Show dying I 1 in filth I 1 t amidst ami 0 rr st wealth I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Tour fourteen teen Be jeweled gypsies I 1 ciri cled in reeking room watch I 1 life of child ebb I 1 I 1 I 1 LIKE SCENE OF DARK AGES I 1 strange story of even stranger pay cholody that places gaudy adorn above comfort aad ignores niceties of life I 1 1 I C i O OO I 1 I 1 would you think that such conditions as this could exist in the nations capital and within two blocks of the white house I 1 A 00 oo O o oo 14 washington just two blocks west of the white house on pennsylvania avenue a gypsy totally family squats in abject poverty filth and squalor around pio the form of a dying babe while h hundreds un of dollars in solid sold gold itin tinkles lile 9 and sparkles from the od throats of its ita turbaned nned domed women it Is a scene from the dark ages set down to in the heart of civilization with startling reality I 1 perhaps this strange story of on an pen even stranger psychology that places gaudy adornment above personal com yort and ignores the niceties of life would mould never havo have been told had not a physician been summoned in IA a desperate effort to save the uny tiny babas t ebbing life what he saw shocked him almost beyond expression following a ragged tot of a boy to 1010 pennsylvania avenue northwest ha be climbed two flights of stairs past heaps of filthy rags by doorways that exhaled choking odors and finally was ed to an ordinarily sized room on the third flar floor pushing open the door ho he behold 14 gypsies mon women tind and children squatting in a circle around a lone cail candle dle the can candles dlos dim yellow rays abo wedin the center of the floor a whimpering babe struggling in the 0 of bronchial pneumonia no ono one spoke they only looked and hoped while their gold necklaces and arms flashed flashe 4 in the meaner meager light ono one glance satisfied the phy I 1 clelan that tho the child had small hope bobo of recovery eight sleep in one room eight of the occupants of the room slept in it tho the mother father five children eb ildren and a young ayoung man member of the clan they had kept the windows tightly closed and it ws va with difficulty that tho the doctor persuaded the chieftain father to permit him to open ono one window even a few inches the room was absolutely devoid oi of furniture the whole family slept wrapped in silken bom comforts forts ou on the floor not so much as aa a chair or table or carpet relieved rell eved tho the barren dismal appearance of the room the mantlo mantle was littered with medicine bottles and on tho the floor beside ench each pallet were glasses some containing a few drops of coffee crumbs around the glasses told what that fam ilys festive board was the air in a room directly behind this athla ono one was so foul that tho the physician asician and an assistant who acebo accompanied him were obliged to hold bold handkerchiefs to th their C ir nostrils r its a and nd mouths over the floor were scattered bits of decaying food and bottles filled with decaying refuse rested here and there planned florida trip yet the gypsies talked of going I 1 to miami for the remainder of the winter shook their heads he and made the golden necklaces around their throats threats tinkle john Mit choom the father and leader explained that he had plenty of gonei money and would gladly pay to have his child placed in a hospital ilo ho had tried but because it 11 had bad first been stricken with whooping cough it must bo be sent to contagious dis ease caso ward and these were filled aled the mun man said ho he was told theesa place she no gude for the aeed kee d lie he C continued in broken english pleasa help me got get her in hospital I 1 pay well plenty money and when she gets geta betters better we all motor to miami florida you know wo we have nice automobile and then when weather here get better we maybess drive back again if you theena bes bea call in moret more doctor bucdon but don lotto letta my beetle mary die the doctor did what he could for the baby and notI notified fled the visiting nurse society of the pitiable condl condition of the fam ilys living quarters then lie he I 1 had his assistants place lah 2 handkerchiefs once more over over their nostrils picked their way through the dust and ings rags of tho stairs and in a moment mornen tt were breathing the pure fresh air of outdoors |