Show WEALTH by DOUGLAS MALLOCH ft f 11 t T P HERES are S enough for nil all of us 1113 if wealth wo went to win will just waiting for the cull call of us for men to gather lit in 1 enough to have enough to hold anti and wealth enough to 0 o share for anti strong young und tini old just walthin everywhere I 1 theres friendship for with A goldei gol joy it friend I 1 for tilt use itse or of winning with no comrade tit nt the end andt so find it coin ade rude bicart und tind mind they conio so cusley for till nil you awod it n friend to mofid Is just it friend to be bol I 1 and 1 theres 6 n lie nourt rf t yet A loyo love tanta near you now theres some onu ono closer deaver yet to you 11 vow tito love of husband luis limul love of wife no purer goh Is found so so gather lovo love to light your life its waiting all the wealthy ure tire not ninny one who calls it til million lIlloll hl hla hut but tit will come to anyonio who knows ji just alint it Is for wealth Is hilppa bicart and tit mind its laughter love and son sony 1 and tit nt tile the dinst the ho only kind you ican jinhe t alto along I 1 Q ly by mcclure newspaper syndicate |