Show W 0 mam 1 E NN oft F emm 10 DLE aune relieved of nervousness and other distressing ailments by lydia E Fink pinkham hams vegetable compound brooklyn N I 1 first took lydia el Fink finkhaus hams vegetable compound four years ngo ago and am taking V ian it now ow for tho chanat change 0 of L alfo ife and other troubles r and andi I 1 receive great benefit from it J I 1 am willing to lot you uso use my letter as aa a testimonial because itis it is tho the truth I 1 found your booklet t in my loter lotter box and read it carefully and that Is ia how I 1 camo came to tako take tho vegetable compound myself it has baa given mo me quiet nerves so that I 1 sloop sleep all bight and a 0 hotter better appetite I 1 have recommended om mended it already to all ray my fri frienda and relatives I 1 mrs ENGLEMANN 2032 palmetto St Ridgewood brooklyn for tho woman suffering from nervous troubles causino causing sleeplessness hoad head hy hysteria ateria the blues Is lydia E vegetable com compound p omd will bo be found a splendid aln cino a F for or tho the woman of middle ago age who is passing through tho the trials of that period it can bo be depended upon to relieve the troubles loa common at that timo time remember member Ite tho the vegetable compound has a record of nearly fifty years of fl orvice and thousands of women eralso its merit as does mrs englemann Englc mann you should give it a fair trial now Cuti cura soap IS IDEAL for the hands soap ointment 25 and soc talcum bac PARKERS HAIR BALSAM restores Kotore 4 color and beauty to gray and faded I 1 aw and at alt ewh kwh chem T HINDE MORNS Ilet timote bonu ci ruiea rui ef ta tos all pain ebur comfort fort to tha ewt hixy ito kir by imbt ll 11 or at druia clota clita I 1 te ng EYES SORE thompson as pr isamo A reliable ind and remedy since jjr buy at your 1 Ws or jo john n 4 ij Thor n k sona I 1 na A oo 00 duff jm ia et troy K N Y FREN dont call it a man inan ft a fool lie may be foolish enough to tight light HOWS THIS TEi ALLa CATARRH MEDICINE win flo do what wo we claim tor for it rid your system ot catarrh or deafness caused by catarrh HALLS CATARRH I MEDICINE consists of an ointment which quickly relieves the inflammation and the so internal Ne medicine dicine a tonic which nets acts through the blood on the tha muco mucous us surfaces pus chua assisting to restore normal al con conal tlona sold hold by drui mists for or over 40 years ri Jh cheney J cheney eney co toledo 0 HAIR STAYS commedo GLOSSY hair groom keeps hair comb combed ed well groomed 41 T 4 HAI R GROOM combed Keep sHair millions use it fine for hairl not sticky greasy or smelly A few cents buys a jar of hair groom at any drug store even stubborn unruly or shampooed oed hair stays combed all day in any stylo style you like hair groom to Is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss glosa nd lid well groomed effect to your hair aliat liat at final touch to good dress both la in and on social occasions greaseless Gr stainless hair allair groom pes not show on the hair because it Is absorbed by tho the scalp therefore I 1 your hair remains so soft and palti pliable able and sn se natural that tant DO 00 ono one can pos ebly tell you ya u used it IL bure relief FOR indigestion but als row I 1 25 CEN jl 6 B E LLA LL A ho hot t water wafer sure relief ELLAN 25 AND 75 j PACKAGES everywhere hair V ila ir Q gray U Y v mry T goldmans Gold mana lair hair color nelore neit ne tore nr re res stores torea the original or color write or 01 tr trial bottle text teat it on one lock 0 of h 1 state color of your hair address maryt kisr goldman goldman building 13 ull ding stpaul s t iy ay T man women made ar youn bright eyes a dear clear skin and a body full of youth and health may bo be yours if you will keep your ayatey in order by taking haarme bwy VI ey HAARLEM oil the worlds standard remedy for kidney liver bladder and uric acid troubles th bial enemies of ilia and looks in us use sine 1696 all druggists three thre sizes look for or the nune nun gold medal on very every box and accept no imitation WANTED MA N WITH AUTO to lo sell sel guaranteed TIRES ind and TUDES will arranga arjang salary and expenses with right mai amazon products co depta dept A la 0 0 0 aspirin say bayer and insists mom r M 0 unless you see the name bayer ork oa package kage or on tablets you are not get ting tho the genuine buyer product prescribed by physicians over twenty two byo yours years and proved safe by millions for to colds headache toothache Lum lumbago bilgo earache rheumatism neuralgia rain pain pain accept bayer ayer of Aspi aspirin rial only each unbroken package contala proper directions handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents drug drag fists also sell bottles of 24 and UP aspirin Is the trade mark of bayer manufacture ac ture of of advertisement SWAMPROOT SWAMP ROOT FOR KIDNEY A AILMENTS there is only one medicine that really tanda out preeminent pre eminent as a rae medicine dicine for foj curable ailments of the kidneys liver and bladder dr KiI MIll merB ners swamp root stands tte highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thoua anU upon thousands of distressing awes swamp root makes friends b c cause causa its mild ands and immediate effect 1111 r soon realized in most cases it is is a 6 sell tle tie healing vegetable compound start treatment at anbe once sold bold st atu sli drug stores in bott bottles lesof of two sizes medium and large however if you wish first to test this w great preparation mend ten cents cento to ir v kilmer co binghamton N Y PT for 11 sample bottle when writing be sure BUTO aaa mention this thia paper advertisement I 1 e ass flave st ua S eydi if they tire I 1 if keort SOM smart or bum F 5 tala irritated inal bcd ot YOUR UR lyea C a often soothes Sooth ej refreshes S infant or Adult at au druggists freo free eye boole book kria SO ey zi a baw |