Show hi il el something to think about by P A WALKER KL 1 TUNE AVOID tin nn occasion for to 1 ness for dull days anil and dreary nights wo we should do our host best to keep in tuno tune with tho the music alusic of tit the e spheres the tuneful people the people with songs on their lips and in their eyes anro anre tile the people who manifest tile tho keenest interest lit in things around them thell anti tare take a dally daily part in doing tho the worlds work I 1 the secret of their co continued sitf aued content Is in ill employment change of thought tho the right sort of physical and mental activity which hinline inline them oblivious to tho jarring discords around them tito the still pool becomes stagnant t so does tho the dori dormant nant mind there Is bewitching music and ex lill aratin thrill lit in the bubbling waters of oc tho the crystal brook there la Is never bieve r a n noto note of gladness in fil tile idle mind chero discontent holds sway and dismal fore forebodings foreboding bodIn s darken the alio beams of oje nf und and hill dull the voice or of greeting frienda men mid women bonien who keep in tuno scatter their stin shine wherever they 99 and nil perhaps without knowing it though occupied they tind time to anille to help tile tho unfortunate bild to console the ill they decline to air their virtues i to worry worl y carry close to their hearts tile tho priceless vilil of bilth nil anil never run away front from tile tho battle they contrive to love respect find co ani thus they keep lit in harmony with their fellow kin by being friendly anti helpful holp ful they accept 1 honorable iono rable detent ns its I a form of victory content with the gloal ous courageous virtue of falth in they fit and their gion test consola cons oln tion when the discordant noises of the I 1 anvor id betit bent nil around them ever seeking the brighter things they discover lit in them their own gnp anti and the knack of imparting it to others which lifter after till ill that lint Is 18 said and done Is 1 tile of ko ing tho the world attuned to natures grand pru nd dinnson gives to life its ita sweet sweetest ept songs anti blessings keeping in tune Is not for those t inso who keep heep tile falth faith for aven ln in their darkest hours they seldom strike a 1 reng I key or miss a measure of their joyous sons song 0 1923 ty y mcclure newspaper syndicate |