Show — v f 1 THE BALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINO FEBRUARY IS 1934 ‘DEATH SONG’ By JOAN-CLAYTO- and MALCOLM LOGAN DOT SCOFFS Business Cains ‘Princess Alice’ t At Station for Works Plays on AT ORIENT Wiffl 50tli Anniversary Transient Help 1 of U Talk Fight SYNOPSIS treading his mind for presently he be- somehow carried over the music us Relief 291 Whenever in Sue about to Loren he talk and gan approached defending Reported Branded as la August Sellert Vail wu mur him ‘Silly’ by Invitation to White House tn an oblique way I caught a few phrases enoi dared at exclusive Sherwood Forest Rounds Oat Day a fine boy" he said “and know that he wu telling her ab January Men Given Senator Thomas sanatorium Up to that time Mark “Loren's would steady him You himself and hla wife the beauty of responsibility the crippled playwright llillyer Chance to Work Mrs Longworth from arthritis had been bored The know I’ve left him most of my for- hla ruined voice the glory of his loet WASHINGTON Feb 12 (FPj- -Dr crime gave him new Interest In 111 tune and there’s no possibility that career He wu dancing with exag of my relatives can break my gerated vigor aid this and hla loud Democratic senaIt was ha who finally solved the mys- any WASHINGTON Feb 12 A combination of winter weather Elbert D Thomas will though I don't doubt some of conversation made him end Sue conthe of tor from Utah in an Interview today He saw the significance tery work some play and an invitation to was Ha more railroad them the rules drawn is again and It will spicuous approached by try rigid Vail's a of in talk branded record singing phonograph Sue saved him from growing reputation for “hospitality” war as “without foundation” and of the familiar old White House made own voice in the room where its cre- 1three best lawyers In the country and and stumbled a typical day for Alice Roosevelt falling conflict ator lay dead All the patients paid them well for 11" business at the Salt a United Longworth on her’ fiftieth birthday So while I listened unwillingly he “He’s tight" Loren said suddenly Jumped January flocked to Mark's room and gossiped and sharply We both started lor Lake transient relief bureau from “silly" as an author of numerous anniversary He learned all about their affairs talked of his plans for Loren It was Speaking a boring monologue then Now In Sue but Loren reached her first To 1S7 Individuals to 291 according to works on a It began by tapping the typewriter Japan rather than Among them were Willis Clendenlng wu some time spent too with the report to George L Haerr United Statu senator Thomas re- There Milton Cross and the wealthy James the light of the calamities which were my surprise Vail indifferently gave havUtah relief fused to class the activities her daughter Paulina who’ll be WedBuxton all of whom lived in a cot- to follow so closely upon the dance her up I had half expected him to assistant director of the C Nippon Bebholz in Manchuria to me that I never heard make a scene Believed I fell back administration by JoJhn ing a birthday party of her own it seemed also new” Buxton Loren VaiL "anything tage with Valentine’s day more pathetic more and a few minutes later the dance manager of the bureau “The auertion that Japan has never nesday came with his uncle Even reticent talk more naive Friends called to congratulate The ended Loren and Sue rejoined us states were represented been a real Forty-fou- r Buxton Jamee ' brilliantmistaken a unManchuria with in chat a Dr John Calvert enjoyed power chose to “Vail should be sent to hla cot- In the registrations with only New til U a perversion of a hlstor dinner hour which she Mark now and then Sue Faraday ly successful banker Ignored in his with several kindred spirits South Caro' leallately Vermont James cardinal said spend one Sue of Buxton but rules the life Hampshire tage” private declared as host fact” Thomu acted Mark's attractive jiurse "Today wu gay And she wu one of those hit eggs Into replied quickly “Oh please don’t do llna and Georgia without repreae ess Vail a former operatic star vis- at business He put all strategically she hu military and eco- invited to drop to at the White House anything He’a been drinking but tatlon at the transient depot had for a control and nomic she ited Mark only once and then to ridi- one basket hu for the jnuslcale that followed the South and Second Wi The patients can underitand why He told me his Fourth of years number cule Mark’s play Vail told how his The foxtrot ended unatto last dinner party there the streets two addition wife In died as allotted as dances had 2f4 been ago today many years role the asserted him in wife Franclne loved “Japan hu only openly 17 famines come tached stranded men he “Then should the here omniscience staff medical lu its Dinner Final why not off Increased Party She broke that strength bu crying: of Tristan than he they could safely have and and epoil other people’s fun?” Loren were cared for or power there nor exThe official White House social ten-soher and left abruptly He made his last decreed activity Residents of the transient depot are tended her encores had been forbidden Most asked closed last week but one lut dinjurisdiction to any great public appearance at a dance given of them however remained on the Sue did not answer but Loren’s glven$ni opportunity to earn their extent ner for the patients by James Buxton floor party for 79 with added gueata beA patient took uncle said “If you would try to passage money home on work applauding There is no cause for a war be- afterward wu scheduled tonight Dr Calvert accompanies Sue to the ing done In the Wasatch national tween the soviets and the island em Opportunely it fell on the dance to! Loren’s disappointment Bob Sue kwty from Loren and he sought imagine youraelf in his position you forest birthday under the direction of William have some sympathy for him1’ Those two nations arrived at a of a White House bride--Mr- s Fowler' Mark's secretary sees Loren out another nurse The music started might W Smith forest ranger and George plre The was still talked strained Buxton and James again atmosphere shrub190S and complete understanding in and Vail in the shadows of the wellu a former president to me until that dance too ended walked away and aa I did I saw Vail M Haley' construction engineer for they have respected' each other’s —Lincoln bery A shining object passes from and Loren and Sua service the transient us orchestra leader 8ue beildethe standing s joined on Memories of one to the other Loren cuts in of her Most of the work thus far hu been rights sincela that time" million- whispering to him The leader spoke and naval con- lifetime cluster about that White Neither Calvert and Sue The physician sur- perched on the arm of the military to the pianist who nodded Vail went in Big Cottonwood canyon where trol of-l-h him to and aire's chair like chattered renders her ungraciously Japanese government House for Mrs Longworth Twenty-eiga debutante She had a genuine and over to the piano steadied himself roads and trails have been constructnew Thomu said explain years ago today she celebrated ed by the transients Additional something to me inexplicable Affection for our 'against It and announced loudly: CHAPTER IV when the Imperial power was her twenty-seconbirth anniversary Is projects under expert supervision lhg “Ladles This and boat gentlemen! torestored in 1868 It was accomplished there and wu married five daya In the moment that they were to Flood be will continue provided In of a violinist to the Franclne song memory my began Presently of military and naval later in the east room where tocontrol projects are being worked by a group gether I looked at the two men ap scrape his strings Loren glanced wife" leaders night’s muslcale was held The pianist played the Introduc- out for later employment of the pralslngly with my Interest in their expectantly at Sue I saw Dei CalVaried wu the assemblage invited ‘These leaders became knpwn as transients Sue chords a over to of vert by seemed He familiar heightened song tory rivalry approaching tonight the elder statesmen who advised the to hear Miu Irene Singer spprano Loren unusually happy Mark's comments about The grave hard everyone at Sherwood Forest a song Mlu Jennie Bobtoor pianist and the on all matters long emaller than Dr Calvert but lines had been erued from hla face which Vail played twice a day on his MAKES ROOSEVELT LIBRARY emperor March they lived” he explained “At the Curtis string quartet and graceful was certainly the Sue saw him approach also and she phonograph: “Wafting for You” I SEATTLE Feb 12 (JPh-same time two factional group- sSenator Thomu Banking Guest more handsome man Ha had thick looked uncertainly from him to heard Jamea Buxton say command-ingl- 4 Mrs Harry Usher expects to have from Satsuma and Chuwoh— gained 12 large volumes filled with clippings Senator Thomu of Oklahoma wu "Someone stop hlml” dark curly hair merry gray eyes Loren I wu about to speak when control of the navy and army respec- the dinner guest whose and a mobile smiling mouth His another voice interrupted He was too late Vail had flung about President Roosevelt Her ranking manner with women was easy and ' “May I rescue you from your back his dark head and begun to hobby is making her own library of tively" privilege It wu to take Mrs Roosedeclared Thomu class the military him mostly out of newspaper clipvelt’s arm while hi! wife walked gay and I thought that he must be dilemma by requesting the pleasure sing is "greatly respected? but no more with the pruldent a much better companion at a dance of this dance?" His first notes filled the room rich pings She nqs autographed photo milithan nature" the ’belligerent by esident and Mrs Governor Paul M Pearson of the than the doctor But John Calvert Seifert Veil stood at Sue’s other round stirring It seemed for a mo- graphs of the tary class of any other natioa had his virtues He was six feet tall side Virgin Islands wu there and so wu She ment that he had regained his once Roosevelt smiling unpleasantly e candidate blond and while not handsome at flushed looked at me reproachfully glorious voice The silence of the Joseph V McKee for mayor of New York and Mr least not unattractive Less assured and then aaid “Certainly Mr Vail” crowd was as much a tribute to that suddenly overcame him and he went Supporting him'between us McKee end gay than Loren he was the more I can’t tell you what a pleasure it recovered magic as an evidence of the limp substantial person of the two A will beto dance with the most beau- surprise by which he had taken us Dr Calvert and I got him out of the Interesting to old Washingtonians woman I thought would find him tiful and popular woman here" Vail alL But Vail’s voice did not survive room As we reached the hallway wu the name of Miss Helen Patten who with her sisters conducted over more constant and reliable than said bowing the second bar It became husky and leading to the lobby the orchestra another tune Outside oh the WASHINGTON (ffy—S t n a t o r a long period of years one of the most Loren That compliment made us all feel be cleared his throat His face grew started a I had no desire to join In the danc- uncomfortable There was in its white the cords of his neck stood out veranda Vail leaned against pillar Carey (R Wyo) said Monday he famous social salons the capital ever Somewhat reluctantly I ap- elaborate insincerity a distinct un- as he tried to force hie voice to re- and began to murmur maudlin had been assured an adjustment will has seen ing he made relative to use of Wyoming broken words about his wife Cabinet officers and diplomats I remem- dertone of sarcasm Vail liked to spond to his will It was a struggle proached James Buxton have been better for labor on public works projects to were ber thinking that the dance must have make people feel ill at cue and he horrible to witness but 1 could not “It wouldif she dropping into the home of the had lived and Yellowstone you everyone park been a strain on our host He looked seemed to be particularly and point- take my eyes from him He manPatten sisters on a Sunday afternoon in said Calvert a The had and died” Senator Representative strangely when Theodore Roosevelt was to the tired unwell He was only 50 but edly contemptuous of women I had aged to sing a few more notes and Carter (RWyo) protested to P W A White House Affairs of state were that might he seemed an old man often heard that the early death of then his voice broke Only a harsh bitter voice In the authorities that allotments for work a There wu chilling finality As the others drifted away he asked his wife had made him a misogynist whisper came from his lips statement as though the physician in the park were charged against often first whispered there He turned away from us his face courteously and with no real interest The amateur psychologists at SherA new type of electric Diesel locoWyoming and that Montana labor about Mark’s health In the same wood Forest said he hated all other distorted with rage His fist crashed had weighed that judgment for a long was being used on projects in pref- motive made an average speed of 62 manner I replied Then I saw his women for surviving her down upon the piano keys and in the time erence to Wyoming workers miles an hour on a trial run of the tired eyes brighten as Loren and Sue Sue wu obviously trying to con- dead silence that followed we could Those brutal words were efficafor"Public works officials advised 535 miles between Paris and Mardanced past us ceal her distate as she stepped into hear him cursing in that same rasp- cious Vail became furious He that either- Wyoming labor will be seilles got his humiliation and grief in “They’re what my generation would the singer’s arms Dr Cslvert paused ing whisper and then exhausted he forgot used on park projects or if Moncall a line looking couple" I re- a few steps away I caught a flash The whole scene lasted less than the allocamarked because I knew it would of antagonism in his blue eyes as he two mihutes Then Dr Calvert was his anger too Presently assisted by tana men are employed Dr Calvert he lurched off toward tion of funds for such projects will looked at Vail Then he turned and at his side He put a hand on Vail’s Lakeside please him be changed Jointly to Wyoming and WHY GET UP NIGHTS? cottage He smiled at me with real warmth walked away Loren philosophically shoulder and the singer turned Dr Montana” aaid Senator Carey Calvert whispered to him and took and said with emphasis “Yes they lit a cigaret (To be continued) THIS 25c TEST FREE are” He paused and added "Sue “Sue’a too he re- his arm They started across the Matches made in Japan last year and It Fail Joan estimated 10 to Faraday is a fine sensible girl I like marked- “She’s always doing things room as the guests sought to efface (Copyright-193Clayton are by have weighed her" she doesn’t like for people she doesn't their painful embarrassment by loud Malcolm Logan Distributed by 000000 pounds Use this bladder laxative Drive out the Impurities and exceaa aelda which He seemed about to add something like She didn’t want to dance with and agitated bursts of conversation King Features Syndicate Inc) causa the Irritation that wakes you vpl but he was a cautious man not given Vail" But as they reached the door some Qet regular 25 cent box of BUCKETS to confidences and he paused to con- “Poor devil!” said his uncle watch- woman laughed hysterically and Vail made from buchu leaves Juniper oil Don’t With Trifle Coughs etc sider I wondered If he were think- ing the pair of them “Let him enjoy tried to break away from the doctor After four days' test If not satmarof isfied me so back and get your 25c They “Let the of “I’ll himself he said Don’t them their He a hold show to let ing poaelbUity hu little enough left go!” get strangle work on tha bladder similar to castor these fools that I can sing!” riage and approving it Sue came of enjoy" they called her Now she it popular Fight germs quickly Creomulsion oil on tha Bladder irregubowala "You’ve done enough for one Pimples good family and in my opinion was “Don’t waste your sympathy Uncle skin clear thanks to combines 7 major helps to one Pow- larity la nature’s danger signal and gone Loren's superior in everything hut Jim” Loren answered Dr to harmless Pleasant “Vail pities night” erful but take may warn you of trouble You are Calvert replied hirshly No narcotics wealth Perhaps his uncle realizing himself too thoroughly to need any I was neat' them and I stepped to Your own druggist Is bound to feel better after this cleansrethat he was Irresponsible and spoiled assistance" Vail’s side fearing that he might authorized to refund your money on ing and you gat your ragular sleep DistribFor tale by all drug atoras believed that a wile like Sue might Mentally I agreed As Vail danced sist and prolong his own suffering the spot If your cough or cold is not uted by Keller Company Mechanics- stabilize him relieved by Creomulsion I must have been he talked In his hoarse voice that but he wu too drunk The exertion (Adv) burg Ohio (Adv) an to for (AV-So- me Busslan-Japanes- States-Japanes- e u e u u u J pre-Ltnt- 4 Gifts for “Her” or “Him” that you cah afford to boy at n The Sheer Silk ose She Likes Famoui "Royal Purple” Long-worth- u two-third- ht d it u well-mad- Flattering new spring ehadei perfect quality equal to 1 bod Full fashioned— chiffon or m u vice By ' ' k' and Genuine MarcMiU one-tim- Wyoming Labor Adjustment Set i Sterling Rings With Real Stones Beautiful costume ring eet With lected real atones— handsomely crusted with genuine marcaalte seen- Fresh Crisp New Neckwear Some with Matching Ouffa an--g- kind-hearte- d I' r f t If 4 Wall Flower You'd eoeroely believe that thaae delightful pique organdy end print collars could be prloed so lowl Smart Genuine Calf Bags Wonderful Value I t i Fashioned In the new styles for lined and spring— beautifully fitted Soft pliable calf teeth er or velvet pouch beg New Daytime Print Pajamas j The best tobacco for pipes I Sizes 15 16 and 17 09 1 from Kentucky and it’s called "White Burley” comes $ VS7TE use White Burley in making Granger Rough Cut It comes from the Blue Grass region of Kentucky— ripe mild leaf tobacco that about tops them all for fragrance and flavor From the right place on jthe stalk we select the kind that’s best for pipes Then we W make it into Granger by Wellman’s Method — and cut it up into big shaggy flakes White Burley tobacco— made the way old man Well-juman taught us how to make it— that’s Granger "Cut rough to smoke cool ” is the way pipe smokers describe Granger — try it Styled as illustrated — others with dainty lingerie trim of organdy Fut-col- or print in new coloring The Shirt He’d Buy Himself! r Pimaluxe or Royal Aicot st Mad of extra fine count broad cloths in plain fait colors whit and smart pattern carefully tailored Ties in New Spring Patterns Hand Tailored er i A rs the pipe tobacco that’s MILD the pipe tobacco that’s COOL —folks seem io liieti Q l&t Lscrrr - 7) nnu Mmt Xosacoa Oh 9 New patterns including diagonal plaids and all stripe' checks Wool lined over designs markable valuO1 at 550 Main at Broadway i it |