Show 7 7 1 net ail for wants infants and children mothers know that genuine castoria Oa storia I 1 anar table frepp uw a ys ds and DO aeils bears the tn arx Sf I 1 fi sign I 1 nel neither thero 0 at I 1 of 91 0 jfoss of amm A A T bayt fayt ATOP A hel paul rem ate C afas aness am joss or S JT IS P nii for over tac jiam of as 0 9 thirty yea years Is raw I 1 3 15 al 0 A CASTORIA copy of wrapper N COMPANY YORK CITY SICK C HEADACHE EA DAC take a good dose of carters attle liveris liver pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after they restore C E the organs to their proper functions and headache 0 rl and the causes of it pass away I 1 nf FE R az THEY REGULATE THE BOWELS and P PILLS PREVENT constipation sar genuine beer SC SM PM dose saah amad pike imi gives old capes glow of new 10 C putnam fadeless dyes dyes or tints as you wim waft try 1 dalk sad s relief ad COUGH G H syrup from ill different others pleasant no up 6 t Bo opiates r and d h L IRV A I 1 SAY BAYER when you buy insist insists I 1 0 o unless you see the bayer cross on tablets you are not getting the gl genuine enuine bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved prove adafe safe by in millions illions fad for k colds headache Tooth toothache adhe rheumatism neuritis lumbago neuralgia pain pali pain accept only bayer baye er package which contains proper randy handy bayar Bay cr boxes of 12 tablets also abo bottles 1 oi of 24 ana andiloro dru W laviol I 1 Is I 1 t be troba mari of at door ot aono s of refreshes teary eyes when your EM feel fed null dull WA nd H herr ue it Is la in mod re it maw ma them cleat brac 1 and Cpu kUnc harilal Harm lal SU sold i au ivl by 17 AU an Drugg hu 4 4 huriye mu M RiyE elofs amy foe fo e millions are made in auti inabu dumitry dui itry you aeve another opportunity tor for splendid returns rc turna every dollar protected against ial nt loss today fl U manvle CO woolworth NIM TORK TOM mil h acu od dead q na lu hair ai r thin 7 reial ws tonto thell t Is abair i iss nii ow ao ur the room awk amil out Utopia b ld pt rat aly dlly 7 effry 11 at A au rood we re or d irm from IUSSIG MO ELUS ox cho amui 1 te W N U salt lake city NO 2 1923 |