Show 4 More Economical to Spend I 38 it a Day for THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Rental Ad 7-D- ay TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY IS 1034 III ms m PERSONAL LOANS n Is tie lime BUY YOUR CAR FOR IN BS PAID WITH A or $io BPR1NO AT THE LOWEST auto etocka PFOPLF’S FINANCE & THRIFT CO Phone Wae State 1ST-S- 197 8TATE BAN1C SUPERVISION THS STANDARD" OF AMERICA'S BUS 8KRVIC1 S ON TIME SCHEDULES HEAT PILLOW SFPVtrn GUARANTEED TRANSPORTATION CHICAGO Bloom $18 Loa Ana IfOO 1500 $ it ALL RECONDITIONED 1197 1916 1931 193 1924 FORD V-- 4 SEDAN air whUS449 195 FORD SEDAN 29000 miles CHEV Conv De Lux But Op 175 CHEV CHEV 115 135 BEDAN CABRIOLET Bed full loan service Leave your application today Call for your money tomorrow Repay a 1130 1323 BUTOK 191 1979 1999 1931 1930 1931 CHRYSLER NS” De Lux Bed 315 195 PONTIAC oach new paint 70-- S WILLYS-KN- li Sedan 345 charge obtainable for small amount monthly Com In Writ m or Phono 'Personal Finance Co 411 Continental Bo Main Phone Bank Bldg Wae 1007 SUPERVISION HUPP Century STUCK Dio erl model 6T Bed BUICK Bpt Cpe 14004 mile -- QRAHAM ORAHAM SEDAN SEDAN ORAHAM-PAIO- S 419 15 46 DUSINESS SERVICE U wsjjnKiidiisrtoMckTrTw building materlali APARTMENTS For RENT 116 U0MES FOR SALE Carpenter Work lw 47 BUY A HOME NOW THE HILLCREST 87 Storage 95 Patent Attorneys 48 WS TllCl Lal B8 Med-Wa- E 2nd South 16210 JUNK WANTED 145 49 THE BUCKINGHAM apartments THE KENSINGTON The 4 6 and imi have Rlaaaed-l- n sleeping polYhes end el apartment are furnished! mth electric refrigeration and cooktnk gai Thee buildings are all c J 1ft and you must see them If you are looking for something nice Cell COVEY INVESTMENT CO Wae 667 L Ofllc 23 Eaet So Tern Work guar Hr PAY FOR WITH CHEAP (When 31 to DOWN— 14 LATER Homo price will so BP) HOME AND BUSINESS PROPERTY 3100— Income property Ideal for business It eervlce etetlon etc STUCCO Juit remodeled new modern Li bullt-l- n kitchen nicely decorated new plumblne fixture new llht new outede paint CORNER fixture LOT 6 rode by 4V rod SO EAST ON PAVED STREET Lot 50x105 ft brick bunsalow sleeping porch full basement hot sir furnace newly decorated Inside new hardwood floors built-i- n ?utsld paint trees and lawn fireplace shrubs You'll have to look a long tlm to find a better value than thia at 73500 33400— BELL WINES APTS— 680 E 1ST SO 750— Now Available Very attractive ft ACRE 74200 COLONIAL HOME i COOPS FOR 400 I bedrooms Colonial apt fir isc In lars living rm Cross vsntlls Out In the beautiful residential district Ion unusual eloaet space Beautiful where the air and sunlight la glorious You know what living really means bare) playground Was 4023 96 f 97 Painting Papering PAPraiNa7'nirirafer8uteriecr'iicr furn - AND 84 Furniture Repairing 130 CITY AND BUBUltBAN 78 irWS!mrfc4TiraTTs5: Clothing 1 1 UNFURNISHED Door Checks Repaired 82c 15 295 De Luxe Op n Arranged Alphabetically in Wanted —CASrPAffiTuTooiaS F-R-E- 590 i I XETCHUM BUILDERS’ SUPPLY CO 780 Wet 4th South Phone Wa 6411 1934 BUICK STANDARD BIX SEWi BUY OLD MAGAZINES and BOO KB pairing brick work plastering Hr 7023 DAN 4 new tire finish and line what you have Zion1 Drop us a 71 Low Eaet let South Booketorw upholstering Ilk mlla A buy at tiV WANTED— On UMd plow 6o8Rrivcc£I2!Tri7miUteTdluted"TnT're‘3 wrBdwT W 4980 and on (rein drill Box 40 R F D 191 HUPMOBtUS Do Lux Sedan 795 Tooele Utah 1931 FORD "V-4- ” 195 COUPE Floor 193 115 WANTED— Qlri's bicycle must be reaaon STUDS SPORT COUP 193 1930 DODOS DD SEDAN able Hr 2416-- J ELECTRIO landing machine for rent 1911 BUICK BYDAN 440 polisher 350 So State Wa 4946 145 1930 FORD OOUPK 413 19il STUDS I SEDAN Gold Old 1931 OLDS 435 Coup 1911 PLYMOUTH Da Lux Sedan 613 dental crowne bridaee eto We 1591 DphoL refog anarepairtne Jewlry j 745 1914 BUICK SEDAN W M McCONAHAY JEWELER 1911 CHEV RBT 173 LICENSED OOLD BUYER air wheel Moving A 4 SO MAIN ST WABATOH 1831 1931 CHEVROLrT OOUPE 443 SHSPPTbPiJfiTlilfFoRASircSr 195 OLD OOLD 1933 OLDS BEDAN 100 FAR' CENT CASH PAID 49 Salt Broadway Waa 1174 1974 PACKARD SEDAN OOLD PRODUCTS CO 17 W 2ND BO 197 Moving Packing Fireproof Storey DURANT SEDAN 131 cJaBH for old aold dental crowne 04 brldee 1976 PONTIAC COUPS E 1 8 eld jewelry wetrh caei etc UTAH’S LAROE8T V8KD CAR STORE a?" tii6M mark Drawing Beaton Bldg W 7292 Wanted- - ra) 19 2 J For Your Room! Wars Hr Finishing AUBURN HUDSON Room TWO TRIPS DAILY ALL 4 DIRECTIONS TRADE-IN- S 1931 1911 1931 1911 M the lowest 800 Portland 13“ II j 00 Spokane Idaho raUa Botic 8AV1NO ON ROUND TRIPS jmtht an Cllra s $300 PRIC1 AND PLYMOUTH DODGE mo repare ioo equities or Indorsement Il70per Chattels SECURITY: PACIFIC SPECIAL BARGAINS 68 1 to SI 68 Dally Last Boarders Stayed Year Home-Il- k room In new Colonial meals piano radio Inal It wk 1171 Bo 9th KH1- - R1 110 31a AUTOMOBILES FOR 8£LE32 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 MISCELLANEOUS 'I WANTED 18 MONEY TO LOAN (Continued from preceding Page! Elace New comfortable pleasant closets large rms 64 S 3350-- tapestry brick home fire- modern kitchen tllo dralnboard feature hardwood floor full cement bemt hot air furnace lawn ehruba tree coops cement drlreway ft acre LAFAYETTE spacious CALL 60 E 5th Bo— Attract! loo 101 FAIRMONT nod reae raise Wae 2034 Wae 3000 UNDER STATE 1933 PLYMOUTirriete) 415 Sedan 475 STATE SOUTH LOT: 1932 PLYMOUTH NEW MIDOLEY ”4’’ Sport Coup 450 cEfmntrFRiswff tc rm furn-un- f 125 up 421 8 W Tem 1979 PLYMOUTH COACH merclal work 336 Edison at Was 1601 15 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE beautful dark AND Wae 151 So Mats 60 motor an blua finish very NICE 14 to 110 moi close rm FOR eee and binding apt public private library Sun and eves call Hr 4250 New attractive low rate contract to 730 unusual buy at only 1175 1931 DODGE Sedan Ilk new In Wae Co 321 1070 386 week Dust et Was Edison days SWAP 780 SO STATE D T 8INO FR 1931 DODGE D H Sedan new paint 415 employed people on personal note FRONT apt llvlni rm dll bed? NO ENDORSERS PROMPT BEltVH i 17s 1931 DODGE D D Baden kitchen with breakfast set refrlg Is You control the cost 1 185 A 1980 DODGE D Lux Bed TRiffiinSHTSSumrForaTfuck A- -l cond FOR bedrm closet apace outside tile ample RootthlT 185 11929 DODGE D k SEDAN tno Standard 1931 Ford or Chrv pickup 3967 So SPBCTALpr J 6 CO ‘ bath Juel 340 So 0th East - for 3107 H SMO Ing Co 748 So State TDOJ D A COUPE 25 4th Eaet Murray 463 and sleeping porch Frlelialre gas JMEPQT 8M Elr Thompon Bldg 4STWlTh7tV£W Window ranee 1 team heat excellent condition IF BO YOU CAN APPRECIATE THE COM146-l- n INTERNATIONAL USED TRUCKS 77 W So Tempi Tempi Squat Hqtel low rental PLETENESS AND BEAUTY THESE Call Hy 4687-- J W b steel express body 51 SXSBerS 5VlND0W'8HAbE3 CURNITURE FOR SALE HOMES OFFER YOU 154 -- ton 114-l- n Lowest WHEN you move— tare time expene and INTERNATIONAL PANELS DELIVERIEB PICKUPS 13000— stucco bunealow Look! Just ‘VMMgysaAW A9gyMiAAAkA4AAisA5vvwwwv with dual wheel WHITE free samples and quotations prices a hire reliable men LON® AND SHORT W B STAKES breakage: moving front-a- te new -ft like and on k lot with made on INTERNATIONAL old allowances rollers shades dieted in classification Moving and special CAN IE SECURED BT EMPLOYED MEN SET WAS 1369 Tile dralnboard cement basement 709 BO MAIN MB Bo reversed Was 7B96 Btate with stake body storase In Who’s Who A 5 WOMEN ON THEIR PERSONA! K loctUon So 154-tgarage INTERNATIONAL itake with new drop-leblend Includes 6 A NOTE only fait eonfldentll eervlct 712 — NICE clean 1 rms piaster pieces n sip 13650— Near Sniarhotlse colonial and table 4 chain flnlhed In beautisil at and 143 W 5th North what a beauty Corner lot painted baee-me- nt Model A-- I INTERNATIONAL with ful lleht ereen enamel Only 19 60 Oran-- It DOOMS FOR RENT r PRINC aarase street assessment Paved dual K Bo 3 1060 tlree at cruise Furniture fifFORMTCffoif all line tour SO 412 Judre Bldg 3rd Bo and Main FURNISHED 1 fine paid American Express Co 24 W 9 B W 260 UNIVERSAL COAL RANGE late model COMEORtTbIS rirh! mod! homeTeverr SMITH APT 15760— Yale dietrlct The largest Upper Spacious sip pch beautiful all porcelain finish water Plneo horn In B L A maid's room convenience reae Close In 121 let ave Frigid hwd fire 73750 220 S 3rd extra bathroom In basement amusejacket like new coat 7127 50 for only MALE SrOADMOOR NICELY 73 rm well HARVESTER CO 10x19 furn front CHENILLE like B 6 RUO 13910 also 930 heated 3rd So Beautiful Coniolldato all your bills Into one soment room dbl garage hot water beet-- er 318 Bo 7nd East 438 W 4th Bo week PH W 1817 rms Lots of aunshins frsihjilr Tosts-fuU- y new cost 1300 will sell lor 165 Can il by borrowing 110 to 1300 from ug assessments peld WANTED be seen at 134 So State ill decora tod Ixcluilv Rs Mtmabls 38350— Normandy Relents NICELY furnished sunny rm only 2 bike Llva tn Belt payments— courteous dignified HAVE few rebuilt thorouthly Caterpillar service Lawful Interest exoluelre residential district 134 et ave Lake's Main from rd 1st Reasonable rm PETER PAN E 447 velour to suite So VIrd up living SEDAN LUXE DE Strictly 1933 FORD tractors in fine shape barsalne also Jacquard an openlnc In It eales lore tor a capEnellsh colonial gorgeous living tha minute 3 rms 30 and ui claee condition Kroehler make 13760 NICELY furnlehed room studio couch No L 3 discontinued models new offered for 1549 LOAN look Ilk pedal and lor Lake Salt room colored tile bath cheerful kitchable ealeeman City terms Western Furniture 136 Bo State V-- 4 1131 FORD TUDOR BEJAN Louie Apl 101 let ave at sreatlr reduced prices OLUFF 2nd So 13th E Nesr other Utah terrltorr Thle le a eplendld iuick eels en with elec dishwasher Beautifully SOCIETY deTract b Equip Co 23 W B T TRADE old turn for new an d gl pch all electric Hy 4106-Lowest prices LOVELY furnished rm In private horn lav perfect condition will find 107 Clift Bldg Wat 1177 opportunity and the rleht-ma- n landscaped Amusement room with front 646 E 121 4390 W Fum Reliable ENBdwy preciation THE 610 E 4 room 2nd So 714— TERRACE apt It a profitable connection bath claan entrance walking distance of Utah of "Under V-- 4 superrltlon Stgte 1131 OOUPE seat rumblt FORD 453 CYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA MI Mat rust South 4th West COUCH color ED D SMITH 7k SONS condition STUDIO good Auto 545 lust Ilk new ' gpring-fUle- d ket Street Ban Pranclsco Cal mattress slightly tolled wae I77L lag str mod gl 1932 FORD sip Frlgldalre porch 111 IN 135 DOOMS 116 Furniture Western N Wanted— men lor aervlee dept mut bent bargain 322 ana West 435 HOME BAROAINS rets Veal garage: at 6852 Wreck Oo 1016 Auto Hr perma-neState 110 V-- 4 or mor to working people on LOVELY BRICK COLONIAL beautiSalt Lake residents reference 1932 FORD TUDOR SEDAN 325 Someth e! Strictly BIGELOW RENT FOR 10 a m 401 Ness bide their own note No or mort450 BEE us first for used parts all makee car ful living room entire width of home 2 and 8 rms Beautiful exclu- very careful owner gage oak floors throuehout tllo bath and trucks: will par cash for your old car rrii Eairpaymenta See us first 1(33 FORD 4-- 0 YL COUPE In ex- tfENTIBT wanted Muet be first-claslve 725 up op TURNITURE WANTED o with private path garaee lno 145 drain tulf straight-wa- ll truck Felt 5vrtckeee 645 State W3822 basement lot oellent condition erator rood proposition Salary and LOAN ’’HOTEL LITTLE" In the heart of city 1632 CHEVROLET Ttlb-TeCOACH a very le wonderful bur at commission Box 6 FOR RENT 445 see thle 73200 terms East of Liberty par one Bo McCornlck 1st 10 good West Ml NEW WINDSOR HOTEL Bldg WE neea furniture town rour ol Highest out prlceaWid lor 1 1 sign painter 1931 FORD COUPE a very good one Near 2nd East gnd 27th Bo Under new management Bleep rms Trlb-T- el for furniture City Furniture ExcHanet 0 FURNISHED MILLER LOAN burs trades loans on suits Ate ref Box 396 brick col with breakfast nook oak 73 60 with bath 327 Bo Mel only 12 wk “Wae 2021 II Bo West Temple TARTER teeth repaired without removing guns wstchss old gold 47 W and Bo 1911 FORD WE can use 1 more neat appearlni roui etc A pick-u- p TUDOR BEDAN good floors at 42250 term Method! Ouar WUUamaon flywheelSo Btate outside rms CALL US FIRST Forget the reet HlOH-ES- T KANE HOTEL-3- 41 A HIGHLY reapectgble place where ladles 175 Wa have numerous Inquiries 6TH EAST SPECIAL men 420 Neee Bide condition throughout extra lari Mack's Weldlne 400 Bo B'ate W 3203 Seva tlm( hot eold water 72 60 wk Weil heated SPOT CASH PRICES and gentlemen can borrow money on 113 FORD FORDOR SEDAN trunk horns firebrick colonial flna or eood unfurn rlshed roomy and trouble Cell W 6404 RIGHT NOW 393 diamonds and watche at leral rate us tor quick rental floor on back nice ehpe Llit with oak til throushout kathr beautiyour piece Men M0-GARAGE THE DIAMOND SHOP 1931 FORD PANEL ful amusement room landscaped lot Che s Woodward Co 25 X let Bo lust CALL Was 4559 lot hlihsit SPOT CASH 174 BO MAIN 285 7250 eleo ranee Only 34760 Wae 33 03 or Term what you want prices for furn all kinds rues stoves rooms mor available Only afew take email homo in trade etc APPRAISALS GIVEN no obligation IF YOU NEED MOfoi? mod nicely turn die bed coal and newly papered painted new carpet It will p $t you to INDIANA AVE In Poplar Orov a RUSSELL M MILLER COMPANY cond for live see ranees Ideal will to like elderly bAPI opporfor some The good Fneed helm taken you — YOU place furniture used —EMIL JOHNSON four-roo- m Applications borne home end a live-roo- m 704 JUDOE BLDG PHONE W 1738 PEERY HOTEL BET THE PRICE I Will pay cash Call couple 718 1004 Bo 10th E Was 3330 tunities In television field Applicants before buying or routing boat! A motors on 11000 wldculot both (or AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Was 4162 must furnish A- -l character references 1114 SO STATE WAS home well furnished INDEPENDENCE Hotel II W 8 8 500 UP! 330— NEW In one and rent the other and be able to carry email tralninc exnew elec range furnace nice yard YOU KNOWI we pay the beet for used wk 1260 up h k rm Msrrom mgr WANTED ALWAYS CONSULT US ABOUT HOMES prelawns gari near car 1171 Harrison ave pense Those accepted will be given HOLLAND FURNITURE CO BEFORE YOU BUY 41 liminary tralnlm at home and- then 364 So State Wae 6513 " O ADDIS TNV Co 337 Main We 780 720— duplex sip porch overetuffed taken to Lo Anielet at our expene for PRACTIC Alirperpetuai motionuuiCnlted 1116 3545-set Lake ROOMS HT garage it HIGHEST prlo paid for furniture of all HOUSEKEEPING practical work In the "NATIONAL power electrlceL undisputed proof 135—4-ROOdescriptions Courteous eervlce W 8727 1 modern hdwd floors well 31150 WORKWOMAN'S hoove—Where ho You ere fools Was 10171 Mr Beck studios Bee Davie Peery Hotel furntihed near East hleh Hr 8196-- J DIALERS can spend hie spare time in Improving CASH FOR RANOE8 FURNITURE RUGS AUTHORIZED liARN any branch of radio you deilre by LATE MODEL CARS AUTOfiKrerHEAT the property have a garden when there v 6376 WASH MACHINES AND SEW Claes new Low tuition actual work OR WILL BUY YOUR EQUITY nle plenty of room shed Nice rooms 713 end 714 333 2nd test furnished Oar 700 So no down payment required AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE formint e MCBRIDE’S Temple trees lawn flowers and a brick 77 ONE room month furnished modern WAS (150 7TH SO AND MAIN 6093 Get acquainted with satisfied students W Guar apt cash price hlgheet located 6th on home bath: last with tele24 and W radio close In fnq North Temple and learn facte about FOR RENT PRIVATE to oar and ichooL Easy term can party want used furn rues clou vision Call before 1 o’clock Western US 1 635 MAIN 1 SO ONE room kltchenetta and aleeplng porch USED CAR DEPT heater reneei etc Pay more w 6797 be arranged et 133 Electrical Regent College UNFURNISHED 820 3rd ave TRUCKS WILL PAY CASH— NO DELAY PARTY needs houeeful of furniture or ruge Wae 101B ltk-to- n t14f 1929 CHEV truck room H K heat light 335— LARGE well-tur- n NORV1LLE MOTOR 408 80 MAIN atrleur modern hardwood Home end Investment— Duplex stoves chairs dressers etc Hy 1907-1®EARN 1932 CHEV 426 while you learn bartering" panel lUent 124 So 73 week East floor 8th 1 gas range heater garage nice gas 157-l- n YOU CAN ALWAYS We meet your state requirement! 1933 CHEV lV4-to- h duel 495- PRIVATE party will par cash for 1930 or WASATCirtoiRNITURB CO pay more for lawn ahrube close to high Junior apt with 119 Regent Bt sedan 1 54 -- ton later Ford or Ohev 3 or Molcr Barber College used furniture 157 Bo Btate Was 04 CLEAN front ground floor 1931 CHEV stake dual i A real home In a school trade high W 716 So 8147-541 mo Wae J ATemple -l gae llghte 150 wheels new tires Oar-den- e cement 62 LAKE FURNITURE real SALT oak tvs Boulevard finish floors neighborhood 00 always pi YOUR 154 -- ton 157-l- n duel 1933 CHEV on Main below 17th South hlkhet price tor used furniture W 837 NICE large kitchen and bedroom hot cold basements and furnace cat stoves tnd tlree combination ataka water lights sas heat included 74 72260 — JJALESMEN WANTED water heaters Tapestry firebrick STOPI W need furniture: don’t ilv rourt mod baiement eae fur and 595 POAL & WOOD MONEY and van body week Call Was 8652 and only built ilvo years ato 2 dleap beds new kltcb curtains range U 95 1928 truck CHEV awaYtjVepeyGislnllrjesoo SELL $3&O vaiuercoirectWlr""i"oo” and eood range FOB “V-- ” rm SALE NICE and kept like new Thle Is real bar712— heated front DE LUXE 7966-TUDOR 239 7 S E nr school H drape 157-ln 1 696 1983 CHEV stkka Bo E 369 term can be arranged keep It Parlor “O' Newhouse hotel 8th see and phone tire lights gain 1475 320— 3: sack back mod PASSENGER CARS ranee Uno walk dtst FORD SEDAN 1931 fine shape 395 wood 1135 load up coal tack RADIOS FOR SALE 1845 1933 CHEV SEDAN like new 414 Bedford Vlllk rear 152 Z 4 Bo sawed Key FORD COUPE 1930 new paint HOME AND GARDEN 625 or ton plus tax Luc’s Was 3917 1933 CHEV COACH trunk extras CEMALE 310—3 Lo rms 637 East 6th South Call AND BOARD 290 good tires & 105 KINDLING 1924 CHEV Sedan 7 SACK8 31 DEL COAL BY FOReale 7280 R WA8974 Hr 46 SO MAIN ownerT7ubeiit)tro FORD SEDAN 1930 dandy cer 250 750 WANTED 1930 PACKARD Sedan BACK TON BECK’S HY 5603 radio cabinet original sale price FORD MODEL 'A" PICKUP 150 143 1928 BUICK strictly mod clean garage Sedan foot 316 —84 FEW choree vacancies at Cobblemore 1176 aacrlfice price $25v Hy aiHo FORD MODEL “A’’ PANEL 150 W 3rd South Call Hr 6105 675 10 SACKS KINDLING 1971 BUICK flj Sedan ot served under personal supervision ton Csll Hy 4004 attending Henager Business College 1971 ESSEX Coarh 195 stucco (1 floor) built-i- n Irene Hesee No 6 S 6th K Wa M00 t30— NIGS m enroll any time Write for Information SPECIAL DEER Creek furn lump 8860: stove 1825 USED CAR DEPT-- j 635 BO MAIN features hardwood floor gag ra ’’ one of the most beautiful homes OPENINO DE LUXE COUPE hid splenCO- DIGNIFIED employ for I women of cherac n 146 17 W nut H 443 Smith heater 3 3676 pea So 7th men and for Lake buelnees In Belt Ness 401 1450 7 car m did ’ P ter and force Apply YOURrsdlo reptiredTor tl work guaran " ' ’ Jeremy st was 2048 Trlb-T11350— DUPLEX I rms range private bath 4 Box WAS Ill Inquire 1016 W Electrical bldg Western teed college — ( 54 SPECIAL DOMESTIC COAL ton mod fcrieki 13160— Splendid newly decorated throughout basement OTHER MAKES FIRST-CLAS- S board and rm reae Oarage 54 ton nut) at 1765 EFFICIENT girl cooking and housework stove 4664 Hr 364 E 17th race Soutb on louth Brran furnace front garage Wee 9269 DODGE VICTORY "6’’ Had good 434 East South Temple references and salary expected Olv ave close to loth Eait Terms AN ABERDEEN COAL CALENDAR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 185 WHEN you move gave time expenu and rare Trlb-T0 Box LOVELY room home cooked meals 325 up modern brick on Ith 12800— FREE WITH EACH ORDER SEVERAL OTHERS hire a reliable moving man RANQINO IN ' 1435-- J 812 E 2nd South 3 a m Hy fireakage SALESLADIES— Call between FOR SALE to Losan ave Terms VALLEY FUEL CO WAS 3046 Eut1875close I 100 claulflcetlon PRICE FROM 350 TO Moving 7450 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE — Nice home of rooms and llrst-ole- e No phone calls 877 Bo 6 th E Wo 13 home beat food: WEEK 7760 Whof in Who'i Storage SAXOPHONE brand RED O’NITE COAL Buescher O melody 1932 CHEVROLET 450 COACH large lot on Oarfleld clou to 1th Bait tentleman Close in 167 N State WANTED— Saleslady In ladles’ ready to OUR STOCK OF USED OARS IB LOW colTbrkT eaet bench bkfet m new 1 60 Wae 9244 740— NEW Unclassified by N R A 90 1927 CHEVROLET COUPE 13100—6 rooms all modern' furnace suite of wear experience and reference! de—BUT THE HONEST VALUES tyE OFand front Furnace lump 3775 stove 77 25 nut RENT pianos 12 table board EXCELLENT nook DE LUXE Sedan 425 1931 CHEVROLET hdwd fire full bsmt gae range close to 11th East and Ith South Term yrs rent on pur sired prefer on with following Box 74 60 pea 3525 Hyland Coal Hr 8764 THAT WAY FER KEEP 2 rooms new stoker sarase shrubs and flow-Wa- a Valley Tavern Ill B Bo Tem on 74700 — Lovelr colonial chase price Utah Music Co 163 E Trlb-T- el 2 8900-- R 1403 Harrison ave 475 1981 BUICK SPCL COUPE so close to I5th Eut lovelr rmSj good home-cookREAL HOME Roosevelt faces Good WANTED ladles to call on friends 1930 ESSEX SEDAN 266 TAYLOR-RICHARmesh real 41 E let No DS HuloRAN-JUDGTYPEWRITERS FOR SALE money Parlor "C" Newhouse hotel E TRUST CO 1 OR 2 exclusive home Ollmer Park newly 1 245 1930 FORD COUPE 41 EAST 9TH BO WASATCH 2914 WAS 731 and RENTALS HOMES Orantt dec 2 meals: tar 943 B 12 E H 7990-- J SERVICE dk REPAIRS 385 160000 1931 FORD 1094 Be FEET used and new 5t 7t East 31st Hr 214 Will finance Realty Co INGLE81DE for discriminating people Mrs 1930 HUPMOBILE 750 SEDAN WHERE THE TRUTH IS TOLD C I pipe rour lsbor as down payment on ehole pipe 11000 feet 948 E 1 S ADDISON CAIN 661 let So ’WMlJ Geo R Sheldon Hy 8098-1360 1931 PIERCE SEDAN ABOUT CARS SOLD job? learnTacfiS Choose Vf-payin- g MON6EY IRON de METAf CO of several homes: We furnish materiel 75 to 312 i houses mod email 475 1932 SEDAN CHEVROLET hew di Coro ' Smith Ask LC about 700 So 3rd Weet earn part Western Elec College port A food family Liberal terms Mr Olsen Hr 4777-- J Waeatch 4768 1926 NASH SPECIAL SEDAN 475 1931 AUBURN SPORT SEDAN 32750— brick heat good na lYpewrlteri 40 W 2nd So W 3939 car Lots of mile left In tnla for 195 store building and duplex FOR 8ALE-!-Brlvalve RENT fitting dltlon! Key 217 3th E Hr 1242 475 NEW and used Pipe 1929 BUICK MASTER SEDAN APARTMENTS 677 BO MAIN expert repair on all makes KETCHUM BUILDERS’ SUPPLY 780 M D HOOGAN sell at a sacrifice on euy terms to suit WANTED WALK die mo id neat oean — FURNISHED at W 4th Bo Wes 8411 Call owner Hr 4687-- J typewriter! We 4660 burer WE FAY CASH FOR Bo E 4837 res coal 341 Bth ' Hr Key FEMALE ATTENTION" BARGAIN HUNTERS I TYPEWRITERS stationery offloe quipm1 LATE MODEL USED CARS TODAY 360 houaeei apts 5' Free furn uui Utah Typewriter Ex 30 E t So W 4838 41000— 17th So near Ith East fSoROUGHiV v exp’rtorg demonstrator W 70 46B3 Bo Ut Rental W 4 Tranep Trlb-T- el paving all paid Hr 7280-- R best personal bus refs Q-120 SO 3RD EAST 783 BROWNING CAR beautiful mod "eleo McCray counters U 8 sliceri- acalei 'SALT LAKE’S SMARTEST ranee furnace laraee 330 Hr 7399 choppers Rubber parsley flaw service HOME’ APARTMENT 314— plates knives Harrlntton 106 W $ 8 GfftGH used desk tnJPTlfri mod exo heat alp pch fruit REAL ESTATE DISTRIBUTOR 8TUDEBAKER For quietness cleanliness and c 1931 PLYMOUTH SEDAN De Luxe RUCTION “ L equipment Dfsk Ex 05 W Bdwy Waafl475 true gar 625 Colorado st Was 0132-- J l 481 SO MAIN WAS 4101 venlence ot location we offer attractan llnleh scarcely driven FOB SALE OB TBADB 1476 apt 110— DUPLEX i rme and bath! 1024 Linden W HADAMS AUCTIONEER at all tively furn and decorated MISCELLANEOUS 1484 TO I486 BO STATE HY 4800 ave and 270 Weet 7th Bo Murray 47 CLOBE-IBeautifully draped new curtains new MAIN STREET INCOME PROPFERTILIZER AND 73760 etc— 1933 CHEVROLET Do Luxe 8edan FOR SALE lamp ERTY can gell this property for about AUCTIONEER M DERRICK modern decorated 138 BALE3 newly Dt Feb 12 front ‘9 Available one-ha- lf mounts and side many 4444 trunk lta actual value or will 317-Wae Bo 18th service 2540 auction High rinse Eut Cell Mid Luxe apt— 77250' aOODToUenTerflTiMr momiTaIniiand 445 other extra cept soma trade DOWN TOWN FORD DEALER 1150 — lino thoroughly cleaned and 12 per load delivered anywhere kit bath 1024 Bo 4th Eaet BACK BARS beer mat etelm countEMBASSY APTS 31 TO LOAN 1932 BUICK D LUXE COUPE side Hy 8758 Chicken farm with 2000 hens -- room 4 1931 rumble Do Luxe coupe ers cash registers dishes ranges stools 130 So 3rd East 330— brick duplex hwd lloore range mounts finished r in pearl h good brooder teat only 3000 miles (Bit Discount) You save AUTOMOBILES coffee urne steam table furn apt 130 furn 854 furnace lino 786 4th clckens So Eaet grey darker trim- Only t ROADSTER a dandy39 1932 8 BPT money at the Chick 33750 Newly decorated and recondA Located near tha city Will suit to mortgage will house remodel 385 1930 FORD FORDOR SEDAN FURNITURE COMPANY WESTERN with attractive itioned throughout In Lake Belt 1931 HUPMOBILE SPORT COUPE homo 223 California ave lor tenant (rad 175 1939 FORD TOWN SEDAN Inq (Cafe Department) drapee lamps aud curtain tide m radio ebony flnlth Bo 4th Eut 165 Hy 6084-1929 FORD OOUPE 135 SOUTH STATE WAS 1151 GESrSuFfpRIOErS'oU 485 If you ar Interested In making knr nearly new 135 1928 CHEV COUPE 114 N 6th WEST— New mod duplex: We lead on baby chicks poults VOGE-LER’- B REALTY CO KEYSER kind of a trade see us now w esn 190 BEDAN fins cond 1928 STUDE elec range and furnace’ 33 60 10 W 1st So Balt Lake City 1502 WALKER BANK BLDO WAS 2678 1831 BUICK Sport Sedan flnlihed you satisfy extra good 395 1931 ORAHAM Sedan blood-teste- d with private bath eottase newly 185 pedigreed strain in dark blue fine shape n Salina Hot Fire— A hard hot clean CHICKS 465 1933 FORD 157-l- n dual renovated throuehout low rent to Brooder poultry remedies free catalog RICHMOND DAVIS INVESTMENT COMPANY coal superior quality for the tame price 4787-Porter-Walto- n Ut J Lake Co Salt party Cell Hy 111 McIntyre Bulldlne City Waa 4470 1931 DODO De Luxe Coupe R S Bpeclal on Paint Phllllpps Cary roofing mo 12360 730 MO— New mgt day wk side mount Insulation board sash door lumber of BUY bur Good Chicks flvlng consistently black flnlth 14 So 7th Oarage LATE model Chev Mdan Will trad for I 732 70 Everything IncL 70 E N T 485 Anchor stokers are beet kind nr heet water hot Flocks fire hdwd superresults cherry strip officially or laundry good acre as farm down payment BLDO COUNTY OPPOSITE CITY ft Was 610 Anchor Lumber Co 2250 S Main H 4540 tubs Key next door north Inq BeltR-yo- n Trlb-Tel- e vised by Wash Cert Pout Ass'n Seied Box MANY MORE Market chicks u you want ’em Circular on re- SHUBRICK APTS— 3 rooms elec range Community 422TEr email bom Waa auto GOOD for quest refrigerators 73 West 4th So Wa 4472 lo— duplex 'gas range hdwd fire 6215-- R EVERETT CERTIFIED HATCHERY Desirable no 725 furn die bed Apply 1260 Bo fra E unfum 320 MO ONE used copper tub automatic: 3905 Hewitt Ave Everett Wash car fare lerse lounging lobby plenty MODERN— 317— WITH OARAGE 11 EXTRA one used Thor combination washer ACREAGE BABY ehicks turkey ducks best strains heet hot water Inq Take elevator 4th and ironer one used Easy 4 F CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH duplex hardwood floor In- pARMS floor 47 E Broadway Community apt with pump Poultry supplies Send for prices laid lino In kitchen bath And bedrm SALE FOB MAIN Down-eta B 386 Was Bone C L d Machine Ut Co A- -l Bullt-ln- e Dept Bailey apt Washing cond itchen range eon 335— NICELY furnished large Ira ‘TRADE-IN- S’ nected 637 Bo 7th E Hy 3441 Will call for and Electric ranee refrit ltrte oloecte WANTED — Live poultry Price ts mile Utah near (tote from AUERBACH CO newly decorated pay top prices E L Madsen Murray to 16 to 150 for rent CHICKEN RANCHES 140 acres cultivated all hlchwar B1LTMORE APTS 60 So 6th East Modern homes newly conditioned SevHIGHEST prices for live poultry Call Hr 4325 fenced 70 acres bar balance grain etc 1929 CHEV BEDAN eral to ehoou from Union Inv Co Good lend 2737-496 BEDAN modern J r 1931 CHRYSLER I houses— 1 la PIERPONT apta 151 Pierpont ave— DOWN TOWN FORD DEALER Wae 7824 water right low maintenance bams 425 BAR FIXTURES coll and novelty boxes and 1932 GRAHAM SEDAN and bath 314 to 316 Wae 4394-- J Ice or CO all beer dUpenelnc equipment ”72’’ SEDAN 105 1928 CHRYSLER sheds 3 beds er CHOICE APT quiet lleht modern FOR SALE rumblt 1831 V-- 8 Do Lux mechanical easy terms coupe BALE AND WAS 1030 464 3rd ave 3 closets piano IS4 BO MAIN ST Co 58 W Bo Temple seat only 1000 miles (Bii Disvslue 236 1929 OLDS COUPE bath count) 330—GROUND floor 4 large room FOB add- - NEWZeaidhUa)XIte!5rTach?To02 U REGII BENT 145 OROSHELLS— CASH 1928 COACH OLDS 1932 V-- 8 D Lux roadster Like ar 126 H street heat screened porch MUTUAL LUMBER COMPANY anied 8031-115 2929 FORD ROADSTER lng machines bought goild oxchi ave Hudson Hr 4395 new m Price Utah 249 State st Groshell-Lo- v rented 445 E Ird Bo PETER OTHERS repaired PAN MANY strictly 285 1930 FORD FORDOR SEDAN 46 Eet 3184 Wee 36 year to minute and up Bldg the clear Irrigated farm no bulld-In- n up 175 1939 FORD TUDOR SEDAN CANARIES DOCS GUARANTEED from RooMvelt Utah for 3ft EVERY counter miles CAR store meat fixture BEER Beautiful 930 E I BROADMOOR So 185 Ird equip 1979 FORD COUPE DESK apace with us of phone ground sale at 14600 or wlli trad for Western Welkin coolers 32 Richards Wae 3211 teUUvMAAeMMWWwCwVMMA MAAAVvyWWWUUMAAAV 135 rme Lot of sunehlne fresh air Taete-fuli- y 1926 CHEV COUPE floor 333 Bo Mein et Loan and Building stock or dear Balt decorated Exclusive Reasonable BOSTON bull puppies $20 1646 Downin- 1(5 1428 ETUDE SEDAN fine cond Lake or Oeden property O A Bremer too ave Hr 6 1931 ORAHAM Sedan extra good 305 mod cottages everything furJerome Idaho 445 154 -- ton dual 1983 FORD 157-l- n ' ntihed— move right In— 120 to 140 Utah electric radio dynamic 40 PAIRS of RM Cameaux and White Kings full QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL SEDAN 14 DE ACRES LUXE ORAHAM 1931 1000 So State Improved eood soil and water Hy 7474 7110 Motor 2124 McClelland tone excellent Cost NO COSIGNERS choice park Miscellaneous power speaker m 445 mod bom Located South like new radio and heater right LOW terms Oranlt Furniture now 71750 111 end up Overetuffed PTYwliriresYYoid NEW WILLARD— Jordan H 0 Parduhn R F D No L placer cfalm'located 1050 E 31st Bo furn eae lights lncl 113ft Regent at At ieast 1160 per yd In good district FOR SALE Trlb-Tstorage boxes Martin LIVESTOCK VLRdliflA Apt 3 radio overetuffed Box INC better or 1926 BUICK STANDARD Sedan Excellent MEAT counters ESTATE Kraals Refrlg Co 042 N 3 W W 6601 cleaned furn 14260 FOR BALE— Lace curtain condition: only $195 BALLARD 14A8H rigldalre newly cleaning Co OPPOSITE CITY & COUNTY BLDO 172 MOTOR AVE WAS 0311 0410 E Bo Temple ee caCO 577 SO MAIN TWO electric Incubators 100-30- 0 tabllshed business opportunity for flO TO ANY AMOUf LOANED ON AUTOS 3589-- J 2171 mod Was Was ooma on E to 704 wife E WANT 544 9th South pacity buy 5 or 0 rm colonial Trlb-Tman and lit So— Strictly 14 Union Stock TRENTON RUSSELL M el 8 ‘ER COMPANY east bench Ptiv sale Wednesday Feb beautifully turn Frigid UNCLAIMED suitcases overcoats and eloth-- ‘ DRIVI-Imarket very choice location w will hava 10 HONE W 1784 1095 104 JUDGE BL1 Utah Yards 1033 BUICK SEDAN Ogden 8031-1002 Hudson Hr gve lng CHEV AND PONTIAC DEALERS GLOBE IN 111 2 rooms with kitchenette rent or leue all or part Remodel to unbroke of 346 broke tnd carload 314 CADILLAC SEDAN good 40 WASHING 1826 FORD OOUPE Gae lights furnished "GILBERTS" 270 suit tenant 980 Bo Btate Hy 2049 machine all makes new and 146 kleo three carloads of eood horse 1928 OAKLAND 4 COUPS 335 1931 CHEV E 2nd So Adults COUPE MONEY TO LOAN Hansen used at lowest price In city Parking Ires 245 mule Thle sale five you an opporFOR SALE — Grocery and meat real money- TOUR 1929 BUICK SEDAN 1930 P 69' 77 So ON BEAL ESTATE Main If need hot 250 you heat '1 To 1 bath SEDAN what you Tnaker RM kitchenette luet get 1930 STUDE living quarters In connection tunity private 30 PERSONAL LOANS COUPE water 14 723 Bo 7th E ARCH BROWNING Owner leaving state 453 B 13 E H 6734 QUICK loans on Improved Balt Lake prop have any to sell eet them here by 10 Utab 35 BARGAINS tn used electric motors Mule and WA8 6588 Horse eale m a of Waa 4482 640 Olden 570 SO MAIN Btate Motor FURN day OVERBTUFFED RM APTS Shop WILL buy for cash or trade building and ertr The Homa Investment 4s 6avma 75 1926 CHEV ROADSTER Phono 927 Ogden Commission Co PLENTY' HEAT Co 30S Walker Bank BlUc with 1100 or more BEDAN eleotrtc 115 UP CLOSE IN 145 BEER and soft drink outfit loan certificates Low prices 1931 BUICK 1929 FORD CABRIOLET Utah Trlb-TET 7 T W H Box 318 er W SEAGULL APTS value 140 H withdrawal I O Btenxel Mix So 30 rr heater and manr'extrae exp IL J NEW to heavy-dut- y HEIFERS young stock reasonable tlree almost new Car 730-1to 50— lease wants 330 E RESPONSIBLE TRUCKS BUTTON— your party Bdwy NOTICE Houmand Phone Midvale 189-- J new that It ehowe no wear Inside or TRUCK I 50 FORD New furniture carpets light fixtures gold placer claim If located In good dl(-trl- LEGAL out A bargain— 4496 677 SO MAIN 2o0 STAKE 1030 OHEV 1 New eompany offers new low At least II 50 per yd or better laundry everything free ex lights Jersey cows 1 lust fresh 1 fresh Automatic electric washer perfect 2 CHOICE Trlb-Tel- e STREET 2 1 ft -- ton 1931 CHEV milk rates to employed men and women Chassis and Box rich milker AND'CLARDIANSHIPNOTICli In few days Heavy PROBATE 31050— FRONT condition Cost 1126 now only 72750 apt both nicely furelx new 49 TO 490 on personal sienature ceb A- -l condition gentle 2725 So 7th East nished terms Granite Furniture 1050 E 21st (Consult county clerk or tho reapectlr Inq 710 Bo State apt 6 or CAFE In good railroad Junction fine place 550 32x6 without security or Indorsers Libtire to put In beer partly furnlehed For fur712 So Btate (store) Call after 12 Bun signers for further Information) South eral repayment plan Strictly con329 East 4th at Information call eure— See these before buying ther Be BEER dispensing unit 712— mod kitchenette clean nicely fidential Immediate service novelty boxes ice LIVESTOCK WANTED Utah Ltke Belt South BILLS AUTO MARKET 620 BO STATE City or mechanical low prices terms S L furn 433 Park et Hy 4074-Oarage Estate of Fred F Moses knows WAS 2056 WAS 4477 COMPANY R SEDAN I good CHEVROLET Electric 80 E 1st Bo Was 821 as F F Moses deceased 325— WARM homelike apt heet las lleht WILL csll for and pay cash for dead Sedan side DUCO tires motor just overhauled very clean 129 ORAHAM-PAKJA ave 3 618 let 400 UTAH BA VINOS h TR CO BLDG edulte and colli spray Creditors will present claims equipment Lacquer paint phone tar useless horses tnd cow Phone mounts and many sxtras $295 677 80 mohair upholstering A appearance rented reflred A C 136 BO MAIN to the undernearest factory with voucher cpmpreasorseoli 32710 — LB NOEL 106 Srd ave- - front llv rm MAIN BT LEASE FOB SALE OB real value at 7346 Terms t 644 Whittaker Co Animal 8137-— 214 Boston Building Colorado bedroom bath kit Was 780 SO stAtk D T SINGER signed Last PACKARD 1928 BEDAN AND Ovden Lor ant Utah 4 APARTMENTS Lake Salt o’ etm BEER fountain bar Soda on or beand Utah eqpmt— Lake Salt e suites turn City LO dinner SErme bedrm car model economical family Splendid 1921 HUDSON GREATER 4 I and 3 room partly furnlehed reatable elec earbonatora Easy terms ON YOUR PERSONAL NOT! new paper gl lip pch gar 850 8 Btate fore the 24th day of April A D condition Priced as cheap as small used DAN finish upholstery tires and mosonable rent 887 East Broadway Moeer A Hartman Co 65 P O Place ” BT 1934 577 SERVICE MAIN Home Crtor excellent Wae 6330 80 HOWELL 256 East 6th APARTMENTS TYPEWRITERS 118 up etandard keyboard JACKSON MOTOR CO SAMUEL NEWMAN close Tn reasonable Can't 6 and 4 room apartments to lease tc like 1928 FORD TUDOR very mean motor In 31 week rent late model 2 mos (6 - Arranged Alphabetically WAS 8405 179 MOTOR AVE A iteady lob and your promise to pe-of beat It for the price Administrator of the buy responsible party (as furnace very excellent condition new paint 32 M K W Co L B 271 courtea-Typewriter condiQuick only requirements Inrent Located in residen 1927 chev i reasonable Mosea deceased sedan F 4165 Fred and heat NICELY furn gaa apt ous confidential eervlce BARGAINS— Maytag other makee washers tion: very clean 3125 677 SO MAIN district till D T SINOER 768 BO STATE 3rd A South FAUST BEDBUCS GEORGE cluded 18 60 mo 730 Eaet 3RAN-JUD- O Lo Oablee Oarage rear 135 So 3rd E TRUST CO alCO 1931 NASH ADVANCED I TWIN IGNITION 1912 NASH LIOHT I DE LUXE Coupe 734 — Attorney ' duplex overetuffed hdwd fire 33 Was Rental Dept most brand new: a bargain 1695 BAL- PENINSULAR coal range nickel trim kood JrairSxTKRMnrin'iSirTZwEnrFRicEb 11th D8 LUXE Sedan driven very little el refrlg pche 64 E 2d S Hr 3674-- J of Date first publication 605 SCOTT BLDG EXTERMINATION CO -31950 GUARANTEED oven thoroughly reconditioned LARD NASH 577 SO MAIN FOR Frleldalre sale brick with bldg cost 31800 our price 7590 BALLARD apt A D 1934 of IDEAL apt for couple gleam heat o s day February INC 623 MILTON AVE HY 4830 terms Western Furniture 130 So State Excellent condition Bell on gmall payNASH CO 877 SO MAIN BT 1921 BUICK ”1’’' BEDAN Beautiful ebony 3714-- J 87-- E Wae P 115 125 8 Vlll-lnto furn reaOood g ment down balance monthly lor finish I good tire wire wheels A won- BABY CRIB and mattress finished In ivory USE LOVINOER8 INSECTICIDEDOOM 7424— special Chev sedan 4 new tire son for selling Call owner Hr 4787-- J well furn mod heat light for 111 — ROACH BEDBUGS entmel 14 35 complete Granite Furniderful running car and priced right driven only 19000 mile Hy heater Bo FOfl ROACHrS W 2714 319 B W Temnle gae 336 Owen pi Ird E bet 3rd-4t- h ture 1050 E list So leaae 30-r- m 3525-493 Milton ave JACKSON MOTOR CO apt building Frlgldalre Here’ a practical luggestlon — have WAS 179 2485 rooms AVE MOTOR gas SMALL 711—2 kitchenette lleht ranges private bath Will give long 3x10 2x13 15000 3x all 30000 FT lengths 63 Up to employed people on perfas 1(5—1937 CHEV coach excel cond Terms owner The Tribune-TelegraWant Columns to right party Call water eet Stoker overetuffed Seplenty hot DE LUXE Make a few extra dollars on that ft galvantd corrugated Iron 18000 ft sonal not No seeurltr Most liberal Apts 6 518 So W Tem Hy 4153-- J 1921 NASH LIOHT heat Ooldadlne Apt 273 Eaet 8th Bo Hy 4787-- J P in the meeting ot your needs dan excellent In every war 495 the painted corrugated Iron 2450 So Main idle sewing machine-throug- h help plan in Salt Lake On hour servlet PRIVATELY owned 314 Cadillac sedan cost wlde-snacounHv 2027 FOR sale or lease hotel lu NABH CO 677 BO MAIN BIGELOW 326 Bo 4th E Strictly 14400 only eons 47000 mile Original Want Column of The Tribune-TelegraCO exclu2 and I rme Beautiful try town 25 rooms In excellent conE of extras 1930 FORD coupe rumble eeat by owner perfect diamond nearly Trlb-T- el paint 402A- -lFirstcondition Dote dition Box 4 sive 13250 up karat Excep good buy Hy 6179-1- 4 i Excellent condition Hr 4176-as 3450 bEason ve4 Apt L Was 3110 3nd MONEY— $5 & TICKET OFFICE iollnt JRUCKS FINANCIAL DISCOUNT m - EPS EVER SEE HOUSE PEGGED? 109a UP TO $300 BREAKFAST W 4152 INTERNATIONAL TIE BENEFICIAL I nei fc Parts EMPLOYEES' 36 IGlcVionruTcforeateTomirt HOTELS of SQC Starter Teeth 22 UOUSES 37a m BAKER MOTOR COMPANY 31b 3RD SOUTH & 3RD EAST yONEY Automobiles Wanted 112 lAN®TSrasF 32 for rent Qewolet-Bi- d SELL 24 117 WCL $15 Motor Boats television UOUSES YOUR CAR GET MORE FOR HERE 42 lFKfNEa7TirW2r31 53 26 HELP 102 Roofing TTo MAIN T50 VSjrice' TeTfor FO 33 SALE spd fgsree?EDirmiTicrhr Schools for 50 " 20 HELP Binders Shades 19 COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT Steamship Tickets Printers E T CAPENER' UP CITY TICKET OFFICE r THIS AD FOUND A Roomer Spends $350 Week— $182 Year JRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES —Than to Carry Vacancy Costing You 6¥Gl3!NFs'ma 113 POOM & ' Radio Parts Service 54 SPRING SPECIALS TRUST ' mol piPE Machinery Iron 43 58 IN SOUTHEAST Schools' and Colleges 27b I For 29 THE BEST BUY Butchers' Supplies IS A FINE USED 45 i A baOHdOTeTIxtur EMBASSY 44 30 SALES TSIWIgT EWa 55 m rr POSITIONS t0r Store Office Equipment 58a S0L 62 115 ARMS 132 M0NEY POULTRY Baby 65 LUMBER AND COAL - APT HOTEL T W 1414 120 E 5TH I IcMIBE’S Inc WAS 5150 579 H Fred $ J 133 A SO A Carleson B BURNHAM RABBITS 67 pETS 68 8Tks CTORES ° OFFICES 124 AUTO LOANS PRIVATE SALES CASH— TEROIS— TRADE FINANCED 42 SO 120 E 5TH SO BUDGET SYSTEM USED RADIO u STATE W 1414 BUICK— PONTIAC DUSINESS Opportunities 125 lisiMils BARR CHEVROLET 69 Wanted 136 1?7 31a USED WASHER if 30 BARGAINS 8TH SOUTH & STATE $500 UOTELS Apartments 126 at TAKE SIGN a NtfriCCREiiiTORB 70 LOCAL CREDIT TO DUSINESS $6000 Standard CASH CREDIT J Estate Exterminated 76 'll SALT LAKE DISCOUNT i so in bldg — |