Show jr WEATHER FORECAST LOCAL METAL PRICES Tues Wed lit-t- ic ilr temperature change IDAHO NEVADA— Fair Tuesday Wednesday WYOMING —Fair and colder Tuesday lair Wednesday tTAH-F- ijra Vv! Oold V 1 i SUver Copper Lead Local Lead r Entered it the Poetofftce at Salt Lake CUr aa Becond-Cla- u Matter VOL 128 NO 122 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY MORNINO FEBRUARY $3500 MHo silver (newly mined) 13 1934 400c Weekly 000 800 0825o Zinc4 J5c Settlement Copper prtra 20 PAGES— FIVE CENTS v AI1Y-AIIM- A Civil Warfare Takes MAMINE Washington 129 Lives in Austria LAW TOBAN ' NINEHUPJAS Observer French in New Riots U S SUBSIDY FELONS RIOT IGHT SHIPS R CALIFORNIA BRING NEW Notes pf a EIGHT SLAIN By JOHN O'DONNELL WASHINGTON Feb 12 — Donald Richberg la about to resign as gen- 'I t- - eral counsel of N R A The tall to the spare Chicagoan— powerful railroad brotherhoods and former law partner of Secretary of Interior Harold I Ickes — has just told RecoVery Administrator Johnson that he can no longer afford to make the financial sacrifice involved in holding the N R A pat To thia Johnson replied: "If you go I go” Richberg was sensible to the flattery of this reaction but it has not affected his determination to resign as soon as a Suitable successor can be picked Finding that" auccessor however is a tremendous task as N R A s legal powers and position are increasingly brought into question by its critics Unlike many men who have come to Washington and taken comparapositions in the govtively ernment Richberg does not possess His law practice a private fortune has been lucrative but that income he foreswore when he took the N R A post low-pai- d t Martial Law Declared as Socialists Call Strike Machine Gun Hand Grenade Postoffice Officials Draft Thirty in Washington Fire Rakes Vienna Streets ‘Legislation to Submit State Prison Make to Congress Vienna and other important cities as By Associated Press Dash for Freedom Guns barked socialists after declaring a general in many parts of lirteen Others Due fFrom Post in Texas Some Time Tuesday Aus- n Guard Among Dead Machine Gun Bullets Hold Back Knife Convicts Wielding By Associated Press WALLA WALLA Wash Feb 12 Eight men were slain one of them a prison guard in a bloody outbreak at the state penitentiary late today which guards from prison towers quelled with salvos of machine gun bullets Nine were injured The guard H L Briggs was killed with a knife wielded by one of the convicts as they rushed the gates Walla Walla national guardsmen surrounded the prison and no one escaped The dead: H L Briggs guard H R (Buster) Clark convict sen tenced from Walla Walla county James R De Long convict from Pierce county Wallace Turcott convict from King county Paul Krause convict from Seat- challenged authontiea and detria Monday caused an estimated 129 strike MAPPED fied the artillery of government SCHEDULES deaths and increased the tension of forces worried Europe In and near Graz in southeastern Martial law was declared in sec a stubborn battle Roosevelt tions of the little nation when social- Styria province Secretary Brands the morning with the ists called a general strike troops waged into of dead set at SO and the innumber Were on the move the socialist party Lindbergh Telegram 100 was dissolved by government decree jured at had bitter soldiera After as ‘Publicity’ fighting and the situation Hid earmarks of ejected the socialiets from the Graz civil war In France one person was reported police station only to lose it A reBy Associated Press killed and many were injured dur- port early today aaid the aocialists were in the atation and were WASHINGTON Feb 12 — Elimiing rioting when a general strike again it against heavy fire against “the wave of fascism” crip- holding In Vienna where the cabinet met nation of huge government subsidies pled the nation's activities which have enriched commercial Communists sponsored a general in permanent session and decreed the dissolution of the so- aviation companies and payment of strike in Bilboa Spain and minor casualties occurred in other sections cialist party bursts of firing dealt compensation according to the acSeveral persons were injured dur- death and destruction with gas at- tual amounts of mail carried compolitical outbreaks in tacks adding to the terrors ing week-enpose the basic principle on which CemmlMloner Named the Irish Free State where police fought opposition forces at Dundalk The minister of social welfare postoftice officials are formulating and Drogheda Richard Schmitz was named federal new airmail legislation for submiscommissioner for the city and state sion to congress VIENNA Feb 13 (Tuesday) of Vienna hitherto a Socialist strongThis was disclosed tonight after opposing a "fascist threat hold m the government” and police and the postoffice department had anThe action created little surprise soldiers battled through a night of nounced an emergency schedule cova since followed it of especially day 11106 miles would go into efterror in many parts of Austria as widespread disorder and rumors of ering when' the the number of dead was placed early the dissolution by decree had been fect next Monday night today at 129 army begins flying the mail Other Vienna and the periodically agitating Machine guns kept up a sporadic nation for weeks routes will be added as quickly as Postmaster Genbut bloody rain troops were being As as September 27 the social- - possible although early eral Farley said “the whole airmail hurriedly called into action hand on (Contlnued Pttt Six) grenades and bombs exploded in map will be changed” (Column One Earlier the White House tagged Staff Chief Arrives Ranking World War Ace Will Act as Salaries Traded Richberg’a finances In fact led him to refuse the N R A post when it first was offered to him at a salary of $6000 a year Johnson eager to secure his services - promptly traded salaries with him giving Rich berg the $12000 a year which the law originally proposed for the administrator It was this trade which for the seeming was responsible paradox that the N R A ’a lawyer got more than its chief Possessor of large private means Johnson could well afford the trade and ha has never rued his bargain Astute liberal fair and above all of an equable not easily ruffled temthe word “publicity” to the telegram perament Richberg has been a life in which Colonel Charles A Lindsaver for the fiery general bergh severely criticised the action of course has been Johnson of the administration in annulling all champing at the bit ever since Presiprivate contracts for carrying the dent Roosevelt’s executive order of tle airmail Directing the western airmail operations will be Lieutenant Gerald Hill convict from Clark last December took rqajor powers Colonel Ii H Arnold (inset) who will arrive- here Wednesday or Brands Wire as Publicity from him and invested them m the county run is Major ClarHerschel Parks convict national economic council under “In this instance" a formal state- Thursday In charge of the L ence who late arrived Tinker with Lieutenant De Boer Ernest convict Monday (right) Walker a The T Frank ment issued Early £ quiet by Stephen Crothwaite operations officer They flew from Oakland to Salt Those wounded were Chief Turndoughty general is looking for secretary to tha president said “the J afternoon key JL M Williams Guards M H seemly exit from the scene giving out of a telegram which bears Lake during the Barnett Tom Hubbard and Frank tha name of Colonel Charles A Geitzan and Convicts Ross E Cha-liEmbassy doted to Women Lindbergh by his ittorney fcnd leTho women have lost out as far as Ernest Alonzo Robert Bain Robadviser Colonel Henry BreckinFriSenate Nations Order Reprisals as gal membership in our Russian embassy ert Colton and Thomas L Woods Hearing Opens would indicate the message obridge is concerned Mrs Roosevelt who r sent for publicity purArmed With Knives viously Administration Commercial Relations poses— atwas day championed their cause when it first The outbreak least it was published beplanned apparently became known that none would be fore it was received by the presisome time began shortly after Become Critical ‘Plays Safe’ taken on Ambassador Rullitt’s staff for dent” 30 the lunch hour about when longhas been told that housing condiThe Lindbergh message was turned term prisoners overpowered guards tions are at fault over to Farley who said it reached to in both of the Tribune) The Associated Frew (Special By wings prison They According to Bullitt it is now had armed themselves with a large number WASHINGTON Feb 12—Adminisin some way Great Britain and France moved to- his desk along physically impossible in Moscow to of similar communications to which butcher knives and with improvised S house and care for women in case tration leaders are playing safe with ward a trade war Monday he had not had time to give attenof Illness The new envoy—once weapons the Costigan sugar bill While up to Commercial relations were critical tion He added that “as a matter of The included guards overpowered husband to the famous feminist now all bills amending the agricul- as each government ordered'reprisals courtesy” Lindbergh was “entitled to By HARRY J BROWN how- - Briggs W H Truman head of the Louise Bryant— emphasized reply” ‘ identification S bureau Bowen B tural adjustment act have been re- against actions on quotas or duties a Under ever that no barriers hsd beep set Tribune Correspondent' the old system of awarding chief engineer of the prison and H ferred to the committees on agricul- taken the other up against women on sex grounds WASHINGTON Feb 12-- The disby contracts now airmail definitely M Williams re chief waa ture the Costigan bill today turnkey The prime requisite for Russian As the British announced they carded the aviation companies were department today announced a Wiring their prisoners together and ferred to the finance committee of service is that one must be a native-borwould a them as place an extra 20 per cent duty paid on a basis of miles flown and tentative plan of airmail service by shield to the convicts the senate while going the agriculAmerican and speak Russian using on most French imports in retaliation equipment furnished without refer- the The latter requirement has sharply left one of the doors and advanced ture committee of the house army effective next Monday incarried If toward the administration building The apparent reason is to get the for reduced quotas on treaties of 1826 ence to quantity of mail cut down the list of aspirants the latter three routes operating from go through cluding plans present mam 1882 where the which gave to Great Britain gate is located In bill before a committee that unques- and factor is now to be emphasized and or through Salt Lake ' the meantime he the prison siren tionably will be friendly and of certain shipping advantages Woedring’s Spanking (Special to Tho Tribune) auService now performed by Western situation was so serious the the result it was said on good Feb 12-- The WASHINGTON When Harry W Woodring our sounded the alarm to the country- which Senator Costigan is a member a be would ayatem probably thority and Lake tobetween Air Salt side Express Moreover Senator Harrison chair- British cabinet itself was divided over postoffice department Kansas assistant secretary of war of compensation on what would Los Angeles will be maintained with announced the following day (now reported on the way out) was As they advanced one of the man of the finance committee is a the question of Reprisals The foreign amount to a coat-plbasis The United Air five army planes setup for airmail service in Salt celled for still another appearance marksmen on the wails shot over the low tariff man and of late years has office opposed the new duty as harmA suggestion the government cre- Lines will be superseded on the route relations and Lake territory: before the federal grand jury now heads of tha officers used as shields advocated putting sugar on the free ful to Franco-Britisown handle ate to its a of corporation and the Lake Pacific between Salt Lake Chicago-Sal- t Route list He is enthusiastically In favor European political problems but the the airmail it was elated emphatiinvestigating fraud in war depart and killed one of the convicts and the northwest with five planes 11 planes speed 140 miles piment contracts there was a lively Captain of Guards J F Gemmel of the Costigan bill Senator Harri- board of hade which issued the orconsidered is not being cally Salt Lake lots 25 through route Chicago via son will open hearings next Friday der remained adamant revival of the account of the wood- shouted at the little band: The 11106 miles covered in routes to San Francisco with 11 planes FranWe will not open the gates Harm first calling Secretary Wallace and Route Salt Lake-SaII 8 Quota Made Imho shed session behind the White House for the aervice beginning arranged No provision has been made for 10 planes speed 140 miles cisco in Which the dignified Woodring was those men and not one of you will the promise-i- s held out that the hearThe United States figured promialive tomorrow We will kill you ings will be brief (Continued on Pare Five) continuing the service given by the pilots 12 properly spanked for his magazine be nently though indirectly in the con (Column One National Parks Airways between Salt Route article on the “Militarization" of the where you are” Borah Skeptical troversy Salt Lake and Montana Two planes 5 planes speed 135 miles 12 picivilian conservation corps Guards Open Fire The only justification for sending In London board of trade officials New French Cabinet however will be detailed to operate lots It recalled other White House With a run the convicts then this bill to the finance committee is contended France 'discriminated the old Western Air route between Route Salt Lake-Lo- s Angeles spanking of Washington notables dashed forward and the guards on the theory that it is a tariff bill against Britain by granting certain Demands Berlin Rejects Denver El Pueblo and 5 Cheyenne speed 135 miles 12 piwhen they spoke out of turn and planes fire with their stuttering ma- and that very contention makes it new quotas to the United States reopened Paso What is to be done about serlots contrary to administration policies chine guns and several rifles aiming necessary that the house shall pass cently PARIS Feb 12 (P— A stand for vice over the two southern routes WoodrOw Wilson and William JenRoute Cheyenne-Pueblto avoid hitting the prison the bill before the senate can act on The French on the other hand as- determined opposition to Chancellor now served carefully 2 planes speed 130 miles 13 piby T & W A and by nings Bryan then secretary of state employes invoked tiw Hltler’a German Several convicts were it So far as the house is concerned serted Britain herself de- American rearmament lots promptly chastised the high ranking shot down and their advance was it makes (to difference where the bill quota system in the recent agreement mands was taken tonight by the new decided - Airways has not yet been members of the Carabaos that or- halted with the United States which covered cabinet of Premier Doumergue is sent for all committees of the Meanwhile Lieutenant Colonel H ganization of veterans of the PhilipFinally those not wounded dashed house stand ready to rush through exchange of American hogs and bacon After reaching its decision the H Arnold army air corps now at the west will have to pass through Scotch and pines campaign-whethey chanted back into the mam cell building whisky of administration the proimmediately approved March field California has been in- the Salt Lake airport However in any part "Damn damn damn insurrectos' fires which did At the same time the French gov- government text of a reply to the recent Hit- structed to proceed to Salt Lake at view of the great volume of busithe damage but gram and launched the U S S “Piffle” a Convicts rioted$100000 at the Senator Borah of Idaho who has ernment explained ita grants of quo- ler memorandum It will be sent to once and make definite arrangements ness that has been done by T Sc W Sepsatire on Bryan’s pacifism at one of tember 3 and 4 1926 prison three been studying the Costigan bill and tas to American shippers were jus- Berlin shortly setting for carrying the mails in his territory A and the importance of centers their annual dinners fires which did $100000 damage but the president’s recommendation is tified by an agreement Involving Tonight’s action duplicated that of He will be western manager during along that route it is assumed that In still later days President none escaped Four desperadoes at- skeptical of the proposals before con- American fruits and French wines formed by Premier the the ministry will be made for rebuked Msjor General ' period of army operation of the some arrangement to escape last October 7 and gress not alone because he fears the its airmail if not over which route Daladier Edouard over that adopted service Salt at 12 LONDON Feb with when our then chief of staff tempted M5)— Strained headquarters when guards saw them using a ladder early abandonment of the the more southerly line of American position two weeks ago processing in the Lake will service relations direct and commercial between made the error of publicly advocat- to Great go over the walls Donald F Collins tax but because he also regards the It wes said France would take the territory west of Cheyenne Airways Britain and France reached a critical ing better housing conditions for en- was slain and James Fenning seriousposition that she already has made suggested quota plan as being unfair stage tonight two southern transAmidst the confusion that reigns event In listed men right in the middle of s the must concession ly injured and to the “Homestic sugar industry continental routes should be tempo- in Washington with three separate As Britain moved to put an in- every possible More reCoolidge economy wave Warden James M McCauley who Where the of quota embodied in the creased duty on French imports be- refuse any further modification cently the rarily abandoned Salt Lake City will departments trying to unravel the Major General took charge of the situation indistand in regard to German arm- handle more mail under government airmail snarl two lines of thought Smedley Butler had to stand on the cated after order had been restored voluntary sugar agreement gave the cause of what it terms unfair quotas her domestic beet industry a quota of on British goods shipped to France aments than it has in the past for are developing: One that the adminWhite House carpet and take a dress- that‘first operation murder degree charges with 1750000 tons Cuba 1700000 tong and the if Los Angeles has but out air out- istration intends to seize upon this government at Pans notified the ing down from Herbert Hoover be- the death penalty requested probably the Philippines 955920 tons the presl- foreign office here it is denouncing Three Killed in Crash let that via Salt Lake City the vol- opportunity to put the government cause the outspoken marine had will be lodged against several ringtwo trade treaties under which Britume of mail to and from Los Angeles made the mistake of telling tke truth leaders in the break (Continued on Pun Five) (Continued on Pete Three) Of Bus and Oil Truck the biggest feeder of airmail in all (Column 81xi Column Six) ish goods have had certain preferences in public about some of the episodes at French in connection with our occupation of ports Haitian territory At midnight an Increased duty of LANCASTER Pa Feb 12 W— 20 per cent is to be levied on most Three persons were killed and more I French imports into England an or- than a dozen others were injured in der on which opinion in the cabinet the collision of a bus and an oil was divided truck tonight at Kinzer crossroads ns Associated Press The retaliation against the recently on the Lincoln highway 16 miles east FOREIGN announced quotas on British goods of Lancaster Vienna—Civil war The dead: develops By Auoclitcd Pres 20 years and where shipped into France caused a distinct Lincoln lived for 12 (—Work- my mural but they cannot prevent in the government here throughout Austria with 129 dead The entire nation and especially he lies in death disagreement Ralph E Miller of York driver of NEW YORK Feb scouts the Boy speaking through my paintand hundreds wounded DolUuss men with pickaxes dug from the walls me from those places upon which Abraham Women’s Relief Corps and other or- with the foreign office and the board the truck to the workers of New York dissolves socialist party in face Lincoln by personal contact left his of trade lined up on opposite sides Mrs E D Armstrong Newport of Rockefeller Center last Saturday ings asmade at ganizations States" asserted RiUnited and jhe pilgrimages of general strike Rhole Island indelible imprint celebrated Monday signed hours to the Lincoln tomb in of the question of retaiiatloa which Diego Rivera vera mural the “My- - work was photographed night Paris-O- ne 2 dead and of June Armstrong reported daughter the 125th anniversary of the emanci- Oak Ridge cemetery noted Mexican artist was prevented despite the prohibition pf the manHASN’T FROZEN YET Mrs Armstrong DOMESTIC — pator’s birth agement of Radio City and wiU be — E of bus 12 OMAHA the Feb The driver SPRINGFIELD Hi Feb 12 (JPf-T-his P) Out in the Joseph At Washington scene of the marfinishing it was learned today! Washington— Court refuses to published in permanent form in28 was Dumont shield MacCracken front senate Philadelphia Rivera called it “cultural vandalcity where Abraham Lincoln great open spaces of Nebraska tyred president'! greatest triumphs "In destroying my paintings the Olds Bert in a jured critically was living and greatest sorrows a wreath from lived 25 years preceding his election contempt charges ism” and “the assassination of human Rockefellers have committed an act-oWalla Walla— Machine guns end President Roosevelt was placed at the as president observed the 125ti) an- tent leading neighbors to believe he’d BREWER OPTIMISTIC creation” culture vandalism There ought riot of 30 armed felons with eight feet of a statue of Lincoln There too niversary of his birth today with freeze to death So they had the In a message which Bertram D to be there will yet be a justice that sheriff bring him to a federal shelter CHICAGO Fjeb 12 VP)— Frank O reported killed and nine injured in the white stone Lincoln memorial many ceremonies human The president of the United States in Omaha “I can't sleep a wink” Van De Westelaken president of the Wolfe ftivera's New York repre- prevents the assassination of more than 40 patriotic organizations in Washington state penitentiary commemorated the day A new following a White House custom of he protested “I Can’t breathe I need Master Brewers' association of Ameri- sentative said had been cabled from creation as of human character Washington— Government sets bank to finance statue “Lincoln at Prayer” was un- many years standing sent a wreath to be outdoors” He said he had 'lived ca today predicted that 440000000 Mexico City to the new workers’ "The Rockefellers demonstrate that up export-imposystem they represent is the which was placed in the beautiful outdoors ever since he was 1? and barrels of beer will be sold in Ameri- school Rivera denounced the Rocke- th veiled at Washington cathedral Russian trade The Abraham Lincoln association tomb of the emancipator 'never froze yet” A medical exam- ca in 1934 He said the brewing in- fellers and capitalism alike as “ene- enemy of human culture as it is of the Washington— Army airmen prefurther advance of science and the founded 25 years ago led in the obThe tomb was visited by hundreds iner looked him over and said he dustry’s outlook lor the year was ex- mies bf human culture1- -pared to fly mail over emergency “The Rockefellers hav$ destroyed productive powers of mankind” Ighould liva "to be 200” servance at Springfield III where of persona during the day tremely bright Schedule of 11106 miles d ialists -- i BILLS LONDON PARIS INTRODUCED IN MOVE TOWARD - Oakland-to-Cheyen- BOTHHOUSES ne a TRADEBATTLE Postoffice Bares Plans for Army Service in West Coast Lieutenant Colonel Ordered to Take Up Command at L Immediately post-offic- e n Airmail Service Setup for S L And Territory r-T- h n I Lake-Seatt- o Cool-Idg- Sum-meral- hard-bitte- n i President Roosevelt Leads Nation The World’s News In Tribute to Memory of Lincoln Disputed Mural by Rivera Hacked From Walls of Rockefeller Center y f rt A Aide Commander’s long-expect- SUGAR --i Salt Lake City became the center of the war department's western United States’ airmail organization Monday as officers In charge of tha Oakland-CheyenWyo route and ships areight speedy pursuit-typrived in the late afternoon Thirteen more army planes are due from Texas fields some time Tuesday Lieutenant Colonel H H Arnold who will be the air commander of the western zone mail service is expected to arrive In Salt Lake some time Wed nesday or Thursday Major Clarence I Tinker who will run supervise the arrived at 6:15 p m from March Field Cal having flown to Oakland and then to Salt Lake during tha aN ternoon Ha was accompanied by First Lieutenant J C Crosthwalte bis operations officer Staff Chief Arrives Captain F O Hunter who is the rmy’s ranking World war ace who ( will serve ax chief of staff to Lieu tenant Colonel Arnold and Captain William C Morris landed at tha municipal airport at 5:15 p m flying direct front March Field with brief r-- stop wt La Vegas Ntv planes piloted by Four other regular army pilots front March Field swept down upon the airport just a minute before Captain Rioter' and Captain Morrlst The ships were manned oy J E' Mallory 1 C Coddington W M Brown and Hunter Harris Jr The four planes are scheduled to leave Tuesday at 7 a m for a flight to Los Angeles The flights are to familiarize the officers with the Lake run and to tat Los Angela-Sal- t the fitness of the plana for such a e Oakland-Cheyenn- e ' 2 1 Second-Lieutenant- s - trip While Major Tinker and Captain Hunter were reluctant to discuss the preparations being made to take over the airmail runs February 19 they admitted that tha plana en route from Texu would be stationed at most advantageous points between Cheyenne and Oakland Details Net Ready The details will probably be worked out following the arrival of Lieutenant Colonel Arnold who hu the reputation in army drcla as being a brilliant organizer Major Tinker and Lieutenant ' Crosthwaite will leave early Tuuday morning for Cheyenne thus completing the run that will be directed by the former after tha army taka command Major Tlnkessald ha planned to to Salt Lake (ln the late afternoon Indications are that the army will station ships at Cheyenne Salt Lake Reno and San Francisco with Salt the center of operations Lake The assignment of army mechanics and other enlisted men of the air corps to points along the route is being rushed with the expectation that more than 100 soldiers will be transferred from aviation fields Immediately No enlisted men accompanied the officers who arrived Monday While none' of the army (hips e re-tU- u Oakland-Cheyen- (Continued on (Column Three) Fin One) Will Rogers Says: BEVERLY HILLS Cal Feb 12 —Papers today say "What would Lincoln do today” Well In the first place he wouldn’t chop any wood he would trade his ax in on a Ford Being a Republican he would vote the Democratic ticket Being in sympathy for the underdog he would be classed as a radical progressive Having a sense of humor he would be called eccentric And its Alice’s birthday too Alice Longworth has for the last 30 years and I hope 30 more had a reserved seat at the big-show on earth Yours ' ’ at AcrJ P S In this aeroplane mess I don’t own one cent of stock I don’t own one cent of stock In anything (I have some lots In Beverly Hills I would like to talk to you about) I love to fly I pay my way and do it Now there must have been some monkey business higher upor Mr Roose- velt wouldn’t do what he has And I would lika to sit on the jury and help convict ’em for they have brought injuryto a great to--" dustry f ’ X |