Show r p h f 1 f TUESDAY MORNINO THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE COURT RULINGS 1 STRIKE AT TT S comoLOFon tv Decisions Throw Task o Regulation in State Agents’ Hands SHERMAN Texas Feb 11 OTP)— The federal government's effort to regulate the output of crude pfctro-ieursuffered a severe defeat today In one of the farreachlng federal court decisions which asserted this function belongs to the state As a result of both decisions the full task of regulating oil output was thrown Into the hands of state agents Although he declined to comment In Ickes indicated 'Administrator Washington that he would appeal dl rectly to the U S supreme oflurt It was said a stay of execution would be sought J Howard Marshall of the petroleum administrative board left Washington for Tyler Texas to supervise preparations for the government’s appeal Injunction Salta Filed Injunction suite attacking both erel and state control were filed by two companies which with a group of independent concerns persistently have attacked the curb orders Neither the suits nor the decisions gepresented a clash between state and federal officials however Tha Panama Refining company questioned the constitutionality of oil code drawn up Slit federal tha national recovery act The Amazon Oil and Refining company Attacked tha valldityof tha Texas railroad commission’s authority to a production- News Glances by States $263000 t Y troduced legislation to carry out the Roosevelt sugar policy The Dsfy in milllon-dolla- r t ‘ prorata oil in of mill New Mexico had allotment ''Well deliver ’em" laid the post- MONTANA master KLEIN Feb 12 (AT- -It may have Taylor aaid he ordered tha snakes been tha piping of Jim Cheyne— it for an "exhibit" may have been the effect of artificial NEW MEXICO both— but AnCOLORADO SANTA FE Feb 12 WV-Th- s order stimulants or70perhaps danced to exwho gus McKay 12 was There DENVER reb (tf)— from Washington closing public haustion at a Robert Bums celebraconsternation at the Denver postoffice works administration cofferj made no tion here is well on the way to s today and It didn’t have anything to difference in New Mexico it was complete recovery From early evening until 4 30 In do with aerial transport learned at the P W A offices hert tothe morning celebration gueata re a when The trouble started parcel day lated McKay had entertained the of arrived rattlesnakes post package Not stdollar haa been spent for any company with his dances whin sudfrom Florida for C Taylor cafe project started in New Mexico so far denly he collapsed end responded to restoratives proprietor and tha only money coming to the only feebly Cheyne struck bp $ live John Huber discovered tha con state has been salaries of tha board Suddenly ly tune one to which the old man tents of the package and dropped it and engineer those officials said had danced on many occasions Then The New Mexico P W A board ap as related McKay revived and ofwith a yell Postmaster Dodge was celled He proved nonfederal projects totaling fered to stage a sword dance found It Is against the postal rules to $8 500000 and upwarda of $3000000 Mexico's cooperative movement is ship poisonous reptiles through the In other projects aye being considered mail now Of the projects approved for said to be fostered by the government “Bui they're here and I want to thf $8500000 approvals have been In order to raise the standard of livknow what to do with them” T J received from Washington on only ing of small farmers Buckley superintendent terjected FEBRUARY 13 1934 Retrial for Mdivanig Planned at Early Date The treasury offered $400000-002 12 per cent of notes end $400000000 of three-yea- r 3 per cent notes 0 Washington Br Auoolated Prau The District of Columbia supreme court refused to shield William P MacCracken air linei counsel from senate contempt The house refused to give the senate power to confirm relief appointments charies committeemen House consid- ered compelling patent 'owners to sell their products to the government at ’Reasonable’' prices Army airmen prepared to fly the mall over an emergency schedule of 11106 miles Seneta The government established an export-impor- t bank primarily to finance Russian trade committeemen favor- ably reported tha Independent offices bill and left the door open for a veterans compromise Secretary Wallace gave congress the administration’s ideas on commodity exchange regulf was Publicity mentioned Protests against recent productions in the church hall of St Saviour's church London have caused Rev E Hams to appoint himself censor of all plays presented there In White House comment on Colonel Lindbergh’s defense of the airmail line ( Uon- - Senator Costlgan LOS ANGELES Feb 12 (n-Da-vld and Serge Mdivant who claim they are Georgian princes will be retried at the earliest available date on grand theft charges Deputy District Attorney Davil L'Esperance announced to day The Mdlvanls obtained a mistrial Saturday in Superior Judge Fletcher Bowronx courtroom when a Jury of 10 women and two men was unable to reach a verdict The vote Judge Bowron was told by the foreman of the jury stood eight to four for conviction D Colo ) In 1 Secretary Morgenthau said the treasury hoped help d DANVILLE Ky Feb 12 (AV-Jo- e Waldron Cincinnati airmail pilot injured in e crash near here today was said tonight to be in e serious condition after his right leg had been amputated At the hospital It was said his left leg also had been Injured but that it had been decided not to amputate that for tj)e present at least Questions as to whether he would recover brought en answer that his condition was “fair" but that it was too early to predict Waldron flying with three geri from Cincinnati to LOulSvllle apparently lost his way and landed at Bryantsville about 10 miles east Of Danville to find out where he was In taking off the plane crashed into k tree He was In such a Serious condition when brooght here he could not give details Jv A f v't i ‘‘yg' k i f' f"0 ' - V ' i v $ v y y4- 4 ( £ ''V ' ' i 'N - 1 "h i V j & ' ' 'yty - f ' s ' t A' s f'fy )f h s 9 'v 'J s to ' - y y r J : vv t' ( - Decisions in both cases were filed aoinelden tally today resulting with out a hiatus in raising tha allowable fiutput of the Lone Star State’s oil a barrels to 825154 J'elli The former figure repre sented tha ellowabla decreed by the pertil code the latter wee the total mitted by tha recent stata commie-lio' order Majertly L’fhelde Order Julge Randolph Bryant ruling in the Panama case declared the oil code unconstitutional In the Ama zon case Judge Bmnt was overruled by his colleagues Judges J C Hutche son and T M Xennerly and tha majority opinion uphald the railroad ommlasloner’i orders Judge Bryant dissented from tha majority ruling m Tha decisions brought to an abrupt efforts of tha federal to regulate and allocate the End of crude oQ Cherlee I special assistant V 8 attorney and representative of the department of the interior in tha East Taxes field announced that ba would ask Judge Bryant to grant stay of his from to cities Airmail Pilot Hurt in Crash are not Hpe a 844000 n f' t m '' vV s : s V 5 ' y 'A' a'- " " - ' ' ' ' ' vs ' v ? '' ¥ - (J' ':'Y 'Sf v — S- B- ? y order' iiooseyelt’g Mother Sees I Her Norte of Long Ago Luckies me only rs a HAMILTON OntFeb 12 James Roosevelt mother of the president of tho United States came here loday to see Miss Helen Macrorle the burse who attended her whan Franklin D Hoosevelt waa born Mist Macrorle now frail and almost fillnd crossed the Atlantlo once with Franklin and played with him ha was a smell boy Answering ber letter of congratulation when he Vts elected Mr Roosevelt said be hoped to visit her but with tha prase of state business ba asked bis mother to make tha call for him (AV-M- e the center leaves tenderest smoothest 1 4 PRISONER “GETS HIS MAN" T PHILADELPHIA Feb’ 13 (FT— Defective Shaffer “got his man’’—end so did the prisoner at his side Shaffer brought Joeeph Glazer back from New York to face a nonsupport charge At tha railroad gtatlon two ftrangers picked a fight While the detective wai subduing one Glaser collared the other and proudly marched his prisoner to the police gtatlon Thera ha was thanked and locked up dike- - tha others but not them " 4 V - 4i V ' - Vji - s t' I - -- TODAY IN SALT LAKE y v‘s' Vs1- yrfiX iAKJ A v V Ss sv l ff fw ! v s Kybecause Luckies don’t 'use the A bbttdm leaves' 1 BOUND TABLE CLUB of tha Round Table will Sold a luncheon meeting at tha chamber of commerce at 1215 p m I Knights it 3 X' The Intermountain Theater Ownin’ association will hold a luncheon meeting in tha Nowhouse botel at 12:13 1 ' - THEATER OWNERS r v? ' J d K nxvvvvv V: v v ' ? ' V'V always sandy A VA v 3I)WMWAMI6HV y l'4VVV 'v t i- 4 Ws sx s ' Xs pm f AL grow close' to coarse and 'rf BITAIL CREDIT MEN A luncheon meeting of tho Salt take Retail Credit Men’s association Will ba held in the Newbouse hotel p m bottom leaves are I JUNIOR C OF C Directors of the Junior chamber of dommerce will hold a luncheon meeting at tha chamber of commerce at $21$ p nv 12:1$ A '’ ' $ tobacco because the center leaves are the mildest v Jylth of the finest A 'to Ns s ‘K v: y¥ 'A V s ve s s SPARKS CLUB Jensen will apeak on the "Legal Right to Strike? before the Sparks club in the Union building at he University of Utah at $ p m 1 1 ITALIAN-AMEBIAN 8 J A dinner of the league will be held at tha chamber of commerce at I p m Italian-Americe- n ‘ MININO ENGINEERS 3 Members of the Utah section American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and tha women’s auxiliary will hold a dinner dance at toe University club at p m " ? STEUBEN SOCIETY A meeting of the Steuben society fvill be held in the Newhousa botel tIp m t Lucky Strike presents the metropolitan Opera Company Saturfay at 1:45 p Baitent gtangari Tima avar Bag aag Blue Networks of NBC Laeky Strike will Broadcast tke Metro poUUa Opera Compaay of New York la the complete Open “Faust' In making Lucky Strike we actually discard most of the tobacco plant— because we select only the center leaves— and for these center leaves farmers are paid a higher price We do not use the top leaved —because those are underdeveloped Nor the hot tom leaves— because those are inferior in quality-to- ugh coarse and always sandy But these center leaves are the mildest leaves silky smooth tender And so only these center leaves are used in making Luckies the fully packed cigarette — so round so firm —free from loose ends The tobacco doesn't spill out That’s why Luckies diaw easily burn evenly— and are always mild and smooth And then too— "It's toasted"— for throat protection— for finer taste I t NOT the top leaves— they’re under-develop- 'AAsThe Cream of the Crop and otily the Center Leaves OPTIMISTS CLUB - - Members of the Optimists chib will xeld a luncheon meeting in the Hotel Utah at 121$ p m 4 — ed thej are harshX aH ‘The tenderest mildest smoothest tobacco” NOT the bottom leaves— fAy ’re inferior in quality T —coarse and always sandjl 5 |