Show IX f TOE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINO BAN LOOMING COLDHOARDING RULE REFUSED 1 ONTAX RIDERS BY HIGH COURT Democrats Move to Bar Floor Amendments on Revenue Bill j After $200000 Is Turned Over to U S Dismissed Appeal K 12 m-- WASHINGTON Feb WASHINGTON Feb 12 threatened revolt against applying an amendment shielding rule to the house for consideration of the $235000000 revenue another rul tn( os th constitutionality of the fed eral (old hoardln( act was refused today by the supreme court because the $200000 worth of the metal at issue had been turned over to the bill United States The court dismissed an appeal brought by Frederick B Campbell of New York who contended the admin istration’s actions against gold hoard ing including President Roosevelt’s executive orders were unconstitu tional Officials expected Campbell who surrendered his gold under protest would attempt to find some other way of testing the law Solicitor General Biggs today ex plained Campbell had returned ail the gold and asked the supreme court to dismiss the appeal In another case court ruled that Commanders ot the civilian conservation corps Camp Sallna manufacturers who paid large federal recognized as the best camp In the Fort Douglaa CCC excise taxes on automobile parts must division Left to Lieutenant Leland O Gee Captain John B right establish whether they paid the taxes Cannon and Lieutenant Uarold E Smith beor passed them on to purchasers fore their claims to a refund would be decided The Jefferson Electric Manufactur lng company of Chicago I1L sought to recover $67544 the American Chain compai of Bridgeport Gonnr$640-50and the Willard Storage Battery company of Cleveland Ohio It was estimated that approximately $6000000 in taxes and more than $2000000 in Interest are inAngry Crowd Prevented volved because other concerns are in similar situations HonBlue Flag Symbolizes From Taking Negroes The court Indicated the companies Which had paid the taxes were Awarded St or Under Death Sentence George to a refund if it could show the levies had not been passed on to cusSecond Place Takes tomers HERNANDO Miss Feb 12 WV-The court declined to review IB an angry crowd of men sought in eases and advanced the oral argument A blue in the breeze flag ripples Of a suit brought by the principality vain to enter the courthouse three corps of Monaco to force payment of bonds over civilian conservation who confessed to criminal Camp Salina symbolizing the camp's negroes Issued by Mississippi school girl first place rank among CCC camps assaults on a of the Fort Douglas division were sentenced late today to die on Camp Salina has been recognized ie gallows here March 16 as the beat camp in the Several groups muttering threats division winning the title and the right to fly the blue flag In a field against the negroes were still about of 14 camps it was announced Mon- town as Adjutant General Thomas J Grayson and a detachment of national day Salina is the only camp In the guardsmen planned to remove the Den- United States commanded DENVER Feb 12 WV-T- he by three prisoners to Jackson on an early ver A Salt Lake railroad today tiled officers from the same regiment The night train to avoid possible dissuit in federal court for $350000 officers are Captain John B Cannon turbances At least two attempts were made damages against the Moffat tunnel Lieutenant Leland O Gee and Lieucommission enalleging faulty design tenant Harold E Smith all ot the to break through the barbed-wir- e workmanship and construction" of 324th cavalry which 4s commanded tanglements erected about the courthouse by national guardsmen and one ths Moffat funnel by Colonel Frederic Jorgensen The railroad alleged the commisat SI George won sec- elderly man cut his hand against the Camp sion was guilty of failure to comply ond place In the competition for ban fence- "Wai it an accident" he was asked with provisions of the tunnel con- racki camps and was awarded a red struction contract or hid permitted flag Third place went to Camp "Hell no" he replied "we want ' at Hurricane which has a those negroes" faulty construction In more than a Three hundred and fifty heavily dozen ways white ilng 5 The commission also Is charged Winners In the division for tent armed militiamenstood on guard duty f with failure to construct station camps were: Camp SP-- at Overton all day General Grayson said the most seNev first blue flag Camp 2 buildings at either eest or tal end failing to acquire certain at Moapa Nev second red flag and rious threat against tha prisoners was y for the connecting lines Camp OE-20at Alamo Nev third halted when one agitator wbs taken to the city jail not tar from the courtof railroad approaches to the tun- white flag house Part ot the crowd threatened nel and has tried to lease to the the city jail In an attempt to free the Denver water board property which man but tear gas bombs held by the was leased exclusively ' to the railsoldiers deterred them road The conviction of the negroes The railroad claims It has' been McGehee 23 Johnny Jones 23 damaged and put to large expense in construction work that it alleges SANTA MONICA Cal Feb 12 P) and Isaac Howard 25 came swiftly A detachment of 150 guardsmen arthe tunnel commission should have —In a highly nervous condition Fay rived with them early today in a done and also will have to "Incur Webb Vallee wife of the train In which the trip in maintaining the orchestra leaderestranged was taken to Rudy waa made from Jackson where they tunnel due to faulty design and con- a hospital here today Her physician had been held for safe keeping struction" Dr Leo Madsen said he had isThe were taken to a vault sued orders that no one b permitted at theprisoners courthouse Shortly before to visit her noon the grand jury returned indict"Mrs Vallee Is ln-- serious cond- ments against them They pleaded ition" the physician said "and no Since tha state demanded the one will be permitted to see her un- guilty death penalty a trial was necessary til her unstrung nervous condition is The jury was out seven minutes and PORTLAND England Feb 19 alleviated" returned with a verdict "guilty as CUP) — The submarine her In Los Angeles Ben C Cohen Porpoise charged" picked up a radio message from the attorney was expected to go Into British steamer Dartford at 930 court tomorrow to respond to Valleo’s TRAYLOR BATTLES RELAPSE o’clock tonight saying it had col- demurrer to her separate malntenaince CHICAGO Feb 12 (UP)-Me- lvIn lided with and sunk a Greek ship action She demandj $7450 monthly Traylor bank president and promithe Meandros 4309 tons during s alimony nent Democrat was "holding h’s thick fog in the English channeL own" today after his sixth relapse In The report said only one man sun RAILWAY IMPROVES SERVICES a fight against acute pneuvlved on the sunken ship 12 The CHICAGO Feb (ff5— The Santa monia i His physicians reported he Dartford wirelessed she was badly Fa railroad will put 89 more “still has v fighting chance" to able but cars including 30 sleepdamaged proceed toward Portland ers in service by summer W J The Meandros had been bound for Black passenger traffic manager anAmsterdam Holland from River nounced today Twenty-thre-a diners Plate South America have already been Democratic leaders definitely decided today to support the ways and means committee on this procedure The decision was made at a meeting tpf the Democratic steering and policy committee after it had made poll of the majority to determine whether there were sufficient votes to secure adoption of procedure that would bar all but ways and means committee amendments when the bill comes before the house Wednesday Representative Byrnsof Tennessee FEBRUARY 13 1034 the Democratic leader said he had been informed that many members had planned to offer amendments which would delay the bill if not destroy its true purpose of plugging up loopholes in the administrative provi sions of the income tax law In the house today Representative Lewis (D Md) told members that tbe bill failed tq supply sufficient revenue to make up the difference in the anticipated expenditures in the fiscal year 1935 as against the ex pected revenue He said the administration was pledged to a balanced budget but that the tax measure was "inadequate' Penn Railroad to Buy 100000 Tons of Steel WASHINGTON Feb 12 (JF)—' The railroad today anPennsylvania nounced It would purchase from four large steel companies a total of 100000 tons of new steel rail with money borrowed from the public works administration The steel will be bought from the 44000 Bethlehem Steel company tons) the Inland Steel company (6000 tons) the Carnegie Steel company (42000 tons) and the Illinois ( Steel company (8000 tons) t 1 ' ON CITY DEBTS Morgentkau Meets Municipal Experts Says Treasury Seek Solution VASHINGTON Feb 12 cities today had tha "hopeful’ support of Secretary Morgenthau out their financial in working troubles After conferring with municipal experts fortwo hours Morgenthau told reporters ths problem was "extremely difficult” but the treasury was approaching it with the hope we can find some way to help" ‘There is an emergency and the problem is too Important not to do something” the cecretary said "It is important that these cities get money at s decent rate" Morgenthau declined - to discuss the mechanics of whatever plan may be adopted but said it did not in Reconstruction corpora is the objective of the Colorado Wool Growers’ association Den H Hughes "If the R F C wants to taks some Montrose attorney said today beaction that is up to the corporation” he said “We are working at It from fore he left for Washington to represent the association in conferring another angle" with Representative Edward T Taylor (Dem Colo) sponsor of the bill The Taylor bill is designed to prevent overgrazing of public lands and provides that the summer range for DENVER Feb 12 ()— Redrafting Colorado sheep would be under the control of the forestry service as at of the Taylor public lands bill to present while the winter range assure "adequate winter range” for would be under a new bureau set some 200000 western Colorado sheep up by the interior department volve tlon D S MAY AID the Change in Lands Measure Sought Ml 1 ) - H Learn the Art of CORRECT ll MAKE-UP- ! DIE AUERBACH’S Invll You to wlU HELENA RUBINSTEIN BEAUTY COURSE This Week Only— Olaasei 2 to 3 Ckti VahmJtim QJfitil! p m all-arou- nd $744-02- 3 Salina CCC Camp MILITIA KEEPS Wins First Place MOB IN CHECK In This Division ell Sheciall (Puncfaxte Salk 7 As V- - Railroad Sues Moffat Tunnel For $350000 3 PE-21- 7 1 PE-20- rights-of-wa- 3 Vallee’s Estranged Wife in Hospital heavy-expens- our We took a long shot and won Jewelry Buyer received a hot tip on this exquisite jewelry and so it was purchased in time to be sold for Valentine’s Day Classes to Be Conducted By Special Representative Gifts Charming mosaic pins exgtic gold necklace witlj jade drop and or a brilliant rhinejade earring drops stone necklace nice enough for any "forand the loveliest of pearl neckmal” laces with a beautifully cut crystal drop however any selection would make Each any girl’s heart go piece 59c or 2 for $100 of Helena Rubinstein From New York City! Learn from Helena Rubinstein’s personal representative Vontella Hess Buchholz Just how to care for your skin how to apply cosmetics to bring out your beauty and personality what colors of cosmetics are most beand she will furnish written Instructions for coming you to take home to follow This Is entirely free furnished with the compliments of Mme Rubinstein pit-a-p- at (JEWELRY— STREET FLOOR) Spectators Are Invited BEAUTY SALON En-ne- AUERBACH steel-barre- d e SH i Crash in Fog Sinks Vessel a rn w CASH PRIZES fa At EASY 'INTRODUCTION' " mmlmm CONTEST V new friend every Homemaker should know Scnum CUT GLASS TAgLE SERVICE ala The AMAZINGLY DIFFERENT KEY7 n3 A ra Nothing adds so much elegance to today’s table service as does ' beautiful cut glass It provides that smart finishing touch' so desired by every housewife and to admired by her guests SpiralaSor Ftat Prise' S Seeaad Prizes 100 Third Prizes 109 Fenrth Prises b ease cl Be 1 1500 $100 each I 10 each leach duplicate prises will be awarded Checks win be walled direct bon CONTEST EDITOR Easy Washlny Machlae Cerp fTraces Contest JL Y doses February 2L To quickly Introduce ttd sattooal new washing pda dpi priaee icnginy turn IS le $500 wU be awarded to wtenre In this great "Intro dnefloa Coateef B yea oaa letter YOB hava a writ cboaeaaf wtnnlny aaa el Here Is' your opportunity to acquire such a service at a very moderate cost Check this list of pieces and bring it with you for a a Am prisNa come ther nr row for furDETAIL Pi AUERBACH'S pieces i reminder-o- f GOBLETS SAUCER CHAMPAGNES SHERBETS COCKTAILS nOOTUR ICC TEA GLASSES FOOTED TUMBLERS FOOTED FRUIT JUICE GLASSES FOOTED CORDIALS FOOTED WINE GLASSES FOOTED CLARETS HOLLOW STEM CHAMPAGNES FINGER BOWLS the exact you need Your choice of these gorgeous thin blowni genuine cut glass pieces Reg 49— Special each -- HUNDREDS OF ITEMS SPECIALLY PRICED! 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