Show I 1 it I 1 1 I 1 I alti ll tI rockefeller dounda foundation lion 9 s latest L adest gift 1 li it I 1 1 I I ll lulI I 1 1111 I 1111 I 1 1 t I 1 it dr george B H vincent president deni of the rockefeller foundation portrait ea I 1 it I 1 1 i 1 1 herewith announces that it iti I 1 I 1 1 1 pledged to the endowment of the N en 1 11 i 1 Z i i cat lonal program of the new YOA 1 I 1 I 1 axi I 1 I 1 Z academy of medicine th etli 1 i a I 1 1 K i I 1 5 N 11 I 1 t gift la Is in connection with the plans plan V I 1 I 1 I 1 i the academy for the new 4 I 1 r which Is to be in park avenue i i 1 A I 1 dr ray buy lyman wllbur wilbur det 1 X 1 4 p 11 N 11 Q S 11 1 1 V of stanford university and william A I 1 A I 1 i A i i 1 ia 1 len white writer and newspaper editor L 1 Z pi z 5 I 1 1 of emporia Emp orla kans have been elected 1 V 1 1 11 ii A I 1 1 1 11 4 to the board of trustees for tin al V ft I 1 1 i foundation while dr david L riall 1 I 1 kan 11 1 0 dean of harvard medical school J 5 4 1 has been elected as member of itsik its to ional health board the establishment has au authors thOrIld a system of fellowships in ili the balolo jk cal sciences these fellowships IN aw I 1 I 1 to enable men and women of advanced training and unusual promise to coir ce important research in zoology botany botan yand and anthropology dr vincent who heads the organization which fell vy sa enlists declare has added ten fen years to average span of life in the unit briw to states gave this advice to the federated club women the other day ro ingeniously resourcefully educate the public in support of rt medicine I 1 |