Show lets let s all boost southern utah let us just stop and ponder for awhile a w do we till all fully realize that while we wc are sitting around thinking that other people lire are getting busy all around us that unless we get busy become united that the grass is going to grow our feet and take such a root that it is going to be impossible to get the roots killed and that we will go to seed and be forgotten and left sitting along the road side forgotten and passed up tip like a pay train would a tramp in talking to a freighter from long valley last monday lie he in informs us that this summer or rather when tile the railroad was finished to cedar city and the long valley road is completed that the freight will go around that way that the road then from cedar city to long valley will bo be only a distance of 52 miles also that in all probabilities the long valley and the kane county mails will go that way did this avez avei occur to you did Y you ou ever stop to realize what that would mean to panguitch that we would be left alone alone sitting I 1 upon the top of the stump to hate ourselves we have got to get together ge and boost ev every arv mothers son ron of us stick slick together and hold some meetings and see what we can db to keep panguitch and the eastern part of tile the county on the map we have got to let tile the people in salt lake city known know that we are together that we must boost this country for the interest of the growing generation we must get some of the good things that are being handed hande darou around nd we have haire got to stand pat when these big guns come out here we have got ot to get with them let them know we are together dont stand around a belly like a school kid dont fight our neigh bor about some little pettit larceny thing that should be f far ar past us i but speak a kind enciu encouraging raging word about everybody and everything when those people come down here make it so pleasant for foi them that when they go away they cannot help but say good things about abou us dont try and give them the feeling that we do not want their assistance si stance our commercial club must get into action and have someone ready to meet all these thes c people and find out just what they are doing andied and let them know by our words and action that we want them to do something for us panguitch needs a hotel and must have one but how are we go goi 5 ing to get it Tha it lets get together and see what can be done arrange to build one eliat can be added onto some time but lets let get something going the news at one time thought there would be a fair sized hotel in in panguitch this year ye ar but it looks look like that was goings inato to fall fal through we actually believe do down wn in our hearts that a fair sized hotel in panguitch would be the best paying investment that a t we know of we have tl good g 0 cl rooming houses house and restaurants as good as any in any small town in this country but that is not nil all prom from what we can hear the travel this summer will bo be a great deal heavier than it has ever been and there must be some foundation to the hearsay else the railroad company would not be making the investments they are in this section tile the forest service vice would not be building the roads they are unless they wore were expecting a great increase in the traffic ic awake ye and get together and let everyone be it a in the wheel of prosperity and see if we cannot pull together and get some of the gravy that is being passed around and pull for a railroad and make panguitch a shipping and frei freighting I 1 ahting center and one of tile the best and biggest towns in southern utah we have the ability to do these things and the cap capital I 1 ital as well ns other towns so lets do not be afraid to put out a dollar that will bring back two look at it in that light gigli and we will all be boost a ers rs |