Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY IS 193 must be permitted to use its own SUGAR recommended quotas and Represen growing out of th congressional inLEGISLATION initiative tatives Murdock DJJtah) and Car quiry into airmail contracts the Investment law "The ter permitting BEFORE CONGRESS rlsed RtheWyo) toboth havetpenly crltl Justice O’Donoghue voided a writ of government funds In land rentals set domestic producplan of habeas corpus obtalnetyay Frank J and marginal lands should be re tion at approximately 1450000 short iContlnurd from Put One) Is in no in The counsel MacCracken for as ions Hogan country pealed apparent compared with 1944000 from a desperate last minute effort to take dent suggested a beet quota of 1430' Cuba danger of starving to death but little pigs have died in vain” 000 tons Cuba 1644000 tons and the One representative from a western the case out of the jurisditlon of the Senator Dickinson said the present-da- Philippines 1037000 tons senate The court remanded Macsugar state who declined lo be Cracken to the custody of Senate Ser program of Relief Administrator "The more I study the sugar propo quoted said the president’s recoms not exwasteful “is but "the only Hopkins mendations “don’t look so good but Chesley Jurney sltion”sald Senator Borah Startled by the court’a decision and Senator' more It seems to me domestic pro- maybe it’s the best we can do for the pensive” Deter Assures bewildered by legal verbiage Jurney sugar industry since there seems to BOSTON Feb 12 (UP)— Branding ducers are paying for the advantage to the United Press correspond ‘ mined Efforts which Cuba and the Philippines are be little disposition to help it” Behalf Lincoln Postoffice Officials Draft turned art apostle of Karl Roosevelt President ent and asked Day Speakers Urge Marx and his administration and Increased Ayers said he did the given They get large domestic beet notRepresentative "What does It mean? Do I get him?” see how a program which calls of Alfred former Senator allocations while the to Moscow" "march Legislation to Submit ‘Threats Assured that this was the court's de Against I should for a combination of no raise In the Fight quota is reduced heavily George H Moses of New Hampshire Tike to see a substantial increase in price of sugar to the consumer no clslon Jurney immediately arranged to Congress called upon the Republican Constitution to tonight to take MacCracken to the Willard reduction in payments to sugai1 pro the domestic beet quota” Assurances that he will do everyparty to lead the United States "back Hotel for the night He aald he would thing in his power to give Alfred ducers and a lower sugar tariff can to so sanity" rooms that request "high enough work to the benefit of the sugar in WASHINGTON Feb 12 P)-Frank of Salt Lake president of Ns (Continued from Pi One) In pithy and at times bald languarge WASHINGTON Feb 12 anyone who jumps will get hurt— and tional Parks Airways an opportunity Moses delivered to the Republican details of the administration sugarn dustry in and past high present Monday night when the annulled hurt badly” to testify before the senate commit Representative Cummings chair Middlesex club's Lincoln night dinner bill introduced today by Senator Contracts of the private company Most Face Senate tee Investigating airmail contracts councils of the party commemorated a (D Colo) before them repre- man of the sugar committee named a more first of its lead' speech birth constitutmg the anniversary producing at a caucus several weeks ago said he expire compare with 27079 milea of By the court's order MacCracken were received at the chamber of er tonight by sounding cries for their vigorous arraignment of the party in sentatives from sugar meet Tuesday to would call a meeting probably tomust face the aenate tomorrow He commerce Monday from Senator toutes under the old system to a de- power than that delivered recently states probably will to colleagues partisan rally to discuss the Costigan bill will be In the custody of Jurney until William H King and to beat by Ogden Mills former secretary of decide upon a plan of action senators morrow' v The routes are and to decide what action shall be The senator replied to a telegram fense of the constitution It is no secret that many the senate passes on his case Kan at the to in' called a down threat treasury Topeka what they sent to him and Senator Elbert D It was Moses' first important pub and representatives from sugar states taken on the sugar program dividual freedom Hogan announced that he had pre- Thomas by Gus F Baokman chamo ? M Hyde the Hoover lie address since he was defeated for are not pleased with the president’s an Justice Arthur From pared appeal frgm c ber secretary recommendations as contained ii the decision of agriculture James M reelectlon in the Democratic U - HM The tql the VAatork said secretary Costigan bill Beck!1 a former solicitor general of the slide of 1932 Earlier in' the day MacCracken had “Alfredtelegram the Frank ofjthis Representative Ayers (D Mont) Concluding his long address which ationaY'Parks Aifffnted States’ now representative faced the same stern suprenie court cipal owner predicted that most of the Democrats was bursts of Sanders apEverett by frQm halted'frequently been for had fined and pennsyIvana $100 justice ways has been lh Washington for chairman of the Republican national plause the former senator said he in western beet sugar producing contempt or court four weeks for the purpose of apP Fletcher would have the Republican party "cre- states would break with the adminheld that earlier an ODonogHue before the senate committee committee and Henry ambassador to Italy and nu- ate a new and better organization of istration on the question of producformer Chicago-Sawrit of habeas corpus served on Jurney pearing Lake City investigating airways National Parks Suit Lake exhort- its high command in the states and in tion quotas Francla One of the principal aims of the Saturday night after MacCracken had Airways is a local organization hold' merous others tocame speeches : The chief argument of those opfiaJtLake honor of the nation would have it select young in rallies sergeant-at-armsInto ’ forced the ing a his partisans Salt Lake government in constructing large irriAmelea way contract between Salt to mail contained in the ingtthe quotas posed presCheyenne-Puebland attractive candidates urtder the gation and power apartment demanding to be ar- Lake and Great Falls obtained on Abraham Lincoln to look ahead to and virile have New York-8- t Louis it storm the redoubts ident’s sugar statement is that the P W A program isprojects the future and do battle with th£ and would rested had been obtained by misrep- open bid the betterment of fit to the City Brown United regime consumes more States than prior of the entrenched opposition with a New Democrats living conditions in the areas they resentation We believe that Frank should f New times as much serve banner at its head which would read: two and MacCracken was arrested by Jur- have an said R W Sorensen professor a Charges Hurled of ” is as opportunity making ahd sugar domestically produced Cleveland-Foof electrical engineering at the CaliWorth ney shortly after he had paid this presentation of his case as we feel Hyde speaking before the national Back to Sanity’ is given a production quota lfess yet fine and was whisked away to face fornia Institute of Technology adthat no reflection could pos- Republican club in New York pointthan that assigned to Cuba the senate before his attorney could positive the council dressing Engineering come on this contract and can- ed to the developments of the last Women Struck by Auto It was a sibly learned today that In addition' the get a second writ to free him cellation without hearing will do ir- U months and said: “The president closed meeting on the sugar situation Monday at the chamber of commerce in I Action Ends bounced it expected to restore soon Speaking of the metropolitan water Recovering Hospital has adminito an to his Innocent man Comedy make attended more than 30 senators injury reparable thepower by service over the following routes: and representatives the sentiment district of southern California Muscle The icourt action tonight ended We respectfully solicit your assist-anc- stration a complete dictatorship” He in obtaining for him an early added however “it cannot be said Mrs J A Reeder 60 was almost unanimous against the Shoals and two large reclamation York temporarily at least a last moving ChiqagoSt Paul Boston-Neprojects in the northwest he noted a that he “fair” a in condition dictatorship” MacCracken which purposes recommended Atlanta-Nehearing? andMiss quotas ported Orleans via Birmingham comedy Involving that southern California has grown as W chamber to said The S such “tory" or when was telegraphed Hyde epithets last he Friday Fort Worth' began Lavina Reeder 60 was reported in a Forf to need more water and power and Opposition Voiced the filled cats” “dead of and chamber the chiseler” manager for the Detroit-ToledThompson arrested dered challenging Houston L D S hosat Adams (D Colo) mas ex the district is necessary the Sector conditlqn “good” He asking offered criticism was Butte commerce Mont of at air when to the senae of lum for Portland-Satry Diego Kan' authority Speaking before the Utah section him to lay the same petitlonbe-for- said the government was managing pital Monday night The two were pressed himself as not entirely satis sas City by Wichita Amarillo Albu- contempt the Montana senators Mr Back-ma- business under codes was dictating taken to the hospital Saturday at 8 fied with the administration recom- of the American Institute of Electrione was On side and clever Hogan querque Phoenix to Los Angeles alm a mendations and Representative Cum- cal Engineers at the Newhouse hotel after being struck by car received a reply late Monday the directorates of banks was tend- p Farley emphasized that the lines resourceful who has clashed with the toward legedly driven by Miss Edna McCal-lu- mings D Colo) said he could not Monday night Professor Sorensen were being reestablished on a bisis senate before as attorney for Harry In which Mr Thompson said he ing toward compulsory tactics 17 at Fourth East and Second understand why Cuba should be given told of progress made in the study of of need as measured by the volume F Sinclair oil multimillionaire in the would be glad to carry out the re- the farmer and that the states had South streets a larger quota than this country and transmission line problems curren( surrendered their power in exchange of airmail handled in the past Thus teapot dome cases He sought to force quest Miss Reeder suffered two fractured that he could see no particular aid measurements and radio Illustrating for relief money certain territories served in the past MacCracken’s arrest by Jurney at cuts and bruises and Mrs for the sugar beet producers in the his lecture with slides he told of the Washington has become not alone legs and by virtue of the subsidies given the time when the United States senate the capital but the city hall of the na- Reeder a broken left leg a fractured program plan for transmitting power frbm the was not in session so that he could ob private carriers may not be put back tain right hip a dislocated shoulder and Michigan Democrats have decided Boulder dam area to the Los Angeles tion” he said his client’s freedom and throw on the list at least for the present to make a fight for a readjustment of metropolitan area possible internal Injuries the issue into the courts Nu Time to Quit Policy Not Slated On the other side was Chairman western the Fletcher addressing Asked if any consideration was be- Black (D Ala) of the senate airmail Maryland Republican dinner at Haing given to the possibility of asking committee and other senate leaders said the principles of the gerstown for bids on some of the routes in the irked by attitude who Republican' party were worth fighting near future for which independent maneuveredMacCrackep’s to bring equally cleverly for and “this is no time to quit”' commercial aviation companies might the former federal officer before them He said under the new administramake offers Farley said:‘-triaJL for tion bank clearings had declined to Airways System "We are not prepared to state at The position of Operate reyesterday was from $256000000000 in 1932 to the moment whatpur future policy versed for then MacCrecken wanted In 1933 new capital invest-- ! as Usual Despite Mail will be except that we are making Jurney to arrest him and the sergement had declined from $643000000 a careful study of the whole situa- - ant-at-arms refused Today Jurney Cancellation to $381000000 in the same period tion and will announce our decisions by U S District Attorney "freight loadings did show a tiny inas soon as possible so that the public represented Garnett was fighting to hold him and crease from $2100000 in 1932 to 'i may be kept informed MacCracken wanted to get free o Salt Lake Tribune Service In 1933” but still were below Our principal problem now is to xhe difference was that D 1931 and new building construction 12— Lester Yesterday fee that the mails move without any MacCracken had not been before the CHICAGO Feb of American dropped from $1351000000 to $1255' Seymour president delay of any kind and at the same senate and today he had been 000000 time we are giving consideration to announced Airways today that all Fletcher said Canada which bad reAppears Before Court the needs of the flying public” routes of the American Airways sys- fused to accept an N R A principle Today’s complicated train of affairs He declined to expand his last state' ment beyond saying it was meant to began in court at 10 a m when Jurney tem will continue to be operated was on the upgrade economically “Never in our memory has there reassure those accustomed to traveling appeared in answer to the first writ without any reducations in schedules need for the fearless despite the cancellation of the sys- been a greater by plane that they were being kept of habeas corpus calling for the of MacCracken tem’s airmail contracts which is to reaffirmation by our party of the In mind hard common As for the companies whose conJurney told the court he had hot take effect next Sunday at mid- ideals and faith andAmerican whom great tracts were annulled Farley said they arrested MacCracken and therefore night The line’s planes will carry sense of that we have met to honor tonight” he The' justice passengers and air express ikrere entitled to some consideration be- couldn't surrender him 0 Mr Seymour’s announcement fol- said cause of the large amount of physical agreed with Jurney and after voiding the writ cited MacCracken for lows similar statement made by equipment they have acquired Assails of court asserting he had de- W A Patterson vice president of Three Zones Specified ceived the court in obtaining the writ United Air Lines that the United Preparing to take on its new as Hogan flushed angry and surprised system will continue to operate ex- ‘Invasion of Rights aignment of carrying the mails the that MacCracken had acted actly as before after the mail conDFS MOINES Iowa Feb 12 (IP)— war department said today the coun argued in good faith tracts are taken away at the end of Colonel Frank Knox editor and pubhad into admin divided been three try The court finds you guilty of con- this week Thfce two systems are lisher of the Chicago Daily News istrative zones and that experienced tempt” said O'Donoghue testily to the largest airlines in the country quoted words of Abraham Lincoln air corps officers would be placed In MacCracken “The fine Is $100 or 24 and they fly together about 60 per “before entering upon so grave charge The eastern zone will be com hours in Jail" cent of the mileage flown by the air- matter as the destruction of our na manded by Major B Q Jones with As soon as MacCracken left the mail contracting lines would it not be wise tional fabric New cen in York the headquarters courtroom arrested him and The lines that fly the other 40 per to ascertain precisely why we do so?1 tral zone by Lieutenant Colonel H rushed him Jurney before the senate The act cent have not indicated what they in an address to Iowa Republicans to M Hickman at Chicago and the west- was done so quickly that Hogan’s legal will do after they lose their mail con day criticizing some aspects of ihe ern zone by Lieutenant Colonel H H aide had no time to get another habeas tracts but it is thought that some of Roosevelt program Arnold at Salt Lake City writ them may continue operations on a The publisher expressed his willing-nesHarllee Branch second assistant corpus Leader Robinson had just skeleton basis American Majority Airways to cooperate with the president postmaster general in charge of air completed a long eulogy of Abraham has routes 8567 miles long and flies but said it would be "a distinct dismail said arrangements were being Lincoln when Jurney and his pris- and average of 29067 miles daily service” to ignore what he termed made whereby pilots of the commer- oner appeared Robinson demanded United Air Lines has routes 6299 mistakes and invasions of rights by cial lines thrown out of work by quorum call Surprised senators miles long and flies an average of the party in power of contracts would be given hustled into the chamber and saw Mac- 38398 miles daily Both Systems He attacked what he asserted was work by the army as civilian employes Cracken and side by have headquarters here a concentration of all financial auNo arrangements have been made side in the wellHogan seated Mr Seymour also said that bis thority in the federal treasury prefor compensating the war department company will go ahead in its pro- dicting such a policy would lead to Contempt Citation Road he said but eventually the postoffice of replacing present equipment the emergence of another Jackson" presiding gram department will have to make up the Vifce President Gamer passenger transport “There was abundant justification cost of the new service to the army over the senate read the contempt ci- with tation to MacCracken who stood stif- planes Thirty such planes are under of course" he said “in every way construction for American Airways which did not interfere with personal fly at attention He was glum but de at a cost of about Court Upholds Senate $2000000 These liberty” for establishment of a shorter fiant as was Hogan who handed the senate clerk a statement to read as planes' will be put into service just working week MacCracken Trial as rapidly as they are delivered he There was abundant justification MacCracken’s defense WASHINGTON Feb 12 (UP)-T- he The statement said that MacCracken said United Air Lines put a fleet for codes in industry when labor was transport planes in sweated and where children were district supreme court tonight upheld stjll did not consider the senate had of 60 “But 'to atthe right of the United States senate authority to impose punishment in his service last spring and is adding 10 employed” he added faster planes this spring tempt to set up control and exercise to try William P MacCracken Jr castlr “The loss of the airmail contracts supervision of all business whether former member of the Hoover “little Chairman Black ordered the report is the hardest blow any young trans- interstate or intrastate was worthy on of committee's the the hearings in cabinet” contempt prdceedings industry has ever had in only of a cloistered philosopher who days when MacCracken appeared read portationBefore it was completed the senate the history of the movement of men never knew what it meant to meet payroll” decided to return to regular work and and goods from one point to another” COUGHS COLDS leave the rest of the MacCracken hear- Mr Seymour said “Our company “I for one refuse to believe that the contracts loss the of has frankfurter school of political phiing until tomorrow As soon as Jurney despite the WHEN you're and his prisoner left the chamber unlimited faith in the future of air losophy now dominant in Washington n and was served with transportation and feels that any cur- has successfully made a case which the sergeant-at-arm- s bothered with coughs the second new writ of habeas cor- tailment at this time would be a overrides what Lincoln calls the opinof our fathers” and colds or you’re pus and the whole party again went breech of faith toward the young ions and policies men and women who have chosen air The party rally gave impetus to nervous anaemic and to district supreme court transportation as their field” in need of a blood preparations for the June primary American Airways is controlled by elections CLUB HEARS LEADER tonic weight beE L Cord Chicago airplane and low normal—) e r -Fred T Odell president of the automobile manufacturer and is Business Urged to Garden stomach distFlower County haps club discussed new annual plants at subsidiary of Aviation corporation ress with indigesUnited a Air Lines is subsidiary of Resist U S Control tion or gas— and you meeting of the Salt Lake Flower feel t and weak follow the advice Garden club Monday night in the United Aircraft and Transport corPHILADELPHIA Feb 12 of Mrs k Srhenck of Ava S W Hotel Utah There also was an exposi- poration L J Dickinson of Iowa in a pre Wash Seattle who aays: T used Dr A address tonight said "the Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for my tion of efficient garden tools by I pared Miss Rhoda Williams sang boy (picture right) some yesrs ago and Jackson tragedy of today is that the greatest found it to be very helpful He was troubled It was announced that hereafter meetof industry and business leadership with bronchitis and coughed so hard that he of the local club will be held which should oppose the present procould hardly catch his breath but the ‘Dis- ings on the first Monday of each month gram of federal regulation and con covery’ gave him fine relief" Instead of on the second Monday trol is so irresolute and divided in New aise tablets 50 cts liquid $1 00 large should be done” sire tabs or liquid 135 "Wa Da Our ran" what China is importing more than Speaking at the Lincoln day dinner gallons of kerosene a month (Advertisement) Answering protests against a recent of the Germantown Republican club presidential order withdrawing J 200 the senator asserted “if socialism once it will 000 acres of land in Utah from all grips American capitalism forms of entry Secretary of Interior never release its grip” Harold I Ickes said Monday that he “Once the government begins the does not contemplate asking the presi-den- task of controlling economic relationFINE to issue a general order with- ships it must continue” he said “One ALL- to the next Ameridrawing all public lands for grazing commitment leads WOOL control purposes said an Associated can capitalism in its present faltering Cnt from single mill ends taiPress dispatch from Washington experiment with state control is playlored In onr ewn shop witb fine ” The added that ing with the however secretary linings and readv to put on S20 pending action on the public lands “We need a crusade for the return values for only 10 In addition we givs yon a ralnproofed leasing and grazing bill sponsored by to fundameltals” said the Iowa senadelegated Representative Taylor of Colorado tor "Legislative authoritywithdrawn in to the executive should be withdrawals similar to that-mathe reassume should again Utah will be made when considered Congress necessary upon application of local sponsibility of fixing the salary of federal employes and the compensausers of the land? Unclaimed Sniti and O’Coats He explained that the Utah land tion due the soldiers of our wars Returned by enr agents from onr The authority granted the Reconwithdrawal was "for the express purwholesale tailoring departments Values from (IS to $M Choice of pose of classification in aid of legis- struction Finance Corporation to go entire lot lation for conservation and develop- into the banking business and to name ment of natural resources and for me the personnel should be repealed Open Ereningt as grazing land in accordance with'Jesse James should ro lonRer be rules and regulations as may be tmued as the government banking TAILORS prescribed by the secretary of the in- - Santa Claus Write er rail “The law permitting Hugh Johnson eth sansles with teriof" '252 Sooth Main Salt Lake st-- r w Mavrins to become ringmaster of all business City and 241 Washington elite ret le Government orders are boosting ethics should be repealed Business meanre- - SIS Ogden rdce & jtgm it jpqi&eptum 'Atebiiildang 4a ficoo Baijj Kin"o Will Insist On Hearing for HEW AIRMAIL BILL TO DROP USSOBSDIES GOP LEADERS SOUND BATTLE SLAirways Head geant-at-Arm- y CRY OF PARTY in Frank PLANT OYSTERS IN GULF Miss PASACAGOULA (UP)— ' Mora than 1000 oystermen art planting seed oysters and ahells along the’ Mississippi coast under supervision bt the civil works administration Eighty thousand barrels of seed oysters anj ' 10000 barrels of shells tonged from cooner” or natural" reefs will have been planted when the work is completed ’ ' With Cos-tiga- 4 6000-wor- d O'Don-oghue'- Engineers Hear Visitor Discuss ' Power Projects lt Ctty-Sa- n e I Clty-Lo- o Louls-Kana- York-Mia- one-hal- with a store brimming over practical-l- y perfect ififts for everyone on your list! Plc Cafrds— Tallies eombiaed Fstoh 2 for Bo lOo each Valentine 1c to Valentine Material Kits lOo and lOo 18e Chlcago-Dalla- r rt o Chitago-Memphi- n n AMERICAN LINE WILL CONTINUE 0 Tribune-Chlcas- i t V t Publisher high-spee- V d In high-spee- ’ 0 b J if ! t For d and -- run-dow- tired-ou- ()P)-Se- th Ickes Gives Reply To Protests on Land Withdrawal buzz-saw- OVERCOAT FREE de con-suc- JELL let v oN of three amart new Hand-ba- n for wear with that swagger Spring outfit Come in rough black A AO grained leather brown nary rod |