Show L I 1 dear reader this thia is your corner coraier cor iier all questions submitted will bo be cheerfully and carefully answered except those seeking medical advice names and addresses of business firms cannot bo be printed hero hee but will bo be sent if a self addressed stamped envelope accompanies the request questions aro are limited to two full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can be made all communications are held strictly confidential in requesting poems poe ma and songs the correct title the first I 1 line ino or the name of the author is necessary casa Y in order to find them please send stamped addressed envelope al also so with these requests request sp so they may bo be forwarded directly to you address letters very plain plainly lyp with pen and ink to helen brooks box 1545 sa salt it lake city utah tho the following requested songs and booma have been received since our last issue for which I 1 wish to thank the contributors comrades forty years ago A fatal rose of red the lost child the dying cowboy and ana hero here are new requests on the to ne be found list fair ellen my pretty quadroon go and leavo leave mo me if you wish it gal that keeps the peanut stand unknown title you ask aak me to forget forest the past and take wo we to your heart again now how can I 1 ever forget the love I 1 offered you in vain utah carol first una line t tai at As my friend you ask what makes me so BO sad mad and so still dear dar miss brooks this Is the second time I 1 have written to you but hope I 1 am welcome will you please print tho address of edgar A guest thanking you for answering my first question and hoping you will answer this one I 1 remain your friend MISS N af st george utah indeed you are welcome and here la in the address 1000 1500 atkinson avo ave detroit mich dear miss brooks please let me enter your corner 1 please tell me some good subjects to talk on a boy friend who you go with steady 2 what Is the most stylish cloth and color for this summer I 1 am 17 and in the fourth year high school I 1 reni remain aln HOPE utah clino clitia right in hope 1 this I 1 acu coutil d scarcely do not knowing what N Bj jocas ecta you m might ight bo be a able ble to talk on time and place usually furnishes a subject and since you go g 0 with this boy steady you should be able to find a congenial subject 2 crepas of all kinds both very light weight and very heavy seem to lead and the old stand bys taffeta and serge aberge are good in color almost every color under the sun is good prints and paisley designs are very vary popular tobe no newy new color but rather all shades of all colors continue in school just as long lone as an you can hope dear miss brooks i I 1 have been reading your corner but have never written to you before am I 1 welcome I 1 would like toasa to aask you a few questions 1 la Is it right to loan lean your head on a boys shoulder and what are you supposed to say when a boy asks you lor for a date 3 JB Is it right to dance with a stranger without introduction tro hoping you will answer ansbe r and wishing you much success in your work yours youra truly CURLY LOCKS pleasant grove Grov eUtah utah 0 surely you are wale welcome ame curly locks 1 Is in it right in case you hould faint taint perhaps not noi otherwise and what could you say except yes if you wish to koi go and no if you do not of course you should be very polite ano and add thank you would be pleased to go or sorry I 1 have an engagement tor for that date or something of this nature 2 see answer to gray eyes idaho also faun utah dear miss brooks I 1 have never written to you before and wondered if I 1 am welcome I 1 have a few questions I 1 would like ilka to ask you 1 1 I have been stepping a young man lie he quit without giving any reason I 1 wonder it if I 1 will ever go with him again how close are you supposed eup posed to dance with a boy 2 when a boy puts hla his arm around me where should I 1 put my arms I 1 wish you much success in your work DIMPLES utah surely you ate are welcome dimples 1 I 1 iam am sure I 1 do not know whether you will go with this young man again br or not that would dep depend erid I 1 would say 2 place your left hand on your partners shoulder he then holds your right hand lightly in a his left there should be freedom of movement otner winel you cannot dance gracefully and this you cannot have it if your partner clasps you too closely dear all miss i 11 a brooks please pleas answer thusn questions 1 why was washington D C chosen tor for tho the presidents Vi home 2 what are my lucky licky days and months also what are my colors I 1 was born sept 2 1910 I 1 thank you very much yours truly FRECKLES monticello utah with pleasure Ir Tiec klos M 1 shortly after the n evolutionary war the congress of the tha young republic fotina it necessary to secure a place in which to establish a permanent home for the and after much dealbera and government 1 tion this tract the potomac was decided upon george washington was then authorized to select the site tor for the capitol anywhere between the mouths of and the eastern branch of the potomac and the present site of the city of washl washington agton was cho chosen son 2 1 hope any of 0 you do not place any confidence in these lucky days daya etc which I 1 give they are simply birthday readings tor for the months which you can find And yours yourself elf most any I 1 do not to think I 1 place choo choosing hinr lucky claim any ally credit ford or days I 1 find Wednes wednesday diLy Is in the tha day tor for one born in SOP september and february and novembers the norths while the colors are arc gold and black dear mills broo ks I 1 to write to trot first attempt this Is my iny birou hope aop cr F welcome welcom please acx r awer tile tho following questions for me 1 what became of tile the kaiser after tile the war 2 why la is it not proper to dance with boys boya lowhorn to whom you have never had an introduction thanking you very much I 1 remain PAWN FAWN utah welcome pawn fawn 1 when tile the military power of germany was broken in 1018 tile the kaiser sought refuge in holland and Is still living there in exile 2 introductions aro are tor for the purpose of making people acquainted and it la is understood der stood when a friend or acquaintance of yours presents a young man to you lie ho knows something of the character and reputation of this boy and thus you aro are protected from undesirable acquaintances quain all classes seem to frequent the public dance slid and if you go there and dance with anyone who aske you you are subjecting yourself to any and all sorts or of attentions from perhaps very undesirable young men dear madams madam I 1 am nn nil ardent reador reader of your orner just between you and me d in this weeks paper saw your rec roquet luent for a number of songs and poems I 1 happened to know the words to uno one ol at the songs they ire are an follows WHEN MY GOLDEN HAIR HAS TURNE D TO SILVER GRAY they wore were wan mandring dring in tho the moonlight on a lovely blovely summer night were planning for their future home their happiness so bright and lie he told hor her how lie he loved liar her an and from r DM hor lie ho noer neer would part she was waa ills his hope his life his all ills true sweetheart she whispered that no other one could win the love she gave 4 she said eald shed cling to him through life until she reached the grove grave dut but a question she would ask him could life bo be the same alwa always YS would he ever cease to love her when liar hor golden hair was gray soon they settled in a cottage cott aeo in a green and shady grove they worked and saved and battled on but never ceased to love there was true love py by their fireside there were baby faces doar dear that hat came and brewto manhood with their ripening years one evening by their bright hearthstone ile he stroked hoi her and said hed loved her nil all through life As on that evening fair when she whispered in tho the moonlight could life bo be the same always would he ha ever cease to love lova her when her golden hair was waa gray chorus when my golden hair has turned to silver allver gray eray when the years haye have como come and quickly rolled away will you love we me then as now will you kiss my furrowed brow when my golden hair has turned to silver gray I 1 wish you all tho the success and luck in the world CHEYENNE thoele kopele tooele To oele utah thanks cheyenne tor foi the song hilda and I 1 have waited and hoped and aill searched tor for this we allda a so we surely appreciate your kindness thanks tor for your generous good wishes may I 1 do something tor for you now my dear dear miss Bro Brooks olka I 1 hope you will admit me to your corner again J 1 enjoy very much to read your advice to other girls so I 1 want you to answer a few questions for me and my girl friend 1 Is it all right tor for a girl of 14 to have boy friends 2 how should you address a boy when lie he comes up to you and how should you act 8 3 how would you act among boys so they would your company thanking you very much tor for the other letter I 1 got from you I 1 am yours your truly A WONDERER of charleston utah dear wonderer I 1 wonder tc if you failed to 10 enclose your envelope as ae you intended br or what has become of it for sorria some reason it did not reach me and as an attached to your your name was not letter I 1 am answering your dour questions here hare thank yo you so 80 v very e ry much tor for the song ilso also V very ry sweet wee t of you to send 8 end it 1 have boy friends surely but not beaux 2 it ir you know him well we say hello charley or how do you do henry and proceed to talk to him act natural pleasant and modest and this applies to your third question also it they do not appreciate a girl of this sort you should not care for their friendship or company I 1 hope these few remarks will help you to some extent am gladyous glad your other answer was satisfying dear miss brooks I 1 have written to the just between you and me corner twice before and received such good advice that 1 I 1 am writing again 11 1 should a girl dance with a young man that she ahe does not know or should she bhe ask ack b him im who he Is 2 how old do you think I 1 am by my writing Thank fIng you kindly in avarice advance G aitay 1 XAY EYES EYE 9 norwood idaho very glad to hoar hir such auch good newn oray eyes 1 idy dear them the young man should not ask you for or a dance without first finding someone to introduce him this seems beema to bis be the etl eti qu buettel ettel ot of tile the public dance and Is IB one of the r do not approve of girls attending them 2 I 1 fear ear I 1 a am M not expert at gu issing ages b by the handwriting jo wo uld rather cottry not try f A jk 7 THE LOST C CHILD 11 passing child policeman found ft he walked beside him dried hor her bearn and smiled aid lie ho to liar hor kindly now you must not cry will find your mama for or you by ana by it th tho a st station thenolia wh enolia liar hor tor for hor her name ho it now 0 red jennie it t m mado anohim ado him then than e ac 1 ld last ins t 0 i y your mother mothe r I 1 have hake found a yol your 11 r little features bring back bacic hop her sweet face i J chorus do not fear my little darling and I 1 will tako take you richt homo omo ruid and sit alt down close beside mo me no more from me shall you roam or you wore a baby in arms arme when your mother left mo me ono one day lott mo me at home deserted alone and took you ray my child away twos nil through it a quarrel madly jealous she bile vowed silo she would leave me domall like you see goo oil oh how I 1 loved liar her grief near brovo brov mo me wild rapa papa you are crying lisped the little I 1 suddenly child the door of tile tho station 4 opened wide have you seen been my darling an acx lous loua mother cried husband and wife then than fa face cc to ta face all to la soon noon forgiven in ono one fond embrace when salt lake bo be photographed al t the studios so 80 iraln adv |