Show After Every moat W R L us chew your food well thell use to aid dio digestion estion it also keeps the teeth clean breath sweet appetite been can the camat american sweetmeat 9 croppers Wr tap orla 91 V dont treat sore in sal arlins vol ith powers d r u 9 a bi I 1 n J A loot ing I 1 e A i rem y Is b ost 15 cents all dru fists SHE DYED A SWEATER SKIRT AND CHILDS COAT WITH DIAMOND DYES DYE enoh each package of diamond Din mond bains directions BO 60 simple any woman can dye or tint tier her worn shabby dresses drca soa skirts waists coats stockings sweaters coverings dra draperies perles hangin hannings hang ings everything even if one she has never dyed before buy diamond Di arnond dyes no other kind then perfect homo bome dyeing la in sure cure because diamond d dy dyca ps are guaranteed not t to 0 spot anon falle fade z it tre reali a k or run tell your druggist whether tile the material you wish wih to dye I 1 ii wool or silk or whether itis it la linen cotton or mixed d goods advertisement A good causo cause makes a stron ps t WM w mrs J B 7 A 41 ua U N suite mont ill 1 I can remember io 50 years ag ago 6 when my mother used and praised dr pierces medicines be cause they had been so helpful to her when I 1 was developing into womanhood I 1 was delicate and needed some aid to nature and it was the favorite prescription that did mo ma to so much good again after my marriage when were coming into our home tho the favorite prescription gave me the strength th and to keep up with my iny work also when I 1 reached middle life I 1 found the prescription a wonderful hel help once when strick stricken cn with typhoid fever I 1 was left in a weakened cone con edition idi tion and dr pierces Pierc cs golden medical discovery was what help helped ed me to recover my health 1 I know how grod and reliable dr pierces Vi erces medicines cs are arc mrs hrs J B ellis south jackson st your druggist will sell you IM DP berces medicines in tablets or liquid or send loc fc for r trial vica to dr pierces invalids hotel in Buff buffalo aloA ag y y and write for free fra advice piles e s are usually due to traus strain ing when constipated bujol being ri a lubricant keeps keces the food waste BO ft and therefore the prevents straining doctors prescribe na because it not noi only soothes 0 the buffering ng of piles but rol relieves ieves the irritation brings comfort and helps to remove them bujol Is a lubricant nota medicine or laxative so BO cannot g lipe gripe try alt tt teodar today odar 1 N 01 Ws k 21 71 V 1 la 14 out ot of chloa fh loA gray hair all Is or yon can bitt by bundus bun u dut t halt hair WB M e r the origin al ci huia gihad to 3 C 0 ba colo col balov nee brer bt bate A as wa te r try I 1 it t at all 11 attl ll rood cent cat or direct from w a us Wi lits U maite W N U salt lake city no rt |