Show V : 4 It i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE ADDITIONAL SPORTS Livestock Quotations Pocatello Five Battles Grace Pollei Wolcott In Headline Go FEBRUARY 13 1934 STATE LOCAL OBITUARIES Theresa Catherine Corbett Elmer Elsworth Lemlng Elmer Elsworth Lemlng 63 a carpenter died at ths family residence 352 West Seventh South street Monday after a Itn gerlng Illness Mr Lemlng vs a I born In Adams county Ohio January 11 1311 a son of Jamsg Albert Maggie Jane Orlmrs Lemlng He Joined the L D 8 church In Ohio In 1007 and came to Utah In J 1914 and had alnce pent much of hie 1 m doing tempi work are hli Surviving widow Mri Maude OODEN— Mr Therein Gatherin' Corbett 42 wife of Arthur E Corbett 165 Twlnty m ift 3 eighth street died Mtndr at 6 locftl hoipltil following 4 one week lUneu of pneumonia Mrs Corbett we born Frbruery 14 1801 it Alto Vista' lows a daughter of Thomas and Annie Murray Mahoney She received her education at Alta Vieta and New Hampton Iowa and taught In the Alta Vista ichoolg prior to her marriage In 1909 Followlni the marriage they came to Olden Mrs Corbett wgg a member of 8t Joseph's M MEJN Basketball NOITH HALT LARK T b 1J fUBDA — Hot — Receipt 4004 Include 1194 to Lo Antele ptrkeri 17 to Eureka C1 460 to Ban Franclaco packer 300 to Oakland t 44) to Lo An$efe market 406 direct 366 to Dlevo Baa market Rood teady GARFIELD— Frits Pollei tnd Jim Colorado butcher 14 60 odd lota 4 30(t436 Wolcott will meet Wednesday in the rurkd In butcher aowi to 40 headliner of the Utah Copper club M Gattt— Receipt 670 140 Jor market 10 Theae to Lo Amelc market 129 to Lo Ancelea monthly smoker program 100 to Ban Kranctaco Heady only two scrappers met in the local arena “acker ew common cow told at 12 25i2 05 last month with Fritz being given 1019 to Include 1636 0htep— Receipt Lo 282 Antelf direct 260 to pteker a shade the better of the argument Kanift City market no Ml quotable cllO until it Mrs SPANISH Gundren Johnson PORK— Mri Gundren Johnson fUNERALS services lor Idwlajlar-rlso- n Curtis will bs conducted Thur- at 3 p m In theJLofinSeconJ ward chapel Bishop Friends may call at tha officiating French room liLihe mortuary 90 Sail Seventh South strecti in 6slt Lake Monday and Tuesday And at tbe home 402 West In Logan Center street Wednesday and Thursday Inprlorno nerthe Loon vier Interment will be cemetery under the direct!'ft Ol “ Deseret mortuary DUFFIN— Funeral services for Leonard Duf fin of 839 West North Temple street will be held Wednesday at 1 30 P m in L D S ward ohapel the Thirty-fourt- h Bishop 8 Burton Newman officiating The Interment will be In Wasatch Lawn burial park The casket will be open at Lees mortuary Tuesday the Klngdon from I to-p m for public viewing - Th gasket wifi be open at th residence We dneedav morn jpg privately HALTINER-- r Funeral service for Roe Margaret Haltiner will be held Wednesday at p nt in the Larkin funeral chapel iFriends may call at the family resifrom dence! 221 O street Wednesday 10 a m to 12 noon and at the Larkin 1 m Inter12 to m 30 p from p chapel ment City eemetery M'CUNE— Funeral services for Kenneth Clayton McCune will be conducted Wednesday at 12 noon In the roa room of the Deseret mortuary ui Ogden 620 Twenty-sixt- h itreet Additional services will be conducted in the rose room In Belt Lake 36 East Seventh South street Wednesday at 3 p m Bishop Eugene M Cannon of the Forest Dale ward officiating Friend may call at the mortuary 30 minutes prior to 'services Interment will be in the City cemetery under the direction of the Deseret mortuary NIELSEN— Funeral services for Lucile Anbe conducted will derson Nielsen Wednesday at 2 p m in the Second ward chapel Bishop A J liisren officiating Friends may call at the continental room In the mortuary S6iEat Seventh South street until Wednesday t l p m Interment will be In the City cemetery under the direction of the Deseret mortuary SOLOMON— Furieral for Mary service Jane Solomon will be conducted Thursday it 2 p in In the Second ward chapel Bishop A J Elggren officiatFriends may call at the told ing room In the mortuary 30 East Seventh South street until Thursday at noon and at the church 15 minutes prior to service Interment will be In the City cemetery under the direction of the Deseret mortuary CURTIB— Funeral dr ssld to hsv been ths oldest resident died Sundt night st the Utah count tnftrmer et Frovo of dUeesei Incident to ee Bhe born In Iceland Jenuerr 10 1897 She came to Utah with her husband Johnson and e daughter ebout 40 rears ego both of whom are dead The body Is and POCATELLO-W- ith 13 victories to et the Wheeler mortuarr et Bprtngvllle end will he brought to the home of Mrs their credit in 18 starts the Pocatello Mar r Htxilnson Wedneedar at 10 a m SUMMIT STARS where friends mar call until time for the HOYT8VIIXB FRANCIS a set are for high school Indians funeral aervicea at 3 p m Wednesday In GTFPl OTPP tha L D 8 Fifth ward chapel Interment doubleheader t t 4 basketball rf S 1 1 MIThomai rf program Julunon will b In Spanish Pork Cltr cemetery 1 S J 4IL Alklnion R Judd II If S 1 0 16 the Catholic Woman's Catholic church Tuesday night In the Irving gym The Wright Johnson had no relatives living In e 0 11 1 IT Atklnwm league and also held membership in the this country but la survived br a son In first the local varsity W Judd rs 1 1 0 3 D Aiklnin r 1 1 0 3 between game association Women'jBene(lt Bhe had been an Inmate of the ' Ireland 1 S 3 Is Brook 4lCrlttenden t 111 nd Grace will be played at 7:30 by the judges and Wolcott has been tady Surviving beside her husband are two Infirmary about six or seven years but Mar Hatfield Lemlng 1 1 11 the following song and daughters and a son Mary Lucille Cath- each year returned here for the annual old to be followed by the reserves McQueen rg 0 eager to arrange a return match DENVER 12 feb erine Elisabeth and Thomas Arthur Cor- folks' party where ehe wai called the oldest (UflDA)Cttle— Mrs Jee-tl- e 13 10 5 31 9 141341 Total! Four additional Toletg and Inkom boxing events dealer 1600 300calve 360 eround 100 to daughters: bett the parents of Alta Vista three brothElisabeth Lambert of the town Calderwood umpire— Stephen! round out this end of 'the New Mexico tock calves Mri Preeda Ann Marers and two sisters: Edward Lloyd and Edna resident Coach “Rip" Gledhill is shaping hit Referee— evening'i throuth and hell-r openln around steady with Vista the Rev Oeorse MaAlta Mahoney tin Mrs Dorothy In addition entertainment WANSHIP KAMA8 there Charges for the district high school predomlnatinv aom bid weak lie ht Irene Plnegar And Sarah Catherine Spendlove honey Dubuque Iowa and Ur Thomas 35 35 OTPP will be two wrestling matches and steers IJM heifers Leonard Clinton Iowa Elmer Lemlng basketball tournament and a shot at MeCornlck rfOTPP MILTON— Mri Barah Catherine Spend towa I2 50W910 calves and vealers 60c or Jamei 5 3 0 toll Pendletn rf S 4 3 14be conducted Thurs- love 05 wife of Joseph Bpendlove died at will Funeral eervicei of all Lake and Salt boxing-wrestlinthe state crown bout more hlvher vealers 16 007 00 extreme 0 0 0 0 a mixed If 4 S 0 SIBmlth If Carpenter day at 10 a m in B if Joseph'! Catholic the family home here Sunday at 6 45 p m Guy Taulbee Lemlng 1 11 1 0 Atkimon 1150 c 14 0 4iRoblneon Stocker s feeders and II 50i of Ontario Cal and The complete card follows: After a ragged start In which they church with the Rev Patrick F Kennedy Mrs Bpehdlovc was born March 10 1048 "ft 3 4 3 0 4 Pacr re Frtnl rs 3 0 01 9IM U grandchildren celebrating the requiem high man The holy In England a daushtcr of Solomon and Borins—Curtain raher between two local lost the first four games of the sea Holt I 3 Pndlrtn If 0 S 1 1 bora Is Receipt! 5800' 10 singles direct rosary will be recited at the family home Catherine Ann Martin Stone She came to Lou Blend va Harry Meyeri Tlser 40'Hogg— 0 0 0 to 0 California If to Texes 3Batee to Ooodworth Arisons I I son the Indians have been molded 806 Twenty-eight- h street Wednesday at 8 Utah In 1880 snd was married to Mr BpendOrlffln ve Eddli Spencer Max Jenaen re steady: Lucile 180 to 380 pounds to choice Nielsen Anderson p m Interment will be in Mountain View love on August 4 1480 Bhe was a member Mellon Max Prlta Polll vi Jim Wolcott Into a smooth working squad' The Toale 14 2504 jood lees desirable 11 15 8 33 Total! lltht weights 25 wife cemetery under direction of the Klftandall-Darlin- g of the L D 8 church Mrs Lurlle Anderson Nielsen Mixed bout— K O Jackaon (flxhterl re down 3 10: scat-1sows wood umpire— Strpheni Fred Referee— Cilder ‘stars include Eddie Bucher forward packing steady of Franklin Charles Nielsen died In mortuary Surviving are the husband a son and a Spelra (wretler) — 4 ten BOe275 at 6 25 a m ol and Dale Duncan guard lettermen Wrestling— Ralph Morley vi Lou Mutt daughter Joseph F Bpendlove Milton 05001400 local hospital Monday Includes scripts resided va Leo Paplano 933 STAKE Fourth Bhe ENSIGN heart trouble at Dern ler Ira Harriett Payne Little Orldley Cal Mrs throush: fat lambs steady load to choice East street around whom the team has been built Peter O’Neill and a lstr In England 00 pounds TWENTIETH ELEVENTH to 00 freiiht- - peld several Mrs Nielsen was born In Vineyard SepRobbins Rauch Delate Fellls Thursservices will be conducted Thur Funeral lotos 30 OOSr OTPP limbs OT P F I native 60 IIM0IO5 OODEN— Peter O'Neill former Ogden tember 22 1900 a daughter of Louis ana 1 Win p m In the Milton L D 8 ward 1 00 5 0 0 lOiPox rf ton Keating Rush and Isham have Coi rf medium grades II 50 ewes steady Elisabeth 3315 resident but recently of Balt Lake died day at with Frederlckson Anderson 8he In Interment In Milton City ceme16ICle If If chapel 1150 Coulam at 51111 1 80 Monm BaU a 0 Lake at also become dependable players hospital cam to Bali Lake from Idaho several years under direction of the Deeeret mortu1 1 0 S Flndlr 4 0 0 5 c Nelaon c day death being due to Infirmities Incident tery Games ago tRe OGDEN Memorial 13 (USDA)-Ho1 Ffb Judge ary Berrelt rs 10 03'Widner rs 104 Surviving are her husband her mother to age He was born October 15 1363 at ccipti 1067 include 534 directs Bin 14 OYlBrewerton ll 0 3 1 1 Fddy ll three Watertown New York He was a sheet metal Ruth LaRue Nielsen Lo 120 nnclsco packer Ancjelei mir-t- a daughter Hammond ri 0 1 0 OITerry rf 11 worker by trade had worked for the D As won Vlrl Web Webster FIGHTS THIS WEEK snd third Junior! ol senior! round and Clifton brothers Anderson 699 274 May-wooStanley d Lo Amle packer Cutler c 10 0 3 Idaho and Kleland Nielsen of Ru- R O W railroad In Ogden and other Cal 1 0 0 3 ximei In the Judit Memorial clan aerlea CHARLESTON— Vlrl Web' Webster Mower rr packers 134 Bwstmon pick- Burley Idaho The eenlore defeated er and a sister Mrs Thelma points along the line and lastly at Denver Monday afternoon 073s steady with I pert son of Charles E and Norma E 0 0 0 close 0 Is wejk lat Mitchell Colo Surviving him are the widow Mr the freshmen 30 to 13 and tha aenlora won op 14 60 on belt drlvelni few loti light Crawforth of Paul Idaho Br Auoclated Preii II Webster died st his horn here 8unday one daughter Mrs after a hard-fougbattle from tha sophomorea will be conducted Jane Fisher O'Neill Funeral services abwi 3 76 lie was born weeks' Illness 63 10 lihte around three Bouli on the week’! national achedule 13 10 1 111 packing Total Total! 35 lo 3 Wednesday at 2 p m In the Becond L D 8 Myrtle Black and a grandson all of Ogden In Bait Lake April 11 1630 down: odd light kind to $3 2ft 1 fccludt: The irorei' 403 snd two brothCattle— Receipt Included S3 di- ward chapel Fifth East and BeventH South also two sisters and a brother Uving in Wisare his TUESDAY parents Surviving ENSIGN UNIVERSITY consin JUNIORS FRESHMEN rect Ban Francisco market 102 Ban streets with Bishop Albert J Elggren of At Philadelphia- - Max Bchmellnt Oer Donald and Charles Webster CharlesOTPPl OTPP a member of Weber lodge No 4 ers OTPP1 OTPI Francisco packers 29 Los Annies market Relating Friends may call at the Deseret F He was Mfi Ruth Webb ton: his grandmother Rianr va Stare Hamae Wellington N J L Toronto rf 5 1 4 14IBmtth rf 3 no 4 Schulte 1 1 ) and A M 3 0 0 rf 172 103 about steady mortuary 36 East Seventh South street Elisha WebCalifornia V 13 feeders Lake and grandfather Balt tr ihi o Davidson rf If 1 0 0 4IPIiher 3 3 3 6 Lawaon If McOmle If aearjwelchti In Ol31 Laramie be conducted If 111 very few food cattle m run early gales until Wednesday at 1 p m Burial will Funeral services will At New York ster Charleston 1 0 0 3lCarliton (St NlcholW)' Mike Hamon c e 2 p m at the chapel den i 1 0 Neville e 3 0 0 4!ooggtn e J Wednesday it In take the cemetery place common City to mortuary and Belloiu New York ve Mlcker Barron helfera Olptn and limited gteeri Friends may call at the OIC Colei rs of the Ktrkendall-Darlln- g 0 0 0 McEnanr rx 3 0 0 Slivers rg mortuary under medium at 3 004i3 60 Including few lot Scranton Pa featherweight! 10 4 1 0 51 J Colei Is 13 13 Mrere Yount Is the auspice of Weber lodge No 0 F and Charleston services will be conducted In the 3 0 0 41 H Key ting lg Ig 25 33 at heifer feeder ateers 000 and At Jackaonvllle Rueeell light Funeral Oonialfl light 1 0 0 3 Pla: Mrs Neils S Jensen 10 0 3 Coburn r( 5 0 0 lOIO’Rellley rf 1 Oulvir ri A M with Worshipful Master Thomas Riverton L D 8 First ward chapel TuesQrr If same price medium- - and good dairy type Philippine! va Eddie Burk Altxlndrla Va rf 3 0 0 4' Clark rg cows 12 25 12 60 few extra food cow to Mrs Nells 8 Jrnsrn 17 resldarit of 8a!t Leslie in charge The sermon will be given 10 at 1 p m with Interment in Riverleathrwlghta 13 101131 1111141 Keytlng Total! Totali M Neville If 1 I 0 3 66 10 common and lower grade cow 12 00 Lake for many years died at the horn of by Dr John Edward Carver of the First day Quleh rg ' 1003 David Abadl St Louie At Lot Anaelaaton City cemetery Conway down odd balls 62 40 few medium calves her daushtcr Misa Marl Jrnsrn 435 Ninth Presbyterian church Interment will be in lg 0 0 0 0 i Yount Pater Jackaon Wilmington Cal 13TH-13TEIGHTEENTH the Mount Ogden cemetery Friend may street Monday at 0 05 a m of In00 East 60T4 II Ilfhtwelahti 10 J 11 0 0 30 call at the mortuary chapel Tuesday eveOTPP 5 4J 13 OTPP Totals Totali Alice Ann Moffett Bheep— Receipt 977 Denver market 767 firmities Incident to age At SeattleYakima Henry Wood! rf 3 0 0 4 Hemey rf 3315 8t Joseph market 220 none offered for Mrs Jensrn was born at Btrabrand Den- ning from 7 until 0 o’clock and Wednesday Wah ri Cecil Parnt Loulavtlle Ky BR Benson Cement Burial Vaults BURLEY Idaho— Mrs Alice Ann Molfett If 3 4 3 6 Benson If I 3 1 I Wtlhelmien SENIORS 33 1458 a daughter of Johannes until 1 45 p m SOPHOMORES market mark llihtwelehte 10 At Lewis Seattla ra Jack Jjily 74 died Wednesday at the home of her OOLk BROS itt a 13 3 dinutterf laid C 3 33 1 60 C and Anne Neilson She had lived In Balt OTPP OTPP (original dealVrsV waterprp Bilra Sacramento Cal welterwelahta 5 Bruun In Webb Lake Balt 0 0 Mrs 0 Wallace OMAHA Anderson ReV 12 rt Feb 0 daughter 0 0! Cavanaugh rfld 0 0 (US0A)— Hog— rf ri 0 Lake 54 years during which time she had cement burial vaults 317 N st W 8397-- j Murphy At Weat Palm Beach Pla John Corn 6600 Is after an extended Dines If Brlneholt ll 0 0 0 0 Steel active on better trade been an active member of the First ana If 0 0 0 O' Beet ceipt fairly W Effle Van Graaf Orlffln St Bennlna Oa va Gordon For- Day de cement burial 1 I 13 Wliklne rf She was bom April 2 1859 at Ogden JOHNSON BROS Improved hoge IfrlOc higher than Saturday good L D 8 ward Relief gocletles c 1 0 0 3 Murphy c Thompson tenberry Cocoa Pla vaiiltj wsternroof 1144 Main Hv 2iQ9e OODEN — Mrs Effle Wangsgaard Van de Utah a daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Atklnaon c 0 4 OfO to choice 100 to 240 pounds 64 1044 20 Tenth 1 0 0 3 Maushn 0 0 0 Is survived by a son Dr She rg Christen 10 Rayburn rf va Derrick Tarran Legett Jack on Tann 49 of 620 Cross street widow of Wood and was reared at Huntsville Utah 64 20 240 to 300 pounds 3 2 10 lop I3 96M 10 Jensen 13 3 4 at the Brigham Young Oraaf 8ackett ll 0 0 0 0 BnUnskh If Port Beunlng middle Young lxIf Pursy Welnert Van de Oraaf died Monday at 1 Bhe wes married in 1881 to William Arni-stea- d 0 fe choice 250 poundfc 14 15 odd lot universityprofessor O Carroll rf 3 0 0 4 Rller rf 8 OF THANKS at Provo her daughter Miss Marlnu Irelrhts a m at the family home after an extended 4 5(0 0 0 I Moffett who died in 1020 Bhe and choice 900 to 140 pounds! I3 75ffi3 85 140 Marie Hlthim 0 Lawaon If 111 01 Mrs Chrisa Elisabeth Jensen alster THURSDAY 0 0 0 0 her husband pioneered in Arizona for the to 1M pounds un even 10 Glade it few tensen of Balt Lake and one grandchild illness 0 3 0 0 At Philadelphia: Flaheu rg Tony Palco PhiladelWiafieTTo home Mrs their de In Huntsville L D Van was Oraaf born church making 8 of C 62 finally Anderion F THE famllv feeder 604x325: slaughter pigs pigs Funeral services will be conducted Wedphia VI Bucky Jonei Philadelphia Halit I 11 4 10 Totali Total! thank their man friends and relatives 10 4 3 33 falable 13 3 I 29 31600 2 50 packing sows 62 004 nesday at 1 30 p m In the Tenth L D 8 December 9 1684 a daughter of Mat 0$ and at American Fork Utah where they reTotali Weight I £ eddie Steele Totals 11 10130 15 Christensen for their kindness and sympathy ihown Wangsgaard Bhe sided 12 years They came to Burley In stags 62 0042 60 430 Eighth East street with Khristina At i"acoma ward Ran defeated Waihipri had resided in Ogden 20 years She was 1009 and took up a Homestead on the BurWoodruff In their recent bereavement In the death Cattle— 10000 fed WOODRUFF— steers and Bishop chapel Receipts B Friends Childs Tacoma yi Leonard Bennett Detroit Thomns presiding Vle'w of the where neighborhood In thg final of their son and brother Orvel C 0 yearlings slow few early aales mostly to may call at ths home of Miss Jensen 435 a member of the Lst D S church and' at- ley project in the dolph Welterwelihti Nets ward The victory threw the two Pacific M Men atake Aho for the beautiful flowers they resided until Mr Moffett’s deeth jera about steady she stock wca- - to Ninth East street Wednesday from 11 a m tended the Twenty-firFRIDAY 10 Si 1 So lower bulls the top poaltlon Both weak to 10c lower to 1 p m Burial will take place In the City Surviving are a brother and two sisters While' Mrs Mofletfrhad since retained her At Chicago (itadlum): Vlnec Dundee teama In a tie for the divisional playon in Harvey C Wangsgaard and Mrs L O home near here at View she had for years vealers weak to 5c lower: atockera and cemetery Haw ark N J va Ben Jeby New York outflti will enter 12 0ST AND FOUND feeder! steady to atroni early salea fed Hyslop Huntsville and Mrs A W McKay been engaged in temple work In the Salt Wro imp berths being allowed the 10 Bilddlewelshta (nontitle): Bep Van Afton Lake L D 8 temple Ogden eteerj and yearlings I450i5 79 around take Klaveren Holland va Harry Dubllnky W aona and daughters survive: Mn Thurs-l- n M be Nina will 15 59 and 1233 pounds-155Funeral services conducted Sarah weishts Th Wight Sat Inn lo Kid Leonard watch lost Coon Chicken Chicago Welterweight! SAN FRANCISCO Feb 12 (P— RANDOLPH m the funeral fhspel of J E Searle W A D 8 and Carloe B WRIST ftw head yearlings 14 35 fed heifY P I’ Rock Island III va Prknk Battaglia Win- Return 753 Ramon CITY— Mrs BRIGHAM Sarah Melissa day ai A2 pSons tve or call Was 14 2505 26 bulk beef cows fl 9543 25: O TP P Pacific P mortuary with burial in Moffett and Mrs C B 8tsnser Burley: Telephone and Telegraph ers JO 3034 between I a m and 5 pm Watkins Wight 79 widow of William L Larkin nipeg middleweight : 41 W Smith rf 3 1 1 5 ew A 13 35t 50 cutter grades W L 11 450 C Moffett and Wesh Seattle 50 0 0 Ogden rf cemetery Lonshilrit City 1 45 a m at the At Hollywood Cal: Tommy Paul Buf-v- a died Monday at 1933 of net income Wight 11 Black terrier Call Hy white reports FOUND— company 1 and It Webb Mr A 31 Lake B few F 12 Wallace II 45 Norrli end to Salt t medium strong weights up home on North First West street Oeorse Haniford Hollywood L Cox Ifc " S953-SiA Smith e 111 Moffett American Fork Utah: four sisters Prtxler $14049010 a decrease of $2168197 bulls 13400 2 50 few 52 50 practical top family after an illness of three months 1 5 1 3 Mrs 1 SIC American 3 Mrs Norrli 5500: 0 Sarah Madsen Fork selects sellers choice rg IS5OiS0O lost Handle formed by BLACK Putnam rf cloth purre Ckavls born October 10 1654 1932 was on Mrs common Net from Wight share Conception per Mosell 4i Chloe Mrs WSnobaUlx 2104 Catherine medium to choice Stockers and feedera In Salt Lake a daughter of William L 354 Belma Rew Mysner and E Cox It Initials ''8 B1' Hy OODfcN — Chavis about 60 Doxev Oxden Mrs Laura McCarty Los 0 0 0 0 otock wai $506 compared with $626 14 00i 5 25 choice stock calves 1525 3 I 4 I T Norrli If Hotel tnd Mary Almlna Hammond Watkins 8ne died MondayConception lavatory In a local hospital following a Angeles four brothers Charles 8 Wood RINOUtahlost In cafeteria Sheep— Receipts 5000 lamb market not came Gemmell Club Cowling Prancliriin her to with the sold parents City green yellow Brigham ring preceding antique He brief of year Illness an had 321 Inmate been 131410 Total 11 12 10 established early undertone weak Totals Burley: Joseoh Wood Everett Wash Fred Re73 years ago and had since resided here the Weber unpolished Jade getting heirloom Net income wag $1700990 less than stronger sheep snd feeders in lightasking Infirmary for the past W end B F Wood Huntsville Utah 30 sup-l- y She was Refers Ruly married November 14 1804 In the three years county turn to Tribune office 18 reward He was a member of 8t Jo- grandchildren and one blda fed wooled lambs tl 75c Balt ' NATIONAL LEAGUE L D 8 Endowment the dividends paid out on common 105 early house Lake She DOG— Lost English coadhdot male white Funeral cervices were conducted seph's Catholic church best held above 10 15 early aalea active Relief society worker Funeral arrangements are In charge of at 3 p m In the L D 8 View wardSunday and preferred stocks at $6 a (hare ewet up to 14 50 feeding lambs II 00i wasThean following with blsck spots Call Was 2382: Raw with anna and daughters sur- the Ro 3 WolitenholmS h Pet Club 27 Fdwder 093 Hercules’ 34 Interment In View cemetery In charge of GAS cap and keys lost return to Broadway Klrkendalj-Daflln- g mortuary ’the of At end L the vive William Pocatello Idaho: first Wight No 3 J B Kins 35 annually 13 441 the Johnson mortuary Mrs Garkgc 50 W Broadway Melissa Jesse L Wight Union Ore No 1 Pormeia 30 CITY Peb IJ BOWLING TOURNAMENT elpts 10 519 quarter the common stock dividend KANSAS 4500 1400 direct NO 4 Joa Brlak WATCH 5 Team Standing 135 34 mostly steady Peterson Balt Lake Mrs L Aretta BodenL lady's green told wrist wgteh Larson Nelson reduced from wu to $7 Clarence $6 Gladys Idaho Haselton Pet Lost Won Joseph with Friday top 14 30 on choice 170 to white gold band name ’Myrr’ eng lost Laura Penfold Allen AMERICAN LEAGUE Eldred L Wight Brigham City also 111 3 1 HUNT8VILLE— end Bo 340 3 1400 services Funeral for 140 Mr 150 to No choice 9th East or Hy 4347 Reward Team Total revenuesgood tnd were poulds W Is operating Pet Team No I HAOERMAN Idaho— Funeral services 111 1 Gladys Larson Nelson 30 wife of J Horace 394014 35 180 to 180 pounds 30 grandchildren and 11 No I Loatherwood 31 1 531 down $7383365 from 1932 pounds 041 and the following brothers and sis- Nelson who died at the famllr home In were conducted here 8aturdsy for Mrs 3 II 750490 375 sows to 550 packing No 1 T B Prlsmorg 30 114 Team No II 13 554 Expenxes were cut $4850164 ters' Joseph H end John H Watkins Huntsville Saturday night after a brief Ill- Laura Penfold Allen 31 formerly of Hager-ma- n PERSONALS 13 504 9 50 I No 4 Nichole 33 10 411 Team No i totaling pound who died at her home in Pocatello A Watkins Ogden 554 ness of heart trouble will be conducted Cattlf— -- Receipts 14000: calves 3000: In- Brigham No 3 Dr Frailer 30 0 331 Team Bhe is survived by her 444 $68491785 Mrs Sophrona Bateman Sandy and the Wednesday at 1 '30 p m In the Huntsville Wednesday night weak on dication lower 15c to fed ateers Team Home Cure ARCHIBALD'S DR Habit f Liquor I Claude Allen Pocatello her parLEAGUE Rt COEDS 111 end L D B ward and Iona yearlings lower grades of cows following Burial will be In the husband Team treatment safe sure Long experience n Watkins Logan Mount Ogden chapel 111 American 1 Memorial under direc- ents aMr end Mrs Earl Pyifold Hater-ma10tl5o lower other killing classes steady Lewis PW and Junius Mrs Taam No no lay off Price 33 00 Mailed anywhere brother and four sisters Mrs WilAmoa Whip- tion of the Mount Ogden park Smile tame L Frlgmore Watkins and 315 4 50: Stockers top mixed yearlings and George 1933 mortuary Passed Archibald Taft Bldg- - Hollywood Cal liam Hurley Boise Miss Eva Penfold 8alt Smile aerlaa L Prlamore 013 BACCHUS— Team No 3 and Team No 5 feaderg strong ateers good and choice 550 ple Salt Lake A Benjamin L Watkins and Mrs Nelson was born here Mar 5 1897 a Lake Mrs Laura Potter Mrs Jack Gra- VERY best massage hot bath alcohol rub Anderson Team lame T B Pngmort 131 ar tied for tho top In tha Herculea Powto 000 pounds 15 0007 10 900 to 1100 Mrs George Brigham City dauthter of Oeorge J A tnd Delila Boss Team aerjee Leatherwood Tremonton Atlas Bldg 238-2- 7 Hrs 10-- 0 3103 der Bowling letgnt at tha and of tha third 1100 to 1300 pounds Leslie Watkins Larson She was married fn the Salt Lake ham and 8tanley Penfold Hagerman 10150710 pounds By Canadian 4 services will be conducted L D 8 temple May 19 1020 Bhe had been Funeral 75 1300 to 1500 pounds 73 550 waek of plar Eva McNally 50(0 MASSAGE— Elec treatments Team No 3 la compoaed of Natlewal T m 2 In the Third an active worker In the Primary association st 30 p 5 15: common and medium 650 pound! up Wedneadey Dingle game J B King 110 C Black Henderaon G Jonaa and Larson exper nurse 403 Bo 2nd E W 6298-Minnie Skanchy Larson t37Si634 heifers good and choice 550 L D 8 ward chapel with burial In Brig was vice president of the Parent-TeachS54 whtla Team No I has tho followlni bowleca: Slnglg gerleg Pete Ysno MONTREAL Feb 12 Franco-AmencEXPERT agent massage ham 60 500 05 to cows City cemetery tood association and first lieutenant of Camp LOOAN— Funeral services for Miss Minnie Team lama’ Wolstenholma i! 13 Schwer pounds 14 0 4 Inakeep A Kearne and J Kearm room 315 23 E 1st South Was 6132 W the Canadian Pacific railway to- IS 00(174 common and medium 33 50 i Olive Daughters of Utah Pioneers Bhe was Skanchy Lnrson who was found dead in bed Tar Mrlaa J B Kin 3314 treatmt 33 Swedish Reduce REAL to medium vealera town fed) choice official massage for the 1 Huntsville will ‘ be conducted Thursday at (milk typist Sunday - WednaadaF'i ' day decided against declaration of Hannah E E Blackner Sehedilt FORT VS GEMMELL 1: ateam bath 50c 159 Main rm 205 board P m In the Logan L D 8 Fourth ward 0100 Stocker gnd feeder steers good National Uam dividenda on either the preferred or LYMAN Wyo — Hanneh Ellcabeth Eyre 4 160675 choice (all weights) comand four chapel with burial In Logan City cemetery MISS RENEE expert massage and bath Surviving are the husband Wouttnholmo va Kmg Poraneas ri Brlak BINGHAM— A return match” with the common stocks for 1933 Blackner 72 died here Saturday momlni daughters mon and medium 3 7504 33 Barbara Betty Virginia and under direction of Lindquist & Sons' Mortulncl Sunday 25 No let West Apt 313 havlnx been 111 for a number of TbureJar'a Sebedulg the Fort Douglas bowling team will An official otatement Issued after Bheep— Receipts 6500 : 3500 through after ary company At Swedish massage Reduce treatmt strobe closely fol A mar lea a Laaena opening aalea of killing clanei steady month from a paralytic 1 steam bath 50c 150 Tuesclub Main rm 205 ba rolled Gemmell at Bl tha her death husband the of 0 16 Held best the meeting wai ei follow: Prlsmorg va Leatherwood on tame top fed lambs up to lowing tarly 35 Nlchola va Frailer one amej Prigmora vs day ’evening lambs good and choice 00 pound W restful massage Bath alcohol rub At Ablett club man“While the directors are naturally 10 10 3009 35 common down 10 to 6 p m 84 8o Main Room 420 and medium iilchol: Leatherwood va frailer ager and Gemmell team captain an- gratified at the improvement in the 15 5001 35 leadera: tnd good Kunds todown 40 pounds 16 00411 35 yearTho team reprenounced Sunday 131 So 2nd East Experienced Apt company’s earnings which began In ling wethers medium A! Aklett lo choice 00 to 110 home In 1897 conclub will Gommell the senting 'EDISH massage baths whera among also training December last the results of the op- pounds 16 00 0 7 50 ewes good and cholct she and her John Greono school dlplomaa 314 Templeton bide first to move B King sist ol A1 Ablett John Greene J B erations of ths year 1933 do not war- !K to 160 pounds 13550 450 JHerk She had led an active 11 Johnson — Fori-nes- s 13 Peb CHICAGO Hogg Johnson Herk Holger King rant the declaration of dividends on Receipts 10000 Active weights below 200 In many L D 8 activities Lloyd Prlsmorg and Pet Yano Pet Yano Swim to Reduce 13c the preference or ordinary stocks of pounds strong to 10 higher 170-3pounds Brsdshsw of Lyman and two brothers George Strlngbam 05 0 475 tows 13 35 0 3 50 the company for the year” E Eyre of the Lyman atake presl James vHfnwtrrTUtT 30000 and privVIuirTwirf Cattle— Receipts Strictly good gnd and George Eyre of Mlnersvllle gnd FIGHTER SUBSTITUTED 0 Prf Thornton Wa Springs W 1733 choice fed ateera and yearlings H repre- dency -13 living children: George L Ray Reuben GIBBS’ SEEK GAMES LOS ANGELES Feb 12 P)— Lou sentative weights steady top long year- Jesse Abstractor Foot Specialists Arnold C Prank Owen D and lings 17 00 medium weight ateers up to Blackner all of Lyman and J Bernard GOOD Anyona wishing games this week Jalloi New York lightweight was subprop titles get good loans Expert 0 00: bulk gteers and yearlings unsold light 15 L HANSEN 303 Boyd Park bids QRESSMAKING of Evanston Mrs James Wyo title man Thos Homer 404 8 St W Mo DR WA 2670 With the Lauren W Gibbs team phone stituted today lor Davy Abad St latter and mixed yearling steady to 25 Blackner 32 chiropody treatment 31 Durrant of Lvman Mrs Clove of NEW ORLEANS Peb 11 (AP)-Co- tton d top heifers 16 00 cows 164v35c Lot Angeles Mrs Aneel Lee Frank Bob Crawford at the East high school Louii in th bout here to- was very sctlve Monday and prices made ower bulla aTteritTons anif dressmaltfng of Green River RELIABLE steady vealers 26if60e lower: Assayers Mrs O D Prskrs of Greeley Colo teas 831 8o 4th E Hy 7623 Hyland 110 The Gibbs quint will morrow night with Young Peter Jack new highs for the year and season for eight higher 6100 atockera and feeders scare and Wyo: Hearing Devices and Mrs Avsrd Rollins of Lyman 30 ALONZO F BARDWFLL Ex Colo stretiht sessions Futures closed firm 11 top first-cladressmakFOR ladles’ firm fry tailoring play the Ace Cafe of Logan aa a pre- jon Wilmington Cal negro 25 yrs Ut Funeral services wire conducted Monday 168 8 W T Was 4696 higher BATTERIES for all types of hearing ai3s ing alterations call Mrs E Morrison Sheep— Receipts 18000 Pat Iambi slow In the L D 8 chapel here liminary game to the B Y High Western Ttusa & App Co Med Arts Bldg P O Box 152 UNION AsaaOffice Inc 647 E 1st Bo Wasatch 4446-far apart Indicasellers still and buyers 152-- 4 4S Mirth t Was 1100 So tions steadr desirable lambs held upward Temple game Saturday - 1 il 51 May to 30 50 ecattered sales medium to tood LOAYZA LOSES AT BOSTON les by i Joseph Theodore Waldron Hotel Rooms 1273 July 60 00 and few native throwouts xt mixtures 16 100 T Was 4114 W Detectives attention S prompt SOUTH MORGAN— Funeral gervlcea for 11 50 October BOSTON Feb 12 WV-WertDEFENDS BOXING TITLE to 60(4150 clipped lambs and learllqxs Joseph Theodore Waldron NEW SALT LAKE HOTEL 45 W Snd 8o 74 Deoembet 13 10 of farmer Assn Legitimate detec- absent scarce lambs Booton 143 Auto holder feeding Arcelll of the Parts folk where All Uintah basin from died In South who an Morgen 1107 it s u us stay Jenuary Sunday PITTSBURGH Feb 1J tlve 401 Utah Bay Tr Bldg We q?8o Peb 13 fAP Ogden hospital will be conducted WednesSOUTH BAN FRANCISCO rma Hot water Dally 60c up Spot steady 11 up Sales 1511: midtitle State St Auto Wreckage Co 123 outside two rapier fists Teddy Yarosz New England welterweight 1550 U8DA1— Hoge — Receipts weekly 33 50 up: with bath 14 up Including day at 3 30 p m In the South Morgan SOUTH dling 1250 seven-roun- d So State H 030 At 3200 8o State H technical to 10c gained 1000 D direct Mor8 L In Active generally steady South chapel with burial 17 Foot Specialists Room the Monaca flier tonight sueceiaful-l- y knockout over 0030 We buy 0 tell used cars trucks LAKE Hotel ‘The Homelike place IDAHO PALLS POTATOES higher top 85 16 on good to choice 201 gan City cemetery under direction of the and apta with or without baths it ape-clStanley Loayza 144 Rebuilt batteries tires all sites makes defended his Pennsylvania state good Deseret mortuary IDAHO PALLS Peb 13 winter rates 40 P O Place W 107"" DR L YY DELK' 305 Felt Bldg" Complete pound Callforntas lighttly sorted: 5bulk veteran bout Chilean Jn 16 APEX Was tonight So 36 auto 660 State corns butchers treatment both feet tl Incl Wrecking 69 Shipping point Information for Saturday: middleweight title against Jimmy scheduled 4094 Batteries tires parts for all cars NEW UTE HOTEL— Lowest prices In the callouses toenails foot edlust W 2138 light light 14160450 packing lor ten rounds Upper valley— Carload f o b cash track Smith of Philadelphia Kimtaro Kasuya City considering quality of ACCOMMO-DATION- 8 tu lealers: Russets U 8 No 1 11 30(il 40 sows mostly 19 56 UTO SALVAGE CO Oldest wrecking bouse 119 Main 8718 North Was di235 SYRACUSE— Klmtaro Kasuya Japanese Cattle— Receipts 150 Including ' OGDEN DOWLING LEAGUES 730 8o Bt Cash for used cart an oocaslonal car lower Open mug pteka In Utah Medical 17a gteers fully farmer of Syracuse died Monday II 86i 140 U S No 1 mostly il00 rect Active on better grade stock New parts tor til cars A WINS BRITISH RING TITLE OGDEN— Following era the standings In mostly Key and Lock Repairing to strong spots 15c higher ahe-sto- In an Ogden hospital following anmorning an occasional car lower Bulk illness COMPLETE 28 8 W T W ORTORimTH Special i at for men Call outwelght ateady steadri trucks low tood to choice two weeks of to Too few galea reported at cash growers 35C—KEYS S514 ld MANCHESTER Eng Feb 12 W Osdan bowlini leaiuss: mall et pre-paWas orders 113H South Main duplicated CltF Lasses Funeral arrangementa are In charge of the ona price to guota xa representing a fed Utah ateera 36 66 top- hulk good 337 Bo State ‘ Was 4288 Automobile Dealers k Won Lost Pet any Corbett of Bethnal Green tofed ateera and yearlings 35 6048 Undqulat 81 Song’ mortuary general market 4 0 Rushmsr looo 36 460 fed OPPORTUNITIES 18 Optical 60: tood top Twin Authorized o s Carloads won MOTOR b JRAVEL f MORGAN the British and empire Prdaralg cash 75 SUPER CQ night 150 to dealers: Russets I Laundries large medium 550OW5IO U 8 No 1 mostly Ford Dealer 2180 Highland Dr Hr 3 150 31 6415 tood young range bantamweight boxing titles by out--‘ All Stars 35 a few higher: an occasional car local fed helfert lotfl 1 150 tower U Coal ROYAlT LAUNDRY 628 So Stat Was 8 No 3 mostly 11 00 a few points cow? quoted 13 60W316: fleshy dslrr type Auto Radiator Repair pointing Johnny King of Manches- Parr 150 American Can 2834 Quality and Service an occasional csr lower Bulk out- sold 3335: cutters down to 1150 tood bulls ter the defending champion In IS Union Pacific 000 higher 7 50 Wallace RADIATORS to 1 Cleaned tnd MURRAY Rep cash U welght No “More Co growers: Russets 8 leisure hour? Laundry Thg city laaiuo la now In second baU mostly 11 1001151 U 8 No 1 00003c Calves— Receipt 35 No early isles guot- Weld A Rad Wks 50 to W T W 2041 founds lor women" 12 R0RTHWESTERH STAGES 4200 South State Hy play mostly 10c Track rales farm parks cash Yo MARRIAGE LICENSES 415 di1050 COMFORTABLE Including Automobile U Receipts sheep— No a few 8 ’ Tops points Cammaralal Laagag COWBOYS WIN and Ac'lvc rect sales Massage steady top II 351 30 best mostly 5130: Sn occaearly Coalville LOW NEW FARES Won Loaf Pci sional WALT BLOOMFIELD Top A Glass Co top LIEF lk wooled Oregon lambs fed extra BINGHAM— Tha Copper Kins Cowboys tine ear 2 U No 8 UcMANUS Masseur higher Wasatct 18 Coalville 1 000 JOSEPH R WARBURTON 74 8 2nd E 4 Mills 0 ss tood s new 75 straight Ws 95c 41100 most points 150 970 defeated tha Mlnan Merc fire of Copper-fiel- d Sparry FREQUENT SCHEDULES DAILY TO Wee 4907 (Men'a Department) Springs MARIE BLACK 25 Coalville 1 150 3 Un Js Osden Dap Ry at the OemmeU club Shop— Auto glass and Hoge— OEOROE BOISE PORTLAND Peb 1) after- McKesson 31 REL'B Top-BoPICKERING 1 ANDERSON 350 t Drugi noon In a feat tame 30 to Saturday 35 IDAHO FALLS rets 113 8 State W 4450 Receipts 3800 Steady tome leter bids 4 Kan 0 000 Wakeeney & Storage Mall Clerka Moving COPPER KINO BURLEY weak to cholct mostly lightweight 34 good j MINERS HERO LAURA MASTERSON BEATRICE lo second Tho Commercial leasug playing MALAD 14 Brokers 00 to 36 00 heavier downward HOUSEHOLD OTPP weight anc Walla Walla Wash moved goods packed OTPP)I Jonei rf half DCaul- TWIN PALLS 14 000 4 60: packing gowg few light light Sr A fireproof ware shipped anywhere itock CO TIDGK A Brokers ace' Mining WEISER I'Koklilalf fleldrt 3 35453 50 feeder plg quotable 34 00 down as house clean bouse Lon your 3131 Ameelatlaxi Wat Safeway Empleyaa clallst Bldg Dooly BIRTHS POCATELLO Christopher lightabout ateady lew ealeg Baturday distance moving Won Loat Pet Weather condition! February 13 1334: VERNAL onlf IM feeder 4436 1500 Uahti — REDMAN VAN light STORAGE weights CO Mt and Pleasant Christian Rosa Cawley 555 45 Maats I The western hlsh now extends from east- plge 1400 Book ’ Safeway ELY NEV a rUlino Y Binding laoill 1115 Pay 'n' Taklt Oro Ohrtstensen dauthter 444 ern Washington to goutheaitern Colorado 30 35 Cau- lTremonton A Garland 100 River Bear 1600 City OpenCattle— elvea Moroni— Mr 11 and Mrs Alden Byms BOOKS rtbound ipeclallie In Natl Geot FURNITURE moved to Denver Balt Lake ol 35 446 but It has diminished Safaway Orocertea In ing aalea Receipt NO CHANGE OF BUSES considerably 36c to hither ateady buyer E H 1 7193 363 6th 11 105 8 P daughter 45 Schaffer Cal by bonded experts binding F Everything In' Pay 'n' Taklt Maata strength while a deep but Inactive low sletln advance and moat early bale! ateera sured no crating nee MOLLERUP MOV CULLEN HOTEL W 1064 The Bafaway asaoolatlon bowll a atraliht Is paialng oft th middle Atlantic coast iteady Improved quality considered INO 8TORAG B CO 8alt Lake W 1563 Business Colleges Stabls weather conditions attend thla presTotali 151111 Totals 15515 achedule no split season top 35 65 several load) fed (leers TRIBUNE and Telegram readerg and adsure dlstiibutlon with dear aktes and mild 34 If Referee Abbott Mov-In- g HADLEY TRANSFER 3515 to STORAGE downward 60550: torts 0 plainer L D & Business College Invttei you to visit vertisers ar urged to exerclae caution VODAKER8 WIN 8t flreprf storage 49 B Bdwy W 1170 temperature! prevailing generally through heifers 63 600476 plainer sorts down to their school tt 50 North Main before rer In arranging automobile or but transTOOELE— The Eastman Kodak fl ra cams out th country The only precldtation 00 and below beef cows 321304 00 low BOXER DISLIKE EROEE latertn for your commercial training V off victor over tho Tooele Athletic club ported were traces In northern Nevada and cutters and cutters portation with other Individuals Ref1 50 3 50 bulls b mostly Violin erences should bo carefully exchanged Mirk Dias flllplnn heavyweight box- entry In tho Statt Amateur Baaketball on th Atlantic seaboard LONDON 13 (AP)— Bar illrer-Fir- mer vealers quotable 1750 down Peb '50W100 Cafes and definite assurance of responsibility ing champion dlsllkea thoea and waara lraaua In a fast lama at tha hleh achool Comparative data tor BaU Lake City: N WM 35 00 MORRIS kinds around violin at cornet lS5id medium teacher of hither secured them only when abeolutely necauary gymnasium last weak Tha Ilnxl score was Temperature Degrees S735-- J Under new manige- - f Orchestra fum 206 8 it We Bar geld down 1 pence to 137a Id (U 8 CAR BARN CAFE Sheep—Receipts 1100 Strong to 35c high- 31 to 34 for thg visitors 50 Highest today Hy 5079 ment 501 8o 7th no cholct wooled lamba offered eligible equivalent 33460 on btsli of sterling open TO COAST SERVICE COAST In thla month alnce 1174 Tha acora: 3 Highest 36 to above 54 15 lead at tood to and Itmbg 03) 9 TOOELE A C Lowest IWt night EASTMAN KODAK I 30 hearer 35 00 Tightly terted tt 3100 thorn ingMonty— A per cent Optometrists Modern reclining gleeper chair loaches Candies PI -- 13 OTPPI Lowest thla month since 1514 GTE 1 1 8 per bills ALL rates— RATF8 REDUCED Short W Discount H CUBBI80N Columbian 0 cent GLADE Candy Co mfgr of fine candle Try Optical Co 3 5 5 4 Hill rf Mean for today 40 Brisby rf bllli Scientific eye examinations higher yearUnat considered salable cent three-mon- th per 338 no HOTEL LITTLE W 3 0 I Normal I Bevan It Inldar rf 33 quotable I I I IS I HG I ! choc 332 85 1 H 843 our 1514 Dumpty M I above 1400 III 3600 Main above P cwei Humptf 6360 O Ilttt mi Wes slaughter Pop 4 0 11 1 1 11 Fneland a Nlalson a Precipitation Inches LONDON Peb 13 (AP)— Copper— StandPeb 13 “ BT JOSEPH Jordan rf th 24 hours ending at I p m Continued on Following Patev IS OlWhthouaa rg 04 50 10 10 Totaj for Canvas Goods 33 for this month to dat Receipts 4000 Fairly active on light and ard spot6i 11 pound! 3 Id future McDowell lg 1 I I 31 Tata lg Photo Studio & COMPANY medium weight generally lOwlbo higher pounds 0 0 Accumulated deficiency for thli month A ADAMS mtr tente canvas goods OUlaapla K NOTICES Electrolytic— Spot 1 pound! In future SMITH Studio than Saturday steady with Fridays 1 to dat Everything in th PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP A truckcovers 22 Edison st W 1054 8AGRI8 Photo 15s SO IlneT 14 30 llpounds (Consult county clerk or thg respective I4 20i4 top 9 10 photo Totals 1311 Totals 395 pound mostly 13130 Total ainra October 1 to date 174Majiy 111 Walk at Bank Building Tin— Soot 328 pound! 31 Id futurt 335 SPERE Ttnt A Awn Co mfr waterproof signer for further Information) mostly 33 500 4 00: Rafaraa Dal Papal scorer Barlow Accumulated deficiency since Oet 1 394 slrable Bo Tern W 270 awns covers 17s tents Id Sun rises at 1 35 and sat at iteady to 10c higher largely 33000 pounds o'clock sow Plumbing A Heating" NOTICE TO CREDITORS Laid— Spot ! 11 pound 10a futur ll 35 X GRANTS VILLE WINS February 13 1034 Chili COO Sheep-Rece- ipt 5000 Undertone weak pound! 17s Id SANITARY Plumbtni 0 Heating Co Spec Estate of Margaret C Anderson TOOELR— OrantaviUe First ward it Man WEATHER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN 15 Zinc— Spot 1( future pounds beat lambs lower A bit In 143 W but holding Plum 2665 hot 1001 buyers talking wter art Deceased BRANNINO'S: Chill A Tamales since completely snowed under tha Tooele South AT O F M MOUNTAIN TIME Salt Laki County Bondi pound la around 38 16 and above ward lira hero last weak whan they T 718' Retell A wholesale 103 Creditors will present claim with Cattle — Receipts 3500 Light steerr and came out on tha long and of a 34 to 4 acora to the undersigned with voucher Specialists Rupture 10016c Instance! yearUnat mostly iteady: Tha score: Coal lower on medium to aood yearlings better at Main and Second South streets O RANTS V ILLS 1ST I TOOELE SOUTH HERBERT DEANE M D gteera W medium 420 Iron Connty Bondi Producers Lake B opening iteady trade Co Utah on or before weight Judte Salt UTAH 922C Fuel Med Akron W B Art needed P P City meth X OTPP' Smith rt aOT othera and heavy leers slow ateady cowa of Castle Oata Coal Stored Sunshine the 19th day of May A D 1934 Idler rf I I t WINNIPEG GRAIN moderately active steady bulla and vealArbon If AI I I 1 Sidovlch ti or ton: WALKER 13 BANK -l A TRUST CO WINNIPEG coal tack Feb LUE'8 kindling (AP)— Sheet Metal era unchanged atockera and feeder! icaroe I 0 3 Sandberg e 4 1 2 19 Dunltvy g Iocs fireplace 67 feXfth So W 3917 WHEAT— Executor for Margaret C Anderateers firm demand broad: load 0 OWhthousa Sutton rg (fARVER Sheet Metal Workt' chimney tope Bmithfield Bonds I t son Deceased I 66: nothing etrlotly choice offered load BaU Atkin lg or extension etc 134 W Bdwy W 297 Coal and Wood ( 3 33 Johnson High ateers IS 35 bulk fed steers J W Strlngfellow Attorney 8831 I 0 and yearlings eliilbla to ael) around 64 000 May Coal "iu- Date of first publication January COAL Co SERVICE Quality 18 July 3 50 eows beef 33750 cutter bulk 615: 535 "i 8 111251 3rd Totals service Stamps Totglg K A D 1934 Boiaa OAT8— perlcr grades 11160 2 50 bulls 32 400 2 50: ex- - Mar Rafaraa - Sedan umpire - Young! scorer Chayenni 88H COMPLETE albums assortment of stamps 700 bulk 3660 down Hammondbooks for stamp collectors Deseret Chloaso Dancing M X several loads atockera 3436 0435 BARLE— Denver Book Co 44 K on Bo Temrie W 907 2 Dr Thomab Scott DR HUDSON IOWA WINS ON OWN PLOOK Feb II LOB ANGELES 43 Ord June May of artificial teeth beautiful Sets bldg Tho University of Iowa’s win over Wla Helena Hoge— Receipts 156 Locale and grain Jed July 143 Sold for 130 durable lifelike gums Structural Steel 34 000 4 5 RYE—' conln rounded out a full calendar year In Kansas Cty Now only SS All $ few years ago Blow: 3308 which tha Rawkaya baskateara were not Cattle— Receipts mostly 50 Lander INDUSTRIAL 8 TEEL A IRON CO Iron anc rates dental reduced service at kinds 35 36 ateera and medium AU OF YOUN feated on their home court meanwhile reg- Loe Angeles yearlings steady -x— Asked 161a— Bid Keel for all purpose: welding black (i 6 00 common 1600 down: heavy heifers I PRIV lees on a $3 trlaL 75c ftoodwerd I amlthlnt repglr istering 11 successive wing than MlnneapUa' work 478 W 5 8o W 4051 36 00 8 Main Write for catalog W 5012 tood cows 540004 35 common 3o 2a Modena medium 33004115 cutter grades 31600 Needlea LIVERPOOL JACKSON'S Class waits fox trot Mon 9 Taxicab Service 315 New York LIVERPOOL Peb 13 (API— Wheat hi- - a m i alen claaeeg lap ballet W 10096 Calves—Receipts 500 Steady bulk 1475 turea closed quiet May 15 7777 67 Omaha WASATCH July 08 10 Phoenix GREEN CAB SELL OR SWAP Dentists Spot unquoted Exchange 4664 Corporation Stenographic and telephone Bheep— Receipts 1050 Fully steady good Pocatello 0 ted lambs 18160 UNTON DENTAL CO Portland O Honrat work honest service Included with atTools DivUead Na It aa Paafaaaaca Stack WHAT'S A WHITR ELEPHANT? Puebla work guer 313 8 Mein W 1126 price tractive Anything valuable— Uit vou don't well ventilated C Hand forged mechanic? tool Reno Nottci is wexxbt oivrw tkat a dividend DR KEY80R 2nd floor Boyd Psrk Bldg 0 AWA8ATTCH ' oeeo don t want or don t have further TREASURY REPORT U 8 17d7 TOOL CO 81 Loula J3o State of 75 par share for the g inner endinx 162 8o Mtln Reas offices ave for tt wise tod economical to prices Wat 1954 ClilCAOO 11 (API -- Pot toes—Re11 (AP)— The posl-tlo- n WASHINGTON Peb Lake Peb Salt 1 baa btaa declared oa the March 1414 Twao it tor what vou'd really onre— U 413 Reon 119 was: total T ship8 San track ractor I the of Diego treasury February ceipts Repairing 53 Preftrencg Stock beriaa A of Atlas CALL 14: Dressmaking ments Saturday 154 Sunday 8an Fran slightly expenditure ceipts 31317094 61 CLEARTRAC tractor spec Auic repairing 53 Corporatkm payable Marrh 1 1014 to bait nee 14300 042275 11 cus- weaker supplies heavy: demand and Beattie ALTERATIONS A coals lined fancy costume AD ‘ kolden of suck stock of record at the does n Capson-BowmaV 8 No slow: tacked per Turpin OTgc 713 Ko-t- h "nd West toms receipts for the month 3511464791 Spokane XA of buuneae oa February 20 I0t4 Wisconsin round whites 81650 IN: fair tB BRINGING RESULTS TO OTHERS for the fiscal tslnct year Tonopah July Receipts l 1M Atlas Bldg Was 311 81 50 WHY IXlN'l VOU TRY ON fe U 8 comme clsls 83 - qu-ll- ly 1) wars 8! 546 415 375 31 cxpendltues WA1TXX A Pxixaaog '71 Tnmmtt i' Washtnstn Lines Watch Repairing Freight 32 07(M0 few Winnemuc THl WEEK' Clear 51967071365 lncludint $3 103444140 59 of I 175: Idaho ruseetr f ' f ’ 1M4' ' February CC Clear Oood wauot L Ulnghaa fit Line" Dally aerv’ Bond 8URBAUOH 8 Jewelry Store Just Call Waotaaa Wasatch age Yellowatn emergency expenditures excess of receipts hieher combination grade 1110: Florid Aak OOlClear 55l 155 Waa I bushel orgies SUsg triumphs 315071 95 5311 for a Swap AA Yuma a 11 W rayellt Av Waa 1804 So id A la State repairing calls ! TUESDAY MORNING Juniors Seniors III 1 of Bptnleh Fork Telephone $14049010 for 1933 Ill Ilf I k Dividend' Pacific A ll I i Cotton Market Statistics ' Lewis Bros States j The Weather Ill Hint Vvv ills erfclSVi Metals Money t S::3V G0ODMT Ill u Ill : $50 $10000 I III Grain Market Ill $5000 ill I fill t III! ll SAVE MONEY Office fn the ATLAS BLDG lite Elephants Atlas 'EB Produce Market Inc ' ct i fi I |