Show -- T s“ tu-- i i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY CORNING FEBRUARY 13 1034 GROUP STUDIES Meeting Maps Program To Defend Labor Men LAW ON WATER Plans for existing support in Officials Meet Tuesday for Discussion of Proposed Legislation da li City Attorney Fisher Harris ot Salt Lake and R B Holbrook ot Provo together with C C Parsons counsel tor the executive committee ot the Deer creek-Utalake reclamation pro ect committee John D Rice representing Attorney General Joseph Chez and State Engineer T H Humpherys will meet Tuesday to read critically a draft made by Mr Parsons ot proposed metropolitan water district Jaw lor Utah It is thought that when the law has been whipped into satisfactory shape Mr Parsons with Project Manager E A Jacob and J W Gillman of the execution committee will wait upon Governor Henry H Blood and ask him to call a special session of the Utah legislature to present the Before any proposed legislation special session meets however it is planned to have the approval ot the I bureau ot reclamation to the bill The hope is that the measure will be ready this week to submit to the bureau officials Such law is deemed essential or at least highly advantageous in the com1 pletion of arrangements by which the United States government will be guaranteed the return of the approxidistrict would come from the legismately $10000000 which it is estilake pro lative body ot any municipality which mated the Deer creek-Utaof that would first pass an ordinance proposwill cost About amount has plready been appropriated ing the district Copies of this ordinance are subfrom public works administration mitted to the other cities and towns High-Spee- d funds m In the proposed district which must 'i Purpose Revealed act within 60 days and if they do Purpose of the movement behind not they are considered to have rethe proposal for a metropolitan water 110 district may be gathered from the jected the plan Defense Against Communto Vote All Elector third section of the bill as drafted: All the elector in each municipality "Metropolitan water districts may ism Stressed in Talk to be organized hereunder for the pur- may vote at the election for the forn pose of acquiring appropriating de- mation of the district which is to be PULLMAN 111 Feb 12 (IP)— The modern locomotives usually Underwriters veloping storing selling leasing and Union Pacific introduced its $200000 used in passenger hauls It burns dis120 within transmission the after days distributing water for and devoting today tillate for fuel water to municipal and domestic pur- of the original ordinance but not un baby to the railroadingof public Life insurance represents Amera train good —an aluminum bullet The roof and bottom exterior of the poses irrigation power milling min- til each municipality shall have voted for 110 miles an hour and the proto- tubular train are ica's first defense against commungolden painted ing metallurgical and any and all other or the original 60 days has expired type of others being designed to trim brown the sides yellow Thg Interior ism it represepts the bone ahd sinew beneficial uses and such districts may color scheme is blue shading from of the nation’s" industrial enterprise The is called by the govern- nearly a day from the Chicago-Saelection be formed of the territory included table Francisco time nearly white ceilings to a dark blue and its greatest influence will be within the corporate boundaries of ing body of the originating city Ten of the three-ca- r below the window sills The adjust- manifested in counteracting socialAccepting delivery any two or more municipalities which days’ published notice is required chairs able Manu are upholstered in brown istic tendencies in the opinion qf MaCar from Pullman and unit the need not be contiguous etc "Each such of facturing company Chairman W A The floor is covered with cork tile jor Roger L Hull managing director the electors If the of majority district when so incorporated shall and general counsel of the National be a separate and independent po- any municipality do not vote for being Harriman of the Union Pacific an- with brown and blue carpet down the Association of Life Underwriters nb district included within aisle three more' nounced the lightitis already litical corporate entity" so included Before the district may weight stream-linetrains are being The windows are shatter-proo- f Major Hull addressed mor than The initiating proposal to form 150 members of the Utah Association be formed the secretary of state must built These will include sleeping glass and are sealed in rubber The find that the total assessed valuation cars and equipment for transconti- steps are retractable and the train in of Life Underwriters at a luncheon of the municipalities which do ap- nental travel action resembles a huge projectile on Monday at the chamber of commerce His topic was "Industrial Recovery prove entering the district is not less The trim unit shown the public to- wheels of the total assessed day will shortly go on an exhibition The motorman is located in an ele- and Life Insurance" “YOU DO DOT SEE than valuation within the district as pro- tour of the country Major Hull emphasized the- Ideal vated cab in the nose Ernest Kuehn Cleveland will be at the throttle when that during the depression life inposed in 'the original ordinance Distillate Burns WITH YOUR EYES” the train pulls out tomorrow for surance represented a reserve that Validity of the incorporation proIn the new canary yelpressure in countless ceedings are incontestable unless suit low acceptingmotor Washington where It will be in- eased financial ' its train with He characterized three Roose- American homes President Thursday spected by You see with your brain If to test them is initiated within nose fin blunt tail the and youthful velt yhe next day it will be opened the insurance reserve as accumulamonths after the certificate of incorsaid: tions that grew from the American appearing chairman to the public a fatigue sets a wall of failure poration has issued The district has a number of “The officials of the Union Pacifio February 17 it will be taken to Bal- passion for individual responsibilty to comprehend between the powers among whichlarge are the acquisi- believe that this radically new type timore and then February 19 to The clamor that is arising for so-or within or of passenger equipment capable of Pittsburgh February 21 to Detroit clal insurance provided by the gov-tion property pf selling eye and the mind there is no without the district and within or high speed with modern comfort is February 23 and 24 Chicago March ernment attacks fundamental printo restore passenger traffic 1 it will be started on sight This matter of fatigue without the state' “necessary or con- necessary tour ciples of the nation’s standards he a declared venient for the full exercise of its pow- to the rails and attract new busiifess of the west is what causes all eye discomers” It may occupy highways and The ceremonies attended by high After numerous practical tests on Proposals such as the old age pen-- J sion idea and grants for mothers ranking railroad and industrial exec- the road it will be fort It does not matter public lands and it may levy and colplaced in service lect taxes to operate the district or utives commemorated the birthday of Its schedule will be announced later threaten the sanctity of the homeland would break down the security and what letters you can read on pay its Indebtedness It may cooper- Abraham Lincoln and Carl R Gray with any other public agency in- president of the Union Pacific said Union Pacific's new d privacy that women now enjoy he' a wall It is the symptoms ate train will be shown in claimed Under such proposals he cluding the United States and may this was not a coincidence but a trib- stream-lineMarch 8 said children would become wards of fatigue that Interest the in effect do any of the things neces- ute to the man more responsible than Salt Lake on Thursday of the state sary to carry out the purposes of the any other for the conception of the from 7 a m to 10 p m first transcontinental railroad modem optometrist The train also will be shown at By diverting wealth into insurance district as set forth in Section 3 The new three-ca- r train weighs but Ogden on March 7 from 12:30 to 10 channels that might otherwise be lost Each city in the district has a preferred right to purchase its proportion 85 tons the weight of a modern sleep- p m and at Provo on March 9 from in speculative enterprises insurance W II CUDBISOH of the total water supply of the dis- ing car The entirepower plant lo- 8 to 9:30 a m It will stop briefly at men will be doing their clients in cated in the nose of the first car tips Lynndyl and Milford on March 9 on particular and humanity in general! trict a splendid service he said is set under the scales at 20 tons as compared to its way to Los Angeles Bonding procedure In discussing an insurance weeklj Opt D much the same terms as those of other campaign to be launched shortly un-municipalities in the state Bonds may Associated With der auspices of the National not have a term of more than SO years of Life Underwriters Major nor carry more than 6 per cent inCLtJMBIAN OPTICAL CO Hull declared that the association bonds terest serial and must be They US South Main St had arranged to present its 1934 camare issued on the affirmative vote of paign to the public through the exa majority of the property owning clusive medium of newspaper adver-Funeral services will be conducted electors tislng In Each municipality the district Tuesday in Chicago for Mrs Cato Several selections were sung at the shall have at least one director ap- Dixon 55 former resident wf Salt luncheon by the Whitechapel quarof pointed by the mayor or president tet under direction of B F Fulham the board of trustees and serving with- Lake She died suddenly Satur- State Gets $1287 Through President Joseph E Johnson who in a of attack heart said out pay Additional directors may be day Chicago conducted the meeting gave a brief Seizure Five of word Salt in Lake received named for each $50000000 of assessed outline of the organization's bistdry Mrs Dixon was a prominent memvaluation in the municipality but in and introduced several past presiVehicles S of L ber D the church in Chicago any event each municipality shall vote dents who were in attendance ' to She moved from Salt as a unit on the board Chicago FEB llth-17t- h A director shall be entitled to one Lake 18 years ago are her husband Cato With $1287 safely in the state treaSurviving vote for each $10000000 of assessed Your Eyes Obtain valuation he represents but at leas! Dixon a daughter Mrs E Schil- sury in back tax collections from the one vote No municipality however ling three grandchildren all of ChiYou: stage lines and with shall have more votes than the total cago and the following brothers and another $650 due February 20 secured Inge-borsisters: Arthur Mrs votes of all the other municipalities Fagergrenv by a bond of $1000 officials of the YOUR EDUCATION Bernson Mrs Selma Peterson state tax commission and the public Five burglaries were reported to in the district Mrs Johnson Gertrude utilities commission are content to police Monday that occurred late Sat-Joseph Salt Lake City in other words Lillian Mrs YOUR LIVELIHOOD Kammerman await developments on events con could not control such a district as and early Sunday Police saidj that suggested in spite of the fact that and William Fagergren ail of Salt cerning the company's affairs it de- urday the burglaries were 'the work of juv-- J Lake of Mrs and Nutt Ed Chicago veloped Monday the Salt Lake director or directors MOST OF YOUR The tax commission learned that eniles and pass key prowlers might represent possibly PLEASURES the company had been placed in the Mrs A Knighton 647 Browning ave- of the assessed valuation of the district Good Stressed hands of a receiver by an Iowa court nue and Mrs as a whole Eyesight Fred A Moore 1320 order Thursday About the same Give Them the Care In Vision Week’ ‘Better LAS YEGAS SPEAK AT TO time they were1 informed that some Lincoln avenue told police their of the buses of the company were on homes were entered Sunday by means They Deserve Dr C Elmer Barrett of Salt Lake ranof a pass key and thoroughly their way out of the state will address member of the Clark The Importance of good eyesight The commission at that time had a sacked In each case clothing and THOMAS D BOYLE County Medical association at Las will be emphasized by local op- bill against the company for back jewelry were reported stolen Vegas Tuesday evening it was antometrists this week during "Better taxes of more than $900 Breaking a basement window burnounced Monday Optometrist Vision” week sponsored by the Police were asked to get busy with glars ransacked the home of Dr Frank American Optometric association It the result that one bus was found in Moormeister B04 East South Temple SKI OUTING HELD — At— Sunday Investigating ofMore than 15 members of the Wa- is pointed out by Dr A M Skeffing-to- Salt Lake and attached and’ five street early sa id the loss was undetermined! of Chicago director of the Grad- more were satch Mountain club attended a ski stopped at Vernal the ficers Z C M uate Clinic Foundation of Optometry eastern outlet of the state on U S as Dr Moormeister is out of the city outing at Brighton Saturday and Sun- that tired The Adams Tent and Awning com-Use Tour Charge Account" eyes are responsible for route 40 day The group left Salt Lake Saturmany industrial and traffic acciIn the meantime conferring with pany 225 Edison street was ransacked day and returned Sunday night dents the utilities commission the tax com- by youths police said Nothing was Juveniles were Stressing the importance of Better mission learned that the total overdue reported missing Vision week Dr Laurence P Fol- bill was $1287 Negotiations were at blamed for a burglary at the home som of South Royalton Vt president once opened up with the receiver of R C Culp “133 Virginia street of the Council of Op- while preparations were made to Access was gained by breaking a glass tometrists explained the human eye bring the buses back to Salt Lake door The loot was undetermined pooriginally was developed for seeing However the money came the same lice said because the family is in California long distances out of doors and that day by telegraph modern folk experience difficulty in In the meantime however the making an outdoor eye do inside utilities commission learned that an- Growers’ Meet Canceled work other $650 bill had accrued in JanuBy Departure of Expert ary according to officials who were called in on the case Attempt was made to attach the buses for that Because Dr E J Newcomer also but when it was learned that United States department of agriculthis bill was not yet due and payment ture entomologist was unexpectedly was secured by bond these proceed- summoned to Washington D C the ings were recalled and the buses scheduled meeting at the Hotel Utah were released to the drivers Monday of the Utah State Horticultural society was indefinitely postHELD ON LIQUOR CHARGE poned WASATCH 2725 10 WEST BROADWAY—SUITE 902 22 69 West Carman Jackson Professor F W Coe of the Utah Fourth South street wet arrested at State Agricultural college secretary YOUR VISION SAFE 5:40 p m Monday on a liquor pos- of the society will speak at a meet“SAVE YOUR VISION WEEK” session charge by Moral Squadsmen ing of fruitgrowers Friday at 2 p m ' EFFICIENCY An orchard H M Duncombe end W R Hawkes in Murray city hall lh Any Occupation Requires T mar folly aerva his patient Ir M H Deardea Optometrist will now The officers reported seizure of eight pruning demonstration will be given the making at your Glasses In his New Ideal optical Correct Vision carefully supervise Suite whisky and' three Friday at 10 a m at the Keller fruit pints of DR E E KELLER gin Jackson waa re- farm in East Mill Creek County Agripints of 71 South Main Was 4395 “YOU CAN EXPECT MORE HERE” leased on bond of $300 cultural Agent V L Martineau said h 'll I - II- I Union Pacific Introduces BENEFITS SEEN Train to Public IN INSURANCE h one-fourt- h W be- half of labor leaders charged With violations in connection with Carbon were discounty mine difficulties cussed at a meeting Monday night at 168 South West Temple street The session presided over by Will Dobson was called by a defense committee for Charles Paul Guynn Crouch and Charles Wetherbee Carbon county labor leaders The speakers were Mr Dotson Alfred Sorensen and Mrs Cornelia B Johnson DISTRICT PLAN 1 13 S Office Planned L Man Named National Director by Contractors A E Christensen secretary-treasure- r To facilitate the Issuance of 1934 of Chrlstensen-Gardne- r Inc license plates a branch office will been chosen a national director haj be opened In the city and county of the Associated General Contractbuilding Tuesday by the secretary ol ors o( America for Utah Nevada and state's department California The branch office will be opened In Announcement of Mr Christenconnection with the county assessor’s sen’s selection was made by Mark office but will be housed in the Tuttle aecretary of the interrpountain county treasurer's office branch of the A G C Monday night Through opening of the branch of- after a meeting of the branch In the fice the last minute rush for license Beason building The meeting displates will be more adequately cussed plans for 1934 and federal P handled W A operations ICO'B's New York Office Sale nnqs I M House Frock r Event tremendous importance Aluminum Transportation ‘Bullet’ Makes Miles Per Hour Others Being Built II f Branch License 316-to- n r two-thir- An assortment of lovely frock for home and neighborhood wear Flare and pleated sldrts new necklines with ties and ruffles high collar lines and V Sizes 14 to 52 necks - eel-lik- e I v New Prints Polka Dots Mexican Stripe Bright Plaid Organdy Trim high-spee- d Puff Sleeve Fifth Floor -' ' Optometrist Rites Set Tuesday BBS LINE PAYS For Former Utahn 1 Assd-ciatio- n BACKTAX SUM Sale of Lamp Shades SAVE YOUR Substantially Made Parchment Shades— Two Big Price Lines VISION WEEK I I for Nevins-Crandi- Five Burglaries Reported in S c g Lj table and Shades for bridge Junior lamps Colorful designs In modernistic and conventional patterns Every one Is1 cellophane two-thir- V wrapped No Deliveries on These Shades Mezzanln Floor Extraordinary Purchase I 1 Costume Jewelry d DR OPTICAL i - tax-pai- d I i A Eardrop— Bracelets Necklaces— Bead Novelties— Clips— Pin—' Street Floor PARLOR tax-pai- d i Many of These Very Styles Have Been In Our Stocks Previously at Much Higher Prices mHDARDlft ’KEEP - j - We Issue S & II Discount Stamps eith O’Brien -- inc |