Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINO FEBRUARY $Ijc Halt fake Jfijmw 13 1834 VOICES OF THE PAST New York The Senator From Sandpit By the White House that the order IF no or canceling all airmail contracts was hasty to take "of the government sign of It Is evident In the plans on mall February 19 To all of the over the transportation as If It Intents and purposes the course Is as definitely marked adds which of all months for had been planned and projected arid said Is all After nothing to the glamour of the situation unless the presl-- 1 done some very sacred rights have been sacked until this dent has facts which have not been made public and a costly as to rank condition Is righted the action Is bound THERE is any feeling In ' Injustice ' stockholdThat the honest operator and his sponsors the Is the accorded than ers are entitled to more consideration does current order fact The crooked contractor Is a considmore no honest the operator this' It gives not admit of self-evide- The whole Industrial iand withwithout try stands convicted of corrupt designs out hearing So far as' the Innocent operators are concerned whole the action Is without precedent reversing or nullifying the principle of American Justice collusion The government’s right to revoke contracts where The use of and graft have entered the transaction Is undeniable which officials and lines that same prerogative against those to Justice to precedent have been beyond susplclqn Is contrary Our sense of or practice business governmental and to ethical until proven guilty Justice prompts a presumption of Innocence eration than those who are under suspicion The present course denies this theory in the case of operators and government officials who have the abrogaconspired to thwart the government’s lnvestlgatloh Is doubtful If It Invited was tion of a sacred right perhaps 1 fundamental a even 'this Justifies the complete 'nullification of of appeal principle of Justice In such an emergency the right conserved be should the right to be heard at least least should have the right of review even If Operators-a- t not the we grant that the burden of proof rests with them and nation’s laws government Business men who have observed the business their in methods smd who have pursued respectable a should not be put out of business overnight without hearing Such a course Is little more considerate than the purported conduct' of conniving promoters and officials on which the action ‘ 1 i ts predicated - We doubt If government operation of all may planes Is genIn erally popular or desirable The revenue derived private operaviation commercial of ation is Interwoven with the development Few companies can exist alone on passenger and express traffic which must mean that the public benefits of commercial aviation win be retarded nowlthstandlng the fact that there Is no question as to the feasibility of the governmental project It must appear that the reestablishment of the right of petition and review would not embarrass the government’s declaration against graft Operators and companies which can establish the Integrity of their business relations under a reversal of the principle of Justice at least should be entitled to a recognit tion of their contracts A Major Position 1 Importance on the national air map la In the action of the government In selecting the local airport as one of three major bases for the distribution of airmail beginning February 19 Salt Lake City by virtue of Its geographic location Is a natural terminus for the distribution of western mall The geographical advantages of this locality In air transportation have been knqyn and recognized In private operations Because of it the faculties of the local field have beep developed In the measure of current need In the early days of commercial aviation foresigh ted local leadership anticipated the success of the venture and cooperated with the pioneers of the industry The wisdom of that policy Is fully established by the current and somewhat unfortunate development In airmail transportation The selection of Salt Lake City as a major base of operations by the government nevertheless Is pleasing to local pride It vindicates the Judgment of our pioneering enthusiasts and promises greater development for the future In spite of Its present difficulties commercial aviation stlU is In its infancy Its future development wUl be as great as or greater than that of the past The Salt Lake airport Is bound to grow with it because the city 1s strategicaUy located for western distribution In government of private operations the location of Salt Lake City remains essentially the same and so must be regarded as a major factor in a major Industry SALT LAKE CITY’S Saving Drunken Drivers heads In Philadelphia have found a new SOME enterprising In public service With the repeal of constltu-tlonal prohibition they anticipate a marked Increase In the number of drunken automobile drivers who are temporarily disqualified to drive It has oocurred to these Ingenious heads that there ought to be some public demand for chauffeurs to substitute for drivers who render themselves unfit to drive The theory of the thing no doubt Is that when a motorist gets drunk he will lock his car rush to the nearest telephone and call for a driver whose sobriety Is sponsored and guaranteed The rest lx left to the ingenuity of the driver who Uke the cab driver of old might even help his patrons to bed and tuck the car away for the night It all seems reasonable and desirable It would be a very simple way of ridding the highways of drunken drivers A small no flnes no Jail fee would cover everything There would-bsentences and fewer broken bones and tragedies It all sounds very well even promising until you reckon with the will and the pride of a drunker driver Usually when a' man Is too drunk to drive a car be is too drunk to know It and likely to forget the telephone number of the new company If he wants ' to call it The fact of the matter Is a drunken driver Is a drunken driver under any and all conditions' Even now he'' could call a taxi when he got drunk but how man of them ” ever stop to think of that? i 0 & ! o o McIntyre- - NEW YORK Feb 12—Few actor are more respected and deaervedly so In their profession than Willie and Eugene Howard Son of a rabbi they began their Joint careera In vaudeville when It was grand enter Their akit was called talnment “The Messenger Boy and the Traveling Salesman!” Their brotherly devotion has become one of the pleasant legend of back stage Eugene i a capable straight man with a rousing voice but Willie with hi outstanding ears and despairing shrug Is the star Yet he will rarely take an offer that does not include his elder brother married and devoted to Each domesticity They belong to no clubs and I have yet' to see them In t night club dawn sandwich shop or other haunts of theatrical folk Producers find them most tractable of perform-er' Their oft stage diversion is pinochle and a good cigar Neither drink and many old timer during the dcpreuion have been object of their quiet beneficence Also they are on the llm list of highly paid actor who sailed their Not savings in nonskid securities once since they began have they ever Joined the ‘‘layoffs’’ 1 brokan-dow- 16 FRAGMENTS heads of palm n trees The stirring loneliness of sea after storm The froth of young clouds of a clock In the cqlj of k The The Volga river is the largest in a doomed man Russia unand Ifce tireless waves furling furling themselves ! banUpon the beach— endless foam ners The spray that rises like dust From every breaking wave tlck-toc- BON’TT The first cold thin star of evening A pinhole punched through a lavender cushion 1 There are a work of art and the decoyi so real looking that they have to warn visitors and guests not to Shoot them- - Despite the great to slaughter the ducks continue dub come there and the veriest Is able to get the limit before breakfast if he has to run them down and kill them with a club But to meet him you’d never think George was the kind of a guy that would deceive a duck And the king called unto Daniel forth but Daniel slipped and came fifth and lost the race Whereupon the king waxed exceeding wroth— Isaiah Jr Day-by-D- ay The utter loneliness of one leaf never-Sinking and sinking in a ending autumn The drum tap of my heart Marching through life — And the silence of it When the parade is over —Jesse Lesky Jr in Rob Wagner’a “Eat Sensibly— Drink Welch’ Grape Juice” says the Lovely Lady of the Screen IRENE RICH “Script" If life can be like that for the son Excess fat comes from eating ahd drinking what food too rick in elements of a famous movie magnate must it be tor a visiting fireman or But in order to reduce healthfully and at columnist? “The utter loneliness of tha same time maintain your energy it la fun If you enjoy children around the pond In Central park one leaf!” Why you ain’t heard nothin’ yeti Try being a small town newspaper columnist among a lot of scenario writer and movie director Right now I could crawl through the "pinhole punched through a lavender cushion” The other day It was flecked by wind Many toy ships were bobbing about But one aheep of a child In mournful abatraction was only prodding the shore forlornly with a stick ‘‘Where’! your ship?” I asked His pursed Ups trembled: “Muvver’a punishing me” ‘‘Were you naughty?” I inquired: “Dia ony hetched a kittle” 1 could not translate Just what happened to the kittle and there appeared no balm in Gilead although I would have liked to have bought him another boat Yet all I could do wa leave the scowUng diehard admiral to hi mackerel mood Then the tiny faun In a aalmon pink fuzzy wool coat She left her doll on a bench and approached In aolemn hesitancy I aat taut for any movement would have skittered htr oft Uke the startled doe into the thicket Finally aha stood within reach gazed at me with that admirable frankness of childhood and smiled the coquette! 1 smiled back and boasted: “I know a dandy story about Peter Rabbit end the fairy rincessl” She was tempted edged a alf step nearer turned and toddled unsteadily off But all was not entirely lost—for now and then she peeped at me from behind the post of Understanding a wisteria arbor 'p - - By Our Readers THE FORUM products then it is that each personpfew Milk Distribution begins to use articles that others e e have found or fashioned and carried Move Gains Approval Houdlnl scoffed at superstition to places of exchange we have They were recalling the other night As this process develops I have read in Editor Tribune: that he deUberately made himself 13 Editor Tribune: To remove the commerce and possible distribution news columns that at last a your at a dinner at home of Howard Thurs- hard shell of unfair and locality move is Ignorance en- of work to each person being sponsored for a more ton on Long Island the June beaccording to both the natural reour fore he died He passed on the fol- veloping many of us as we gladly sources and developed ebility pos- economic milk distribution in Am glad the question— after city lowing December At Houdinl’s table do the winter coat at the dawn of sessed by each appeals— that evening there were also Madame early spring to place the aoft wrap Whenever special ability and re- considerable agitation and has reached the stage It has and is Hermann widow of Hermann the sources are used in such ways as Interwoven undeniable direction sense of harmony common the Great and the late William Johnston with threads of wisdom embroid- to shut out any individuals or lo- taking out the' needcutting contemplating to newspaper men partici- less of serered with a firm understanding calities from opportunities e in the exchange of products and vice expensive duplication The famous flying Alfreds Codona closely surrounding us yet gently pate more is out Its essence of divine findings then all exchange milk and dairy product conAs having recovered from a net tail that throwing or 10s unbalanced world sumer let me say that something incapacitated him last season Is now love to the at shut out Among our greet men such as The persons who are hazard to practical ought to be dona at this rehearsing in a Manhattan ware undoubt- once become a terrible time It is a business that needs to house an Improvement on his act President Lincoln who was power of the orderly progress of the society be considered and managed in a huthat will gasp his audiences— if edly blest with that keen of justice that ahuts them out Excluded per- mane and kindly spirit and if we Codona was first to exe- intuition end calm view achieved sons are at once filled with the most cannot infuse this into our commercute the triple somersault In twirl in all things relative to spiritual parprimitive and unbridled instincts that cialized dealing then let us supply from one trapeze to his brother in tisanship Lin- urge them to acquire their accus- ourselves as a Even as commander-in-chle- f public utility another Now he la rehearsing the line of tomed supplies Public sentiment is ripening fast three and a half which means an- coln never overstepped lose offended Thus regard to an persons effort with natural in and simplicity my opinion It is the only lastother halt turn in the dir Ha will his eyas at cou- for rules laws and customs sanc- ing satisfactory solution of what has be caught by the feef Instead of by smile with tears inwhen facing dan- tioned by persons who have in placid been a long disagreeable and unfair the hands I am told that out of sev- rageous heroism realized com- quietude permitted such “shutouts” condition a reproach to our intellieral hundred tries ha has accom- ger Yet he clearly Persons who remain on jobs are gence and civic duty To our chilof deep thought in plished it once which shows that it prehensiveness sad history of human con- called upon in many ways to share dren’s welfare a harmful detriment may be done H practiced for five the long much fruit has their production with those who are That we have been patiently protestHowever yeera before perfecting the triple flicts fallen to the ground In the form of shut out So neither the employed ing unheeded until it has become a somersault bloodshed since the departure of nor the idle persons feel they are danger Our children must have milk It is here in Utah a superTom Geraghty former New York Abraham Lincoln whose one great receiving a fair deal Thoughtful persons realize that it is abundance Let nothing deprive us newspaper man is said to be the only aim was to abolish slavery DANIEL CONNELLY And dear friends ere we advanc- much safer to keep all Jobs well bal- of it person who enjoys not only the mutual confidence but firm friendship ing os rapidly as we should be? If anced by having emergency Jobs W S B: Your contribution carof both Douglas Fairbanks and Mary we carefully investigate to find out where any otherwise unemployed He la now In Europe ts many Improper channels through persons can do measured work end ries s legal responsibility which The Plckford Tribune cannot assume but several which the streams of modern intelli- earn sustenance Fairbanks’ manager The C W A work la not correctly times hu scuttled back presumably gence may flow when in a frantic mood the entire world is busy build- managed and financed while any citito confer with Min Plckford out of this opportuing devices to brutally mow down zens are ahut Dashlell Hammett has become the our boy 'Yes- - the spirit of youth nity And fair measurement of the American Michael Arlen all the the cream of our nationi while in the work that each person does Is nec-W JENKINS ladles want to coo over A tall thin bud Not even giving them as much Tremonton Utah fellow with prematurely white hair consideration as we do the fields of —POPULAR BRANDS— And what a romantio name! green wheat which are allowed to LARGE LUMP the before reaper New municipal taxes In Vienna mature and ripen STOVE There’s a wallop to those dove grey mows them down Yes slaughter Austria are so gradad that cutting NUT silvered and sharp angled cosmetic youth to irrigate the fields of capi- a large house into two apartments catenasalons niched in talism fenced with wire of selfish will reduce the tax about 80 per PEA (Rescreened) SLACK tion among the high spires of the greed and dominating hypocrisy cent I drop in hoping - If we were truly a wideawake shopping center they will lust let me browse ahd they we might support our leaders With the completion of the new do realising after a quick glance people great effort to promote peace MODERN COAL CO between Montevideo end highway for me can do nothing profea of face the they and abolish war from th Cokmla it is expected that 1000000 3N WEST SO TEMPLE Sometimes too I come earth slonallyMAY M GEISER WASATCH 368 Argentinians will visit Uruguay every away with a tew driidy samples year Is for fool sam a clodhopper Every Unbalanced Employment pies Harmony Nations of Neede Held ' t Before the parade was over last night I saw the “first cold thin star of the evening” She was Ann Harding and from where I stood she looked positively anemic It was at a premiere of Garbo’s latest effusion For two blocks in either direction from Sid Grauman’s Chinese theater the boulevard waa roped off and a small standing army of Hollywood policemen had the situation well in hand Thousands of prosaic citizens milled and squirmed to get a glimpse of the favorite star as he or she stepped out of the expensive looking limousines that I understand if you can’t afford to buy you can rent From where I stood I couldn’t see thing so I wiggled and pushed until I found myself in the street A policeman strode up to me and said truculently: “Who do you think you are? John Barrymore? Get back of that rope where you belong” I saw Gary Cooper coming There’s a guy I know I said to myself I interviewed him at the airport in Salt Lake He didn’t seem to remember me though HOBBIES a fat That’s why Welch's Processed Grapa Juice — always Cartifled-Purean- d Pasteurised belongs on every re- ducing diet It satis- ' fies that craving font sweets and rich fat- -' yet toning foods actually help you lore weight In tha Welch process mil th in Juice 1 predigeeted hence quickly and Mabs didstnH It easily burned it ac tually hslps to burn up fat! As you follow the Welch Way week after week it not only gives you slender lines it restores a lovely natural eolorto your cheeks' You feel “made over”— full of new vitality Start Welch’s Today! Along with your dally reducing diet drink a glasa with or between meal a and before retiring Meanwhile write for free let“Keeping Your Weight Down” Reduce this delightful scientific way and at the same time gain new energy Remember Welch's is always Certified-Pur- e and Pasteurised and sells today at tha lowest price in 86 years Don't be fooled with cheap substitutes pm fUi Seed year eeiea end d-- s bm dress So the Welch Greee 303 Dm jyica Ce WestOeidR- y- for tree Bookish "Keeping Your Weight Down” Also an Aeteeraehed Phete 7x10 el Irene Rich with a letter from her telling you how at 42 tha keeps her weight tha same asst 13 All sent prepaid I Mw I MM ona selected by George Rogers of Hardware Strevell-Paterso- n 1 Pmm that makes him work all summer to prepare for a few days’ shooting in the fall is the A hobby the not anough to aubstituta Scientists bavs now discovered that you must also supply the body with a certain amount of able sugar— so thattha body can burn up its aaiilT-bur- t foods company Through George’s efforts to a great extent the Burnham Duck club has become the envy of all nimrods unfortunate enough not to belong Gas for cooking and hot air from the tales of the hunters are features at this unusual club The blinds I 99 —These Advertisers When “long-looke- d for” ar- ticles did not show ap in the paper — these people used a “Wanted — To Buy Ad” and took wbat they found at their own price u 850 f1323 three-storie- (Copyright 1934 McNaught Syndl- f $700 5575 $375 Roosevelt c&TFrea d Inc) fl8 SrOILS RECORD After 37 years of faithful service a British royal naval reserve officer has been dismissed by a courtmartlal at the Devonport N Z naval base He ts Temporary Engineer Commander Charlea Marchant R N R New Zea land division and was charged with having knowingly signed false wage sheets The defending counsel said that after 37 yeera’ faithful service Marchant was before the court on a matter involving $180 Commissioned Gunner Samuel G Chapman pleaded guilty to acting to the preju dice of good order and naval discipline The charge was the result of a conversation concerning Marchant which Chapman had with a marine to be severesentenced was Chapman ly reprimanded INSECTS MAT AID AVIATION Revolutionary developments in the design of airplanes may follow recent discoveries of Professor Magnan of the College de Trance in Paris made motion through hla picture camera which takes 12208 pictures a second He photographed the wing movements of hoverin sects end published the results lessor Magnan declares that Insects have tiny pockets at the Junction of their wings end bodies- Air is compressed in these pockets by the downward stroke of the wings and then is forced out toward the wing-tip- s along infinitesimal furrows on the lower surface of the wing on the upward stroke The rush of air creates pewly-discovere- d Assailed by Writer Editor Tribune: What are unbalanced jobs? All persons who ere hired by others suffer the difficulties Incident to having their Jobs unbalanced whenever there arq unemployed persons who are destitute Under very primitive conditions each man creates for himself all of hU modifications of natural reWhen two sources or environment or more can get (long together and make benefltial exchange of their 3T “Go-Gettin- Ads g” Ad Found Typewriter —Had Severn! to Choose From! Bought Boiler Thru Ad Vertical steam boiler three to firs h p -J 20 Calls Bought Trunk M®mnr(GM!E Must be In Wanted: Used typewriter Hr 1705-sood condition Midvale must Wanted— Trunk Hr SS4S-- reasonable be Ad Fpund Auto Trailer Lota of Colls Thanks! Wanted—A Must bs cheap auto el Was SSOS- -J Bought Good Truck 3 Offers Wsntsd— To bur one-to147S Bo Main Hr You can get quick action on real estate loans here We make loans on improved Salt —- Lake real I0 estate truck n 1S34-- Insulrt R Found Cooler and Pasteurizer Thru My Bat Trib-Tel- Ad eg Want ti Bur 1M or iser and tubular eoolar Wash Waa 3371-- pasteur1143 80 Sth Found Good Buy in Battery Equip and Charger First CaO Wanted— A b’tterr charter and 'other 130 Eh 3rd So battery equipment Was S4SS or Hr ltSO-- Found Auto Radio -- S People Answered & Trunk— My Ad Wanted— Auto radio and Packard trunk! 171 I St Wasatch SS31 jf No other cheese is NO COMMISSIONS half so good in PROMPT SERVICE Macaroni or Spaghetti It melts and spreads its flavor penetrates themacaroniTRYITI wing-tip- e tains the insect in the air enabling it to hover without moving ’ 8 eee eeeeeieeeeeite First Security T rust Co Main at Exchange Place Wasatch 3221 When You Can’t Bee What WAS 590 You Wan- tUse a “TRIBUNE - TELEGRAM” WANTED TO BUY AD of your own— direct quick and only 17c a line Daily I |