Show A LONG HANDLED NET IS HANDY matter of capturing chicken for F family a nl dinner made easy with device illustrated who has bug not seen the former fanner tits hla ale the hired inui inan anil and one or more kilren engaged iti in tho the exciting clinso elins a for tile tho chicken which alch la Is to be serve served d for the family dinner all around tile the yard aird over the fence under the burn barn through tile the garden until bonie homebody body luckily falls falla upon 1 it an easler easier way la Is to ibalio a long handled net using it a sound well made barrel hoop an ali old tit a k C g a fl one n 0 n net t t for tills q purpose the net should be about handy chicken net two feet deep alny le it down mouth month up tip put a few grains of corn on top pretend you anro the other way and when rhan n chicken stops steps on the not to pick out the corn lift ill suddenly tip it slightly to one side and you have tile the fowl safe ante if you are par expert tho the net may be dropped down over the he bird |