Show manager mciff has arranged for some of the very best pictures that thai can be procured for the cinema in panguitch and should merit the patronage of the theatre loving patrons mr McIff looks after the operating himself hi 1 myself personally and sees tor to it that the pictures are thrown upon the screen so that people can now enjoy an evening at that popular place of amusement the place is kept clean and sanitary and is a credit to places much larger than panguitch during his last trip to salt lake he made arrange arrangements ments with the film companies whereby ye we get tile best obtainable and asks that the people of this vicinity uphold him in his efforts we have made arrangements range ments whereby the program will be carried on the back page of the news and unless some unavoidable accident occurs you will always be able to tell just what that popular house the kin a ema ma has in store for you watch I 1 the ads and 4 go se the pictures encourage mr mciff in his undertaking ert er |