Show elderly folks toGe to celebrate lebra te program to be held april 14 1923 at social hall for all over 60 years of age all guests wilt wilbe be taken to the hall in cars M master aster of ceremonies leonard sargent come come ye saints sed led by L A montague prayer by president W J henderson ders I 1 J girls chorus high school L A montague speech of welcome I thos abos partridge response ducle tom houston song hyrum davis and company recitation susie johnson violin duet H heber b e r riding in g prid and daughter lunch dancing A radio entertainment will be given in the evening by mr and mrs J 0 miller at their for all over 60 years GENERAL ralph delong Delon gf lil W evans ruth tebbs avys ivy S judd irene hatch mr and mrs J B showalter mr and mrs W A lee lea J N henrie rie jano jane lefevre L C sargent annie riggs frank houston transportation J B show alter fred G gardiner W T owens jr burns tebbs john C miller jack riggs J B hey wood S A worthen jane lefevre chairman invitations W A lee chairman I 1 RUGS AND CHAIRS alex sargent chairman D E cameron hans P ipson FOOD COMMITTEE rr H blanch showalter chairman alice worthen en an hilda henrie mabel miller erne effie heywood minnie gardiner sarah 0 henrie isle isie owens lena miller wilford pendleton M W evans ayans DISHES ivy S judd juda irene hatch FINANCE COMMITTEE S A worthen J frank houston A C tebbs A D mcallister |