been done to bring them into the fore rank of ansh ions |