Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINO HOW TO CASUAL MATTERS Proper Reception of Them1 Would Smooth Many a Rough Moment ' THROUGH THE FEBRUARY IS 1034 Summer’s Dream Block for Quil Planning' Small KEEP WELL Garden Gate home Grounds Out By DR By FLORENCE LA GANKE By MAUD CHEGWIDDEN W A EVANS in Arrears ETIOUETTE Undergrads Will Forfeit Diploma By KATHERINE DE FEYSTER INDIANAPOLIS Ind (UP)— A Dear Miia de Peyster: must psy all seniors whereby plqn 1 I am 18 years of age and have had class and fratemay organipersonal to several Invitations parties from zation fees before receiving graduaboys and girls of my own age In tion diplomas is being considered at each instance the invitations from the Butter unlverzity here girls have come by mail and those Fraternities and sororities hsvt Ie this voted unanimously In favor of tee from the boys by telephone correct or should all Invitations be rule which is being considered by written? tha student council Heretofore it 2 My second point is with refer- has been a at the school to practice Is it cor- withhold diplomas until class dues ence to buffet refreshments rect for all boys and girls alike to sit paid help themselves or should the boys PUZZLED PROTEST RABBIT POISON wait on the girls? 1 'Tis true and your experience ASHLAND Wls (UP)—As a proagain proves it that bovs and men test against the wholesale poisoning take short cuts in extending their In- of wild life which they assert will vitations It the invitation ia an in- result from arsenic set out by the formal one the telephone ia almost government to protect plantas much used as Is the written note ed trees members of recently the Wisconsin of invitation Rod and Gun club have volunteered 2 The boys should gallantly wait to snare and trap tha rabbits Tbe on the girls at a buffet party or at only condition the club made wu least they should start the serving that the government must find a marwith the girl adding to their supplies ket for the trapped animals as they wish (Miss de Peyster will be glad to Solomon’s temple wu 90 by 30 answer questions on etiquette submit- feet ted by readers ) Of course the large and massive Gatea and Gateways MINNESOTA COLD CUKE wooden gates are not for the tiny 200 Dr Dover More then years ago (Centlnaed) little cottage reserve these for the devised a combination of drugs that The architecture of your house will day when you move out Into the coun still goes by the name Dover's pow- dominate — or it should!— your choice try and can have an acre or two of to turn Into a garden der It is a combination of ipecac and In the gate you plan to place In front ground Many people like a gate to have diof your home Many of the more re- roof of some opium with the addition of some sort over It If the front luting powder One of the uses for cently built small homes which are hedge be one of privet this plant may or Italian with stucco be allowed to grow to form an overDover’s powder was in the treatment pseudo-Spanisof the fever stage of the common cold walls and often with iron balusters to head arch and once you have it the tiny porch or iron grilles or iron trained the upkeep is negligible only This continued to be the popular treatguards or balconies outside large win- two or three clippings yearly being ment of the most nearly universal dis- dows needed to keep it looking neat The awful mishap Johnnie gets a splinter In his thumb At once order until the salicylates of one sort In such Instances let your gate or biggest pitfall Is when the gardener is the whole household Is In turmoil Mother runs or another displaced it In popularity gatas ba Iron always even if you too impatient to wait until his side cannot go to the expense of making pillars have grown tall enough so I for the medicine closet calling out In nervous about a generation ago the entire front fence of the same that he trains his living arch low and Ml terror every step of the way and back again 1 1 Dr H S Diehl undertook to dlacov-e- r material Iron gatea combine with tall folk must of necessity '’stoop as ‘‘From a “Dear dear How did It ever happen? I hope quilt hobbyist in Gilman-tohow much merit there was In the green hedges but they should never they pass beneath Mollle bring i that you won’t get an infection N H we get the quilt pattern with the it by in be houses feel using homelike remedy wooden faint used fences with He are ammonia little cottages might the spirits of Many student body of the University of of this sort He made more attractive by a simple used today She calls it a 'Summer Yes grandma bring the rug off the couch 1932 Minnesota of the winter When Did house the tee is during It of at white have wooden Dream’ Can't you see the green grass lattice the out cottage Is chilly There there son I archway that a imall dose of or a bungalow a wooden gate late over which rambler roses or the meadows studded with small flowit hurt you much? You’d better rest now uptll He had foundseemed to be the best enerally in the best taste Wood ymeysuckle may twipe If you chqlose dinner Lie down I’ll give you only a light sup- sqme opiate may be most charmingly do- the roses see that no long canes are ers and the blue sky overhead?” per There’s no telling about these things I’ll source of relief as well as the nearest to a cure of any drug he had tried tted and executed Look around permitted to hang free of the lattice Nancy’s Imagination was running Angelo Patrt I take ybur temperature to make sure" and this led him to think that maybe u when you take automobile drives with their cruel thorns waiting to away with her as she looked at this (Copyright 1934 bj King Features Helen comes home with the glad news that she is on the honor old Dr Dover was right d see which gates' please you the scratch hands hair or clothing 7 attractive block But the Nancy Page Syndicate Inc) foil There are! twenty others on that roll but the family see only Notice went to the student body lost From the simplest one of Sometimes very handsome gate- Quilt club members in their weekly announces for and the calls a that acute Mother of good the between own star made of with as roof are a with were their etage remedy grandmother equal spaces ways sough meeting imaginative as just ch to the larger more elaborate shingles over them with pillars of she‘‘I can see all the polkadots repwonderful? She seems to have the brains of the common colds was offered by the uniS hews "Isn’t 'nes stone curved a cold with We student wooden flowers use a pink could tops Any variously having posts But resenting topped by thing she does is a success It certainly is fine to versity family was given the privilege of faking the bhada solid with one or two cutouts be sure teat the proportions are right and white or a fed and white polkadot have a child ho does her family credit I think so too” Helen treatment without cost providedbe for variety's sake and with massive that you don’t get a topheavy effect for those blocks" this from Martha would agree to report the results an metal hinges there is a wooden gate and also that such an erection wflll 'And I can see tTie plain triangles of course believing Ehej-tIs listening forgets those other not dwarf the amall house behind It both large and small made of pure also provided he would not pass thi to please everyone twenty nami on that roll white These would represent fleecy to rise to the heights and sound the depths of life pills along It is The students applying were glvi clouds Then the remaining squares are heights and depths in eveky life The trouble She’s a knowing cab because the IDAHO FAILS Idaho—Melvin J in the center would be of soft green of Dover's powder and of sugi begins whei we dwell on the heights overlong or prolong our stay pills She asks for little— jasi bar the of Lake member of Salt Ballard for of and the milk of exactly the same size aha grass triangles in the large Pass on Live more' casually and you live more in the depi meals a saucer of milk and a plsco D S ‘council of twelve apostles would be of soft blue for the and The directions square appearance the wound treated can the be out he pulled splinter naturally JT represented the general authorities at in the sun She gets plenty of sleep sky child comforted and the whole matter forgotten No need of all use were exactly the seme Apj conference of Idaho the Practical cant should Jane "I Do one was number spoke up: can ind exercise She never worries given be noise classroom In the sudden The passed fear abd fuss the Player Who Uses One System Without Modification think this would be a good pattern Fallsquarterly L D S stake Sunday over without a word No emphasis is needed to mark the crash of powders number two sugar of never frets What is tha result? attracted to The conference the use largAll numbers got Dover's and all up small scraps The blocks Cannot Help but Lose falling books and boxes Pass on The place on the honor roll not evenodd would not have to be developed in est attendance of any conference dur- Such vitality and resistance that we numbers sugar of milk 'The asmile and a word of congratulation and praise It ought JOSEPHINE CULBERTSON the same colorings or at least not ing recent years Stanley Crowley say "Cats have nine lives” to be wrought into a unique achievement "There are others that do druggist had the key numbers Neither from the same pieces Of course we stake clerk reported Sunday night the students nor the physicians knew BIDDING FOB GRAND SLAMS Whet does your cat do when she well is a chastening thought that may well enter Into such a sit 1400 could more outer than person's being present is the students that got the sugar of milk part of the keep the Tha recent grand national tournauation when one is tempted to overwork one’s gratification not well? She esti catnip if she at ?Ak6) block and overflow same but vary the pieced the regular the No student was meetings ment of the United States Bridge asThe same thing holds for the child who is different' Take his unless his cold wss given treatment O AQ8 In the center” At any rate Ballard at the morning can find it She cats grass and ce square Apostle feacute of the difference more casually Many a child has Suffered tortures because AI03 there was small doubt that the whole general session discussed the chang- tain green plants to which her in type with watery discharge from sociation afforded for the first time he was thin and his brothers and sisters plump because he moved brile club liked the pattern They clipped ing attitude of the world toward the stinct leads her K the nose A to end In 10754 a 4k and unleu the aching splendid opportunity history slowly while they jumped to the line It is well to commend the disease had been In evidence leu than the picture and directions from the L D S church which he described (7Q7542 test the comparative bidding and (71098 Your cat takes herbs for a tonicj good and denounce the bad but most of life lies between A more four days Each student was sent for the cutting size pat- as being a transition from persecution paper given playing skill of players from all parts OP Did you ever stop to think thu casual acceptance of this notion will make living easier to tern sheet and then set to work two tablets with Instructions to take cooperation At the evening sesQJM They chose color fast material It sion he used as a text a portion of Old Mother Nature who supplies one the first night If he was still of tha United States Perhaps to the (Copyright 3034 by the Bell Syndicate Inc) 8632 was soft and easy to work on and lent the Boy Scout oath "I will keep myths herbs ncCesssty to your cat’s uncomfortable on the second night surprise of a great many New York itself admirably to quilting self morally straight” he had permission to take the second experts health hu also psovided the herbs cities like from other players 109654 The patterns as given make no seam Stake President Leonard G Ball Patti win give personal attention to inquiries from parents tablet Mo Louis AlbuWls Madison St 76 allowance Therefore in cutting it J W Telford and David Smith coun- necessary to your own and school teachers on the care and development of children Write About of the sufferers You don’t have to hunt for them M Portland Ore and N necessary to leave an additional selors presided at the various sestoquerque stamped addressed him in cars of this paper inclosing a threc-cen- t discussed of in hand be The will to milk be taking sugar appeared inch A on sides sions all musical the cat does Tbe herbs you need quarter for special program Anniston Ala tee not demonstrated cured article reply envelope by only morrow’s placebo treatment About The seams are taken with white was directed by Joseph Morley stake are skillfully blended and com s of those taking the Do- that they had mastered tha principles chorister 1934 King Features thread No 60 being best ver’s powder tablet appeared to be 'Isalei of Beer Increase of bidding and play as well as the (CopyrightSyndicateby Inc) No seam starts or ends at the raw A tableau “The Talents” given by pounded in Lydia E Pinkham’a cured by it The signs of Improve' the Iona ward M L A and a talk on Vegetable Compound edge but starts and ends ment used as yardsticks as reported New Yorkers but that owing to more FREE BRIDGE BOOKLET Despite Liquor’s Return by allows the material ’M” Men and Gleaner Girl work by an old fashioned tonic the sufferer were lessened discom- precise bidding methods they often Readers of this newspaper may to inch in This be pressed flat and prevents any Lynn McKinley featured the evening that will help to restore reached better contracts than did PHILADELPHIA (UP)— Despite fort Watery discharge from tee nose number of tha New York players en- have a free copy of "Bridge Rules and bunching at the seams M L A joint session to later die tendency your strength and energy mucupurulent beer still Culbertson MnmdV of the return This pattern may be put together legal liquor Etiquette” by Josephine gaged and absence class from charge PhilaAddress in drink remains the popular or with a plain strip It with RENOVATED COURTHOUSE as an example the hand be- through special arrangement Take sashing In addition to Dover’s powders Mrs Culbertson in care of The Trib- may have the pieced blocks put In SODA SPRINGS Idaho— A large delphia or more preparations made low It Is of course a laydown grand une LYDIA Brewers In this area announced rethe quilt on the diagonal with a plain crew of men is renovating the courtstamped Inclosing a for East and slam the West yet grand or containing opium were from block in between In fact this is a house interior The men are envelope was bid two slam cently that sales of beer suffered no tried opium out only by pairs Don’t expert These were: Dlluadld papaverdecrease after December S and that most versatile pattern of 14 East and West the entire building and Vegetable Compound engaged in nent with morphine the pair tournamentpairs sates now appear to be on the In- ine morphine-papaverinend strangely also have washed and revarnished codeine and dlluadld opium The actual "Summer’s for believe papaveweather TODAYS crease Warm pattern children's even the small slam was they all woodwork office furniture and Tbe Medic me Grandmother Used rine' A combination of codeine and enough Dream” quilt design may be Obtained fixtures will bring further Increases two players both of New missed CoidaTreat 6 cents and papaverine seemed best for practical York by a by sending them i your purposes Combinations Of paperavine stamped envelope to Nancy The hand was: with dlluadld and of morphine and West dealer Own mother did— Page in care of this paper Back patdlluadld were also good terns may be secured by sending an East and West extnroatjy No doe Today’s astral forces seem to con- aditional None of tee group was of value in The successful vulnerable 3 cents for each pattern rewas: bidding mb throat KLING Holds Them Firmly subacute or chroqlo colds or sore Ingt Juit tinue the auspicious reign of surprise quested 8 Don’t allow your pletee to drop er throat and chest with adventure and progress with yester' lip when you eat talk or laurh (7KQ872 (Copyright 1934 Publishers Syndexploits and projects gaining day’s Juit aprlnkfe a little Xllnar on them AND ACID NONACUD icate) 086)2 comThla improved powder forms a impetus for some definite decisions J84 H writes: Will you publish two fort cuahlon heals sore game holds These and gratifying fullfillments LICENSE ISSUED eo anus it feele end aote like lists of foods acid producing and VVaooRu plate own AAKOI064 may be attended by a change journey J95 teeth KLINO le euaran-tee- d nonacid producing? SODA SPRINGS Idaho— A maryour A 7 (7 10654 or new affiliation possibly of a most better than earthing you ever license was issued here Friday REPLY EZ O AK 174 la need riage need or money refunded there nature Large but OQ9 Unexpected to Melvin Hansen and Grace Roholt Among the nonadd or alkali pro5 A7o2 (Adv paokage 6o at drvgglsta of precaution against craft subtlety or both of Grace ducing foods are lima beans white peculiar practices 4 7)2 potatoes bananas and other fruits Those whose birthday It Is are conand vegetable! ?J9) fronted by a year of decided opportu0105 Among tha Mid producing foods nity with splendid prospects for progare eggs meats lata breads and ceKQI093 ress and prosperity although sudden reals The auoeessful bidding was: Avoid operation! If poMible Treat tbe change of quite surprising angles may cause In a sensible! painless Inexpensive North West Eaii Soolk Write Home Drue Co develop in both business and purely war at home FROSTBITE TREATMENT No Fourth 0t Minneapolis Minn PM (I) I 2 personal contacts: With precaution for a recornised O X O writes: I have read 10 practiclni specialist’ preP 4 A (3) Pus sagacity aid personal scription on liver and tall bladder trouble letters In your department at different 3 NT(2) P for and treatmeitt which has been literature 7 atPN should of a be 5) (4) it high goals year tlmea concerning frostbites and chilliving (ratifying results for 28 rears Sold Pom tained tinder money-bac- k guarantee Clip tH out blain but never aaw my remedy Paw (AdV) A child born on this day should be NOW given It is equal parta of sweet oil (1- )' Perhaps a nuisance bid might adventurous talented progressive and and chloroform 'These conditions dis- have helped at this North could well equipped to reach high WHEN SHI appear after being well rubbed a few bid ohe heart but point the' holder of the and surprising happiness in lifestatiop UPSW SUFI times North hand reasoned on the basis of Notable nativity: Bulwer Lytton hla own holding of four diamonds that author (Copyright 1934 by tha Chicago East and West might possibly have Tribune) (CopyrighV 1934 King Features misfit and that there wu no reason To the limit of spaa questions per- for him to bid and possibly help them Syndicate Inc) of difficulties The question of an ' taining to hyglena and prevention of out ZANGWILL la A MINER North’s as close overcall hand very disease will be answered In this colCHIHUAHUA CITY Mexico'(UP) umn Personal replica will ba made la very weak in honor tricks and furto inquiries under proper limitations ther weakened by tha presence of —George ZangwllL son of the late Israel ZangwilL novelist is working when return stamped envelope la in- four diamonds (2) Showing control of the first hero for the American Smelting and closed Dr Evans will not maka diage Now tht round of the suit bid by South The Refining company Bom in London achy nosis or prescribe for individual e bid of course is a very strong one and educated at Cambridge Zingwill ba a lovable dupoaitioo new pep and vitality Nature' warning: Slutvth bowel Heed but certainly no stronger than is justi- says be bas no desire for a literary in potaonout waste ravaging your fied by West's holding While his career often the direct cause of headaches din xmna cold complexion trouble NATURE'S trump support for East it not quite laxative— REMEDY— the mild FIND WHITE SEAL adequate still it would do in a pinch tract— nfdy et untile tee the enltra eliminative normal - (3) The jump trump rebid showfor bowel the Mass CHOP WEST (UP)— Joseph strengthen regulate -ing a long trump suit with not more Perry and Henry Cuir saw what they natural function than one loser ' believed to be a sea gull off tee shore (4) West knows that the-- spade of this small Martha's town knave solidifies the trump suit Thus but after Investigation Vineyard found it was POCATELLO Idaho— Tha Univer- hla bid of five no trump showing a white seal weighing about 70 J sity of Idaho southern branch will three tees and the king of a bid suit pounds They caught it and received A headache never helps— either at home or t the offices ha represented by 10 debaters at the la certainly fully justified a $2 bounty (3) In view of West’s bid of five Northwest Debate league tournament Get rid of your headaches the easy dependable way In MchHnnvtlle Ore Friday and Sat- no trump East knows that-h- e holds -Drink a JBrotno-Seltzboth tee ace and king 6f diamonds urday Eugene Kile debate vinstrucHow quickly your pain stops You feel soothed alert The bid of three clubs followed by tor announces fit Bromo-Seltze- r is more effective than mere pain The atudents will compete with '14 the later bid of five no trump' also other colleges and universities in the assures him of first round control because it’s balanced compound of five me killers Pacific northwest territory and the of every suit Obviously West’s dia dicinal ingredients each of them helping you in A tournament Is to ba held at tha Lin-fie- mond suit must be sufficiently long to the discard for of losers provide special way It’s faster too because you uke it a B college Those “representing southern in heerts in view of tee fact that East And it’s refreshing pleasant and doesq’t upset liquid ' It— so X I felt as a result of taking simply couldn’t go through branch will be Myron Borges Lehn-hof- f hold the queen stomach the fact Bromo-Seltzis fiae to relieve -So far as the play is concerned with all those kicking and bending mentally alert so full of pep! Furgeson Marjorie Meyers and on the stomach because as it dis- Is absolutely nothing to tt The Tm down to normal— and there Now gas Johnson Pocatello Russell Margaret exercises— they wore me out never again will X let myself put solves it effervesces laydown grand slam Fryer Preston Ernest Nugent Og- hand is a Tomorrow's It on that deadening load of useless Then I tried to diet-b- ut Hand den Utah: Thomas Smith Blackfoot on hand ready Keep Bromo-SeltzX seem X didn’t adore fair to start simply Whenever If West vulnerable bids one spade gain fat Helen Dodge Boise Helen Lindeman to relieveheadSches neuralgia or other chocolate cake— should I and how should the North and South bidtake Marmola why It keeps I again and Merrill Sharp Darlington have to give It up when all my my weight exactly right ding proceed? pains of nerve origin at a moment’s slender friends eat It regularly and fin day for the CondensedJAD Salt Rigby dealer East notice Put bne of the familiar blue Tha team was selected by Mr Kile seem never banishes excess moisture weight and to have who East and West vulnerable Thousands of women gain a pound? bottles injour medicine cabinet Have all puffiness and bloat at ones And after a series of debates at the branch reduced the Marmola way might Finally X learned about a simple during tha—past two weeke another in your desk Just be sure to get the system is quickly cleared of corrective abnormal Since far well tell you that story obesity 4 r— known and prescribed by physi1907 more than 20000000 packthe one and only "Emerson’s” Bromo-SeltzerPoisons Kef yon never need BETTY KAY? cians the world Over —A correcnow a hungry moment Leadership -- Training ages of Marmola have been pura standby for over 40 years X would food the tive that chased Could you ask for any change Offer Yea a i Costs Only Scheduled Girls excess Instead ate of Into rXCIAI FIATtJSI NO OTHER a Day energy better reoommendatlon than that? fati And I 'learned that It was Just ask for the new Condens'd JAD IHOr IN UTAH CAN OFTEN Today— buy a package of MarjMERSOtf! con— POCATELLO convenient tablets Miss Idaho Salta at any drug atone A month’s mola and start at once You will put up In That Weaderfat a4 Oaly MS Tat DeMote associate field secretary soon experience Marmola’s benetaining exactly the right quantity Wav Cent supply la only 60 Ym actually ton l medifits When you have gone far —by one of the Mow tkw scientific plan for 2i a day of the Campfire - Girls’ association SUPERCURUNE cal laboratories In the United Don ( forget : ask for the new Con- will be here Friday to open a leaderenough stop taking Marmola States ateetrfcttv And you will bless the day you gtveii wHhmit densed JAD Salts tall er ship training institution in the Hotel FraMeta the aMt hnleela X took Marmola —4 tabban! so And Bannock first discovered this marvelous reBen l“ick Method of re- textared’ hatrl MlnMi s A lets a excess Mrs F If amazingly easy You just do two ducing— tomorrow morning The Burton will be in charge day— and quickly my ducing agent PERMANENT WAY Marmola is on sale by dealers things Get a bottle of the dertsed JAD Salta— remember— ia of registration and Mrs D C WatPRICES S S3 $8 fat began to disappear What deme even new Condensed JAD Salta and take a urged as a was more kins is chairman of tha arrangethe way lighted everywhere— from coast to coast agent KAY’S BETTY ments All women and committee teaspoonful m a glass of water before to banish unhealthy bloating and to men Interested in the betterment of 1 breakfast Make two (mail changes eliminate body moisture— not Was 3241 1T4H a Mala leisure-timdiet— activitlea In for girls and as explained in the folder in- - reducing one ’ I to attend 41 young women are Invited By ANGELO PATRI PROPER reception of the casual happenings of every day would smooth out many a rough moment In the troubled day of parents and teachers There are homes and classrooms where everything that happens Is received as a major event The monitor drops a box of chalk the teacher screams the class calls out in alarm there Is a lot of talking and much time and energy Is wasted before the class settles down to work again All day long and maybe for days afterward the teach er reminds the class and the monitor of the A h old-tim- e wood-uprigh- Do You Know L D Apostle Gives Address At Conference oo As Much As Your Cat? - CONTRACT BRIDG ——By ) L ot well-bein- g? one-thir- d u three-fourth- one-quart- vounc rIOTIIHlS LPINKHAM’S alf-dozen d e HOROSCOPE False Teeth WICKS Gall Stone Colic 18-- fm wg t Constipation Drove Her Wild half-aliv- dia-eas- ' Don't IdahoS B Names Ten to Compete a""- Tn Debate Meet start tho day with a headache! "TUMS" easy to by to I Me off fAT ld Jid Method ate pie and cake lost 40 pounds! ’ er ' la er ’ er — for EMERSON'S best-kno- JfiOMO’ SELTZEB Jd Con-eimp- poison-banishin- g e ZZHZZ7’i ISI mm - 9- 4 |