Show ODDS AND ENDS OF SPORT A womans comans swimming club has wa been formed at the university of southern california it D bladd 24 his has been elected captain of washington swimming team somebody has written a life of babe ruth this utterly sets lit at rest the old suspicion that literature Is sleeping philadelphia nationals signed itar rison Al mulford ulford a former amherst college star ile ho Is left handed and can pitch or play first base hi baseball will bo be passed up by default nt at washington and jefferson tills this season tho the athletic committee announced noun now ced iced the baseball players playe Is have no place to play and the committee has no monay to fix up a place tho the boy who gets through college very slowly may not have a slow blow wit j he may have a fust fast ball electric timing devices will be introduced in prominent light harness clr cults of the east this year earlo E arle greasy neale recently released by tho the cincinnati chicino a ti nationals 11 a tio nals Is acue dc ae with professional baseball on the other hand europe might bo be insured against another fight for a century or two by turning tho the various countr countries len over to managers of 0 our heavyweight pugilists 0 babe ruth gets for six work so called and that Is why he think of running for president |