Show SAVED LIFE SAY S A portland lady fell off 40 pounds ds but declares banlao restored her fully for nine years declared urs mrs ella arnhein st portland are recently 1 I was almost a nervous wreck and never novar know knew what it was to feel well 1 I was suffering from a general breakdown and oh its just impossible to describe the pain and misery I 1 endured my aly stomach stonia cli was so disordered I 1 could scarcely retain a morsel of solid food I 1 lost forty pounds and was so weak I 1 tottered like an infant when alien I 1 walked many nights I 1 never slept a wink and I 1 had weak spells when I 1 fainted dead away after spending over a thousand dollars trying to get well my lius band finally persuaded me to take the treatment well that was the turning point for all my troubles are gone now I 1 have almost regained illy lost weight and ive never enjoyed finer health I 1 will always believe saved my life and im so happy and grateful that I 1 just can cant help hell praising it Is for sale by all good druggists over 85 35 million bottles sold advertisement important to mothers examine carefully every bottlo bottle of that famous old remedy tor for infants and children and see that it bears tile the sig signature nature of in use for over 80 30 years children cry for Flet Fletch ebers ors casto castorio Oas torio ria 4 y 14 f SK your local dealer to reca 0 amend a practical de c IN orator if you are unable to becu re one you can do the work yourself tinting and stenciling I 1 your walls to give beautiful results or wallpaper WaIl PaPer buy 13 U Ala bastine from your local dealer white and a variety of tints reat re ready AT y to mix with cold water and apply appl v with a suitable ui table brush bruh each package has haa the cross crois and circle printed in red by intermixing Ala bastine tints tint I 1 you can accurately match draperies and tugs mid and obtain individual treatment of each room mom write for special suggest suggestions lons and MIA IN ONA THE ONLY TOOL latest color combinations arr NEEDED TO APPLY ALA BASTINE COMPANY i 1647 grandville ays aft grud grand flo mck hick hab Y OH spoons distemper compound 0 to break the cough anil and plot net them back in condition thirty alp Z years uso has made in treating cough tind and colds colda luenia and distemper with their con com and all diseases of 0 tho the throat nose wid and lung marvelously as a preventive acts act equally well ao a cuts cuie sold in two sizes at drug drub tore store ft G COM lANY INDIANA CONS r IPA TION take a good od dose of carters little attle liver pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after They ERs cleanse your system of all waste matter and I 1 regulate your bowels mild as easy t to 0 PIL take as sugar genuine cent itne lear if I 1 small pill small dose small price gives charming new sha de to old lingerie i fiigen S PUTNAM r FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish watch Cuti cura your skin on rising and retiring bently smear amear tile faco face with Cuti clira ointment meni wash off ointment lix five minutes with Cuti cura seal soap anil and lot water it Is wonderful want bilat Cuti cura will do for poor complexions completions complex ions dandruff end and red roligh hands N ut st think what at A uv e imen missing jr f Y people i deny themselves the camf comfort ort MANY of a hot drink with meals because they find coffee and tea detrimental to health for many the drug element in coffee and tea irritates the nerves retards digestion and often prevents natural restful sleep if this fits your case try this pure cereal beverage supplies fies all the pleasure and satisfaction thata that a hot mealtime drink can gi y e invigorating warmth fine aroma and delicious flavor and you c can n enjoy it inthe in the full assurance that it cannot harm health ro kostu M FOR HEA HEALTH is theres I 1 h ere S a re reason ason 1 0 your gro grocer car sells bells in two forms instant s etow in tins prepared instantly in the cup A be by the addi addition non of boiling water C cereal in for those who prefer to 1 0 aimaka the drink while the meal I 1 la being pro y a 1 11 SM pared made fiade by boiling fully 20 ral minutes J A 11 d 10 W 4 made mad by bl allu bersil co inc battle creek mien mich C |