Show constitution and polygamy dont DENVER D A packed united states district court room listened to thomas frederick clucas west eleventh avenue recite the preamble of tho the constitution then clucas sat ant down and waited confidently for the final judicial approval entitling him to american citizenship then carao came 11 i cruel qui question stion do you favor poly polygamy gumy asked P 0 emmerick official lelal off questioner yes tea said clucas the monosyllable wrecked clucas hopes of citizenship succeeding questions on anarchy and other states not conducive to the health of the present government showed that clucas also would have insisted on being an anarchist and a most rabid b ac ceausu ause the to terms were all very strange to him M he 1110 said eald we cannot grant citizenship until you study and learn more about amerl A can history and civil government gove rement said aid judge also denied citizenship was tony alliff a serbian 2827 2027 umatilla stift DO 4 ond and on account of hi his s wife I 1 11 Is alleged was convicted in PO pow court here on charges of bootleg gw he insisted that he was wan not award her activities in this regard francisco perrl perri an italian italia sl vajo street ans denied aitu when lie admitted to the court couri 00 t his wife was in italy that h lie 0 W not brought her over with will him an adf d not intend to johan bonovich a Hun hungarian 4 balled did you ever leivo leave tile theve va ed states since youve come 0 here emmerick asked yes once replied on cago st A i |