Show reverend T M keusseff of notice to water users mt pleasant has been in pan state engineers office salt lake city utah duitch the past week holding re jan 10 1923 notice to is hereby given that thoe Thoa SM Sevy ira W legious meetings hatch and ira of utah have made application in accordance with the require ments of see sec 8 chapter 67 session laws of thos sevy who has been visiting utah 1919 to change chance the point of diversion and place of use of two and thirty six hundredth in zion for sometime some time lime in the MSG csc see sec ft of water from mammoth creek in interest of the tax problems returned garfield county utah said kald water lifts has been home last week I 1 diverted at a pont pd at S 60 deg dec 00 min W 1600 it ft from the EW corner of see sec 2 township 37 87 south range 7 west salt lake base and meridian and word has been received from used to irrigate parts of si sec I T 37 S R 7 SW see sec 6 0 NM ni na N see sec 7 mi N nah N highway engineer frank P sao 8 T 87 37 S R 6 W it Is now desired to gowan that he will soon return to divert the water at a point S 39 leg deg so 80 min W 2100 ft from the S corner of see sec 2 T 35 S R panguitch to complete his work 5 W and convey it a distance of it and in connection with tho this red canyon there use as an a supplemental supply to irrigate 1 acres acrea of land embraced in sec 34 T 33 S R road so that the project can 6 W and sees 3 and 10 T 84 34 S R 5 6 W wi 8 L be made ready forbids for bids this report temor temar mor mar this application is in designated in the state office no sis as makes fellow feel fee sorter a all protests against the granting of bald a application ap pp 11 like there would be something stating the reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with in the good old summertime doing a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 80 days daya after the completion of the publication of this notice R RE E CALDWELL state engineer president W T owens jr and G C date dat of first publication jan 19 29 I 1 1923 date james M sargent stake clerk of completion of publication fob 10 1023 made a trip the first c cf f the week th the a district court cour 11 of the sixth judicial to the east eastern erti part of the stake district of the 8 state ate 0 of f utah in and for the making the annual audit of the county of garfield SUMMONS stake reports ruth christenson plain tiff to alma R christenson defendant and of the state of utah to tho the above named defend def end james bunby party ant freighters from elsinore passed you are hereby summoned ed to appear within through panguitch wednesday on twenty awen days after service of this summons upon ifju ou if served with inthe ap county itty in which this ac their way to kanab they berell were lion is brought otherwise within thirty days day loaded with flour after service and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure to do so no judgment will bo be rendered against you according to the demand of the which has been complaint jas T daly jr and dr 3 L filed with the clerk of said court rose are expecting to leave for this thin action to la brought to dolve lo lve the bonds of matrimony now exl existing sting between yourself and kanab the end of the week to look the plaintiff herein after the eyes eye and teeth of the PAGE GOULDING attorney for plaintiff people in that district providing G J jan feb 2 am the weather is so they can get over the mountain notice to witter water users state engineers office salt lake city utah dec 21 notice la Is hereby given that 0 G anderson of mr argyle the top man is Cannon villo utah has ban made application in acin still at sams garage as busy as ash corrance cor dance with the requirements of odthe the compiled cp cd laws lawa of utah 1917 as aa ai amended by the session can be better make a date and lawa of utah 1919 to appropriate one and one get g et the car fixed up he has fourth 11 IM see sec ft of water from creek in garfield county utah said water will made some excellent seat covers be diverted at a point ft west and SW f ft t ifor Couri cilman nan S A worthen north of the N 19 corner comer of sec 6 township 38 south range 2 west salt lake base and f new tops for the editor and alma meridian and conveyed by means of a ditch a earney and rebuilt a great many distance of ft and there used from april I 1 to nov I 1 of each year 10 irrigate 70 acres of land aside curtains and has dolled up embraced in parts of EH W SEV see sec athe ahe cars car of councilman frank 6 township and range af oread afo this application to la designated in the office as no houston and dr bigelow sam barton J nephi henrie J B all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be showalter and several others made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and filed in th alla Is office within thirty 30 data days after the completion of the publication the biggest and best ti time me we of this notice know now of is scheduled ledat marysvale Marys vale R E CALDWELL state engineer date data of first publication dec 29 IM 1922 datlof date of ifor or friday february ai 2 1923 completion of publication jan 26 upon pon this day marysvale Marys vale will turn notice for publication back ack to the days of 49 every department of the interior U S land office thing will be within keeping of atsatt lake city utah december 15 at NOTICE Is hereby givah that william T rey N ahat that date there will be some of eoe utah who on on october 30 80 thing do doing ing every minute of the 1917 made homestead ettry entry no for PA E SEVI SE seva SE NEV NE section 7 SW v day clay and in the evening oh section 8 township 84 south range 2 west salt they ar arc going to start lake meridian hall ha filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the dancing anding right after the parade and land above described before the U S commis 1 will dance until daylight the ibe next loner ioner at utah on the day of january jupi orning we predict that at every uary claimant 19 1823 kamesas names as wit witnesses v icar ar available from and J W reynolds R D young W A halladay Hal Ral loday N F nielsen Ml elen all of Wid toot soc utah will be at country GOULD B BLAKELY register ithe vale on F february eb uary 2 the they y 0 first publication dec 1115 promise romise us the t time kepf pi aur lives last publication jan 19 IM 0 abets S go notice to C creditors redi tors ix it estate of alexandea Alexan dei W morrow deccA deceased seA creditors will present claims with vouchers to W E winch for state land the undersigned undersigner under signed utah or to page kigans kIo loans ans asin is in the city in fit the interest nir at the sama place on or before the y ii I 1 day of february A A D n 1923 1922 f IX W af pf 0 f adjusting baues on a large ARD ann 0 MORROW tact 1 ct of land owned by several of executor of alexander W morrow deelas deceased ed date of first publication december A D lour r b best citizens 1922 ecameron a eron T truck ruck line t PHILO CAMERON proprietor it service our middle name promptness our motto two good I 1 trucks and will go anyplace any place any time move anything that is moveably moveable Move able ulso also freighting phone me at wa my reside residence n acts da adny or night 4 V I 1 write arl bt your C u r new N years X kraftas K resolutions RIE s 4 3 au 0 t i ala s in I 1 n your youl X D I 1 T 1 1 B r an v k ij L I 1 00 k A SAVINGS account gives you a concrete nite resolution which can be seen felt and appreciate j ed it is an easy one to make and an easier one to j keep just think what a savings account gives you it can be planned for definite uses A home of your own an education for f or your children a partnership in your business decide what you want then save for it state bank of garfield Gartl eld S commercial savings capital and surplus member fed federal e ral reserve system I 1 ANN COOPER bonded abstractor for I 1 garfield county UTAH J N alexis alex S place pi ace blackam blacksmithing athing A good place to eat v if it is fit shoes plows 19 II 11 you are thirsty try a bottle of our famous SCHLITZ the sharpened or general repairing greatest intoxicating non drink 10 ever ver made take we are always a dozen bottles when you go camping or fishing on the job ft ka green goodse goods candies andies bread Horse shoeing a specialty 4 wilford pendle special party suppers west of social hall panguitch h js ton son uita SAMUEL L PAGE G J GOULDING S bank marysvale Marys building vale court ourt panguitch Pan gultch fouad 5 make our 0 ur store your store PAGE GOULDING christmas bein being gover over you will now direct your attention t to 0 regular routine of life warm Wea good Sub substantial standal attorneys at law foods we carry ne nearly arly everything from a bolt or screw to a piece of f farm arm machinery and are mighty digity glad to wait on you n a courteous manner practice in all coutts courts in this E district the th e S ui E own wn your You home rHome my gayy aay W if you are fiig figuring uri ng on building f that T hat cold cidad room j 1 ng or making alterations this spring see ee me about 0 K your work in time let the one you could not properly heat last winter if its me tell you what it will S still with you we we will wil be glad clad to s show you how afcan ft can bj be hedt hea tg cost ed and give you an idea as to the cost r plans and specifications Specification scan can our price will prove the folly of further inconvenience be furnished on short no see us now before it i is s too late tice JAMES P CAMERON ia I 1 A G JOHNSON P L U M B N ag H HEATING E A T I 1 N G |