Show ROAD WILL BE JOY TO old oid spanish trail followed in new highway to can california I 1 fornia war department deeply interested in now new highway from military standpoint florida section well I 1 under way new orleans the old spanish trail a national lilg highway hwaY from a jacksonville fla to los loa angeles cults cal along the gulf coast and through h the territory terr LOU immediately north of too the mexican border la Is destined to include several sections of 0 road oad the equal of which will not be found in inthe the united Stil states tes if pl plana planson ansof of good roads enthusiasts ts interested in bi the project are carried out y NY e e ka recen uy the new orleans association 0 of commerce that the war department lepart ment and the department of agriculture had machad RD an agreement whereby that section of the highway from NOW new orleans through them the louisiana marshes to the mississippi coast had been placed on first priority as a federal aid project the war department Is tt deeply interested in the highway from n military viewpoint it la is estimated that a road through the marshes strong enough to withstand any gulf storm and to bear tho the weight ot 0 artillery would cost from to a mile including the necessary bridges this would make the cost of the twenty miles to the ono of tile the outlets ol of lake approximately 8 it would necessarily be of special construction and so heavy as to require a minimum of repair of ule tho marsh road would provide now new orleans with a highway to the north and east cast the only way of entering the city now it ac motorists do not drive west to baton rouge and from there to now orleans Is to ferry ucross across lake a water wafer journey requiring at least two hours by the shortest route construction of tho the florida section of the Sp spanish anisi trail Is well under way and that state with federal state tato i and county funds now Is ballal building n g a broad heavy concrete highway from Jackson jacksonville villo to pensacola Pensa coln n distance 11 stance of more ulan than miles tho the high way will 1111 parallel the seaboard air line railway fro from n Jack jacksonville sOnvIll to pensacola Pensacol ft distance a of more than miles the highway hig liway will parallel the seaboard air line railway from jack jacksonville so to river junction and the louisville nashville from liver junction to pensacola Pens aeola |