Show A 6 THE BALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY er received a letter from Emily Arakl who has taken a trip to Japan Emily told all about the trip from Salt Lake to Tokyo Helen Rumel writes: In our art class Catherine Ligda drew a very pretty valentinfc showing a little sailor boy playing a banjo It is painted blue white and yellow Our art teacher is pleased with Catherine's work SCHOOL NEWS AND VIEWS Lincoln Program Given By ID Class of School Carol Taylor Editor Lnella Wieat Associate Editor JACKSON HIGH SCHOOL—' The assembly last Friday was given by the IB class the ad visory group of Miss Louise Cramer The program honored Abraham Lin coin The numbers Included: Girls' drill class members Japanese dance Kizauko Aoki boas' drill class mem' bers “A Pair of Lunatics" La Thel Elliott and Harold Nichols trio Beverly McMillan Frances Call Virginia Newman tap dance and song "The Ruth Jackson one-ac- t play Strength of Lincoln"' reading Hazel McDermott dance Louise Billings and Virginia Hall one-ac- t play "Lincoln the Gentleman" quartet Bayne McMillan George Evans Jack Haby and Harold Nichols comet solo Lee Harris flag salute Jackson drum and bugle corpe taps Marvin Cudney and Albert Wilding Last Baker reports: Virginia Thursday morning West high 'school band gave a concert for Jackson Junior students Their leader Kenneth Roylance took charge Several selections were played by the entire band Among these were a march an overture and others Several quar-tealso were given Zelma Truman write's The volleyball tournament which has been in ' progress the past weeks has come to an end The 1A group with Madge Villa captain was victorious During the tournament several strange things At one game only two occurred to represent their girls appeared team They put up a good game but of course lost At another game only one girl played for her group and won with a score of JUNIOR st 60-1- 2 Fourth Grade Children Complete Saturn Exhibit Melva Schindler Editor Dorothy Eckersley Associate Editor ONEQUA SCHOOL— Ralph Olsen reports: The fourth grade children have completed an interesting project in connection with their art and nature study Circle figures represent the plants animals and people that might be found on the planet Saturn The circle trees the baker the sailor the imp the big bad wolf the three little pigs and many other quaint fig- - jjres make an unusual picture of life' On this little known planet Miss Diane Lamoreaux placed these posters in the lower halL Dolores Stroud contributes: On the Msrle Wilson Editor sandtable in the first grade room the Lillian Laurltaeli Assaolatod Editor children have built Mb Vernon the FRANKLIN SCHOOL— Miss Gene- Miniature City Almost home of George Washington and the vieve Jones tfie teacher of room'll Completed by Pupils log cabin in which Abraham Lincoln has put some pictures of Abraham lived also has She board on Lincoln the Lucile Sandford writes: Miss Lois Wallace Kodberg Ed iter the pictures of manv great muDavis our arithmetic teacher has put up Verle MoGhie Associate Editor all are sicians lovely pictures They to check the chosen a commlttele LIBERTY SCHOOL— Joyce Brewshows Handel playing the spinet arithmetic tablets The members are One is holding up a lantern and ster of the kindergarten reports: We father His Jennie Anderson Robert Stevenson his mother and brother and sisters are now have our little city almost comLa Verne Littlewood Harold' Tanner pleted and it covers about his side and Robert Graham’ Shirley Cross by Last week we made an so- of her that Malin reports Beverly Kenneth Jamison Edna Newson and Switzer- airport with several airplanes out on cial is science class studying of care to the pa- land take were chosen the runway and some in the hangar They have learned that Switzer- We also made a depot and had a train pers Ray Callister has charge of the land Is a very mountainous country books of the world go come up to it The children can tell from all People parts Edna Miss Warren Higgs reports: for such winter sports as skiing now how many many things go to Hector has selected the boys and girls there and make up a city tobogganing skating to to the go who are the best readers Virginia Carlisle first grade rehad an emergency drill ThursWe Hannl library for free reading May and we marched out of ports: In Chandler’s room andMias morning day Littlewood Donald Denkers room each have a liBetty building in a quick and orderly Livingston's Jack Bowerbank Dick Burt Barbara the for children They are exthe inbrary drills is It these Shutt Dody Prado and Warren Higgs manner During to see the children standing changing books and the children are teresting were ctjosen tor read on the ground in orderly lines away anxious to go before class time from danger and away from the fire and study as the teachers are always there to help them School Tell plugs on the street We have also finished our work Boy Scout week was Interesting to books which are very Interesting Students of Hawaii us and especially to a number of our Elaine Wellenmann third boys who belong to this organization writes: In our nature class Miss grade Wool-lethem wore their necker-choKathryn Brnnlshols Editor rainus our told about the teacher scouts The Friday Karren Dunn Associate Editor M to visit for half an hour bow trout They are gray on the top WASHINGTON SCHOOL — Kathon the sides Our they chose In the lower and red and silver ryn Call room 16 reports: ’Last Frilc room the visiting scouts teacher drew a picture of one on the day Mr Bliss a patron of our school board She said the trout llkes'to live came over to tell us about the in cool mountain streams but now Hawaiian islands He told us many we find them in all the lakes and interesting things and showed us some rivers They eat minnows and Insects of the souvenirs he brought back I They are good to eat and Interesting think the most interesting thing he to study told us was about the rice fields Glen Crawford third grade writes: Sammy Boyack reports that each The pupils of the third B class for Monday the 8B reading class spends the past week have been learning their 30 minutes with Admiral Richard spelling by competing with each other Byrd's trip to the south pole Each Friday our teacher gives us a Lawrence Higgs SB writes: Februtest and if we make a hundred per ary brings many important birthdays cant on this test we are given a star We always enjoy studying about The one receiving the most stars will Abraham Lincoln and George Washbe considered the best speller ington Every room in the school is Karel Kerr of the third grade decorated in honor of these national Around our health clown we heroes And of course we must not a spirit oi spring around our nave made tome health cards Each forget Valentine day and so we have certainly fool as far as the children are coh- - tow is given a certain subject to make decorated for that too ed When they have a chance the a picture of and the six best were Phyllis Morton 6B contributes: In our nature class we are studying ys play marbles and the girls jump chosen These were the six: a picture of two bathtubs with the words “a The useful beetles are the e rone beetles Frances Johnston SB reports: We bath a day" a girl going to bed— sleep ones that have their antennae ending in a club The harmful beetles have are studying about George Washing- at least eight hours every day a boy their heads prolonged into a snout ton He was a brave soldier He with a garbage can and his father with We have found such facts as these is the fatheq of our country We are a wheelbarrow cleaning up the yard proud to know that our school was three girls with clean handkerchiefs very interesting to learn two girls out in the rain with an um Katherine Shill reports that room named for him i one-fourt- h our-roo- Patron y re-rt- s: 171 13 1034 brella trying to keep dry a man made to look like a milk bottle with a glass in his hand Zora Nash 4B writes: We are mak ing very beautiful things m our art ’a very light gas and the liquid Into Cold Things classes Last week we made a tree with which It turns la the lightest known teachOur a sunset in the background if we go into air A hundred gallons of liquid hydroWe shiver may of some er Miss Hatilda Evans' put would weigh only as much as the best drawings up for us to look which is down to the freezing point gen gallons of water comto sevjjn we warm la are at She says that of water but auch air learning be better artists every day pared with the 05 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit) which we might find of Mt McKinley Alaska or Kindergarten Playhouse atop the 07 ‘7elow" recorded at place Day by Day With Uncle Ray 1 Furnished by Students in i Siberia The coldest air I have ever walked through was 40 below zero but I have Kathleen Ceetello Editor 1 Marvin Colbert Aeeoolate Editor seen air much colder than that SCHOOL— The am thinking ofla liquid air air which OQUIRRH air everyday Oquirrh kindergarten playhouse is at hasLiquid been pressed so hard and made The 352 South Fourth East street so cold a to turn it into a clear playhouse has furniture The boys and blue liquid Cup for cup it girls brought tome boxes' and made slightly the same weight as water rous-people riding in the rocket the furniture Wallace Davidson and has almost is 312 degrees below zero Liquid air might freeze to death Beverly Ann Magnuston made the Fahrenheit! A rocket passing through space cupboard fharles Adams and Colonel would take some heat from the sunLiquid air will boil without being Deane Crackett made the couch John shine no matter how cold the space placed over a flame It sends up Kuiparlea and Bab Bradshaw painted a vapor cold enough to freeze a soap outside but it is doubtful that enough the atove Bobby Hunsaker Nick held above it A rod- of heat cdud tit obtained to sustain life and Kay Draper made a table bubble steel can be made to "burn" inside the rocket Dickey Dennis made the cradle Bob by dipping it in liquid air (For Science section of your scrapBradshaw Murrey Bomls and Reed Those are a tew of the things book) Ockey painted the chairs Betty Lam-bre- s which scientists If you would like the new leaflet haye learned about and Ella Samuleson washed the this Riddles snd Answers” Scientist preparing te dip relied "Fifty-fiv“extramely cold substance playhouse curtains Dean Wagstaff We may be tempted to think of it teel rod in liquid air which will send a stamped return envelope to me Geraldine Clayton Beverly Ann can be but "burn" It as the coldest thing thatl in care of this newspaper and Rita Kerikaa took the cur- it isn’t 9 Tomorrow— Valentine's Day tains home and Ironed them We like When the gas called is It cold so is that Liquid hydrogen hydrogen the playhouse It a tun to play there turned into will freeze airl (Copyright 1034 Publishers Syndiliquid liquid it becomes much 5A writes: In Marvin Colbert cate ) than liquid air Hydrogen is Even liquid hydrogen is not the colder our natural science class taught by Mrs Edna Sundberg we are making -plates or diagrams of the planets showing their 'courses relative si to read and the time it would take each planet If such expeditions we possible The first plate shows the sun in the center with a circle around It fj each planet It Shows the distance a planet is from the sun It also shoj the number’ of moons belonging to each planet Another drawing shows the relative size of each planet The last shows a number of airplanes bach on its way to a different planet On a line from the plane to the planet Is written the number of years the trip would fake Each child is to mtkt s booklet snd Is to use his own Ides for a design for the cover George Hunsperger grade 1 writes: Chester A Wood the father of Junior Wood in our first grade made a model farm for our room He put everything on it that a farm should have: a house a barn with a weather cock on the root a hayatack with a rooster on top and a duck pond with ducks In It The boys snd girls are very grateful to fWKY OtDYOUTAKB Mr Wood for his kindness De-ma- s - cold-rolle- d e Mag-nusso-n OFF 'YOUR wuem sne came' r MM ELEVATOR Home 7 MY- - I’LL BET NO MOTHER BVER HAD SUCH A BIG DAUGHTER AND KNEW HER SO LITTLE- - WE MUST HAVE SOME REAL LONG TALKS YOU MUST TELL ME ALL ABOUT YOURSELF- - J f PEST- DO?' THE AMO PUT VT RIGHT BACK ONI thcJ- 13 HE A DOCTOR OR LAWYER OR - DOES HU WORK AT A STORE OR OFFICE OR WHAT? BELIEVE IT OR NOT " AND NOW MISS WINKLE I'M GOING 1 TO ASK FOR YOUR HAND cteY Power CHIP OP THE LOCAL 02! 210 A Mark of Identity WINNIE WINKLE THE BREADWINNER JfP stepped °oT?£(rtlj7i DOES BLEEK WHAT PAPA THAT J BRAT IS I GOING TO I BE A I By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER- LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE GEE SANDY— I HARDLY KNOW HOW TO ACT IT FEELS SORTA FUNNY TO HAVE REAL FOLKS AND A REAL HOME' AFTER BEIN’ ALL THESE AN ORPHAN Helium gas coldest thing wheal turned Into liquid Js still colder I 1926 Professor Keesom turned liqdd helium into s solid form which was so cold as to be almost down to “ab solute zero” Alsoblute zero Is a point Where there is noTieat at all Sclentlsta believe that if they could reach that point it would be almoat 460 degrees below zero Fahrenheit It is supposed that outer apace may have absoluta zero If nothing la in the way it Is believed that raya of the aun give forth no heat The “ether” which la given credit fqr carrying light from sun to earth is as close to nothing as we can get If it is heated at all when sunlight passes through It the heating is extremely slight That is one reason why a rocket flight from the earth to Mars would be dange- f By Ripley i 30173 REAP UP5IPE POWfl OH CAPTAIN !! 5SCBET SERVICE HAS GIVEN WINNIE WINKLE HER LErrift AND NUMBER HEREAFTER SHE WILL BE KNOWN IN THE SERVICE AS — W13 Business Is Picking Up GASOLINE ALLEY SWELL! NOW CAN PRINT ME SOME MR WALLET leg O THE GUMPS U h ft t IMi Fat Off fhtlitfe InEwn Happy Day CfbftMut'feo LONfr YEARS FEBRUARY IHEDAYDAWNE I - Al-ICLEAR IB UP BETIMES SEEIHEa THAT THE CHURCH’ AK &EXTDN f BtM HAS tBty U&at rrk'Ttosr- - the OR6AAI N PERFECT TIWE IT IS A & ALA bAYPON BOCIBT- T- THH MOST WBOpiHdr jnouusNS rta ue VrlD Ho MB l op ykitebdayi explanation CABTOON fowmmd HOWL1 Lsorap TW The Smallaet Ceaple la the WerlA— Smiaun ana Patma of India havo been exhibited the “emalleat couple to the world'' The lormar la II lnchea tall taller while the letter la Their comparative dee than her la made- obvloue hr the champagne bottle aloni of them Smlaun la alao a ekilful hands with tha Roman rlnaa Watermelon Mao—Down on the MaxTheatyerr well plantation aeuth of Tuacalooaa Ala la an old darker br the name of A Mott who alware rldea around on horaeback with a watermalon balanced on hie head Mott (a now more than 10 reara old and he haa been carrying watermelona In thla no unique manner for ao manr reara that And at one remembere how lone It la tlmea ha haa been Been ctrrrlm one melon on hie heed and another under hie arm with hie horae trottlnx Temerrewi COO Ptarla In Oao Oretef Ywr u HAPPIEST MOlTEXALTSt) OT NAN- - Millie never Looked more noWjnn vhl!$&ElY D OaORCrfiOUS-AN- MAMA ‘tStSr1 Swoon NGWItH Ar£ Fouc? benjamin GOMp Hi LOVELY LITTLEHERH THEY - --13 Moment the CERE MANY WILL sqgsh 6AU0M- Encouraged Jy the Increase of business railways In England are repairing and repainting waiting rooms V- t & EVERYWHERE 9 4 |