Show it fy yel jr 1 lr T i tee adiele county bewz Ife tog published evera friday at panguitch garfield county utah printed thursday afternoon entered dt at the post office at Pan gultch utah na as second class mutter matter under the act of march 3rd ard 1879 WILL WILI J proprietor ELNORE PETERS A editor subscription per year strictly in advance advertising rates display single column iichi klales and cuts take same rate solid composition az inch extra leg als loc line per fa issue suc land notices 1000 payable before proof is issued water notices notice s 1500 all reader adli ac a word payable strictly in advance make checks payable to tint THE nims NEWS Palig panguitch ilitch utah ufah BILL BOOSTER SAYS A tou houat ame WE VA VT rr lavalla 1 OM tm PRO te OCO combel MCFAILS a s bee BEARS N U tv OAS IV IT WORKS ASSETS itma W op W lf Is 6 0 0 0 4 0 a a 0 awit roe BILL BOOSTER SAYS I 1 I 1 A OVY OV N my 14 MAMES AMS W WE VVE coat HERE TO UVE t I 1 UKE WE VE LOOKS OF WE PEOPLE I 1 sef SEE OM 09 TU OAF snarr weetsy ta VM FOR MS TOV AW AVII VIA VA oos vc awn CAU CAIA DO 0 SOME donor SANS go ro 10 |