Show p LIVE E STOCK INDUSTRY MENACED BY DISEASE OF FOOT AND MOUTH state sta united h by the t h a pt pared 0 ag i culture industry 0 of f tile the united k i the live e at stock 00 nt constantly menaced Il lenace d by an in IS IB tates foot and mouth dlease disease a by caslon n nn which our producers and se with 11 jtb plague C state on and d federal govern governments menth haqq experience on 1 n I number of inart costly ly disease produced by 1 this occasions fl sst of germs genus is one of the lt the infectious and serious diff highly ass affecting cloven footed farm ani eases introduced into a coun and when hen wals with groat great rapidity should try ln in tile tho united disease 11 appear ithe sietes states it would seriously interrupt the business of marketing transporting slaughtering and cause feeding 0 and ad of live stock to owners great creat losses sea possibility of eradication it t Is beyond with the present meth methods employed in of continental europe most countries COU arles ind and england la Is just getting her most incent outbreak under control tile the only obly countries on the other side of the atlantic itla itie from which live stock may now ov be shipped chipped to this country are scotland and the islands of guernsey and jersey greatest danger to industry but perhaps tile the greatest great danger dana ger to alie th industry in this country it lies es in the be presence olt 0 tile the disease in south america central america Ameri cao and jamaica constant vigilance on oa the part of the united states department of agriculture ri Is maintained to prevent the importation of diseased animals or material that might carry the infection within our borders the organization for providing tills this protection for our rye live stock resources Is inconspicuous so oo long as no drastic action Is necessary but a well organized army of R 4 a kv A W deep burial of cattle slaughtered to prevent spread of boond mouth disease veterinarians and other employees of the department ond and of state live stock stack sanitary bodies Is ready to take arms against the invader at practically a mor hents notice in the words of dr john R mohler chief of the bureau of animal industry the bureau has not only instructed its men in the necessary procedure in the event of another outbreak but it has selected certain experienced men to fill definite nite assignments in the various phases of quarantine and cradled cr adlea tion work A list of these men and the work they are to do Is on file at washington so that within an hour after the disease makes its appearance instructions can be telegraphed to these regular and reserve officers of the dis ease defense army arm y and the work of combating the destroyer will begin at once the states have been urged to make similar preparations A book of instructions as to the procedure in all phases of the work is in the hands of all chief inspectors and a supply Is in reserve for emergency use these statements arbnot aro not made with the ideo idea of creating alarm but to assure farmers and breeders bleeders bre eders and others interested that the sources from which ca ta da ca th lib rih foot and mouth disease might come are well known that tile tho avenues of possible introduction are being watched and that thu the country la Is prepared t to checkmate t tho he invader wherever and 0 whenever lie ho may appear As aa F 0 result of experience tills this country has haa learned that the drastic method of quarantine slaughter and of premises la Is tile the quickest safest and most economical eco comical no mical countries which have temporized with it as a result tire aro suffering permanent and continuous losses close watch on mexico mexico although the disease has not been reported as existing there Is looked upon no as a convenient bridge between guatemala a country which hua has reported tile the presence of the plague and our southwestern border for that reason representatives of tile tho bureau of animal industry are keeping a close watch on oil live stock and other imports from froin that country until recently aatlo were shipped from guatemala by r 11 into southern Al mexico exico although Uon honduras daras has not admitted the presence of tile tho disease there guatemala considers this next door neighbor the source of tho the infection that la Is jiow now causing her losses jamaica Is another of our near neighbors which hns has foot and mouth disease in epizootic form the chief live stock sanitary official of that island has said bald that at first a false report ns as to diagnosis was waa given out because a knowledge of the true nature of the disease would be bad tor for export erport trade 11 before the ille disease on tho the island had been definitely diagnosed several shipments of hides and skins which arrived in new york city were refused entry because the chief of the bureau of animal industry was auspicious that the epizootic disease in jamaica could bo be none other than foot and mouth di disease sense these hides and skins were thereupon returned to jamaica another shipment of skins reached new york destined for montreal the department of agriculture in conformity with a gent lemans agreement with canada noti notified fled tho the minister of agriculture at ottawa and tills this shipment was also held up and had find to be returned to with this dangerous plague menacing one 0 our great industries from so many places it Is important that riot not only the federal and state officials beep close watch but that everyone interested te an n liv live el stock steel production or marketing marR eting immediately ed lately report suspicious cases ases as there must be no delay in taking prompt action should the disease appear |