Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUEf DAY MORNING FEBRUARY is 13 1934 “M” MEN ROUND ROBINS NEARING FINALS Comeback Efforts Against Steve Hamas Max Schmeling FOUR TEAMS CERTAIN'' OF Garden Chiefs rs Ready to Drop Pilot Carey Say Reports MEETBERTH Move Up Date Of Title Bout Salt Lake Division Tour n Match Is Rescheduled Because of Rival Attractions MIAMI Fla Feb 12 of the date of tho heavyweight championship bout here scheduled for February 22 was announced late tonight by Match maker Jimmy Johnson of the who Madison Square Garden said the fight would be set ahead four of five days because of competing attractions Johnson said Francis M Miller matchmaker of record Bill Dufand Joe fy Camera's manager mentor of Challenger Smith Tommy Loughran would appear before the Miami boxing commission tomorrow and make a formal request for setting up the fight date He said the decision to advance the bout date followed a conference tonight by the managers and Garden officials at which it was brought out that the Miami Biltmore Horse show ball a milk fund entertainment a greyhound derby night and a Palm Beach are also celebration planned for the 22nd Johnson added that the commission if it agreed to the request to delay the scrap would be asked to assign either February 26 27 or 28 as the new date HEAVY KING Black Uhlan Faces Danger ous Foe in Philadelphia One group believes Casey Stengel Brooklyn coach for two years and Ring Tuesday popular with Dodger fans has the inside track while another Is Just Feb 12 PHILADELPHIA as sure that Martin Joseph (Marty) once again at boxing’s highMcManus onrttme Boston Red Sox leader will get the job it 'Carey is est honor— the heavyweight eham displaced — Ger Max Schmeling In the absence of Bob Quinn gen- plonship to the of Uhlan black ring of- many’ front the eral manager Dodger Steve sitto Hamas aggresthe as all faces morrow fice for parried queries Split Season Planned uation by pointing out that Carey sive North Jersey youngster as hl Six-Clu- b r contract to first hurdle on the comeback trail a was under League Player For 12 rounds or leia they swing manage the club through 1934 Hunt Beginji big con Quinn from his sick bed it Bos- - punches in Philadelphia's ton denied Carey was to be ousted vention hall To the victor goes posshot at the title sibly Nothing to Rumor Say KANSAS CITY Feb 12 (P)-- The Der Max Favored to the It at all” general “Nothing Western league tentatively adopted a “Carey signed a schmeling has been placed on the schedule today for the 1934 manager declared contract that will hold long end of early betting odds perseason opening May 15 and closing manager's the entire 1934 season I haps because of his past record through 9 September him talked with only a week ago which includes crownholder of the at date a be will The season split before Jack Sharkey I am sure he knows just how heavyweights and an and to be determined later him It Is Herr Max's club” the with he fits outpointed Brooklyn begame will be played again some first competition since the other of the From reports variety an and tween the first half winner of them almost as confusing as the pugilistic Max—Baer of California-knoc- ked selected by sports aggregation him out six months ago Dodgers' base running has been at of the writers from the personnel ruhowever with his rushing Hamas and facts the times following other five clubs The championship the as tearing-lwere mor style has plenty of supIndicating gleaned 21 as same tourney February playoff will be conducted the of a managerial change: porters With his left hook and agprobability little known the is of Although last year 1 That Carey has a contract gressiveness he has an excellent e South Davis outfit it obviously has Games will be played on a would permit the club to chance against Max in the first half which and of thirit won basis among Denver plenty strength for of the encounter on 10 days' notice him release teen straight games during the reguPueblo the Colorado clubs returning on consulted not 2 was Max That Against this swinging and rushing lar playing season to the league after a year’s absence Poplar Grove Max pits his however as a of McManus the player signing One of the few teams in the division and Topeka and St Joseph Omaha and his dynamlte-llkdeals winter nor on several other ability which did not pick up any high school Des Moines blows right-hanconsummated and both proposed lettermen captured both first and Left The Denver and Pueblo manageNew York Athletic club games Saturday The boards of Madison Square Garden are The matter of underpinning too Max'a Income Ample second half titles in Pioneer with to right Bill Bonthron of Princeton Gene Venzke ments must bestir themselves on the expected to get a terrific pounding when these will play an important part probably th loss of only two games Magna e three milers among the of Pennsylvania and Glenn Cunningham of ivory” trails for nfeither has any 3 That Carey is making an ample In the contest Hamas in the past race greatest ' boasting several former stars of the NEW YORK Feb 12 (JP)— Alfredo the Baxter mile classic fixture of the annual income as the executive of a rubbing has been bothered more than once players signed Kansas Cyprus high school sailed through to De Oro Milt Anfenger Denver owner said oil concern and is not overly eager with a bad knee HU handlers howconqueror of the the Oquirrh stake title in convincing he will go immediately to the west to continue as manager under limit- ever maintain he U in condl' defending champion Welker Cochcoast to look over tho young playing ed authority style Already it has been branded ran tonight turned in his second matomorrow night’ go aqd tion for as a' darkhorse for the divisional Cali4 That Quinn will have charge of talent In the winter leagues of jor upset of the wbrld’s that hU legs are better than ever meet fornia and will visit the spring train- the training camp an unprecedented billiard champiqpship as he defeated There is no doubt about Schmel Fifteenth and Seventeenth winners Johnny Layton of Sedalia Mo ing camps of the Coast league clubs condition lng’s legs He U slow to warm up of the first and second divisions re- The defeat was Layton’s first in four admirer but he’s 5 That Quinn Is Anfenger said several of his forgreat better down the stretch mer players sought to join the Den- of McManus who he got from De- than In the first halt spectively in the Salt Lake stake matches and dropped him into a tie will play the third and deciding for fourth place with Cochran ver club troit while he owned the Red Sox According to advance ticket sale game of their round robin WednesF A (Pug) Griffin Pueblo said and later made manager De Oro ran out the game in the in the office of the promoters Tay t he had not determined where hr 6 That some drastic change must lor and Gunnls the largest crowd in day beginning at 8 p m in the Desinning eret gym The loser of this encounbalk-linstart for would to fans searching players of their made be disgruntled satisfy ruRenewing rivalry ASHTON Idaho— Persistent the indoor history of the fight game ter will meet Twenty-seconSatur- competition Willie Hoppe defeated and since no player deals strengthen- In Philadelphia is expected to crowd mors that the eighteenth annual Tuttle ace Fort Douglas forTOOELE— Ralph Morley Tooele’s King day at 8 p m for the right to enter Kinrey Matsuyama diminutive Japing the club were made the man- the west PhiUdelphia sport palace to American dog derby would not ace retained his western ward continues to lead all scorers In the runnerup tourney anese star 50 to 40 to go into a tie wrestling ager's head must fall- Satthe lack of witness the event held of be because belt championship middleweight h the senior division of the Utah State and Twenty-Fift7 That either Stengel or McManus with the youthful Bozeman Jr snow here this season Monday in his match with Lou Rivals Rest for Boat-Boturday night 41-3meet for the runnerup title in Pio- of Vallejo Cal re4 of at the conclusion would for less Amateur than Carey's league sign Mueller the ‘German grappler in the afternoon were officialy denied by men have wound up their neer Monday but' the game was not to $15000 saying the committee with the positive ported salary the second round of the second half main event of a splendid card sponand spent most of today resttraining reported The first round in 'the a depleted treasury sored by the high school and the assurance that the annual event with 137 points from 63 field goals and LUBBOCK Texas Feb 12 (Ph-T- he came down from his Schmeling Grant stake round robin also played ing now shine-sAmerican Legion Mueller took the would be held “rain or (Utah) Boosters 11 foul pitches for an average of 152 towering Ogden at Pompton Lakes quarter training Monday likewise was not reported or no” first fall in 26 minutes of fast work leading contenders for the National who has been Hamas while N The second round will be played on J points In the event there be no snow on the part of both men when MorA A U basketball championship in hU teammate Philadelphia Tuttle’s and Bill Searle seasoning doing Wednesday 71 anthe date of the February ley fell into one of Mueller's painup a wide lead In the JTirst half The first games in the Liberty passed the day quietly in the city George Markovich of Highland Boy rang scored nual dog race event the famous to dr went fall The second thereafter ful and enough fingerlocks The battle U the first in PennsylPOCATELLO— An invitation to all are tied for second place among the take round robin were held Mon” race will be put on 41 to Morley In 21 minutes when he dUtance over the vania 97 points followed feat a battling Texas Tech team forwards with winner in division amateur boxers of southern Idaho to day LeGrand wheels the committee announced e series tp 34 in the first of a state the legalized also of since Vlasic Steve two took a 36 to 20 decision from enter the southern Idaho amateur punished the German with an equalHighlegislature by closely Plans for the event which may hammerlock and Morley here tonight s of more than 10 rounds GRANTSVILL- E- Ralph Morley boxing Boy with 94 points Ninth division one runnerup and Athletic association boxing tourna- ly painful turn out to be the first sled race land finish via a whip The Matadors came to life late in 155 Tooele defeated Ernie Caddock star who McCann Tom Cathedral Second champion of division one ment February 26 to 28 has been Is- put on a whirlwind ever held on wheels are being to take the deciding fall started the season with Gemmell the game to narrow Ogden's lead to 150 Ogden in the main wrestling Schmeling to Fight nosed out Tenth division two run- sued by Felix Plastino general chair- wristlock in two minutes rapidly pushed since the announceleads the pivot players and is second tq“r frvent on the GranUville high school nerup 23 to 19 The second round man of the local committee in charge In the wrestling match ment of the committee Monday to Tuttle for high honors with 109 Bob Clark increased it as the game smokeless smoker” card Monday Uzcudun in Spain will be played Wednesday The Reed hall gymnasium at (he Univer- between semiwindup will Te comand arrangements of in 25 veteran Jones scored Tech the points Henry points from 47 field goals and 15 foul proceeded schedule: 7 p m Ninth vs Tenth sity of Idaho southern branch will evening in the high school gym MorBARCELONA Spain Feb 12 tJP pleted for accdmodating one of to the Boosters’ 15 Provo and Kid Taylor Taylor rushed be the scene of action 8 p m Second vs LeGrand pitches in seven games Dan Church the last half ley won the only fall in 18 minutes — Paulino Uzcudun veteran Spanish in crowds the years largest in neat followed a with rabbit punch is second with 93 Winners in the local tournament of wristlock a Highland Boy with whip Japanese A number of experienced and Schedule Given today to will be entered in the Rocky Moun- by a flying tackle to pin the veteran and heavyweight signed points and Macke Kendall of Gemmell Lou Mueller 155 Germany Champion Max Schmeling of Following is the schedule' for the tain A A U tourney to be held at for the first fall in 23 seconds With colorful drivers have been signed ' club third with 92 points although 30 150 wrestled Canada Kid Taylor for the race and a full program bout at Mont-juiGermany in a vengeance in his eyes Jones went runnerup round robin: 7 p m Pio- Salt Lake March 5 to 8 he has only played In six games minutes to a draw of other events is being planned stadium here on April 8 neer vs Salt Lake 8 p m Ensign Members Of the committee Include after Taylor to lay him low with a Toone of Red and White leads the 135 Burmeister boxer Raso Joe vs Liberty 9 p m winner of the A- J Under term of the contract Uzcudefensive men with 68 points forging Banyard who will have charge whip wristlock in 10 minutes for lost in a mixed bout to “Masked Mar- dun is guaranteed about $20000 and runnerup game between South Cot- of selecting officials' Lambert Moli-nel- the second fall of the match and then ahead of R Owens of Eastman Kodak 12 (UP)— Greg- vel” 145 Grantsville wrestler In 2 NEW YORK Feb tonwood and West Jordan vs East Schmeling' share of the gate receipts who has a total of 63 points awards Joe Jenkinson hous- finished it up with a’nother hold of N of Newark a national minutes with J body press ory Mangin U expected to amount to about the Jordan 10 p m Grant vs Granite ing Tom P West arrangements W the same brand for the finish in PORWARD3 indoor champion today retained his Charles Savich 125 Tooele drew same Oa Twenty-firs- t winner of the first W Brothers physician and E F seven minutes Both matches were 0 defeatFort Douglas tennis a Casino 125 Tuttle in title Tooele Karras with Gus by Heights half in Ensign nosed out fast and highly pleasing to the specMarkovich Hlghl'nd Boy 0 Stites publicity bout ing Clifford S Sutter of New Or- three-rounB Searle Fort Douglas 0 tators 24 to 21 in the first game 1 No in and leans the Vere Cyclone 165 Tooele won a Cox Draws Fine of $50 Vlasic Highland Boy I tourney ‘U’ Kara-batos In the preliminaries of the round robin Monday Gus I Eldrldge Super Neon scheduled two out of three falls Plshburn Red & White 0 The East Jordan round robin openFor Using ‘Mailed Fist’ Tooele and Joe Rasso In the doubles final Sutter and Dr match from Pierre Castagno 155 Kodak 7 Eastman Busby er Monday was featured by- - close boxed four rounds to a draw I A F Robbins director of Intra- Orant Oemmel) deYork New of McCauliff Grantsville after each had gained Eugene 7 Gemmell scores Crescent barely nosed out decision as did Charles Savich of mural activities at the university Hsrker PORTLAND Ore Feb 12 VP)— The feated John Van Ryii of East Orange fall and Castagno conceded the third Blanchi 6 Boy Midvale Second 38 to 34 Union Tooele and George Rasso of Burmes-te- r announced Monday that entries for McDonaldHighland 3 Lourdea Portland boxing commission today of New fall claiming a knee N J and Frank Bowden injury 7 Oemmell downed Sandy Third 33 to 31 and Henry Pannunzio took a fall the free throw tournament which Adams Lourdes York won the first fall in 3' minutes fined Ted Cox heavyweight grappler 5 POCATELLO— Rivalry as old as Slator in an exhibition encounter Cal $50 for taping sheet Sandy the schools will be renewed here Fri- in a time limit match from Fred will be held next week may be filed Snyder Eastman Kodak 4 a with body press Cyclone took the from toLodi 0 Second won from Granite 23 Pannunzio both men from Tooele with him at his office in the gym M Bateman R Sc W his fistfor the final fall of his Vikin 6 lead a fall with second between Ricks 3 the Lourdes body preks college day O'Reilly The schedule for Tuesday— 8:30 p m Billie Gochis took two (alls from Bob Entries- - will be taken until Friday Banchero Cathedral match here last Wednesday Bight 4 and Idaho Tigers when the teams Nash while Jack Powell minutes Granite vs South Jordan (exhibi- ings and Court- night CENTERS Des Howard Cantonwine with basIn the first of a Raso 130 Burmeister meet O George Oa tion) 9:30 Crescent vs Sandy Third ketball series The ney McEachern junior high school Moines Iowa and $50 for hitting RefThe free throw tourney Is a popu- McCann Oem St Oath 7 47 130 visit Reed Hale Grantsville here Vikings 10:30 Union vs Midvale Second draw! lar featuifc of intramural Boy eree Verne Harrington of Portland activity Church Highland two days and on the following Mon boys boxed three rounds to a in a bou Oemmell Scores of games played Monday: and a large turnout is expected Kendall Suspending Cox for a year was dethe Red St White — and 90 Hale Grantsville drew Arnold Tigers Berg Tuesday day journey J1ST Cathedral C Y 6 defeated Futman clared too drastic as it would have Teams in the past which have en- Manning Fort Douglas to Rexburg where the 1934 contests in B 90 Tooele In a Kodak with OTFP D atate basketbell game OTFP Gregino league Eastman Kodak Corbett rf Kener rf 6 0 0 0 will come to a close barred him from appearing in states tered have been composed of four Lloyd Monday evenlhg 33 to 39 at South Junior three-roun- d bout Carr Eastman Kodak if Mllli 0 0 0 McDevltt 11 3 3 0 4 high commission but this year a slight Peterson Super Neon members 3 4 3 0 33 Benner c 3 a 4 Tucker e LaMar Gibson won the battle with which tbe Portland Tom McCann led the scorers with be made and each team is allied Aldoue r Maw ra Bill Nelisen former South high 13 13 may change points 3 0 0 4 Brewster lr 0 I I 1 Muir la ace waa high point man for tha losers royal Toone Red St White probably will consist of Five men 3 0 0 4 Moore rf Wilhelmonll with 20 RIFLEMEN ELECT The schedule for this week's games R Owens Eastman LEHI— Invaders experienced allure and Kener If 0 The score Old Neon Crow Super victor In their vliltg to Lehi aa tha un- In the intramural basketball league R Searle Plnboroushla 0 0 0 0 CATHEDRAL OYO EASTMAN officer MAY HONOR CUNNINGHAM MONTPELIER Idaho-T- he SSth derated B Y U Oreenllnga registered a deOTFP OTFP Svarner 39th 10 0 4 34 12 (— If of the Montpelier Rifle and Revolver 2 2 0 1 Snider rf Totals Total cisive victors over the touted Power Shoe Is as follows: 04J31 Feb 3 0 S ELKHART 4 rt Kan Leary OemmeU Dahlstrom - Tuesday 2 team br a 3 111 Busby lf Key ting If (core In a Utah Count 13 3 4 the C W A approves the project Elk- club for the year have been chosen Highland Boy 1:45 p m— fllgma Fl No 3 vi Sigma Nu N Bolic Lourdea SECOND 10 0 0 30 TENTH McCann e I 111 " Nelisen e Sandy junior high school hoopatera de- league game Charleston M Men however McOean 3 2 r 0 feated Cypnig Juniors twice Monday after- faltered before the drive of the Lehi Fifth No 1 Jordan OTFP OTFP 10 0 hart U going to lay out a public park as follows: President G W Irving Pagnotta rg 38th 3 3 0 4 noon rf 0 1 0 13! Fuller rf Quigley Both coaches used every man on warder Lehi stake perennial champion 6:30 p m'— Battery B vs Sigma Nu No 3 Surbaugh Cathedral Argentoi lg 2 1 1 5 McDowell lg 3 0 0 4 and name it for Glenn Cunningham vice president Seth C Kelsey: range gacnatto crew Charleston cot but futUa foul 5:35 p m— PI Kappa Alpha No 3 Vi Eulmer OemmeU Aveeen If 3 114 Lloyd 3 0 0 OlFlandre If If their tquada and some of the playera chBogden rf 13 13 the Elkhart boy who Is making good officer M B Clay secretary Glen Ounnell 0 3 0 R Clegg c 4 10 0 eated In both tames The score of the pitch In the second half Dunkers Outhrle If 110 3 Tooele Shoe game OunMcKean 7:30 p m— Beta Theta Ft Vi Newman Tate Connole rc 10 1 jId Cleat n 3 1 1 I first tamo waa 33 to 3 and the aecond 40 In the B Y rf 0 110 as a middle distance runner and threat- Peterson and treasurer Ben M Dick Cathedral Artentos 1 O 0 3 R Oswald )( 0 1 1 1 to 15 nell stood out for the winners as he held club0 0 10 Neve 1c Dugan la full set of the Day Highland Boy 0 0 0 0 Dobbi 0 0 0 OIK Oswald 11 0 3 1 1 Wfinesdar 1 ening to set a new world record for The club has ordered ft rg Sandy la tho leader In the Jordan Juniore the big Don Evans In check and outscored Ctrey vg PI Kappg Jordan Eastman targets high league and Crprua play In the Oran-It- him Hiatt was the club scorer lor the 5:43 p m— Sigma PI No regulation mile the vlctore registering 33 10 153 13 7 3 10 1171331 Total Totals Totala Totals Junior high loop 17310 Alpha No 4 points The scores: Score by auarten: 5:30 p m— Barbs Vs Honkles Score by periods: The scores: LEHI 3TH WARD BANDY CHARLESTON CYPRUS Second 5:55 p m —Blsma Chi No 3 vs Skeeters I Cathedral I 13 17 33 7 13 ' 10 3 10 OTF1P 7:30 p m figrrm Nu No 3 vs Battery A Tenth Eastman OTFP OTFP) OTFP 10 4 1 31 Husband rf Jones rf Jonas referee 10 0 3 Phillips ‘f 3 0 0 ilCtrlson f 13 0 3 Woolley referee Havertx umpire Thursday 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 01 Stewart If 0 10 13' Draper f Levine If 5:45 p m— Phi PI Phi vi Delta Phi N 3 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 00 lOLetta 4 4 0 SlCavanee e Brown e f NINTrf 0:30 p m — Pi Kappa Alpha No 1 vs LEORAND 3-D1 ay 0 0 0 01 Sorenson ra JSImmons f 0 0 0 Delta Phi No 1 Nelson rt 13 13 Cox rf 13 13 Johnson rf 7 COLLEGE BASKETBALL - I NEW YORK Feb 12 (AP)— Reports that the Brooklyn Dodgers of the National baseball league were considering the release of Max Carey as manager were given- wide credence in sports circles today but there was no unanimity of opinion as to his successor k By PHIL M’LEESE Round- robin comoetitlon in “M" Men’s basketball a February feature on the sports calendar is rapidly nearing completion Already champions in four stakes have been crowned They are Wasatch in Granite South Davis in West Bountiful Poplar Grove in Pioneer and Magna in Oquirrh Several round robins to determine take titleholders are near the finals stage and a sort of sub round round robin among runnersup to pick additional entrants to the Salt Lake divisional tournament which starts on February 26 in the Deseret gym is planned for February 21 also in the Deseret gym Wasatch Favored Wasatch one of the favorites to Win the divisional title captured its stake championship by taking two straight games from Lincoln 43 to 3 and 31 to 27 last week: Forest Dale and Richards runnersup in the two divisions of the stake ended the round robin all even and will clash Tuesday the winner to meet Lincoln for the right to enter the “runner-up- " FOR FORMER Stengel ani McManus Mentioned as Brooklyn’s Next Boss Quinn Denies Rumor Carnera-Loughra- ney Starts February 26 at Deseret Gym YOUTH GUNS Carnera-Loughra- WESTERN LOOP CSV-Aim- ing i SETS OPENING one-yea- e all-st- n ’ counter-punchin- De Oro Scores g e d Another Upset i all-tim- - tip-to- p Tooele Grappler DogDerbxMill Tuttle Remains Takes Headliner Be Staged Says High Scorer in From German Ace Ashton Leaders Amateur League three-cushio- n 50-4- 6 fifty-firs- e d Sixth-Sevent- Boosters Defeat JN h Texas Tech Plastino Issues Ring Invitations h - Morley Throws Ogden Tussler "dog-sled- two-gam- set-to- meet-forme- Mangin Defends Casino Net Title Date Announced For Free Throw Tourney at li Twelfth-Thirteent- h Vikings Tigers Resume Series Bur-mest- ch d 0 8--6 Caa-jag- 0 6--4 11-- 9 to-2- Cathedral Tips Eastman Gagers e four-gam- 12TH-13T- till 103 Alii Sandy Juniors Win Two Games three-roun- Invading Teams Divide at Lehi 33-- I otili O S 1 ‘Y I 1 1 Bennett If Prester e Oblad Scott Barrow Is o ra re Total Harvertz 3 3 3 4 4 4 10 M Llewellyn If 10 4 0 3 4 3 0 Ferguson Beck II Hansen la T Badger e 0 0 0 0 R Llewelf 33 13 3 4S! Totals 0 111 S Badge” lg 0 0 0 0 Score by quarters 0 3 11 0 10 0 )g 0 0 0 0 Erandall Cyprus 0 0 0 0 Sandy lyn c 7 13 0 301 referee Vincent referee Total Woolley Naylor rf If Sudbury SANDT 3ND Norris c OTFP OTFF Maxfleld rf 0 3 3 i'M Larsen rf 3 0 0 4 Kanlos rg G Butler If 0 0 0 0'Swenacn If 3 S 0 0 B Jons’ lg Kobeclc e 3 0 0 0 Olson U 15 3 Si Black c V Butler rs 1 3 1 SlJeneen ra 13 13 Kanares c 3 3 3 SIR Larsen la 0 0 0 0 Blair 1 0 111 3 3 0 O'Milne Badter If rf 0 0 0 0 IDalton rf ‘ Totals 7 13 7 311 Total! Referee — S Vincent 3RD OTFP 01733 Totala umptre- - L Vincent UNION 07 7 0 10 17 3 Referee Hltchoock OTFP 0 0 0 0 Bishop rf 0 Ferguson If 4 1 0 li 0 0 0 o' Levine e 1113 0 10 01 Larson rg 3104 0 10 0 0 1 1 II Griffith Ig 0 0 0 01 Rasmussen rf 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8orenson rg 0 3 0 0 4 Smart If 0 0 0 0 Blade la 0 0 3 1 1 3 1 31 111333 Totals Score by quarters: Cyprus Sandy Crump referee Vincent 4 11 17 35 umpire OTFF 0 0 3 ltlLaurltcen rf 3 1 0 BUTS MILWAUKEE CLUB Orant rf Mumford If 3 3 0 0 Lundngren If 4 8 8 11 1 3 1 5'Anderson e MILWAUKEE Feb 12 (UP)— Ru 0 0 0 17 Larson c 1 HPaulson 0 0 0 0 dolph Hokanson Marcett f ra head of on automo3 4 3 0 O Benaon If 3 I 1 5'Forbush I 0 0 0 OlOraham If 0 0 0 0 bile agency here said today he had Caaper la Bateman la 0 0 0 01 purchased the Milwaukee baseball Totals -- 13 12 Sill Referee— L Vlncqpt franchise from the St Louis Browns for a sum of “more than $100000” Total umpire— 8 CRESCENT MEDALIST AT PALM BEACH PALM BEACH Fla Feb 12 (Ph-Mi- ss Marian Miley of Lexington Ky I Oil was medalist in rt I Wright ra shooting a Ig Canning (he qualifying round of the annual 0 I 0 01 Smith rf Florida championship for women golt 17 0 4 30 Total J3 10 241 Totals EifirM ifc Vincent umpire — A Vincent tournament here this afternoon tt Boyce Milne If Ray c OTFF 3 0 O K Lunnen rf 0 1 1 IP 11 4 0 0 1 4 4 3 10'Olcon 1PIG Lunnen e I 4 3 1 1 3 3 0 0 4IR Senders 0 3 0 0 0 3 1 1R Jensen If 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total SANDY OTFP 0 0 0 0 0 IS Crump umpire CYPRUS umpire 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 c Total 10 7 4 30 The scores:GRANITE SANDT 01 Coon 0 fl la 0 3 0 121b Jones 3 3 1 31 1 10 3 1 Turner OREEN' LINOS Hiatt f O Evans f Stephens I Ounnell c Oourler I Ward I 0 0 Casper c Wright eT 0 0 0 Oj Ritchie 10 0 110 Wright g 0 0 0 Price g 01 31 Totals umpire Saber 30 POWERS I 0 3 3 0 0:53 p m— PI Kappa Alpha No 3 v Stems Chi No 3 7:30 p m— Sigma PI No 3 vs Kappa Sigma 4:53 p m — PI 33 0 10 Rough Riders acorer 3 0 0 gl Davie g 3IKirkham g IN Evans g I No 1 wrestling tourney grapplers of the Deseret of Salt Lake and Brigham ys Young university will be held in the here Saturday Ladies’ gymnasium Coach G Ott Romney announces Several matches will be held in each weight and a total of approximately 20 matches will be held in all Coach Romney stated Runnerup Post till' Taken by 25th 10 SHOES 1 0 0' 0 Twenty-fift- h ward captured the runner-u- p position In tlu Pioneer stake M Men basketball league br defeating 3 The victors tied with 13 43 301 13 4:330 In Totala Totals the first half and finished the league Referee Turner (corer Hitchcock with undisputed possession of tha post In the eeoond half Powers 8hoes downed a stubborn group t The score: B Y Oolds In a county tussle Wednesday 5TH-7T- H WARD I 35TH WARD 37-score with ray Evans and Don by a OTFF OTFF Evans doing deadly work under the bas- Sutton 0 3 1 l! A Dorny rf 0 4 3 3 ket Pierson Y Cold guard was putstand-fo- r Waters If 3 4 3 4 11 HHolat If : the losers 4 1 3 10 Steele c Irvine L 1 1 l'Oborne The acore: 3 3 3 0 0 rg Gilbert kg POWERS SHOES I Y OOLDS 3 0 3 3 3 Johnson 1 Lubeck lg: 115 0 0 0 01 OTFP OTFP If Page 3 4 3 13 Fay Evens f 4 3 3 10 Fischer f O Trane f 7 14 5 25 Sltousen f Totala 7 14922 1003 Totala Ball f 10 03 8cor by quarter: 511 111 Roper e D Evens e 1 1 1 11 Woodward e 1 0 0 3 7 II 17 32 1 11 01 14 Fred Evans ( 4 0 0 Pierson 3 5 13 23 Twentr-flft- h 4 0 0 S 0 0 0 Oi Wright g Davis a C Snider referee H Carpenter umpire Klrkhtm g 3 I 0 4i N Evens 0 I 0 0 AUSTRIA WINS CUP 1713 37 34 3 4 33! Totals Totals TURIN Italy Feb 12 VP— Austria won the international association foot1 1 Ball ( 10 10 0 3 0 3 rf' till til ADDITIONAL SPORTS on pace ball cup today eichteen:'' Special n PROVO— A gym-n?siu- Friday Kappa Alpha OTFP! OTFP 101 Far Evens Oil 1 0 0 3!Ferd Evans 1 0 0 31 3 117 4 10 II D Evans c 10 0 0 4 g Grapplers to Meet S L Team defeating-Ttal- of 60000 in Mussolini Idaho 14 Oregon State 40 Ogden (Utah! Booster 41 Texas Tech 24 New Mexico Axglrs 43 Tempe 40 New Mexico university 52 New Mexico Normal 33 Yankton 23 Dakota Weeleygn 50 Missouri 34 Creighton 30 Davidson 26 Duke 57 Ohio State 21 Wisconsin 42 Notre Dame 43 Temple 33 Pennsylvania 31 Columbia IS Princeton 31 Cornell 36 Baltimore U 30 Catholic West Vlralnlalt Georgetown 23 Chicago 21 Illinois 42 Iowa 30 Northwestern 35 Purdue 51 University o I Michigan - 30 Fielding Cops GIRLS The South ward girls defeated the Pair of Games Saturday Park feminine team five held the The y— 1"1 WIN TOOELE Tooele 22 to 2 from Nlbley Tooele Nlbley The game team acorelcse In the first half five playIn was bora’ with fashion — hUh played Idaho MONTPELIER Fielding achooi of Parle first and second team de- ers to a team The reore feated Montpelier twice Frldey night The 29 to 24 TOOELE BO WARD NIBLEY PK WARD vlalting aecond team won Its game OTFP OTFP and Fielding first crew wau —27 to 17 D Atkin rf l Yeareley rf 0 3 0 0 The acore: Willey If If-- 0 0 0 0 Prince If MONTPELIER FIKLDINO 0 0 ? c 4 Tohnson 11 IThorum OTYFf OTFP 0 0 0 ONIederhar rg 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 3 McLiws rg Cleveland rf T 1 I'Nelaon rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Lewis 1 0 Davies 0 lg I 4 2 S' Shepherd If Junks Ifo- -f 9 1 0 0 B 6 5 IS Homer 0 211 rAtkln rf-- o 0 0 0 OIDunster lg c dee 01 0 0 If 9 Oalsford 3 0 12 2Smlth rj 0 1 0 0 Is andr If 3 0 0 4'Mesaerly lg 01 01 0139 EHtnks 1 0 0 131 Besmsn rf 0 9 0 OINate rf e If 1 0 0 3 If I 1 0 Oowsns 0 0 If Orchid 0 0 0 0 H Hanks rt 0 0 0 0 ioertscb o f rdrl Ill 0311 C1 ill 14 5 4 33! Totals 1312 111271 Totala Total (S 10 5 17 Totals Score by quarters: Score y quarters: 3- 13 4 7 Torsi- C 13 1 eldlne 2 3 0 0 17 17 5 I perk Montpelier— umReferee Whlttemore umpire — Trlm- - r Nlrdsrhausrr referee S Astln ' pire siinea COVEY’S HIGH ANTI-KNOC- K Red Gasoline 3i Costs us 28 OFF REGULAR PRICE more at the Refinery than the white A Real Bargain for You! COVEYS GARAGE 444 South Main Street COVEY GAS & OIL STATION 1204 Beck Street on Salt Lake-Ogde- n Highway |