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Show V TheSaltl ikeTrbune 4.M Friday, January 24 I'M rr "M" M Allen premiere highlights U.S. Film Fest's final days 3H The premiere of PA.'tK CITY Woody Allens "Hannan and Her Sis- ters leads the events this weekend at the United States Film Fesr.val As is the case with all of Allens films prior to their release little is known about "Hannah " Allen has revealed only this much Its "about and death, love, lust and adultery and it's a comedy Starring Allen, M.chael Came, VLa Farrow, Carrie Fisher, Barbara Sam Waterston, Diane Weist, Maureen OSullivan and Max Von Hannah and Her Sisters will be shown three times Saturday at the Egyptian Theatre, at 10 a m 4 and 7 p m. Barbara Hershey will be in Park City for the premiere Desert Bloom," a new film starring Jon Voight and Jobeth Williams, will have its premiere Friday at 7 p m in the Egyptian A project that went through the Sundance Institute and was directed by Eugene Com. Desert Bloom" is set in Las Vegas in 1950 during the atomic tests in the nearby desert. It explores the pressures building up inside a family the father (Voight), a man still suffering the emotional and physical wounds of WWII, his wife (Williams) who tries to bear with him, and their Her-she- Sy-do- , Gene Hackman. Ally biieedy play lather and daughter iu Twice a a Lifetime, a Itlna which explores the consequences of miiadity on the members of one family. i daughter (Annabeth m in on infidelity jlJLJI py Te'-- y Orme Tribune Staff Writer Its ironic but boredom is sometimes the best motivator people are the ones who make the "Big Decision or the "Big Move When they realize they are bored with life, that's when they act quickly and, sometimes, irrevocably RoJ That's what happens to Harry, the main character in a poignant, finely acted new film "Twice In a Lifetime His life, his marriage, is safe Film review He(s got it down to a routine. And on the night of his 50th birthday, he realize the magic, the spirit, is gone He has a chance to do something about it, so he does. Gene Hackman is Harry, a steelworker in a Seattle factory. is Audrey, the woman he kisses one night in the neighborhood bar. Harry is married and often surrounded by his grown-u- p children. Audrey's alone for the most part. Although they are very different, they are both et v6'y lone'v. In- - y find each other, and 1'fe takes on a new glow "Twice In a Lifetime" explores their relationship, and, more importantly, its consquences for others There's Kate (Ellen Burstyn), Harry's wife Unwavering in her devotion to her husband, Kate is at first devastated by this turn in her life She can't speak, she can hardly even move from her chair Yet, she eventually does leave her chair on the porch, even her home Eventually she starts living again Her pain slowly turns into anger which in turn becomes strength. Then there's Sunny (Amy Madi-gan- ), Harry's daughter whose mental state is depressed from the beginning because her husband can't find work. When she learns of her father's actions, her first reaction is anger. It is an emotion which she will carry for the rest of the film. And there's Helen (Ally Sheedy), the youngest daughter, the one Harry and the rest hope will be the first in the family to get a college education. She loves her father, she loves her mother. And whatever decisions they make in their lives whether together or separate won't change how she feels. Ironically, her parents sep- - whose journey from adolescence to womanhood provides the Gish), film with its central theme Annabeth aration precipitates her own marriage. The last child is Jerry (Darrell Larson). He's grown, on his own, lives in another town and has taken on the air of worldliness. He comes home during the crisis, a bit bemused and completely understanding of his fathers decision. Caught in the middle of all this is ). Harrys best friend Nick (Brian Nick is torn between the feelings he has for his friend, and the hurt he knows that Harrys decision is causing Directed by Bud Yorkin (this seems like a somber and serious version of Gish will attend the premiere Other events of interest at the festival include a seminar on the role of the press in bringing attention to an independent film "Meet the Press" will take place Friday at 10 a m. in the Egyptian. Panelists will include Duane Byrge of the Hollywood. Reporter, David Ansen of Newsweek, Kenny Turan of California Magazine, David Kehr of the Chicago Reader, Peter Biskind of American Film, Carrie Rickey of Sew Woman and .W'ulemwsellc, Sheila Benson of the Los Angeles Times Molly Hdskel of Vogue, and Julie Summon of the Wall Street Journal Another seminar will examine the phenomenon of filmmakers coming into the business from other areas, most notably music, performance art and video "Crossover panelists will include Allan Arkush, director of "Rock n' Roll High School" and the television series "Fame", director Martha Coolidge ("Real Genius," Valley Girl"); director Bill Morgan ("The Unheard Music); and rock critic David Marsh. The seminar will take place in the Elks Building, 550 Main Saturday at 10 a m. Tickets will be on sale one hour prior to the showing of a particular film at the theater box office Advance tickets are on sale in the Memorial Building, 427 Main Street Here's the schedule for Friday and Saturday Friday EGYPTIAN THEATRE. 10 a m. -Meet the Press seminar; lpm. The Cajun" (Dramatic Belizaire"Smooth Competition); 4pm. Talk" (Dramatic Competition); 7pm Desert Bloom" (Premiere); 10 "The Unheard Music (by pm. "Crossover panelist Bill Morgan) - HOLIDAY 10 a m. 10 15 a m. VILLAGE CINEMAS "Fast Talking (Australia); "Raw Tunes" (Dramatic "Allies" Competition); 1030 am. (Australia) 1 Half Life" (Australia); pm. 1 15 p m. "Huey Long (Documentary Competition); 1 30 p m. Growing Up with Rockets" and Wildcatter" (Documentary - "Hard Traveling" (DraCompetition), 4 15 pm. Traps' (Australia;, 4 30 pm. "Troupers' (Documentary Competi4 pm matic tion) - Static (Dramatic Com.- "Einstein on the petition); 715pmBeach" (Documentary Competition); 7 30 p m "Rate It X" (Documentary Competition) 7pm- 10 p m. 10 15 p a); "Wrong World" (Australi"Lion In the Doorm "Fal-stafway" (Australia); 10 30 pm. (Orson Welles Retrospective). f" Saturday "Hannah EGYPTIAN 10 am. and Her Sisters" Premiere); lpm. "Smooth Talk" (Dramatic Competit"Hannah and Her Sision); 4pm. Hannah ters" (Premiere); 7 pm. and Her Sisters" (Premiere); 10 pm "Parting Glances" (Dramatic Competition) HOLIDAY VILLAGE CINEMAS 10 am. "Seven Minutes In Heaven" iDramatic Competition); 1015 a.m. "Half Life" (Australia); 10 30 a m. -"In Her Own Time" (Documentary Competition) 1 The Great Wall Is a pm. Great Wall" (Dramatic Competition); "Desert Hearts (Dra-- . 115 pm. matic Competition); 1 30 pm. "Couldn't Be Fairer and "Kemira. Diary of a Strike (Australia) "On Valentines Day 4pm. (Dramatic Competition); 4 15 p m. "Cosmic Eye" (Dramatic Competit"Louie Bluie (Docion); 4 30 p m. umentary Competition); 7 p.m. The "Bliss (Australia); 7 15 p.m. Return of Ruben Blades (Documentary Competition); 7.30 pm. -"Fran" (Australia) - 10 p m. Going Down (Australi10 15 p m. "Stripper (Documentary Competition); "Othello (Or- a); son Welles Retrospective). Den-nehy- his earlier Divorce American Style) and written by Colin Welland (Chariots of Fire"), "Twice In a Life- time explores the age old theme of man leaves wife for younger woman" m an uncommonly intelligent and sympathetic way Each character is given a chance to express his or her every point of view, and the actors one of them are superb. What emerges is a portrait of a family the members of which care deeply for one another. When the central relationship goes awry, they all are sent into a tailspin. Eventually, they pull out of it, and get on with life. A t) no .service, S(e as a (ass t ite a. a (ass 2 iroers cense. s' ALL SEATS TJoo 4 SANDY MALI 9400 SO SOO LUXURY VWOV MALI bU-OUL- THEATRES WALK-I- Sun, & Holiday! All Seat! $2 75 lit Matmee Only Unless Otherwise Noted Sat cu CENTURYI0 486 84872nd East 33rdSouih "IRON EAGLE pc-i3- i ) 5:35, 7:50, 10:10 "BLACK MOON RISING "TO BEFORE "ROCKY 6 15 EDGE a 900 COMMANDO 3.30,7:15 m nwmniitiii.Hii3 (PG) PtlWUS f lli-Mc- 390C SO "JEWEL OF THE NILE YOUNG SHERLOCK BACK TO THE FUTURE tPG 5 00 7 15 130 IV JAfiSSD 6:00, 8.00, 10:00 OLYMPUS WASATCH BlVO 5 30, 7:45, 10.00 HOLMES (RC UUEFT 13H30 7 30 30 "BACK TO THE FUTURE 5 50, 8.00, 10:10 ?q8 SO BPUNT 463 (R) 5.20, 10:05, Sneak 8:00 SH0WT1NES wntyHHi.nr; imrrr--, 101 DALMATIONS 7 15 45 iGi (pg) $!G APVltfTlfr (pg) TRANSYLVANIA IBROADWAYj THEATRES BARCA IN MATINCES 13 1 f CROWN INTERNATIONAL ITCTlRfs Irocno M K1.M 3 OO. 6 10. 9 45 HEAD OFFICE" 4 so. a oo IRODl'C RK ION 1 1 TltaNN6','lJ unoool 1 icahc uv vnji m c M pit!A V Uut The Adventure Begins pi; l 00, 5 00, 9 00 I (G 1 00 3 00 1 M PU 700 (PC. 13 4 50 0 55 30, 3 30. 5 30, 7 30. 9 30 1 15. 3 15, 5 15, 7 15, 9 15 5 00. 7 10, 4 50, 7 00, 9 20 9 10 260 tk E. 4 MINES (PG 13) 3.10,7:10 imvri 100 So. andcAstUi Bountiful 1645 S 500 W 1 FRI . SAT. SUN 9 1) MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN 9 15 9 19 MY OTHER HUSBAND 11 30. ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW 4 SOLOMONS THUNMR NORTH 7 00, 9 15 KING tXM RGIM13 4 06 364-347- 1 . 07 765 T AJNG VXOMON J 7 15 MM3 If (UNO Rf MO WILLIAMS PC IIOWrTUHM nil 4XUf VUC SO S ACMNTU! 00 Si VALLEY TWtN f TROLLEY 4 REMO WILLIAMS "TROLL" (PC 13) 15, 3 15, 6 00. 7 45 9 30 101 DALMATIANS e m im immci.riBirHj IRON EAGLE (PC 13) 00, 3 15. 5 50. 8 00. 10 05 1 Ri TT 2 30, 6 00, 9 30 2 00, 4 30. 7 00, 9 30 1 I ONCE BITTEN if S'ATt MURHAT m 6-50- 12 45, 4 15. 7 45 (RI BACK TO THE FUTURE" (PC) I MY I HUIIH R" UL I ORY IENN N. I El ER Marrinu DEBORAH EOREM N s M JONES . s) also starring HOWARD HESM M N ,,nJ E.U M VRMl l I as W1 HI RMOON 1U 'M FI Written and Directed hs DW'ID BE AIRD Produced bv MARILYN J. T ENM R Co producer MR II Directoro Photographs H RR M I HI s Edited hs Rll H RI1 , UM OVL R Ml vTnlCTID A Crown International Pictures Release Color In Del use j 1 S 65 E 3rd So 364 7641 JUNGLE WARRIORS III APIA BWJI4T31 261 3474 671j I 292 5220 SI ANY TIME weir:, science ' 4 Mai I 30 BG13 ) 13 5 90 7 00 00 4 SMnx Cfcm JAGGED EDGE R) Sit MM 1 00 1 OO. 5 OO, 7 15, 9 30 Lvumimupi |