Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNINO FEBRUARY 15 1834 v i The government at present is work Father Time Puts Bonus Emma Goldman Secs Social Revolt Son of Bigliop Cannon World Famous Athenian Acropolis ing to counteract the seepage through Pieeei On Charged With Swindling the loose foundation stones on which to Ionic beautiful the wingWar temple Threatened by Erosion Experts Say less Victory stands The structure fASADENA Feb 12 — Where’i As Best Reply of Workers to SAN ANTONIO Texas Feb CHIEF SOUNDS —Richard M Cannon aon of Bishop originally stood on the southern slope all this devaluation? H G Boulting SOVIET ARMY v Fifty-Ce- nt 12 VP) UP) James M Cannon Jr of the Methodist Salt Lake e Tribuna Service Parthenon (completed 438 B C after NEW YORK Feb 12 (JP) — Reaf- planned to study medicine ahe said ATHENS Feb 12— Official reporst ten year’ work) of Episcopal church South was charged “the Kropotfirst but pamphlet firming her hatred of war Emma with swindling by check over $50 in issued today state that If the Acropolis The kin I rtaS decided my fate" of the hill Goldman declared here In her first complaint filed by the district The only time Kropotkin dislllu to' be preserved as it now stands strangely is secure although it is due office today public appearance since she returned stoned her she asserted was when to this construction (of porous stone) His wife Margaret L Cannon also restorative measures must be taken per- he remarked during the World war from exile recently on a that the solid rock underneath la givIn was which the named complaint immediately an- that “Prussian militarism would have Russia Ready to Repulse mit that the workers’ only safe ing away There la no mortar bealleged the couple gave Plaza hotel Weathet-beatefor ages one of the tween the atones of the wall and the swer to armed conflict is “social to be stamped out” official check a worthless for $75 toof world’s greatest treasure of art and rain has seeped through into the rock "But In the light revolution” Germany Japanese Move Says 6 listed The anarchist peered day" she continued “Kropot- January Va a thecomplaint The antiquity is slowly succumbing to ero- beneath during 2500 years defendants’ ad Hague sion from countless rains The conGeneral That the danger is aerious was demthrough pince nez glasses at a ca- kin’s attitude can be understood" dress clusion was reached after an ex- onstrated recently after a torrential pacity audience in Town hail and During his Involuntary exile near The First on the cashed was check inof the plateau by the winter rain A large piece of rock discussed the life of Peter Kropot- Moscow which followed upon his State bank of Rosemead Cal ’the amination MOSCOW Feb 12(flV-Tarcheological committee appointed was dislodged and tumbled within fqll ex kin whom she credited with con- ability to get along with the leaders alleged complaint conof the revolution Kropotkin drew tent of a soviet ring of iron and by the ministry of education which short' distance of the dwellings which verting her to anarchism has charge of the ancient monument are built up to the sheer sides of the Prince Kropotkin who died thir- one conclusion that ahould be borne crete fortifications along the ManWithout Church Parish After the survey was completed the Acropolis The top of the hill la about churian border was revealed today teen years ago this month gave up in mind by all future revolutioncaaries Miss Goldman said committee urgently recommended 510 feet above the sea level after with publication of the text of General wealth position end a scientific “In revolutions of the past the Destroyed by Flames $130000 be set aside at once to finance rise of about 200 feet from the plain Vassily Constantinovich Bluecher’a reer she said to devote himself to preliminary work of preservation address to the communist congress the ‘‘revolutionary Ideal” He dem- thought has been for the great day DETROIT Feb 12 (fl-- St The danger is more aerious because onstrated that it is not always an But we must learir to concern ourGeneral Bluecher is commander-inchie- f — church the Catholic church the Far empty stomach” that drives men to selves wlth'th day after the revoit la not the masonry which is wearof the Russian armies in the oldest one to without and of lution— feed and clothe the peoparish revolution she said adding’ ing away but the rock Itself (crystalEajt He described to the Oftentimes the hungry quit when ple— this will maintain the revolu- churches In Detroit— today was de- line limestone) underneath the walls congress in an address given last loss estimated a with fire Without Salve or Cutting topping the north aide of the hill Thursday a red army so strong that fed and in turn become exploiters tionary spirit and offset counter- stroyed by of themselves by the pastor Father Andrew J These were completed by Pericles to But men like Kropot-kij- i revolutionaries it will "administer a blow capable at Sheridan $150000 from the aristocracy and bour- t”We are learning in Russia" ahe (cracking and in some places destroy-lnprovide after filling in a level sur- Thousand of sufferers from itchThe cause of the fire which swept face atop the Acropolis and create the the very foundation of capitalism" geoisie stick it out” bleeding or protruding piles ” e the I basement from war up through site on which he afterward built the ing rapidly of a Miss Goldman tion In her youth learned that quick and perhave the was undetermined steeple 'General Bluecher challenged what manent relief can only be accomin was The church lie said was Japan’s "fevetish preppeculiar plished with an Internal medicine in that It had no parish but was Amid frequent aration" for war Neither salves nor cutting remove old of attended descendants the’ by many cheers from delegates fighting the cauae in French families the faccity man In blunt language cited three Bad circulation of the blood in the lower bowel causes piles The veins tors to support his accusation that In water of month last each year art flabby the bowel walls weak— japan Is converting Manchukuo Into traffic at Basil ' Switzerland was the parts almost dead To end Piles an armed post than for the corresponding greater an Internal medicine must be used Actions Cited to stimulate the circulation heal makes thi water poisonous period of 1832 water" WASHINGTON Feb a tlmaa blood four Tour circulate 1 Construction of 1000 kilometers and restore the affected parts so that seeds will ot sprout and nouncement was made minute or 200 tlmaa an hour thru nine Dr (approximately 620 miles) of strategic J 8 Leonhardt was the first m it Heavy pllshment was disclosed by Brick- million tiny delicate tubea In your die when p poles railroads in north Manchukuo In the successful manufacture has bee: studied as a part wedde in a report to the Washing- Kidney which muat function properly to discover a real internal Pile remhydrogen at He called his prescription last two years only 35 per cent of sample of pure “heavy hydrogen" of the “heavy ws r" but never be-- ton Chemical society on measure- In cleaning out Adda and poisonous edy or your ayitera may b poleoned HEM-ROI- D and prescribed it for which he said were economically Columbia university New Yor fore hai been isolated In large quan- ment of its vapor pressure He and waatea troubles thus 1000 patients with the marvelous causing many painful chemical feat seen by government tities its- scientific name is deu- Urey were codiscoverer of heavy necessary make If functioning Kidneys success poorly of in 060 cases and record t& Construction of 2200 kilometers scientists as opening the way to terium hydrogen you suffer from Rheumatic Pains Ner- then decided 1 Pile sufferer every (approximately 367 miles) of high- great scientific advances vousness Lumbago Getting Up Rights HEM-ROIScientific possibilities of heavy This “heavy1 hydrogen" like ordiHeadache Dlzxlneas Burn- should be able to get Palna ways In the same region Leg ' 3 Construction of 60 airdromes nary hydrogen except that its atom hydrogen and heavy water are coning Smarting Circles under Eyes or tablets from their own druggist with Skin Eruptions don’t take drastlo or a rigid money-bac- k guarantee nd aviation bases concentrated north cores are twice as heavy hai been sidered vast because ordinary hydrosubstances drugs Try the guaranteed So why waste time on external how Irritating changed for the first time from a gen is a part of many of Mukden Ilka the it ocean on raver bodg— Doctor's prescription (pro- remedies or worry- about an operaCyatex sub"It Is regrettable" said General gas Into both liquid and soli forms which may be altered greatly by ever tvoder or aetuitive the part— quick-1- $ nounced Formula In each tion when Schramm-Johnso- n Drugs Bluecher who would have the re- at the bureau of standard! by R B stituting heavy hydrogen in thejr package Start work In IS minutes invites every Pile sufferer to try aad aalelij relieved btj 4 Gently soothes raw Irritated mem- HEM-ROIsponsibility of directing Far Eastern Scott and' Dr F G Brickwedde composition with guarantee of y Must branes guarantee The pure heavy hydrogen was premilitary operations In the event of using the Cblumbia sample or money back on return money back If it does not end their fix you up war "that the preaent policy of the “Heavy hydrogen" one of the ma- pared at Columbia by Dr H C Urey of empty package Cyatex costa just Piles no matter how stubborn the 3e a dose at druggists (AdT ) case? Japanese Imperialists does not guar- terials in the famous new “heavy and M H Wahl and their accom(Adv) antee we will not be Involved in military complications despite our effort to avoid them "The trouble is there Is too much spread between words pronounced by the Japanese government regarding the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and actions Such actions show Japan is making feverish preparations for a great war and is pre- paring to leap upon our soviet Far Eas from Manchuria1 Armament Listed Charging Japan now haj 130000 Trlbunt-Chlca- WARWARNING 1 n gray-haire- d of the Acropolis but was moved higher when restored to the brink of the Acropolis The $20000 needed for the work also was provided by the government although offers' were made to raise America ' the money Barking at some bushes near Aider-shoEngland an unemployed man’s dog attracted attention to a safe still containing money which had been stolen from Ewsgot camp five months before t 21 hpuse collected 80 cents apiece for however Father time pieces did give him a little help piece Opening a $10 roll of he discovered that every coin wai issued between 1803 and $837 A com collecter paid him $16 for the group t v! DRINK HOT WATER he PilesGoQuick g Russo-Japanes- De-trl- ‘Heavy Hydrogen’ Successfully Made By Columbia University Scientists Kidneys and Rheumatism T tad-ce- D iTCHinq sKin Slsa-te- Fair-pla- mmsuM troops and 500 airplanes in Manchuria the military leader asserted "to this must be added 110000 to 115 000 soldiers of the Manchukuo army end 12000 white guards capable of bearing arms also must be mentioned The Bungari river naval fleet has been Increased by 34 units “Hayashl (General Senjuro Hayashl Japanese minister of war) complains the soviet government has concentrated 300 airplanes in the Far East W will not argue with him We may have more or maybe less but 1 can say our government is able HEALTHYJ If you are accustomed to wakenf with a coated tongue foul breath or a dull dizzy headache or if your meals sour and turn into gas apd acids you have a real surprise awaiting you Tomorrow morning immediately upon arising drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it This is intended to first neutralize and then wash out of your stomach liver kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the indigestible waste poisons sour bile and toxins thus cleansing sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal Those subject to sick headaches backaches bilious attacks constipation or any form of stomach trouble are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store and begin enjoying this morning inside-bat- h ' Just as not water and soa cleanse purify and freshen th skin so hot water and a teaspoon of limestone phosphate act on the stomach liver kidneys and bowels Limestone phosphate Is an Inexpensive white powder and almost tasteless (Adv ) Cwtlibk IW A Iswlda Ibtsees 0sw t S9 - Earle W Schoonmaker of Nutley N J travels thousands of miles every year to concentrate so many airplanes they as a commuter Bluecher did not comment on Gen- eral Hayashl’ estimate that soviet troops concentrated in the Far East number 100000 beyond saying: "It is not necessary to mention the number Nevertheless the red army is greatly strengthened and we have encircles our frontiers by iron and concrete so they will be sufficiently strong and will break any imperialist bead that comas against them" "We are strong in the technique ot tanks and aviation” h continued "Our tanks and aviation are children r of our plan and 1 think they will accomplish their socialist duty not only on the frontier but somewhere deep in the rear lines ot our He says: "I’m quite a traveler top! And I think I know something of nerve strain Rushing through break- fast racing for the 8:04 then facing the same old trip again at the end of a hard day six times a week fifty weeks a year I’m a constant smoker Morning noon and night My brand? Camels of course Because I can enjoy Camels steadily and I never have to worry about jangled nerves To me Camels are the mildest cigarette They’ve got what I call real flavor 1 five-yea- Imperialist enemy in case of hostilities “War Is not Included in our second r plan and we do not want to fight but if we are compelled to do it let our neighbors be ready to receive n bitter lesson" k' ' five-yea- d Says you really feelclean sweet and fresh Inside and are seldom ill V will outnumber the Japanese planes" Bare-Legge- D BEFORE BREAKFAST a American Joins Paris Demonstration PARIS Feb 13 the Marchers in today’s “antifascist" parade were the American Raymond Duncan a brother ot the late Isadora Duncan and a woman disciple They were clad in flowing Greek robea and wore sandals The brother of the noted dancer is leading Grecian dress reform movement Duncan headed a parade of his wn in New York in 1830 when he Marched down Fifth avenue and Broadway to the Battery and got sea water to Make salt as e gesture of sympathy with Mahatma Gandhi and his civil disobedience campaign! s WV-Am- ong s V ' bare-legge- FOUR HAYSTACKS STOLEN CLARKSBURG W Va Feb 12 (F)—The proverbial searcher for a needle in a hays took had a cinch compared with W H Harbert Jones Bun fanner He’s looking for four of his haystacks carted away by robbers last week THROAT RAW? T3IVE minutes after you' rub on Jl soothing warming Muaterole a Taw burning throat should feel much easier and free of irritation! Relief generally follows if the application is continued once on hour for fiv houn - Musterole gets such marvelous re- sults because it’s NOT just a salve It’s a "counfeivfrrifanf"— easing wanning stimulating and penetrating-quick and helpful in drawing out para and infection Used by millions-fo- r 25 Musterol is pure dean sale am easy to uae Recommended by many doctors and nurses All three strengths: Nerves: YpUR How Are us know 11 4 jantM TOCCOS nerves' jumpia wben° ° jwntng forward put o! questions of n° Thousands to Camels are beinf s one of thereat W- - nervous populo l"bA other ?a‘yJIfJUew An - enj0y- effecting every l sts-tio- n Enicy ' up on 50 sleeping And be on ZXSZ&r'' Cams olM - £ SsitrJf your nerves lift HH V' vi" S tv - V' v Vs c Children’s Radio: Tune’in the MVoice of Experience" Columbia Network Bee newspaper for time t eawSMaaaai |