Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING 20 f FEBRUARY 13 1834 Police Department RUM JONTROL May Equip Prowl Cars STUDY SPEEDS With Two Way JRadios TOWARD GOAL PWACLOSED S L 1 I lt TO FURTHER DELAY SEEN ON FUND FOR BIDS FOR AD) Equipment Sought to Enable Crews to Com- i municate With Station and Other Machines on Duty ckes Orders Stale Engi-- i neers to Accept No More y radio com Salt Lake police cars may be equipped with ' Applications for Loans munication and with sirens and red lights to facilitate answering of PUMP PLANT Report of Commission Wi Be Completed Soon C of C Is Told Congress Act or Aid by P W A Needed for Intake Plan Finances Special two-wa- FUNDS ARE DEPLETED ' j (I ! Petitions Now Pending Ex ceed Cash ! Decree calls Chief of Police W L Payne indicated Monday Chief Payne said the police department and several radio men had conducted experiments during the past six months to ascertain jthe possibilities of radio telephonic Not Affect Requests Made between communication STAGE SHOWS Does all prowl cart and the police station State laws he said permit installation of red spotlights and sirens on police WILL RETURN The governor's advisory commission on liquor control is making careful comprehensive study of the question as it applies to Utah and ex pecta to have definite recommends tions within a short time This assurance was given to the chamber of commerce board of governors at a meeting Monday by Salt Laka members of the commission who were Invited to discuss the advisability of calling a special legislative aession and report on the progress made by the commission In its SHORTAGE FACES CITY Mead Avers Reclamation Bureau Has No Power to Solve Utah Lake Question cars " ‘ The use of the lights and sirens Because of a lack of funds the pubwould facilitate the response to calls of congress or act Only aspecial Chief Payne said In many cases cars study lic works administration has issued action by the favorable TOpossibly Those who addressed the board igolng on emergency calls are delayed Srders to all state engineers to acpublld works administration could Dr by heavy traffic and pedestrians were Judge James H Wolfe tor more no public applications cept Salt Lake City and the four With sirens and lights a way through George Thomas Hugh B Brown Mrs supply Works allotments the traffic would be cleared more A R Curtis J A Kahn Willard canal' owners supplying water other -of In hands now the and Milton Bennion Mrs Applications Known Stars readily and at the same time toe cars Cannon to Salt Laka county with funds to the public works advisory boards and Nationally would sound a warning to all pede- C D Smith another member of the formove the pumping intake on Utah on and strians crossing the streets The at- commission attended the meeting engineers will be passed Listed Attractions 11 ward ed to Washington and it is un-- Among tachments also would make patrol but did not speak lake to Pelican point it Is shown in derstood the order will not affect car work safer for drivers the chief Salt Favera Special' Session for Lake special dispatch to The Tribuna status of any pending applies the said The chamber commerce of has al from Washington Monday (ion Will Investigate Ceat ready gone on record favoring a spemethod might in all probaEither "We now have In this office and In Return of said he Chief further stage would nstlonally cial session to repeal the prohibition Payne il the offices of the state engineers more shows to Salt Lake prominent be f costa a bility and submit would entirely too slow and was announced investigate statute and enact legislation for the projects than we can possibly hope it and estimate of installation legal sale of liquor under some form too much delay In negotiations to get money for" said Harold L Monday by Eddie Diamond manager report to Commissioner John M of control to permit the construction of the I Ickes administrator in a communi- of the F & M Orpheum theater who expenses of the Knight department of public Although they made It plain that A R Hart to cation Monday 1290000 project by July 15 next engineer said that the first be belief would that He offering expressed the safety they were speaking as Individuals for Utah f the project is not completed by cost of not the new the would device and not officially on behalf of the would be unfair Mr Ickes Ted Mack's show on February 22 be prohibitive time or if there is not an at whole the mem commission group attractions continued "to permit municipalities Such other outstanding E H Morgan chief radio tech- bers expressed the opinion tost the wet spring in the drainage to apend money in the preparation of as Sally Rand who attained fame at nician disclosed the of department recommendation of the body will be rea Utah lake Salt Lake projects when there will be prac- th serving as a of that a license for Monday that the era of Century Progress exposition in Utah tically no chance of the government farmers and communities and communication system already had ba brought to anprohibition county renowned Blackstone dancer end seemed fan to finance them They being able 4 been asked from the federal radio to be pretty well agreed that to big Salt Lake City are probably facing magician and his "Show of 1001 Won- commission in Washington D C KeqsesU Scheduled to be settled is whether 11 the worst water shortage from the question Mills Brothers "Two-wabeders" the harmony out word send radio communication "Will you please cense or some form of state sale of losses to property in con standpoint comstabe will tween central no further projects that prowl cart and the quartet Wheeler and Woolsey should be recommended 4 their history aider by your state board and as edians "Shuffle Along" Chick Sale tion la rapidly being installed in all Judge Wolfe said he agreed with soon aa possible send to this office cities of the United States" Mr the chamber that the commission Plans major Proceed Electria complete schedule showing what and his show the Hollywood Morgan said "In New York Chicago should "Speed up its work but It This is about the common concluprojects are pending and when In cal Pageant "The Desert Song” with Bayonne N J and many other cities should move only as fast as is consion of those who have observed the be will In course his for the service has been you prepared Perry Askam Jay C Fiippen and operation ordinary sistent with the formulation of snowfall and rainfall of the present success- to make a final report on them We World’ Fair Follie and Jack Fine's several months and la highly plan He thorough season not only in this valley but t should Ilka to hava this schedule sent World Fair Midgets also will ba feasaid he would not venture an opinion also the mountains which surround in at once Deterrent to Crime tured at on time this the advisability of it "You will then proceed to clean up Reemployment of hundreds of muMr Morgan pointed out that toe calling a special session of toe legisSome glimmer of hope may lie in n pending projects with thfc idea of sicians and stagehand is assured by equipment serves directly in cutting lature the fact that R F Walter chief ensending in a final report not later (h return of stage ahows to the crime to a minimum Not only is the Other Problems Cited gineer for toe bureau of reclamation than February 'M next country announced Jack prowl car in direct contact with toe He pointed out that although the will be In Salt Lake from Denver "The important job ahead of us Grimes field representative for contact station is in but central it chamber wants a session which ' aow is to Thursday But Mr Walter’s supeget all work under contract and Marco whoreported book- also with all other prowl cars of toe would be limited to the liquor probrior Reclamation Commissioner and push it as rapidly as possible" ings for the various Atara throughout so that at any time the car may lem it may be Mead feels that the bureau is necessary to have leg Mr Hart said that applications have Utah Wyoming Idaho and Colorado city Mrs Mae G Lincoln of Aurora HI president of the of Grand who visited the Utah Army Republic car for help or distribute islative action this call another without power to provide any funds year on toe Deer the National Women’s Relief corps and Colonel Rusbeen made through his pfflce for apstate leaders of their "With the return of better business information on a run Monday They organizations creek project and also to coordinate the Washington dispatch says commander-in-chie- f worth of conditions In this section" said Mr "The equipment Is of are completing a tour of the nation proximately $20000000 extremely use- state ltwa with acts which may be sell C Martin of Los Angeles “We are still hoping to be able public works projects Grimes "the people are expressing ful" Mr Morgan said "in giving poto get funds from the government” and of this amount 7 000009 worth their wishes for stage entertainment lice information on their calls In- passed ' by the present session of consaid George D Keyser commissioner has been approved by the special The numerous presentations are formation regarding ears license gress Dr Thomas explained that the of waterworks and water supply on public works board at Washington finest In toe United States numbers on automobiles end other the among committee is studying liquor legislaSix P W A projects have been com- and Fanchon and Marco are pleased Monday night "Our engineers in the headto be may descriptions given tion in effect in foreign countries and meantime are going ahead with the pleted tour art under way and with to assure the citizens of the while seconds few a within quarters in other states in an effort to formuseveral others bids art now being preliminary work so that plans and country auch high type en- the car is still on the scene As far late a suggested law which will meet advertised specifications may be ready as soon tertainment as feasibility is concerned it has been the Utah situation as money is available from whatever Mr Hart reported there arc 34 ap--i Mr Grimes conferred with Mr Diaeffectively in cities throughout proved already j source it may come st plications now pending in hia office mond end Albert Stetson district rep- toe east All police radio systems Mr Brown said the commission Long-Lomembers are studying the problem in and the investigation work will be resentative tor Fanchon and Marco will News Disappointing basis within a an be on a manner realizing ational Chiefs Meet With Six Hundred Attend completed as soon as certain neces- Monday to arrange for toe first stage few years the news from Washington is "But a serious that solubeen information awaits has supplied show problem sary for auch a system is tion Allied Organizations Rally Schools Hold by the applicant They will then be Blackstone will be toe Orpheum "Equipment Relative Loeatei! in Brazil disappointing" None of the money heretofore alsimple and its cost is low Low wave See Definite forwarded to Washington Action to 11 Ths lengths are used end a complete sysMarch attraction from I State Classes located by the P W A for building Special Mr Kahn In addition to theso thero art 17 other assured board the that After Separation will follow throughout tem may be set up tor approximately the Deer creek irrigation project can Utah applications pending in Wash- toe offerings commission members have not months cent ofth cost of an ordi- the be reallocated for installing pumpspring per been the which 45 Years ington special public Musicians will be employed when of dilatory and expressed the y deof tour the end sysof a "Lincoln the Climaxed annual police Nearing ing works to take water from lower nary by works board is expected to act on at the show do not that opinion something definite will partments of the Grand carry their own tem The present Salt Lake unit be of the levels in Utah lake and divert it into Aimy of club the fence carrying out tho administrator's Republican at day” meeting a meeting set for forthcoming bands Mr Diamond said However would be used as one link in the new the irrigation canals serving Salt Republic throughout the nation of Utah Salt Lake citizens wish that all projects get into the con- an next Saturday dur45 a After of paused years crew of stagehands will separation Anadditional the new C Martin of Los Russell Lake county farmers The Tribune’s system equipment struction stage without delay The attitude of the board of gover- Colonel commander-in-chieto the Civil ba required during each stag presento tribute was feared to time death it which bead link f th from 'cars of the Monday pay ing correspondent at Washington learned providing nor was expressed by A S Brown geles R Fixe Deadline tation G A and Mrs Mae G Lincoln of war president on the one hundred and had parted them a brother and sister Monday quarters past president on whose motion the Aurora Mr Hart said that letters will be 111 of Dr Mead commissioner so inpresident the National twenty-fift- h Salt Lak enforcement problem was Women’s anniversary of his birth will be reunited when Mrs Anna Nor-de- r formed aent to all those whose applications Relief corps visited Salt Representative J Will Robdiscussed with Commissioner John M meetto toe of Lake Salt In addition Mercter Republican formerly are on hand in his office requesting Lake inson and William R Wallace chair- the 125th anniversary ' in lands Knight and Chief of Police W L of theMonday Brazil that the needed Information be supin hotel Newljouse the' Monday man of the Utah water storage coming birth bf Abraham Lincoln Mrs Mercier who now resides in mission Payne two weeks ago plied not later than February 24 ao The national leaders of the two or- night attended by more than 600 perMr Brown Y N New sailed from Rochester declared the chamber to dis can ba ihe report Washington Nor will It be possible the dispatch of commerce is interested in further- ganizations conferred with heads of sons schools throughout the city held York last Monday for Brazil where patched by the end of the month allied organizations in Utah during points out without specific authority cause the of two months with the she her classroom being will and programs orin spend temperance administrator’! special the Nothing at a recepfrom congress to take money from lieves this can best be accomplished th day and were guests der Mr Hart said indicates that tion at the Newhouse hotel Monday Granite junior high school and St brother T Carlos Norder whom she toe reclamation fund for this purpose 45 years and for for seen not had by repealing the prohibition law and reduction in the force at the local ofAccompanying them on the conducting Lin- about ten years had thought him Commissioner Mead who is fully fice is contemplated He pointed out bringing the liquor traffic out in the night aware of toe situation developing in tour which began late in January that ha and hit associates are charged A resolution designed to settle the A B Barton of Kaysvllle was re- open under aoma form of adequate is Miss Katharine R A Floor na- coln day assemblies Colonel Carl A dead She is accompanied on the trip Utah and cognizant of the danger that Forty-f- by her daughter and Dr One control of and Hundred tha with constant supervision over all question concerning the granting of liBadger to 'confront the farm areas tional secretary of the G A R Roch- appears of Mrs and Slater J Benjamin P W A projects during the construc- censes for toe sale of beer near toe elected president of the Salt Lake field artillery Utah national of Salt Lake county finds himself "We have had a wonderful time on ifth and association tion period University of Utah will come before Milk Producers this tour which is for business and guard addressed toe Granite stu- ester helpless as he can not use funds alSan in was born Morcler Mrs toe city commission Tuesday located to one project for building Clyde CTEdmonds formally accepted pleasure” said Colonel Martin “We dents 11 of Y and at Paulo N the age la a possibility that adoption the managership of the cooperative There have visited 11 departments since something entirely different to to was sent Switzerland complete Levi of the Professor of th resolution will eliminate toe Edgar Young leaving Washington following the Wallace to Return association at the annual convention education She returned to the 'll necessity for a public bearing on the conference on national defense Dur western history department of the her As the result of the conference Mr was 1889 she when in United W S States In the Hotel Utah schedIs which Monday beer license question Funeral services for Leonard Duf Ing our eastern tour we were accomof Utah was the principal 22 years old and was met by her Wallace will return to Salt Lake get uled for Wednesday The hearing will Clark of Leht was reelected vice fin S4 a locomotive engineer who panied by leaders of numerous other University after her first hand information about the sitbe on a petition submitted by Dr waa burned Friday near organizations allied with the G AR I speaker at the Republican meeting brother T Carlos Soon uation and after conference with lopresident and H J Lewis was elected Woodsfatally brother departed for Brazil "Lincoln the Man” In a heroic effort to stop discussing Georga Thomas Cross Tells of Organaiatloa A F Rund-qui- his train after between brother cal officials determine the course to Correspondence The resolution would empower the secretary-treasure- r a it had crashed into Related Lift Early and sister was carried on regularly be followed Mrs Lincoln who has been an acWest Jordan and G L Wild- gasoline truck will- - be conducted Sponsored by th education de- autoorltle to revoke licenses granted Professor Young traced Lincoln’s until the outbreak of the World war In view of the fact' that only $250000 partment of the Salt Laka county to Dean E Colton 207 Thirteenth East ing Granger were named tq the Wednesday at 1:30 p m In toe Thirty-fourt- h tive member of the relief ebrps for early life and lack of formal school- Since that time Mrs Mercier had not seems to be needed it may be dechapter of the Service Star Legion street and toe Walgren Drug com executive board ward chapel Eighth 43 years and its president since last to ask for a special emergency 'to patriotic essay contest in aeven pany 301 Thirteenth East street West between North Temple and September said her organiaztion is ing a'nd termed him “a child of the heard of her brother until a mutual cided conMr Edmonds addressed th seeing him several allocation from the public wqrks fund are that a dijunior high schools opened Monday First North streets Bishop S Bur- the only auxiliary of the G A R and wilderness knowing nothing of the friend reported years ago in Spain She immediately which though exhausted might be Tryouts will be conducted during vided vote probably will be cast Tues- vention on Monday afternoon and re- ton Newman will be In charge Rites that all others are allied organizathe week in each school and the day by members on toa resolution tions The relief corps has 130000 life we know today" 4le referred sent a 'cablegram and her brother was drawn upon as some of the heretoat the in the Wasatch association in graveside the to the emancipator as the “embodi- located in the province of Ponte-vetr- a fore approved allocations are canceled aeven winners will read their essays when the matter comes before the com- ported progress members she said He urged Lawn Burial park will be under the since last December 1 ment of the principle of AmericanOne suggestion advanced is that the next Monday at 230 p m at Memo- missioners direction of to United Spanish War Asked if she was related to Abrarial house where the Service Star Commissioner P H Goggln has In- the 600 milk producers who are mem- Veterans ham Lincoln she replied humor- ism” and said the very fundamentals Mrs Mercier resided in Salt Lake Utah authorities approach the pub-of the American government consti- for a number of years For several lic works administration with toe sugLegion will hold Its monthly meet- dicated that he would oppose revo- bers of toe cooperative to present Friends may call at the Kingdon & ously: Well my husband was a 42nd tuted the “dream that humble beings years ahe was employed as a house- gestion that a part of the Deer creek ing Mrs J B Moreton is chairman cation of license! that already have a united front to better the associa- Lee 225 Second East mortuary allocation which seemingly will not 'of the contest been issued but would oppose toe street Tuesday from 6 to 8 p m The cousin of Lincoln That’s a long way might rise to the greatest opportuni- keeper for the late (Samuel Newhouse "" The and was a chef at the Alta club tor be drawn on for many months to following' women have been granting of additional licenses Com- tion and forecast a profitable future casket will be open at toe family back but we traced it and found it ties of life” to complete early Mr Edmonds residence 839 West North Temple correct After we determined our re- Calling 'wttention to the fact that about ten years She left about 15 ome be appointed by Mrs J M Thomas missioner George D Keyser voted for the producers in the Irrigation Season works for 'president to attend th final contests with Commissioner Goggln when toe urged the cooperative to reduce costs street Wednesday prior to aervices lationship w often laughed- when Lincoln was a southerner born in years ago In the various schools pumping water from Utah lake Into asked what it was" Kentucky the speaker said It was matter was originally aired while and maintain high standards of qual- for relatives only the canals South junior high Mrs Moreton Commissioners John M Knight and ity The association Colonel Martin and Miss Flood will worthy of note that he' should be the Four Accused Firing Duffin died in local hospital Mr its own operates Mr C G Wirick Mr W C Henry H B Lee are known to favor prohi- milk leave Tuesday night for Los Angeles man to lead the nation out of slavery Suggestion Given Edin Lake Mr Salt and Sunday morning Mrs C D Brown and Mrs Alfred bition of beer sales within 600 yards mondsplant Guns in Forbidden Area The Deer creek allocation was only oppose secession end declare that the ending the tour explained that economic manMarJohn of doctrine Clausen Monday at 11:19 a m of the university campus Washington to start construction and was Plans Northwest Trip agement would yield high returns to LIQUOR SUSPECT ARRESTED West Junior high Mrs Moreton Mrs and Daniel Webster should pre- Two men and two boys were ar- enough made in anticipation of a subsequent toe milk producers He said no Sam Poulas 42 was arrested at 9 Mrs Lincoln will leave for the shall vail W T Giberson Mra C T Longson "price war” looms on tho local ma- Bryan avtnu Monday at 7:50 p m northwest Tuesday evening planning “During th Civil war" ha said rested Monday for allegedly discharg- allocation to be set aside when more Monday at 230 p m Jackson junior firearms in City ereek canyon by money is set aside for P W A rket bn a charge of liquor possession Ar- to visit relief corps in Washington both sides were contending for a ing C school Mrs Mra A Cook high and Special Officer A AlcOck who said It might be deemed desirable It was J R Be us mansger of th We- resting Officers G D Holt and E J Oregon Idaho Montana and North principle In the is sacred that Thomas Tuesday at 10:30 a m today bad been shooting rabbits ber Central dairy a cooperative of Blazzard seized 130 gallons of wine and South Dakota before returning suggested to abandon some of the Hoosevelt' Junior high school Mr hearts of all Americans— the princi- they The men arrested were David Ray Utah projects heretofore approved by more than eight years standing cited a still and several barrels to her home in Aurora a com is 7L R Done Mrs A F Pinkerton and United States the that W A but never started and thus the benefits to farmers through co- of mash at the address Friday night While in Salt Lake Mrs Lincoln ple from which no state can secede” 34 of Union and Rufus Ray of MidMiss May Thomas Wednesday at vale They were released on recog- release moneys that might be used for operative effort and spoke of difficul- using a search warrant However visited with Mrs F W Price patri- pact '10:30 a m Bryant junior high nizance pending appearance in police pumping Dnee Follows Meet ties 'encountered in establishing the the officers were unable to locate otic instructor lot the Utah G A R 'School Mrs R W Fisher Mrs P Commissioner Mead has no voice as it may aeemi there Weber cooperative Poulas He was arrested al toe house auxiliary almost' continuously since Hyde Clayton president of the Uni- court Tuesday J O’CarroU and Miss Thomas Thurs- areStrange in the allocation of P W A funds and Frank Evans former member of Monday tome people complaining to 1896 Speech Arts society gave Linversity at a 1030 m Irving junior - J Cecil Alter that day can only expend them after the board coln’s Gettysburg address and a muthey don’t the federal farm board and sponsor high school Mrs A W Burrows has made allocations of the Utah agricultural cooperative like the weather sical program was provided A dance Mrs C A Cook Mrs W S And it Isn't only th ones who law urged association members to followed the meeting t and Mrs E G Moyer Frl tear for toe future water sup- stress quality In their product and W Harry Nightingale who preday at ( a m Jordan junior high Persons out never Bircumshaw who either W sided that "you are dealing introduced J pointed ply school Mrs Annie Wells Cannon a thought to where their in an important thing when you deal 331 K street who told of shaking 50-CeMrs Fred Davidson and Miss give nt next drink of water Is coming in food for human beings" hands With Lincoln at Independence Thomas Friday at 2 p m 1864 Dr L A Browpe chief food InIn from are among toe complainers — hall in Philadelphia August n The sunshine toe warm weathThe twenty-fift- h spector of tha Salt Lak board of anniversary of the Honesty may be its own reer is unheard of outlandish Associtoe health reported that Salt Laka conNational Plans are ulider way for a parade ward but— From November 1932 to Febthan 140 quilts have' been reno-- t organization of ven weird they say It geta on sumers had benefited materially from ruary 1 1934 1304 women of Salt ation for the Advancement of Colored Vated by th local offices A Salt Lake taxicab driver Ray on February 21 as one of the features ! their - nerves They have to toe milk ordinance adopted in 1932 celebrated in the Calvary Jensen found a woman’s purse in the observance of National Defense Ready-mad- e hours 12494 Lake have clothing received People was "sunshine blues" and would be and urged farmers to 'bull their herds of volunteergiven Week it was announced Monday by service in helping lying in the street early last week by to local office totaled 119412 Baptist church Monday night — f much a blizzard if were to was cited 3300 happier reduce the daily surplus of Lincoln’s temperance by It contained approximately $20 Colonel Frederic Jorgensen state the needy under direction of the - pieces of which 94954 articles ’ Pledge to the chamber of comof milk on tha local market Salt Lake chapter of th Ameriraging He returned it to the owner and chairman gallons nave been distributed to the ' the Rev Theodor G Lilley pastor merce drive for a $40000 fund to But they are In the minority The observance started Monday as of the First Presbyterian church Mem-da-y as the family apparently was not culling would reduce toe surcan Red Cross it was revealed Miss Martha Stowers needy "Promote Salt Lake” passed the because most people ere content Proper net to the young in prosperous circumstances graplus end higher returns to farmexecutive secretary of the board in the report of the chapter for part of a national effort to bring to night in an address $13000 mark Monday as additional to enjoy to balmy atmosphere ofers he said C T W U at ciously refused the $3 reward the attention of the people the necee-sitth past 16 months at a meeting reported that 198 active relief people’s branch of the contributions were received without worrying about toa Mr Lewis reported th association of the board of directors Monof adequate defense The climax cases and cases where claims of the First Methodist Episcopal church fered him ' It is expected the total will exceed cause of It all Is in sound financial condition and anwill be a grand ball th evening of Later in toe week he found disabled veterans are pending ere One hundred delegates were day noon at th Civic Center The the half way mark when the' workers Salt Lake temperatures Monstreet-ohad mad marked progress during meeting was under the direction ton ne several from Tremon other purse lying in the being cared for by the chapter February 22 Washington’ birthday -make their next formal report at a day ranged between 30 and SO tha last ten weeks Another and Park City contained more than at Fort Douglas Mrs W J Lowe vies presi- aid of a drive of which Wlthoutthe spesker luncheon set for Wednesday noon degrees and the mean of 40 was was Dr A J Morris head of the dent of the board The Rev Mr Lilley spoke after $20 in money and papers and pass Plans for the week in Salt Lake are $322 was raised and forwarded They will be aided by members of seven degrees above the normal dairy manufacturing department of in charge of Major Clint Harrison of to the national headquarters of talks had been given by Mist Louise books representing approximateUp to date 131993 yards of mathe board of governors who have Aa ht has don many times tola the Utah State Agricultural college reterial have been received by the the local reserve officers chapter In the American Red Cros for flood Weils and Miss Cornelia Nash He ly $2000’ When this purse was been organized into teams to canvass winter Mr Alter predicted con- who spokt en methods of developing local Red Croes of which 114607 relief in Idaho and Washington turned to the owner he received Ogden they are being formulated by pointed out that many national leadk list of business concerns tinued lair weather of milk ers do not usa liquor it was reported the reserve officers of that city a reward— 50 cents higher grades yards have been distributed More ORPHEUM 5 en-ta- ly two-wa- y y ? Fan-cho- non-feder- Salt Lake Citizens Join In Tribute to Emancipator Inter-mounta- - two-wa- GOP y open-minde- d Former Salt Lake Woman Finds Her Brother of " long-wav- two-wa- DECISION NEAR e one-wa- y HEADS NAMED ON BEEP ISSUE -- BY DAIRYMEN son-in-la- Leonard Duffin Rites Arranged Service Legion’s Essay Contest Opens in Schools LDS Present-Indication- s - of Balmy Weather Raises Plaint of ‘Sunshine Blues’ - Finder Returns $2020 and Gets National Defense Reward Parade Planned Women Give 12494 Hours Of Service to Red Cross Publicity Drive Passes $13000 - 8 1 y present-includin- ‘ ' |