Show work starts on big bryce hotel hote last friday and saturday randall jones visited panguitch and I 1 bryce canyon relative to the new hotel at bryce canyon and upon his return to cedar city he was accompanied by chas church ruby and owen orton mr church states that lie he and fred worthen borthen Vor then have the contract for taking out the rock for the two first stories of tile the monster building and that the lumber c contract will go to orton and in all probabilities mr orton will move his mill over in the neigh boyhood of bryce but that has not been definitely decided as yet the exact location for the building has not been decided upon yet as mr lanchester the park engineer for the union pacific has not made his trip of 0 inspection yet but will be hero here within a week or before he returns to Onla omaha bli it is estimated that about men will be employed at that tha work this summer and that the building wilt will be ready for the seasons season s bu business bubines sines s in the spring of 1924 and will ably be room building the two lower ower stories being stone and the top op story being pi native logs which chich will make a very unique structure evidently the union pacific has great reat prospects for this section of the he country or they would not spend aw althis this mane money y to prepare I 1 for or the people they expect to visit this his county with the new road up red canyon cannon and the work on the new hoel tel at bryce things should bright en n up in this section during the coming summer and prosperity should reign in every f imily family |