Show 14 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY Unpaid Teachers March on Homes Of Legislators SOCIETY AND CLUBS Catholics Plan PrC'Lent Season The season for social events In Catholic circles will end Tuesday eve nlng prior to the opening of Lent on Wednesday when all Catholics of Salt Lake unite with the Knights of Columbus in a bridge party and entertainment at the Judge Memorial hall The Knights of Columbus will be assisted In the party by members of the Catholic Women’s league sodalities and the young ladles of the college and academy of St The bridge and entertainment will be known as the ‘‘Bishop’s Party" and will be attended by the Most Rev James E Kearney D D bishop of the diocese of Salt Lake as well as the clergy of the city Proceeds from the entertainment will be turned over to the bishop for the charities of the diocese Plans for the party have been made by C C Armuth chairman and James W Quinn vice chairman h behalf of the Knights of Columbus and by a women's committee consisting of Mrs John C Daly Mrs C C Armuth Mrs James W Quinn Mrs F W Liston and Mrs John M Brady Guests will be received by members pf the Knights of Columbus Pancake Supper Cross Alumnae association of St Mary's Miss Edythe Neal chairman of the general arrangements was assisted by Miss Mary O’Carroll as vice chairman A clever southern idea was carried out in the decorations and cotton Miniature appointments bushes decorated the serving table which was lighted with ivory princess tapers A musical program was given by Adine B Bradley and song and dance numbers were given by Miss BtGunn and William Swenson with tap dances by Miss June McDonald Community singing of old southern airs was a feature of the evening Mrs Richard O'Rourke presided Honored Prior to Leaving for East Mr and Mrs Marlon L Cowans entertained at a delightful buffet (upper Sunday evening at the home of Mrs Gowans’ parents Mr end Mrs Fred Hansen on Fourth avenue in honor of Mrs J Forbes Campbell who with her little daughter Robin will leave Tuesday for Washington D C to Join Mr Campbell and mak their home- - Dancing was enjoyed followed by a cupper Sixteen close friends of the honored guest attended Miss Janet Sanders entertained at a R Board to Meet Mrs Stephen A Cobb state reof the American gent Daughters Revolution has called a meeting of Birthday Party Mr and Mrs A W Mansfield en- the state board of management for tertained at a Russian supper Satur- Tuesday at 1 p m at the Art Barn Mrs Cobb will entertain the board day evening in honor of J A 815 South Eleventh East who members at a luncheon and a busicelebrated his birthday ness meeting will follow anniversary and who on April 7 will have served 2d years in the recruitMarriage Announced ing service of the navy The table decorations were pink and coral sweet Mr and Mrs Heber C Kimball of peas The centerpiece was a large 161 Third avenue announce the marbirthday cake The guests were Mr riage of their daughter Zola Helen The marand Mrs F F Lufkin Mr and Mrs to ’William J Simmons A E Goodwin Mr and Mrs M L riage took place Friday February 2 Hamson Mr and Mrs G A Funk at the home of the bride’s parents Mr and Mrs W E Hummel Mr and the ceremony being performed by Mrs A J Sanders Mrs Carl Hansen Nicholas G Smith in the presence of of Brigham City Mr and Mrs F the family and a few close friends Craig Mr and Mrs A Pine of Og- The bride wore a handsome gown of Eleanor blue chiffon velvet with den Mr and Mrs J A Mclnnis and carried a matching slippers Members of the Western Physical shower of bride's roses and white Culture club enjoyed a hike Saturday butterfly sweet pears Miss Marian in Emigration canyon Special guests Larsen the bridesmaid was f rocked were Miss Kitty Shelton Miss Delca in a model of gray crepe with slipGreenhall Miss Rena Madsen and pers to match Lloyd Olsen acted as A meeting of best man for the bridegroom 'The Miss Dora Hoglund the club will be held Wednesday at bridal party stood in front of the bow the Deseret gymnasium window which was banked with flowers and ferns The Mrs C W Watson has returned early spring serving table was covered with a from a visit in southern California handsome pink linen cloth and cencake Mrs Clara M Clawson announces tered with a large wedding the balance of her winter stock at less topped with a miniature bride and Rose-pinprincess than half price TJI6' following are bridegroom in silver candlesticks were tapers coats Two values: fur exceptional Kimball and Miss Pearl and Miss regular $7950 aj $2975 4 coats to $100 sisters of the at $3975 Spring stock arriving daily' Marjorie Kimball The assisted in serving 38 North State Street Apt 4‘ (Adv'lrl bride couple are at home at 151 North Main Mc-Inn- forty-sevent- h k street Monthly Meeting The February meeting of the auxiliary to the A L M M E will be held at the Art Barn on Tuesday The hostesses for the day are Mrs Duncan Mrs Robert F MacVichle Mrs H K Klingender Miss Linda Jessup Mrs L F Paddison Mrs Forrest Mather Mrs James and Mrs D J Parker McEl-venn- y Mo-Ki- Valentine Party Miss Darlene Ostler entertained a group of her young friends at a de lightful Valentine party Saturday evening at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Harry Ostler on Yale avenue The serving table was gay with hearts and valentines and the The favors were miniature cuplds hostess was assisted in entertaining by her mother and sister Mrs Barry Ostler and Sister Mrs ' George H RusselL Sixteen guests were in attendance Leave Marriage Announced Mrs Alex A Campbell of 86 B Street announces the marriage of her daughter Alice Clawson Campbell to Francis H Spencer son of Mr and Mrs George H Spencer of Detroit Mich The couple will be at home at 1651 East Ninth South street alter February 15 The bride is a former student of the University ol Utah and the bridegroom is a graduate of the University of Michigan and a member of the Delta Alpha Epsilon fraternity A party will be given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs Dora Mortensen and Miss Glorua Mortensen Thursday Miss Louise Van Gun ten will entertain in honor of the bride who Saturday will be the motif for a party to be given by Miss Ruth Lambert and Miss Ruth Taylor at the Temple Square hotel Sunday Miss Dorothy Campbell will entertain at a dinner at her horn? in Ogden for the young couple Mr and Mrs George R Russell pnd daughters will be at home after February 15 at their new home 1525 Roosevelt avenue Mr and Mrs F Morgan Sorensen are spending a week in San Francisco Mrs- - Sorensen will later spend two weeks in Hollywood with Mrs W C Cgnnon j rate The fata ef your dress Is In the far tends of your corset Bo coras dress Is ooncemed the set IS practically everything: for if the corset is the right sort you can wear any gown or suit over It With chlq and charm The fate of your wardrobe in the bands of Mme Irene Duo-Bett- ea and Btep-l- n Is sured success $900 to one of as- $1500 Utahns to wed Medical BO Arte Bldg East South Temple LAS VEGAS Nev P)— A marriage license was issued here to Walter S Workman 26 Hurricane Utah and Lillian Morrison 28 St George Utah To meet highway competition a railway in England has cut wool freight Plana to preserve the history of Eagle Gate end of Brigham Young's rates 80 per cent school house' which stood east of the gate by means of bronze markers were announced Monday by John D Gllea secretary of the Utah Pioneer Trails end Landmarks association working In cooperation with Wallace M Brantford owner of the Bransford apartments which occupy the site of ths schoolhouss Tha tentative plan Is to placa a Intended originally for his own chilbut shortly after ta opening bronze tablet on one of the pillars of dren in 1860 was thrown opsn to til chilthe Eagle Gate and another bear- dren of the vslley with tuition payWith ing a bas relief of the schoolhouse able in produce Eli B' Kelsey was BARBARA BADGER on a wall of tha apartmant building the first teacher new series el a In In 1859 was origWith its spire and New England Eagle Gate built kitchea talks cobble-stonwall style architecture the building was inally a unit in a and Tkursdayt Tuesdays 1S:4S a- - nsight feat high and 500 rods long for many years both a landmark and It was used for which surrounded the ' grounds of canter of learning aif President Young The wall was built many years ss s meeting house by the Direct from tks Utah by him as a protection against In- Eighteenth L D S ward until cont Fewer A Light kitchen dians and to furnish labor to the un- struction of the present chapel on A where Miss Badstt will street The schoolhouse was torn employed Mr Qi)es Mid ths actually prepare bread-casA timbered gate was under the down In '190 disks as she arch Fas originally built A toll gate It has been suggested that the two for the City Creek canyon road was markers be dedicated during April located at another point according to conference to enable a large numDonj Carlos Young a- son of Presi- ber to attend tha unveiling ceremonies dent Young e eagle' carved from wood by LEGION CHIEF TO VISIT Ralph Ramsay and William Bell was designed by Hyrum B Clawson It ELY Nav— Edward A Hayes nawas later sent east and electroplated tional commander of the American with copper to protect it from Legion is expected to visit this city weathering Tha original eagle still nds above the center of the span February 25 local officials have announced following correspondence gle Ga'e was torn down to of street cars north on between Hayes and C R Townsend ( Sjiate street but was reconstructed commander ' of Nevada district No 2 1891 with a wider and Q O Bradley commander of Brigham Young's schoolhousa was White Pine post No 3 Creations ‘76wL TH SGOl MILKY WAY" Standard A conjoint lecture by John Duguld and Alexander Siemel the "tiger men" of the Soqth American jungles will bs featured in the Muter Minds and Artists series of tha University of Utah extension division at Kingsbury hall Thursday at 8:15 p m Tha tiger man has made jaguar-killinbis profession and hu slam 119 of tha beasts Ninety-fivware shot with a rifle while tha remainder were dispatched with bayonet spear or bow and arrow Siemel hu spent a large part of his life in the Jungles -S ending those lovely ringlet — styled t your own person- L ends ality j EXPERT OPERATORS j ts m arch-sprea- d aft lastransIn wares EINOER WAVE Completely Dried NOT 253 A LARUE (CHOOL ZEtiSS HI Brooks Arcade (Over Broadway Drug) Wasatch Mil With or Without Appointment ROMANCE OF THE GLAMOUROUS © (FOLLIES ' R KING) DAUGHTER TELLS ALL! from Anno Held Jr Jierself how hotel room — “the vivacious littlo French coquette” Anna Held lay dying Pallor covered blooming cheeks that had stirrad yeam-ingl- y tha heart of the world Suddenly she murmured the word — "Flol" Salt Lake police officers are awaiting more particulars with regard to the arrest at Kansas City Mo of Pete Humphries former inmate of the Utah state prison who was released on parole and now is accused of grand larceny in the taking of 14 coats valued at $1000 from the establishment of Mrs C L Weisenberg taxidermist of Salt Lake The police sought to obtain a requisition from Governor Henry H Blood but it was believed he might be brought back more readily as a parole violator ' and could ba held as long as 18 years on his present This would obviate the conviction necessity of a trial on the new charge There was also the possibility that Anna Held— aho could have bad the Missouri authorities might care tha leva of many men — yet could to try the man there if any charge aha bold tha ana man’ she adored? has been placed against him In that case the Utah prison could have the Florenx Ziegfcld — glorifier of American man after he had nerved a Missouri girlhood —genius of the Follies! Ziegfcld — of sentence if he were convicted all the men who had bowed at her twinkling feet— Anna had chosen him for the romancR Honor Will Program of her Ufe ' Retiring Mission Head Honoring Samuel O Bennion a member of the council of seventy of the L D S church who recently was released as president of th central states mission a program will be given in the Taylorsville ward at 8:15 p m chapel Wednesday Dancing will follow the program at which Mr Bennion also will ba an honor guest A good corn husker can husk as high as 100 bushels of corn in one day You need this ROYAL PORTABLE Florens Ziegfeld— his life was crowded with beautiful woman Could ha ba faithful to one? “Broadway’ greatest romance I” everybody called it And for a time—the marriage had beat heavenly He was her lover her husband her manager her impresario She was his sweetheart his wife his inspiration his star And then Tragedy stalked in! Ziegfeld’s business was feminine beauty In his “Follies” were the loveliest most alluring girls in the world Ziegfeld was human— he wee ouoceptiblel Ana soon Anna Held found herself the neglected wife What could she do? Forget Flo? ’ him him with the loved Share No she still Win him back? She couldn’tl others? Yes but first she must make him pay for his she made her bold plan tin against her! So 1 thrilling story of Broadway’e greatest romance told by Anne Held’ own daughter It will thrill you It will itir you It will teach you a lesson you'll never forget! This story— one of the great series of true stories of the lives and lovea of the world — famous people — appear complete in the March issue of True Story Now on sale at all newsstands— get your copy todayt Reid this Of Suspect iu Forgery Deputy Sheriff George Knepp is with requisition papers asking for the return to Utah of Paul of having forged accused J Veasy the name “D Lyons" supposed to live at 865 Twelfth East street to e lease for a typewriter from the Salt Lake Tyepwriter company The papers charge that tha crime occurred Juhe 20 1933 The man was placed under arrest at Stockton Cal The city directory does not show such a person as named on the lease D A Lyon ie given as living at 356 Twelfth East street PERMANENTS In a lonely L Seeks Extradition in California Landmarks Association Launches Move to Preserve History of Early-Da- y structures Police Wait Details Of Paroled Man’s Arrest LeARN The regular meeting of the Child Study group of the Children’s Service society will be held Thursday at 6 p m at the home The speaker will be Miss Edith Hunt teacher at the Uintah school S Bronze Tablets to Mark Eagle Gate and Site of Brigham Young’s School ARRESTED ON RUM CHAROI J W Finley 50 of Union was arrested Monday by deputy sheriffs on a charge of liquor possession Two ELY Nev— Further plans or de- gallons of whisky allegedly ware seized at Flnley't place which is in velopment at Lehman Caves new fedof a dance hall Ha the eral' park were completed last week was neighborhood released on $300 bail when P P Patraw superintendent of Bryce and Zion national parks and Harry Langley park service landscape architect spent a day there in conference with supervisors of the C In the Neicett and Latest W A crew working at ths caves Further Work Planned For Lehman Give Area S L for South Mrs E A Rogers Jr and Miss Ruth Fabian will leave Thursday for Miami Fla where they will visit Mr and Mrs George A Steiner at their winter home O- Jungle Hunters To Give Lecture e Mrs Frank L Copenlng Jr Miss Glorus Mortensen entertained at a delightful brldgjs luncheon and kltchep shower Suhday In compliment to Miss Cornelia Lund a popuThe of the month lar bride-to-b- e guests included 20 close friends of the bride-elec- t and were seated at small tables gay with decorations of pink roses and acacia The serving table was lighted with yellow tapers in silver candlesticks and centered with a basket of pink roses 11 e g and D A ' CHICAGO Fb 12 W— Unpaid school teachers In numbers sstimsted by police at 7000 marched on the homes of state senators today with loud demands for thair pay They gathered at 18 street corners In various sections of tha city heard addressee by thair leaders and then tramped solemnly to their destinations Most of the legislators were reported as away from homa when the delegations arrived Petitions were left at the homes demanding support for bills in tha state legislature which would allow transfers of funds from the building to the educational department of the school thus making money gyyilable for payrolls end Mrs L B Wight on Fifteenth East street was the scene of a prettily arranged bridge luncheon Sdturday presided over by Miss Hettle Frances Wight Crimson flowers and hearts were the attractive decorations and the place cards and tallies were in valentine design The hostess was assisted by her mother Mrs L B Wight and Mrs Earl F Wight and covers were laid for Miss Barbara Davif Miss Ann Kirtley Miss Marlon Dunn Mias Lorraina Duncomb Miss Ann Fol- Physicians in Syria are prescrib som Miss Marjorie Robbins Miss ing ptftent medicines in preference to Marla Worley Miss lone Scott Miss those tp be compounded Irene Scott Miss Helen Rutledge and Miss Sally Wight 17ie home of Mr Feted ct Sun- Valentine Party I Bride-Ele- prettily appointed breakfast day morning at her home on First avenua in honor of Mrs Campbell Bridge followed the breakfast and those in attendance were Mrs Campbell Mrs Harry Shafer Mrs Harvard Olsen Miss Donna Bennion Miss Adelaide Smith of Ogden Miss Esther Jenkins and Miss Luclle Manning c " ' The Shrove Tuesday pancake supper given Friday at St was arranged by the Holy Young S LMatron t— Radiant chapter No 12 O 7:30 E S regular meeting p m Masonic temple Music section Wasatch Literary club Mrs Thomas E Rowan 1170 Ninth East street 2 p m Ladies' Aid society Third Presbyterian church 1 p m at dhurch Ladies' Regular meeting Auxiliary to the United Com2 m Mrs mercial Travelers p T S Farrell 661 East First South street Open meeting A O U W lodge 8 p m Maccabee hall St Paul’s branch of Women’s auxiliary 2:30 p m at parish house Mothers' club Pi Beta Phi sorority chapter house 1 p m luncheon and bridge Beta Delphian 7:15 p m Newhouse hotel Lambda chapter 2 p m public library Drama-Musisection Ladies' Literary club 2 p m Seekers’ Literary clilb 1 p m Mrs Gavin Goudie 1411 Fifth East street Salt Lake circle No 559j Neighbors of Woodcraft reguf lar meeting 8:15 1 0 0 F halt Initiation and entertainment Mothers' club Bethel No 10 Order of Job’s Daughters 1:30 p m Mrs E L Coppock 711 Thirteenth East street Final Party of t Events of the' Day i 13 1934 A nhall Initial payment tad this Utestmodc! Royal Portable with smart new carrying cue is yoursl Pay the balance on easy terms Complete! Easy to use even if yen bare nmr typsd hftrt! Handsome! Sturdy Built fot a lifetime of writing convenience) MARCH SHOULD SHE SHARE HER HUSBAND WITH OTHER WOMEN? Like many other women Anna Held wanted to be the only on in her husband’s life! Can you blame her— but was ahe wise? Read the answer in March TRUE STORY now on sale at all new stands Was Her Cowardice A Sin? Harriet wae a good woman— and little Carolyn was an innocent child— set by fate in the house of shame across the street To the woman who was good was offered the chance to play a divine role — to aave that little innocent soul from a life of shame It meant defying gossip and scandal— it meant risking social ruin I Would she have the courHere i a prize story age to do it? — it will tear at your heart as nothing else has done in years Read it —“The Little Girl Aero the Way”— in the March TRUE STORY Other gripping true stories in March issue None So Blind — She Hated the Whole World Better Than My Own Blood— Hit Beloved Daughter-In-La- And I Lived Only forThia Never Lose Hope— TAe Day— He Murdered Her Harreit of His Friendship Found Wanting— The The Man Who Loved but Once—'My Tyrant Father Soul Wrong J Can Never Right A Woman Aflame— Isadora Duncan’s Amaf ing True Story Happy Again— The Miracle in Her fife Mother WillfUnder-stan- d — The One Thing Couldn’t Do I OUT NOW (r ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY INC Ml Beaaoa Building U East Sue Rnuth Wasatch MM a C—T Truth is Stranger than fiction WHEREVER MAGAZINES ARE SOLO |