Show I THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 18 NEWS FROM UTAH POINTS SENATORS IRED I BY REBUFF IN BYU Celebrates FALL BY HORSE CITY AND D S ti " Basketball Win FATAL TO RIDER At Lincoln Fete 13 1034 AT SALT LAKE THEATERS INSULL LOSES GREEK REFUGE Jollity Order of the Day On Orplieum’s New Bill LOWER HOUSE I lmarcus theatres ON STAGE AND SCREEN PLAYHOUSE— On Ule aUlt W Ref Jewell nd company preeentlnt peelal protram titled "Sweetheart ” and ad outride aot or two On tha acreen Joan Biondell In “Bli City Blue" alao “Swellheads" with aU-stcast Gentlemen don’t prefer who ON THE AUDIBLE SCREEN “‘la y blonde get an even break with those ORPHEUM— Bsrt Wheeler and Robert In musical comedy “Hips Hips " who do in the Radio musical with Thslma Todd: also "Ths Poor Rich with Edward Everett Horton Edna “Hips comedy Hips Hooray” Oliver May Bert Wheeler and “Robert Woo bey PARAMOUNT— “Oonrentlon City" V Clark Copeland Biondell Adolphs Msnjou jrlth starring vehicle which comes to the Joan Powell Merr Aetor Prank McHuah Sola Finds Body of Father a week’s show- VICTORY— for Tuesday Orpheum ’Take a Chance" musical Conferees Rejecting with James Dunn Lillian Roth ing This sparkling and zestful girl Coach Lauds Team Spirit 12 Last ATHENS Greece Feb Since (IP)— Clift Edwards: also Wtrrsn William In Missing theme is besprinkled CWA Amendment pith Jsan Muir Kathryn Ber- Samuel Insult the former utilities with both blondes and brunettes with “Badiide” Sava of at Players Assembly Janet Oaynor and Lionel BarrySaturday d beauties CAPITOL— Agreement Drafted to magnate of Chicago became "a man even a few more In "CarolIntJ with Robert Young who for those more the Henrietta of prefer Croumaii Richard Cromwell fiery also University I WASHINGTON Feb 12 (tf—An without a country” today and Guarantee Protection of RIALTO— "Only Yesterday" with Marsarat type Sullavan John Bolsa Bulls Burks: also man without a residence CASTLE DALE— Missing since open senate rebellion against statuChief among the blonde - Farrell Joan Biondell Olendaand In Artesian Wells “Havana Widows" Hli American paMport expired last esque Thelma Todd as foil for PROVO— The double victory of the Saturday the body of Vern Kofford fusil of the house to accept major Zans Orsy’s “The Thundering Herd' Ruth OEM— and he made no move to 33 Castle Dale wu found Sunday amendments energetic buffooning senate with Randolph Bcott Judith Allen: aim midnight the by passed oy Brigham Young university basketball LMe add their and Oeeney tn “Hard Jo Handle" Jameg Dorothy’ Ettlng on of seek an extension it Mary Brian Allan Jenklhs big majorities prevented final OGDEN— Tentative agreement was team over the University of Utah night by his son Clyde Kofford his tempo- talents to keep Bert Wheeler’s ro- STADIUM— "Meedchen In Uniform" wlth has He lost bench eight miles tit Item' the south technically Sandy emeron the mantic lncllnlatlon from straying too Dorothea Wlack Hertha Thiels also “Aggreeslonal action today reached Monday between Ogden City quintet was celebrated bjoB Y U cast of Rochester in Emery county rary residence here for bis permit far An gie Appleby Maker of Men" with Wynns of bill aggregation Hollywood’s of the United students at Monday's assembly $930000000 nd ' representatives gency appropriation which ex lrt wiuiam Greece Charles for his visit Farrell lilbnon Mr Kofford apparently suffered G Ott Romney the prlncl-pabeauties are to appear in spectacular STATE— Wallses Beery Oeorgs Raft oarganl Jackie broken neck when his horse tripped for civil works and distress relief plred January 31 wu not renewed States reclamation service and the Coach also “Beauty Cooper In “The Bowery" dance Mist With r sequences speaker said: "I have been given and fell on him while he wu round Ettlng of election victories With the for with Ivans Sals" Otto Madge Kruger association Users’ Water grants Ogden River hard job trying to weave a tribute Tsaldaris hope for a reversal of they participate In the popular melo- IBIS— Warner ” Baxter and Myrna Lor In horses He wtp alone at "Penthouse with Phillips Holmes: also Senators Clark Missouri and the dies "Keep Romance Alive” "Keep for flooding the artesian baatn where- - to Abraham Lincoln and one to our ing up wild government’s policy seemed re- on of the accident and when the time WhAjA "Tha Man From MontDoin’ What You’re Doin’’ and John erey" in ire located the wells which fur- Cougar basketball team in one speech he failed to return to his home Sat- Copeland New York Democrats led mote The premier emerged the winMARLO (Sugarhouse)— Mae West In ‘Tn “Tired of It All" but I think one point In common is his son went to search the revolt and the only thing accom- ner in Sunday’s municipal voting and nish the1-citculinary water and found in the wonderful Angel" with Oary Grant Gregory team Spirit urday night Wheeler and Woobey ere seen as No Ratoff: alto “It'g Oreat estimated he had been dead plished after several hours’ debate indicated there would be no renewal where tlje reclamation service In exhibited It wu Paul Rolien with cosmetic salesmen whose office both" b by of the permit noon tend to erect the Pine View dam TOWER (Ninth South and Ninth Eaat)— wu adoption of a partial conference However elaborated on this since Saturday Coach lucky stroke Mat Wait in "I'm No Antal" with Oary Mr InsulTs attorney P the city street until at Sprang City July 5 1878 Born At a apecial city commission meet-w- a theme andRoniney declared that the present a son of Charles E Gregory Ratoff also “Seeretg of report on all lasuee 'h agreement Rhallis said he felt confident the stay finds them promoting the sale of Orant Christina and Blue Room" with Lionel AtwlU and Ing the understanding developed ths U team was one of the finest of his aged client would be prolonged Mlu Frlsby’s beauty preparation All Gloria Stuart Kofford he had resided here between the two houses on condition! which must be adhered BY of team spirit rather Hansen in some manner until at least Febru- runs smoothly until George Meeker 15 years votes-3- 2 to before the city will consent to cov- examples won This only by than a collection of individuals that manager Interferes A buffalo stampede Attack by Inary 22 He was certain “there will be the concern’s Surviving are his widow Mrs Isa- to 28-wrathful were the advo- no ering the wells with water of the Ir- he hu ever seen of Mr Insull before that with the business and romantic ar- dians and the buffalo hiint caravan expulsion” belle Kofford Dale Castle Caldwell cates of senate amendment a rigation project reject“Like Lincoln whom fa are honrangements and frames the boys in are among the striking incident of Jattris Erma Fraundsen ed by the house that would- require date he added two daughters Pinal agreement was withheld unThe today they had a humble be- American fork and Mrs Ila Redd senate fugitive from order to get rid of them which leads the action-ful- l plctur ef civil state til' Tueaday Monday being a legal oring of all confirmation to a climax hilarious is! On same shown the extradi“Hard is bll American ginning but like him they are rising Price a son justice fighting holiday Clyde Kofford Cutle works and relief directors "The Poor Rich” the second fea- to Handle” a James Cagney vehicle to meet the later and bigger tests to Chicago where he is wanted Dale four sisters and a brother Mrs At the harmonious meeting were Tha house earlier in the day had tion deCoach on based the crash of his ture continues the leughfest offer- with Miry Brian and Allen Jenkins successfully” Romney Fred Michel and U Kofford Spring approved) the conference report but qn chargee Mayor Harman W Pery Commis- clared Each of the ing Edward Everett Horton and featured A musical act a cartoon Vast utility companies players wu pre sioners Fred E Williams and George sented Parley Peterson Provo turned down the senate amendment Coach Romney and re- City DMrs While he is not expected to app Edna May Oliver as principal con and a newsreel complete ths- proA Brown Sandy and Mrs Under a prior agreement Senator Mrs O'Connor City Attorney George 8 ceived aby extension of hla America trlbutors with Mbs Todd again ap gram rousing recaption C V Flnill Livingston Barker City Engineer Claude Coray Dr and three McKellar (Dem Tenn) head of tha for an Parley A Christensen In Intropassport or a new passport It is pearing and a capable cast of coand Harry F Irwin assistant superto the seneta conferees had bflng Una O’ConCoach Romney referred to grandchildren thought pouible he may seek a Nan- medians that include intendent of waterworks represent- ducing him "a great coach and a great The body was taken to Price by issue back for another senate vote sen passport A Nansen pauport is nor Andy Devine Leila Hyams and the Wallace mortuary Funeral His motion to recede from the one ing the city J R laklsch resident man’’ by the league of nations John Miljan are priding amendment led to a long debate de- to grantedand engineer in charge of the Pine View certain other "people Seldom does nature give to one refugees R 3 district end Alexander final action project ferring man so much charm so much ’vewithout countries” who waht to be Western Melodrama Leads recU tl S Clark the without couiyel representing mentioning so much ability to Ott able to travel from one couptry to anlamation service and Attorney Gen- rsatility andDr Christensen house by name so as to avoid trai other with complete freedom of movedeclared Bill Opening Now at Gem eral L Holther representing the Romney’’ said' rule not he wu greasing the In announcing tha program Merement Water Users’ association to senate for the willing "supinely Wilson student body president dith Henry Krumb' internationally fa give in every time and abdicate its Generally the terms of agreement jokingly remarked: “It is not amiss Zsne Grsy's “The Thundering mous engineer formerly of Salt Lake TRIBUNE Are: because function legislative simply western set was awarded anhonor medal for conHerd” a thrilling that wt should honor Lincoln at the another body not in thia chamber Agree te flooding Area against s moving background of buf- spicuous alumni service at the annual same time as our buketball men He not a but falo is the new attraction opening “Round the world Columbia Day” great distance away has That the city should give the gov- wu one of the moat athletic presiceased to be a leglslatlv body and d ernment the right to flood dents we ever had and ha too spent Tuesday at the Gem theater Ran- luncheon at Columbia university In ia a gag rult that Q: Would you please give me the dolph Scott has the role of the hero New York Monday said word received operating under land in Ogden valley by impound much time fighting Redskins” This THE SCREEN’S ‘Nick’ make would Longworth blush meaning of the word "legitime"? R with JUdlth Allan completing the in Salt Lake FIRST FASHION reference wu to Lincoln’s service in big of waters behind the dam ‘Tom’ EXTRAVAGANZA shame with Reed green with T Richfield That the government will readjust an Indian war romantic interest and such stellar While Mr Krumb’t headquarters are with Federal Inspector Praises envy and ’Uncle Joe’ Cannon as- A:P In civil law this word refers support as Buster Crabbe Noah In New York now he maintains branch tha present setup of the city waterMUSIC) own moderation” to the portion of a man’s personal Beery Raymond Hatton and Harry off fees In Salt Lake and San Frantounded with his GIRLS! works system affected and will New Edifice Contrac The three he referred to were all property that he cannot prevent his Carey cisco He took an active part In the compensate the city for all late speakers of the house He did children from Inheriting The story goes back to the days development of it the city land it takes porphyry Lauded tors not mention hla father the late when buffalo roamed the prairie in copper mines In the west That the city will participate with Q: When wu the Lincoln Me droves and much money wu to be Champ Clark another house speaker the government In the oast of replacmember of the chui of 1898 Mr A He pointed out the amendment morial in Washington D Cp dedi- made from selling buffalo hides Krumb received the medal with the wooden stave ing the present OGDEN—Federal building inspec- had been approved by a e cated and what was the approximate Scott wants to throw In his lot with e a to from the wells following citation: “A pipeline presipoint tors Monday expressed complete sat- vote and Mid he was informed the cost? Q A Salt Lake his old friends Hatton and Carey dent of the last of the Forty-niner- s below the dam on an equitable bull new of isfaction the with the was dedicated memorial A: This building house conferees would not even disdon't want as This agreement ll to recognize the but him a In tha u long they occupying high placa mining United States forest service at Twenty-fift- h cuss the matter May 30 1922 and the cost of the he's in lova with the daughter of engineering world and demonstrating right of the city to be compenuted street and Adams avenue The Copeland said he hid heard pro- structure was $3000000 situation which constantly a zeal for Columbia’s presa old for the present value of the wood their enemy WOODSIDE Utah— Harold Antone is practically completed and tests against actions of senate conmakes the young couple unhappy tige by his extraordinary generosity" stave pipeline Johnson 28 of Price died late Sun- building be ready for occupation within ferees for ‘"abject surrender" but Q: Was William Wordsworth aver That the amount to be paid the city day afternoon of a fractured skull will X W L of laureate few a England? poet days in this instance it was mor than shall be in the form of a credit on suffered when ths automobile be was Francisco that— it wu a "happy eager and en- Provo the city’s share of the coat of replac- driving tipped over a few miles wait Arthur Newman of San A Firat Niioatl A: William Wordsworth was poet United States building erection en- thusiastic surrender” SaaMlwa mniaf ing the wooden stave pipe of here Saturday night Mr Johnof coast laureate for the Pacific being England appointed region gineer The New Yorker said all the sen' WILUAM POWELL son and his wife were on their way upon Central gtetiea Asked 1843 dein of his completion ate conferees won were two amendinspection IETTE BAfll That the government will install her to visit relatives when tha car clared: ments one because of a "mistake in Q: What was the estimated cost Without expense to the city a suit- overturned after a tire blew out "There Is no better building In the date” and the other just VEXEE TEASDALE secondThe victim wu born her Septem- state of Utah and everyone connected of maintaining and operating the able new collecting system and beHe Ironically referred to the FRAIK MtHUGI ber 3 IBM a son of Phillip and Emma with its construction is to be con- ary United States navy for 1933? T R low the dam a control station "house as teamwork” “superb" lOO IIAUTIIS Salt Lake - t That any changes in the Wheeler Jane Miller Johnson He ia survived gratulated McKellar Mid the house was In9 IOVSIY MODUS Wood-sid‘Wl r A: The maintenance and opera“I have been very carefully going sistent that the amendment go out creek pipeline neceacary through by his parents who reside la his widow Mra Arlesn Olson over this item by item and after which Clark asserted the house tion costa of the United States navy construction of the dam and re- Johnson three brothers Scott Wil- find it la building a thoroughly good job played the "old army game” In that for 1933 amounted to' $113941739 aligned highway will be made with- liam and Phillip Johnson and five Murch Brothers the contractors have it wu “always willing to yield on inout expense to the city Q: Is there a special flag known Ar- done excellent work and I congrat- consequential items” While holding to his personal views sisters Mrs Agnes Lund Port "The President’s Flag?” H S Roman-deTexts thur Marrian Mra Duncan ulate William the superinthat the dam should be placed at a "It is almply bait to catch gud- Salt Lake Mrs Ogden subDraper Myrle workmen and tendent The Ogden the Missourian shouted higher site Mayor Peery yielded to Provo A: The president’s flag consists of Mra Elizabeth Westerman contractors who were employed on geons" what he described as the desires of the president's seal In bronzs upon Kan and Mra Dodge City Lloyd a the wherever deserve t the majority of residents of Ogden job possible blue background with a large white lot of credit The efforts of Clement nd said "the majority of cltizeps Cox Ferron star in each comer When the prssl Tha is at Wallace mortistha body enconstruction federal Gerber J seam to want the dam at Pins View dent visits a vessel of the United gineer were a material factor in bring Judging from the expressions of opin States the president’s flag is broken to conclusion a successful the Ion recently job ing at the main the moment he reaches were all The materials of Utah used "These terms ws have discussed the deck and Is kept flying as long as jt j high quality and there Is in exception here this morning withi the sughe is on board hr marble” Utah dona fins with job ally gested changes art agreeable to Mr Newman will leave Tuesday for tea" Cedar City where he will inspect a The mayor Instructed City At- new federal building there torney Barker to submit si written OARLAND-- At tha Bur River F A Miller of Chicago United New U S Bureau to Han approval of the terms to the Tues-- - stake quarterly conference Sunday States mechanical inspector Monday day morning meeting of the commis- afternoon Richard R Lyman of the Tha Natloa’s Cuckoo Rise to die Credit Sales to went over tha heating and lighting sion to a formal vota may be taken L D S council of twelve Naw Helfhti of Humor With apostlu the and other elevators and systems Two Naw Bong Bits and This 2ND BIO At the meeting It was generally described the work of religion Soviet Nation be mechanical Fine Cut— ' equipment in tha building greed that before final engineering ing the moat wonderful in the world found he declared He all equipment plans and details are worked out He pleaded with paren is to send their In THELMA TODD Mr condition iffjiSZ Miller satisfactory 'both Mr laklsch and represen tatlvei children to Mutual WASHINGTON Feb 12 (£-- The DIXIE LEE to inspect equipwill leave of the city will confer with engineers Dr Georgt Middleton Salt Lake ment in theTuesday RUTH ETTLVQ new postofftcS at Tooele latest government creation the en design for ths reclamation serv-Ic- e expressed a strong faith in the sucfrom there will go to Cedar City t-Import bank of Washington was st Denver and approve auch plans cessful outcome of our country stat- gnd Leslie S Hodgson and Myrl A Officials May Qe to Denver ing tha end of the depression appeared local architects designed set up today to thaw frozen credit at near hand Referring to the ‘‘Great the sufficiently for sales to soviet RusCommissioner Williams Possibly forestry building sia aggregating $100000000 perhaps City Engineer Corey and Assistant Emancipator” Lincoln and President Edward Everreff men of destiny he Mid Waterworks Superintendent Irwin Roosevelt more In the near future will accompany Mr laklsch to Den- “the Muter always taku tha helm Jesse H Jones chairman of the Rever to arrive at a final agreement on and guides us from dupalr in time of dire nee'd" construction corporation In announcj that phase of the project Superintendent C J Dewey his Commtuioner Williams who hu first ing formation of the agency said uncounselor Ralph J Stayner Supervision of ths waterworks deths president ordered otherwise leu counselor Alfred Mlchaells Secpartment voiced pleuure at ths harwould confine its operations solely it Frank Peck and entire Y M retary mony of ths meeting and declared M L A board were releued and A1 HYRUM— Andrew A Allen 73 to the soviet union or its agencies that ha too approves ths plans as fred Mlchaells the sustained new Starts at 1:M and 10:!S Proposals by Russia altar recog‘ man former business now mayprominent stand they “I think this dam will bs a great superintendent Fielding Barlow first or of Hyrum and civic leader died nition by the United States to buy LUKAS commodities American counselor Elmer Anderson second at hla home late Sunday night follw-ingoods and thing for the peopls of Ogden and counselor and Frank Peck eecretary a paralytic stroke 12 days ago progressed satisfactorily to a point for Ogden City gentlemen and 1 centered on He was born in Cedar CUy August where negotiations we are able to get together” 23 1838 a son of Augustus Andrew aredlt Then It wu found that pri’ glad Avoid Xmbarmsment of The waterworks commissioner uid and Sarah Ann Cartrlght Alien He vate banks could not give terms satrecognized the desire of what ap- came to Hyrum In 1880 and had lived isfactory to Ruula and that the BUrti at 1:45 and l:M d corporation wu limited parently is the majority of the there since He married Lovisa Hamuid that no organisation mond in 1889 Ha was part owner end by law to period considered too yet opposed the dam despite the manager of tha Allen Mercantile store short by the soviet officialsassistant Dropping Harry F Payer former that a ftw individuals have said and had served as bishop of the Hy DANCE ' Don’t be tmbamiaed acatn by having of state wu transferred to secretary were Vlaw Pine rum the S D L sits Second against ward your falae teeth slip or drop when you at Reconstruction the corporation tha lama time he said numerous Mr Allen also had served three the ret Salk laugh or aneeao Just sprinHERBIE KAY kle a little FASTEITH on your plate organizations hive formally voted in years as msyor of Hyrum and was a time of Russian recognition to see done He could be has bean This new extremely fine powder elves And His Famous vor of the dam member of the city council several what wonderful rente ef comfort and te-- Mr Williams complimented Mayor rears The present water system of working with other government ofLUCKY STRIKE BAND Mo feelor fortarte announcement tha of gooey fummv ficial The surity sery on his “democratic attitude lyrum was Installed during Mr Aling Oet FA8TXETH today at Schramm-Johnso- n II Versatile Aitlits mation of the $11000000 bank toor any other drug a tore (Adr) toward tha problem” and continued: len’s term as mayor With DOROTHY L AMOUR As Msyor Peery hu said before if He is survived by his widow a son day was the result Despite its limited capitalization the majority are for it he is with snd three daughters Milton Allen the majority regardless of hla per- Mrs A J Peterson and Mrs Lamar the bank can secure the funds it sonal view Anderson Hyrum Mra Clifford Warr needs through the purchase of addiCommissioner O’Connor expressed Preston Idaho a sister Mra Ellen Pe- tional! preferred stock by the Reconrwhich subcorporation great confidence in the reclamation terson Hyrum one brother Thomas struction ONLY service declaring that the construc- Allen Provo several half brothers scribed for $10000000 of the $11000-008114 Ceuple Incl Tu or it may borrow from the corIRREGULARITY tion of tha project will be one of the and sister best that could happen to Og- Funeral servlets will be conducted poration or other banka On significant pert of today’s anWomen's Troubles Often Dm den things He said that ha is in perfect Wednesday at 1 p m in the Hyrum D S Second ward chapel with nouncement said "the Export-Impoaccord with the proposed agreement To Insufficient Iodine to indorse bank will have the Bclencs has recently discovered that The city attorney saw no reason burial in Hyrum City cemetery under or guarantee all or power of such (deals part of direction the Ihe should why not to Thompson mortuary city the Insufficient Iodine In the diet causes agree with the soviet union) transaction" failure of the thyroid gland to func- terms because the burden will be BEER GARDEN tion properly and is often responsible shifted to the reclamation service for women's ills such It was announced lata Monday by delayed peFormerW Green Drxroe Comedian Girl Film riods cramps weaknesa ana other Engineer laklsch that R F Walter SND SOUTH AND RTATB ST FREE DANCING suffering The thyroid gland of girt chief engineer for the bureau of Get License womanhood to Sandwiches worn and of Dutch Lnncha changing Marriage reclamation at Denver will arrive Beer on Draught en during the menopause is under here NO COVER CHARGE Tuesday morning to go over the Drilling of the first of five t&t heavy strain and requires Iodine far TUCSON Arls Feb 12 WV-HtrrGOOD HOT MUSIC wells under direction of the city enabove normal Organic iodine found project site in certain sea plants and taken dally - LEADERS started Langdon film comedian and Mabel wu department gineering TO BE FETED in the form of IOKELP tablet gen Monday on tha William H Johnson Georgena Sheldon of Los Angela obOGDEN—In honor- - of James M property near the mouth of Little tained a marriage license here today normalizes the system erally — brings freedc Harbertion who wa bishop of the Cottonwood canyon Langdon despite glasses he wu paii health and vitality IOKELP tablets Li D 8 Fourteenth ward more than The test well is at the heed of the wearing wu quickly recognized by contain many time the iodine and nine year and hit second counselor Richards ditch and should an appre- movie fans at the Fima county court other organic minerals of vegetables A J Stephens Jr a social will be ciable volume of water b He gave hla age "legal" while developed house and are guaranteed to bring definite held Friday at 8 p m in the ward at the test it will be pumped into Miss Shetflon said she wu 28 and wu improvement or your money back A Tha two wire re- the Richards ditch for the benefit of born in Portsmouth Englsnd month’s supply costa only SI 25 at recreation hall your druggist’s Ask him for free cently honorably releAsed A pro- irrigator while the city will divert Let The Tribune-TelegraWants gland chart or write IOKELP CO gram will ba presented followed by to its water mains a supply from Tha American rose origiinto your confidence ban Diego California dancing" All members of the ward Little Cottonwood creek that other- nated accidentally Beauty Ban- in George " are Invited to attend UdvcrtlMnent) wise would be used oa farm croft’s garden in Washington REACH ACCORD Passport's Expiration of Premier Dash Assail Hopes to Stay in Athens ON PINE VIEW Wool-as- Hoo-rsy- O for lose-tae- ls y M1 id!? titian-treese- rfiim 1 Wool-ley’- Pre-pie- y 4 F so - J u Nearly Complete Will Open Soon city-owne- J2SSS" if LEngineer Forest Building J INFORMATION & CAR INJURIES low-grad- tiSHion KILL AUTOIST h cww0 Honor Medal u one-tim- I) u - ( r BANKFORRUSS - Leaders Address Stake Conference i TRADE SET UP for EjpiGQ 35SS"'! G3©aSBg m u EtrAirciirm Expor- u Former Hyrum sec-on- d Restin' nomi Mayor Business Man Succumbs Vr3 NOhAr:S!cI? u PAUL STUART Secret FALSE TEETH & C!:tP citl-an- g With HOTEL UTAH roiilte Only DON’T SUFFER CRAMPS AND 0 - t rt HEIDELBERG u First Test Well Being Drilled u if |