Show PAY MILLIONS TO SEE RAGES RACES gate re receipts of metropolitan sensors season of 1922 wore were estimated at popularity of horse racing ng as ono one of tho the leading outdoor sports Is ht attested tested by tho the fact that nearly in total purse money was wag distributed during the days of tho the metropolitan racing season at jamaica belmont park aqueduct saratoga and empire city the exact total of purses amounted to a dally daily average of on a conservative estimate that the gate receipts amounted to three times as much as the purse awards the public paid to see many of tho turfs curfs leading thoroughbreds in action during the 1022 1922 season saratoga the longest meeting of the season with its 27 days topped the purse awards with the 13 day meeting at belmont park led in thet the total amount of dally daily purses with and in tho the amount of purse per race with 2808 2898 tho the total purse money was shared by horses while first money went to there were 2730 2739 winning starters out of tho the seasons program contained a total of races |