Show j by OPIE READ ht tb cell ana L C CHAPTER H A P T E re IX continued t 1 kt k 11 1 4 6 cheed 0 d him to her sofa nad they ini down leaning back baal against the amt u t tile the groat great big world you klc so well e r lont know the big world horld ahyou it but I 1 know all the universe verse as I 1 1 feel reel jt it la Is here t tile the universe could not he on this little 4 i 1 1 13 it in you ll dimpled hand ile enu glit her evrist couched tile the 14 alp of 1 tits his lips aps and th then en alsed the balm she dr ellwing bal anck ck tier her hand you tou n not C t do alint we mu st talk of 11 I 1 yea but first let mo me tell you of my irlam 1 I do not like like to hear il nis we a two Ys forsat them and julve e up some pome thing we did not dream lint n did you not toll tell nio me once no nd I 1 jont dont think so jn in you tou touched clied my henrt with a 0 torch 1 4 but I 1 would not do that I 1 would save you from the fire all ah and tony tie he has pone gone to tile the city hut but when 1 1 io comes back we ve must watch CIO celoso a ano time lie tried tred to take my and and lie ho sald lii lie would kiss mi me and alny tant may be tony you lea n 11 s stronger ba but it j when you have alie then h you be 16 deni dead V v f ami knew that I 1 whitt what was to cimpl 11 i i nothing for him film let him keep but ailt of mv illy way vay and when I 1 saw you at the ball I 1 knew that you were I 1 with the torch and nd do you know wild aliat t I 1 sall said to my 0 self let ane it t to iou you ai there Is fio no one to hear 1 I said you are to ile bo my wife f andruk and just then you turned about and looked nt ait me but edid idid I 1 did not see you 4 come now you must have seen t roe me betl well perhaps but 1 I 1 did not say bay 1 1 I 1 am to be ills wife no I 1 did not i say that and lt it cannot be vir virgil all but it la 11 1 golar to he be nil tile the some same 1 s find and you know it why what aint is nil alt this universe for II if that 1 Is noi to be why ais this attle 11 island arid cast up here wiy did the forth lit let there bo light 1 its it la martof part of tho the plan and nothing can ven lt 1 I 1 shall have to jo wait but wilt wait a long king time VII but wo ave must not talk tali like that come ale let us forget such things she afie put her spell on ahlm hirji ii nd lie he was wal n boy again hand hf fit hand fland they P walked about pretending ahn thai t tap acre nellea rind and nilles in III extent cst ins n i aily day star uns unseen een sky phd alien tl ien he heavy ary sen sen tence tell ell upon film 1 it t was time for him togo to go anth gone cane she stood with him where his canoe was ns moored he hold tier hec hand bond drawing her ber toward alti hak idl PW slie sib took fook it ii 60 I 1 Y N 07 o 7 n Q you at quick argil 4 iu 4 gonwa gon wv th run sun Is lov lo 10 0 va V ir va V v r I 1 CHAPTER X 1 i aj in tile the naghi in that hour of sete self which comes s to ua its nil all virgil 1 I n r rape ng with himself lie had bad been boil aind se seen ell himself wrin A of purpose pur pise Ilar acte back Y to bruce ho he traced ills his nn an Ac castry I estry anal ads bt to bohe be the first or of y abts rate to prove prova to tram pie tin memory of f hig father to jall in r lave to rive give bt litsi faoul 0 o 1 l i ati I 1 n cron tro ahr ben entil film in 16 birth rind alio alln g a girl whose p had murdered e cli I 1 out of he hed d he ik sot and bowed bowe woh the welpha of shime ati he nineven floor for h his Is slow i verc r alde r ina CA tri ili nn list instent a ny fly in n apeck of jelly bild jaive never been get fred he 66 him self even wen liberty rt Sh Ilo ottle itle tile he of carda brind lice on can s sye e flesland mat nt lit ne le but by the he in ilen en it 1 sanh not ho he in 4 ethl this 4 eherd 19 eno law y T bring my tt own ifil in w witt I 1 ane m V matli ailt smile and n evord word pf af afi inet dinv bade amlo mo file put it 11 and 11 I 1 ayi et lit I 1 t slip from me etow T must reo leeni inar elf ile he strod athy amlo wf ilow v Jame cocks croli ing mthR op down I 1 a courage courageous ouA iye toft ilie world no there would lm bo n no no now kijel h comedy alid been swiftly je jc dressed stole f do a stalls out of the house down to the river hier there was no hoit lut lint no matter 16 atter lie ho would waleto to NV I 1 1 i IW lead it for the execution ex Ze of ilg his prim g ahn li I 1 lo 10 0 halted nt at a place ftp brecik tf fk fart ind find wilted for the sun billed nt not n t in alil flurried lin linsto ate hut but in lie balked on nil tn in 4 crossed over found jila us af il f ropo rope where in III a hollow stump in back backsliding sliding well weakness kness lio lie find hidden it blit buttoned toned it beneath ills coat arid and strode down into the swamp it wits a long way to tits his canoe near tho the muscadine isle and then a long pull to periwinkle house hut there was time enough estepho would not go amily till thursday all ali lie would go away no inore for gow now on tuesday lie he must settle mill the spirit of alfred dr arnce ce mists hovered about but th alio island eIsland was in III a blaze of light silently tho the encoe slit tile the satin water silently lie he lah lahler led determined tince may pick its way a as 4 softly as a euger eager love lovd and in the lie cone sharper of whisper now that mot the weather was cool ho he ignado riot not a sound out into the open lie ho peered no one within sight op the flie hark boric of tile the live oak were the dead floi flowers ers of yeste yesterday rIny there in tile the shade flinde was the box that hat had served na as table once so BO prettily prettify strewn with vi Vl oletH OlelA tn TD spite of tits his vow of vengeance and aila his hatred of estepho these bilings chught nt at dracos braces heart shook his fled purpose of diction tic tion for many minutes he be VI waited no sign of estepho tf 0 anyone and then his blood alood leaped for soft hands su suddenly blinded him film from behind soft fer bubbled over nt at his hh astonishment and dorte thoughts and dark purposes led fled on the wind as ho he caught nadine and hugged tier lier close now for your I 1 and tie lie kissed hissed tier her oil oh you must not lignin virgil I 1 cannot IMP yon you when yo you tire rude you mil roust st not I 1 1 I dont want you just to like mo me you ton do riot not then I 1 will try not to come and sit down virgil iou you worked so ao hard for your kisses yo you u must he tired now flow did you yen guess guess what ho he asked as she lel led him W to tile sofa nud and he sat gazing entranced os as she captured and imvris boned tier her guerrilla hands blinds of hair that father and tony had find gone hunting today but they may be back at nn anny time virgil you must not stay 4 but I 1 must stay you hold vie me prisoner emust stay silly until you lovo love mo me as madly ns as I 1 do you As Aa madry nh as you do me met taint might pot not bo be so much mud virgal fl but why should I 1 love loie you because you are to be my wife we are and engaged 1 oh you must not talk like that it Is worse worie than sw swearing paring the big oath and I 1 nm am to be your wife mrs virgil then what do wedo we do go about arid and sing with the fidda 07 no wo go to places place on earth and look upon them together we no noi no you must not think like that you take my father bythe and lie he linte you and I 1 do so wrong to 0 o see you I 1 am tile the sinner but I 1 belfe believe 0 that flint the blessed one she ask for my forgiveness no virgil we can only play piny together and lien it will live in the mind our childhood here my father Is riot not well all the time now rind 1 must brood to him film only I 1 must see free you sometimes that Is the only lily wrong I 1 do him 1 for I 1 I 1 love fore you 1 l I 1 lid did not want to toll tell you but I 1 cannot keep it nil all tho the time down in my illy heart 1 I brearn nil of tile the night and I 1 kneel down tin and pray that mail you ou always love me there I 1 have bove told you so pauch and I 1 isasa you too now you stay for a little time Jm ennd and then you must go boy and girl they played not from froin the book but from loves lovers ever varying text id in his hin canoe they paddled afar oil oft where re tile the lily illy pud pan paved the surface of the he pond they landed on a knoll where ans spread over mersim men ilion saplings tin n arbot arbor of endine here jl re nn nil catbird had tier nest of if silo she cried and nut flut about in III great areat alarm but when she bile saw that they were ivere not tier her enemies that they caught grasshoppers to feed tier brood blood she sat high ailing her mate thu musician and here lie he came soured nt first hut but when slip she find bud explained to him he sting ills bin li medley ledley ending with ill the catcall whence comes tits ills name tile the sun had been etlan and wont went behind il cloud rear iced nadine and taking V Vl rylla hand slit alic ur urged ad him film toward bont i in ilie rushes ousbea opposite tile the island he tild his canoe and then title she conducted hini him alona a narrow and treacherous troll trail corning to tile the foot loyl lop site she halted 1 I must leave you here but I 1 stand for two minutes the sun he fie will III wink it NW few more times dines I 1 mn am so kind now to 10 know owl I 1 will lie be your wife and I 1 am strong and call work n lord bless you but you wont vont anve to work v rk ills 1114 4 arms were shou about I 1 her tier her cheek ny ilist ills his arid and with ess the world wo WMS A glowing till thursday I 1 he cried ua as ht dipped ills fits pl paddle iddle till thursday I 1 she aha echoed us site she av litel led him go till thursday I 1 muttered the sinister voice of old stepha who had and ap pron ched softly through the undergrowth nt at the sound of ances auti llad overheard curd their parting but when lie came to periwinkle house bonse lie ho gave no sign to nadine alint lie he hod had overheard only talked of monsieur boyco boyce and the fine dresses lie he would buy tor for her when she was ills his wife it was long past noon when drace reached tile the river the general had gone over into another parish to attend a stock stile sale cycle sold said and when silo she had locked nt at drace more closely nt tits his toru torn clothes ills hla muddy shoes she sighed and slit sat down beside him where on the rustle rustic bench lie he ila had dropped to rest before going to ills his room virgil silo she said there Is IB something troubling you now you tell me that it Is business I 1 know what business Is I 1 know nil III of it alti ll 11 tricks but I 1 also know love aal nil of its tricks virgil you are in love let me hope that it Is not that nina spence p ence she worthy of you and besides she to us silo she Is not of our world virgil I 1 amso sorry silo she put tier her hand on his arm and he took it t aind affectionately kissed it aunt cycle I 1 never saw the girt girl you speak of I 1 am in the the throes you might say and have been was before I 1 got here but not with tier her but la Is it with anyone I 1 know you have seen tier her I 1 have heard oh you must tell me it shrill shall be sacred with me it if you only knew how people tell me their affairs of the heart even old colonel jab tins has told me NO now w why wont you 1 I shall tell you but I 1 must put you on your honor I 1 sold said that you have seen tier her you have you spoke ot of her madlne oh virgil I 1 buther buther father I 1 yes I 1 linow know but let roe me tell you my bir story ile he told of ills his love not of hla his f fathers it death told her nothing of his oath she listened enraptured and when ho he had finished she mothered him with tier her arms about jils neck about ten ocl ock next day while the family sot sat in the shade up to the gate drew a resplendent carriage e drawn by two black horses and driven by a degro in livery out stepped a nion as tall as lincoln and wearing a hatas high as his ills 1118 raiment flail flashed led like the varnish of his equipage drace recognized him as lie ho come came through the gote gate taking off his gloves and the general cried out cycle I 1 wish I 1 may die dead it it liberty Shott lel colonel Sh ottle nt at your service replied liberty 0 ll bowing owing and gesturing with tits his gloves in his hand hall well liberty I 1 cried hla his aunt giving him a hug of welcome the general and draco grasped him stroked his velvety raiment urging him film to a sent seat why all this colonel Sh ottle from the Gener generah Genera nl 1 you dont meart to tell me that you have sold your jute i stock au uncle nele howard sir mr first issue order to have my illy carriage stored my horses stabled and my driver quartered please ise the order was issued rind and they sat waiting for to explain hla hit A simple stor story y 11 he fie began stretching out hl his legs but do not foreit forestall all me 11 poker lice roulette taro faro ifon ard nil of them balled and this comes of legitimate investment I 1 brycle me cried id 1 I inq knew v it would oh 1 I knew it just had to come now tell us lis nebout it it was tin an ln investment vestment aunt cycle but let me not forestall myself I 1 left here ilece on a boat got broke FIn finally tilly 1 reached tampa florida awny down dawn there elberty I from fr tyrie kyrlo pItt lence my iny dear aunt kanpa and broke t after n lily duy of hope with its throat cut from ear to ear I 1 go got 1 on a bout boat bound for havana the h gave we me passage for service ile he was studying and I 1 agreed to 0 o explain to him hill certain niceties of our mother tongue you understand der stand and I 1 urn tuh sure that reaching port lie knew more inore about gambling t terms e r all s tha than I 1 i lie he could have picked up in ID a year of close study in one of 0 our rot or unary binary aV bools ife he was generous and gave me ii a bonus of live do dalinis linis s I 1 went to a n hotel not or of tilt first class and it was ans there that I 1 ill mado it do my investment for gracious sake liberty tell 1 ills his aunt urged him that Ts rs my aim but let us not ba impetuous I 1 was eating a spanish stew out on the sidewalk nik the th lier being warm when along came a me on an agent not a roan man in distress but a regular agent and I 1 invested I 1 with him film I 1 bought a n ticket in the havana lottery now nothing 9 ever happens until it does you L know now the drawing earn came off two d days ays later and my number 02 won the first prize twenty thousand in gold cold TO DK DIC |